General Hospital 7-23-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00Stop right there. I am sleep deprived. I haven't had my second cup of coffee and Hades bit
00:15me. So I am armed and in no mood. Consider yourself fully warned.
00:22Those are pretty good odds. What? Pregnancy looks good on you. How do you feel? Oh, you
00:33mean how am I doing? Having a little person swimming around inside me, giving me the occasional
00:38karate kick every now and then? Pure bliss. That bad, huh? No, not really. I should be
00:45savoring every single moment. And there are some great aspects to being pregnant for sure.
00:52Not just talking about people giving up their seat or letting you cut in line in the bathroom
00:57either. It's a life enriching experience for sure. But if this baby is even one day late,
01:06I am inducing. All right, I'm sensing you didn't want me to meet you here because you
01:14wanted to discuss my birthing plan. No, I was just, I was just want to see how you're
01:19doing, you know, how you're feeling. That's all. I'm not going to just burst into tears
01:24at the drop of a hat if that's what you're thinking. Then no one said anything about
01:27tears. Michael, I've known you long enough by now to know you wanted to ask me something
01:33and you're hesitating. Look, the last thing I want to do is increase your blood pressure.
01:38Okay. No, how about we just order a nice relaxing herbal tea? Michael, it's going to make me
01:44more stressed if you don't just tell me what the hell happened. Okay. Um, I think we have
01:52a problem with dad. Hey, I need to talk to you. I guess Michael already talked to you.
02:05Michael, what happened with Michael? Stay out of it. Carly. I would love to stay out
02:11of all of your problems, Sonny, but for some reason, all of your troubles have a way of
02:15landing back into my lap. What are you doing here? I'm here to let you know that John Cates
02:21wants to take you down. Agent Cates, what a lovely surprise. You got a moment? It's
02:32about Sonny. Yes. Yes, of course. Come on in. Carly was here. What did she tell you?
02:45Well, that John paid you a visit and she believes it's something to do with Sonny.
02:52She was half right.
02:54Wife drama, ex-wife drama, ex-lover-in-law drama.
03:24I really don't want to hear it. Noted. I just took a long ride to clear my head and
03:31I would like to hold on to this feeling for as long as I possibly can. So spare me the
03:38agita. Actually, Monica and I are getting along just fine as are Olivia, Lois and I.
03:47Now Hades, he's a different story. Where did that damn horse bite you? It's just a nip.
03:54He has a mean streak. Did you bite him back? It was really my fault. Have a seat. I didn't
04:05read him right. He wanted to get out and run and I was going too slowly for him.
04:11Wow. Careful with the wrist. Maybe we should have that looked at or I could just call the
04:28local glue factory. Touch that horse and I will make glue out of you. I'm just thinking about
04:35Leo and James and Violet. Oh, they know better than to go near that horse without Cody present.
04:40Look, could we stop with the small talk? Could you tell me why you're here? Who is it this time?
04:45Is it Brooklyn Chase, Yuri? It's you, mother. I came to check on you. I can tell when you're
04:52out of sorts. So you can ride as far as you want, but you can't escape it. I know what today means
05:02just as much as you do. So what happened? Well, I'm assuming you already know that things are
05:09pretty tense between dad and Ava at the moment. Yeah, of course I know. Ava got my mother disbarred
05:15and then she maliciously leaked Natalia's recording to the invader. Yeah, dad told me. I'm really sorry
05:22about that, Christina. Ava baited Ali's admittedly problematic mother into expressing her homophobia
05:28and then like the coward she is, she extracted her own audio and just turned it over to the invader.
05:34Sounds like Ava. It does, doesn't it? But dad is out for her blood now. You know, he filed for
05:40sole custody of Avery. Well, with the blow up I just had with dad as any indication,
05:47he's not gonna win. In fact, he'll be lucky to walk away from court without a restraining order
05:51keeping him away from Avery. I told Jagger to stay away from you. Yeah, well, I think he listened
05:59to you because I haven't seen him for a while, but I don't think you're going to be so lucky,
06:03Sonny. Cates is on the warpath. I'm not surprised. The guy's been obsessed with
06:07me ever since he got in town. Yeah, and I think you've been his main objective all along.
06:14Where'd you come up with that theory? Because Cates has something on Jason.
06:20Well, Jason's an informant. Can you stop and listen to me? I was there
06:25when Cates showed up and he dragged Jason away from Danny to have a
06:30private conversation, and I think it was about you.
06:34Jagger never knew how to keep his nose out of other people's business.
06:39It's about time somebody beats that lesson into him.
06:45He put all the FBI resources on him and they lost him. It's been one day.
06:51Valentine's still gone. That's what you wanted, right? Yeah. I mean, I wanted to give him a head
06:59start just to give him a chance to disappear and make a new life with Charlotte. And I have every
07:06reason to believe that that will succeed. The FBI, they have extensive resources. They're
07:11going to be able to mount a search that can last for years. They're not going to give up
07:16and declare him untraceable after one day. One day? That was apparently long enough for Cates
07:23because according to him, I failed to meet the terms of our agreement.
07:28Meaning what? I've got a new assignment.
07:31Out of town. I was on my way to my room, but as I was passing,
07:37I just thought I should stop by and check in and see how you are. I'm so thoughtful of you.
07:43I admit the last couple of days have been difficult.
07:48I'm used to having Avery with me and it isn't easy being alone.
07:55So I appreciate your concern and I'm so glad you stopped by. It's no trouble at all.
08:01Well, Scott and I have been strategizing. We need to come up with the very best plan to fight
08:08Sonny's petition for sole custody. Standing up against Sonny is no mean feat.
08:14He's powerful and corrupt and violent and he has managed to convince a whole legion of otherwise
08:21intelligent people that he is misunderstood. They believe he's automatically right and anyone who
08:26opposes him is automatically wrong. And those that think he's right, they don't just say so.
08:33They're willing to take up arms on his behalf.
08:37It is terrifying going up against Sonny and honestly,
08:44I feel really alone. You're not alone now.
08:52You've been extra spicy and standoffish all day.
08:55Hence my desire for solitude. On this particular day, Luke's birthday.
09:02How on earth? It's in Monica's calendar.
09:05Ah, yes. Well, he did have a soft spot for Monica. He would be pleased to know she remembered.
09:15Olivia's too. And Lois. I guess he had a soft spot for most women.
09:23Luke is in my calendar too. And no, he did not have a soft spot for me, nor I for Luke.
09:31But I do have a soft spot for my mother. And I know to keep an eye on her on this particular day.
09:41Luke and I definitely had our differences, like most people did who crossed his path.
09:48I definitely had serious reservations about your quasi legal marriage.
09:53Legal or not, my marriage, or to put it more accurately, marriages, to Luke
10:06marked a significant turning point in my life. Luke and I knew each other for years,
10:15knew each other for years, on and off. And after we each went through our
10:24separate misadventures, we were suddenly together.
10:32And from that moment on, I realized. He was the love of your life.
10:51I've been assigned to infiltrate a gang in the federal prison of Lompoc.
10:56That's a mistake. No, it's not a mistake, Anna. I was supposed to deliver Pikeman. That was
11:00our deal. And Cates lets me and Carly go. I failed to deliver. No, you gave them the
11:05satellite phone and extensive records proving that Pikeman is making illegal arms deals
11:11and that Valentin is in charge. That is more than enough to satisfy the FBI. I didn't satisfy Cates.
11:16As far as he's concerned, I delayed handing over the evidence on Valentin. In doing so,
11:21I aided and abetted his escape. Well, the FBI coerced you, Jason,
11:27and you followed their directives, and now they are breaking their word. That is a compelling
11:31story. You go public with that. You let the world know, and you will shame them into backing down.
11:36Okay, and then what happens to Carly? What happens? You know they're going to use that
11:40recording to convict her of criminal conspiracies and RICO violations, and then what?
11:45Then for the rest of her life, the only way that she sees her family is from behind bars?
11:50Dad asked to see me. I was a little surprised. You know, I was hopeful that he wanted to make
11:55peace, but he actually wanted me to testify on his behalf in family court.
11:59And you declined? I didn't even get that far. I mean, I was open to testifying,
12:03but I had to point out that Dad and I, we have years of documented problems and very public
12:08blow-ups that Ava can use to her advantage. So I just, I pointed out that me on the stand could
12:15cause more harm than good. Well, you were being new, Michael. Pragmatic. So what's the problem?
12:21He took it the wrong way. He completely blew up on me. He said that my attitude was proof of my
12:26disloyalty. Michael, you are not disloyal. I'm not, but the point is,
12:30Dad is as angry at me now as he ever was. I mean, I want to help, I do, but what if I get on the
12:36stand, and I say the wrong word, and it sets Dad off? Can you imagine if he loses it in front of
12:41a judge? I'm so sorry. I was really, I was hoping that you and Dad could mend fences the way that
12:47we have. I miss you, but you know what? Actually, I'm honestly getting kind of used
12:53to this kind of treatment. I mean, it obviously hurts sometimes. Of course it does. I mean,
13:00no matter how old we get, we never stop craving the love of our parents. And you and I both know
13:06it's always good for us to stay on Dad's good side. The thing is, whatever's going on between
13:12me and Dad, like, our problems cannot become Avery's. She's the one we have to protect.
13:16Dad's failings pale in comparison to Ava's. No question. Dad, he needs somebody to testify
13:24on his behalf. I can't do it. So who can? I appreciate having someone I can talk to about
13:33this. The only other support I have, I have to pay for. Therapy? Lawyer. Taking Sonny to court
13:42is going to cost a pretty penny, I can tell you that. Well, I'm sure you got enough in your piggy
13:46bank to cover it. Or have you already blown through your Cassidyne divorce settlement?
13:54First you're having me tailed, and now you're looking into my finances?
13:59No, just looking into you. The way I would any potential witness or suspect.
14:06Then which one am I? I'm intrigued. Jury's still out. Well, what have you learned so far?
14:17Looking into me? That you and Sonny are more alike than I thought.
14:21Should I be offended? It wasn't my intention.
14:27Well, if I'm so like Sonny, then why are you working with me?
14:33Well, by all indications, you've turned a corner. Sonny never did.
14:39Thirty years on, and he still victimizes every woman who has the misfortune of crossing his path.
14:45And those who don't bow down at his feet, he crushes.
14:49You've broken that mold. Sonny and I were never a match made in heaven.
14:55Avery is a miracle, born out of a moment of very, very poor judgment.
15:03But up until recently, you guys managed to coexist.
15:08Sonny had sole custody of Avery for a long time. I had to fight tooth and nail to wrangle him into
15:16a truce. It was more than a truce. You were living with him.
15:22Well, I told you Sonny made me believe that he respected me, that he considered me a friend.
15:31It felt real at the time. Maybe I was just so vulnerable that I needed to believe it.
15:39Or maybe Sonny was just that good of a lawyer.
15:42Well, I guess I'll never know. Sonny has become so erratic, so volatile.
15:50I don't think he even realizes what he's doing from one moment to the next.
15:57Do not go after Cates like you did the last time.
16:00What are you talking about? There was no last time.
16:02Really? Yeah.
16:03Just a coincidence that John Cates was attacked by two guys,
16:06one block from Corinthos Coffee Warehouse.
16:08You think I'd order a hit on a federal agent?
16:10I think you're smart enough to not let it be linked to you.
16:13Then I have nothing to worry about. If Jagger pinned the beating on me, he'd have done it by now.
16:19Okay, you better hope that Jagger doesn't find out about the beating you gave Dex.
16:23That's a minor incident that does not fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI.
16:29Cates doesn't care. He'll use any excuse, Sonny.
16:34I made peace with Dex. He's not going to talk to Jagger.
16:39Okay. What if Cates talks to Dex?
16:44Does anybody else know about the beating?
17:02Sometimes we take so much for granted in the moment.
17:06And the sheer depth of happiness isn't appreciated until much later on.
17:10That's what I feel when I think about my time with Luke.
17:21I miss...
17:26I miss the buoyancy he created. He was so resilient.
17:30He was so resilient. He always managed to stay afloat, to improvise, to adapt.
17:45Ned, without him, I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water.
17:56Just stop me, please. This is getting so maudlin.
18:00I miss the chance to share in your feelings.
18:05This opportunity comes around as rarely as a cop.
18:09Yeah, well, set your clock for another 75-year wait.
18:15I just want you to know that you can go on like this anytime you like.
18:20And I won't think any less of you for being human.
18:25And I've never thought any less of you for choosing Luke.
18:31I saw how happy he made you. And I like seeing you happy.
18:38Even more than I hate seeing you sad. But only a little.
18:45So tell me, Mother, is there anything I can do?
18:49No, you already have.
18:53Come here.
18:56Thank you.
19:01There has to be a way to block Cates.
19:03I mean, do you have any friends at the FBI? Any contacts at the Department of Justice?
19:07Anybody that you can think of that can rein Cates in?
19:10I don't know. Interfering with an FBI investigation, that can sometimes backfire on you.
19:14Yeah, no, I know I'm asking a lot. Just like you did.
19:18When you asked me for those two hours and I didn't turn the phone in while you warned Valentin.
19:24Oh, I didn't mean for this to happen.
19:26It doesn't matter what you meant.
19:29The feds are already prepping a cover story for me and arranging a transfer to Lompoc.
19:33I'm supposed to be on a bus to Quantico tonight.
19:38The only thing I would like more than removing Sonny from you and Avery's life
19:43is removing Sonny from society and locking him up in Pentonville once and for all.
19:50Imagine the ramifications to Avery's custody battle
19:53if it was revealed that Sonny was under an FBI investigation.
19:58Not yet. I need something more substantial to work with.
20:02We've been over this. I don't have any information to give you.
20:07You have been living with Sonny for months. You have spent extended periods of time together,
20:12and you're telling me you didn't pick up on one piece of prosecutable intel?
20:18Ava, you know I am on your side here, but if you want me to help you,
20:22you gotta help me first.
20:26I am in a very delicate situation here.
20:31Please put yourself in my shoes.
20:34Sonny isn't happy about the custody suit, but he would be
20:38relentless, remorseless if he saw me as a threat.
20:43As vicious as Sonny is, he will never lay a hand on you if he's charged.
20:50And what if the charges don't stick?
20:53With Sonny, they rarely do. We're talking about a man who murdered a quartermain and was pardoned.
21:01If I give evidence, he will retaliate.
21:05He'll grab Avery, take her someplace I can't reach.
21:10Or worse, he'll get rid of me instead.
21:13I made the mistake of telling Ava what happened with Dex.
21:17Then it's safe to assume that she told Cates.
21:21When did those two hook up?
21:22I confronted Ava at her suite. It didn't go well. We got in an argument or whatever.
21:30Jagger just happened to walk by, so he came in to defend Ava.
21:36So they were talking. I left, and I'm sure she threw herself at his mercy.
21:40Oh, my God. Of course she did. Of course.
21:42It's so typical of Ava to play the damsel in distress.
21:45And from what I've seen of Cates, very him to fall for it.
21:48And, you know, Jagger loves playing the hero,
21:50so I'm sure he cast himself as her savior as we speak, right?
21:54So, you know.
21:56If Cates takes her side during the custody hearing, that's a major problem for you.
22:00You're going to need all the witnesses you can get, Sonny.
22:04I'm afraid I already messed up with Ava.
22:10What do you mean messed up? What are you talking about?
22:13This morning, I had a meeting with Michael because, you know, I wanted him to be a character
22:20witness. It didn't go well. We fought. I blew up. I said some things I shouldn't have said. I regret.
22:30You know, I was just wondering if maybe you could talk to Michael on my behalf.
22:40And do what?
22:41You know, kind of smooth things over.
22:48What about Carly? Would she stand up for him?
22:50Yeah, my mom would help, especially since the alternative is Ava getting full custody of Avery.
22:55Well, no one in their right mind would ever want that.
22:57But like me, instead of working in my dad's favor, my mom's testimony could end up working
23:02against him because, let's face it, when they were together, there was a lot of tragedies.
23:05I mean, a lot of danger.
23:07And then right when my mom gets on the stand, Scott Baldwin, that's all fair game to him.
23:14What about Brooklyn or Dante?
23:15Brooklyn can only say so much.
23:17Yeah, you're right. She's a little too far removed.
23:20And then if Dante gets on the stand, the first thing Scott Baldwin will do is tell him to lift
23:23up his shirt and show the judge the scar from where his own father shot him.
23:30Dad needs someone who sees the best in him, someone who can point to all the ways that he's a
23:35good, loving, generous father. Christina, that person is you.
23:45I will use every resource at my disposal to prevent this from happening, Jason.
23:50But look, you know, I can't make any guarantees.
23:52I need to know that there's a way out of this,
23:54a real chance of success where Carly might take things into her own hands.
23:57Well, then to prevent her from making things exponentially worse,
24:01you tell her.
24:02Fine, I will get you out of this.
24:06What else can I do?
24:09Just clean up the mess you've made.
24:11Oh, God.
24:12Anna, I ignored my own instincts and let you warn Valentin.
24:19Because you asked me to.
24:21Because it was important to you.
24:25You think that you could have done a better job if you'd gone it alone?
24:27If I had gone it alone and it fell apart, I'd have nobody to blame but myself.
24:32Well, yeah, I mean, I did warn Valentin.
24:36And that put you at risk and that is on me.
24:41And I'm sorry.
24:43But what is on you, Jason and Carly?
24:49What responsibility do you two bear for the decisions that you've made that have led you here?
24:55I mean, you've both decided to live outside of the lines.
25:00And I think that maybe you're suffering the consequences of that.
25:09Yeah, you're right.
25:11Carly and I did this to ourselves.
25:13But I can't change what happened.
25:16All I have to work with is what I have right now.
25:18Right now.
25:20So all I'm asking is for you to give me the same consideration
25:29that you gave Valentin.
25:34Okay, I will fix this.
25:37I swear, one way or the other, I will fix it.
25:42I swear to you, I will not rest until you're out from under the FBI.
25:48I know.
25:49I know that you're gonna do your best.
25:54But there's no guarantees, just like you said, right?
26:17out of all of dad's adult kids, he has the strongest, warmest relationship with you.
26:23Okay, yes, but it hasn't always been like that.
26:27Have you forgotten your sister, the mob princess?
26:29Okay, that was probably one of your only ventures that dad couldn't really get behind.
26:34But besides that, he's always been in your corner.
26:37I mean, he didn't even bat an eye when you came out.
26:39No, you're right.
26:41He didn't.
26:41If I had asked, he would have started a PFLAG chapter for me.
26:45Look, you and dad worked through all the hard stuff when you were young.
26:49So when the court asked if dad was a good father,
26:51I mean, Diane can call on you as proof.
26:53Okay, but what if during questioning,
26:57they ask if I witnessed dad beating up Dex at the wedding?
27:02He would not only lose custody of Avery, he might also lose his freedom too.
27:07Look, Michael, I want to help dad as much as you do, believe me,
27:10but I am just as much a liability on that stand as you are.
27:15Well, then that may be dad on his own.
27:19It's not up to me to fix things between you and Michael.
27:22That's your job.
27:22What am I supposed to do?
27:23Michael doesn't listen to me.
27:25You wonder why?
27:27I said some things I shouldn't have said, yeah,
27:29but as long as you get us both in the same room, I know we can fix this.
27:34And what are you going to do, yell at him again?
27:37Call him a traitor?
27:40Disown him as your son?
27:42I lost my temper.
27:44I'm stressed.
27:47Michael will understand because, you know, he's a father and this is about Avery.
27:51No, it's not.
27:53This is about you behaving like everyone in your life is disposable.
27:58They only matter when you want something.
28:01That's only going to take you so far, Sonny.
28:04Everyone you haven't pushed away, they're walking away.
28:06That's not true, you know it.
28:09Okay, you name one single person that's willing to defend you
28:13that isn't your child or your employee.
28:15Just one.
28:18Be honest with me.
28:19Do you have one friend in the whole world that will stand beside you no matter what?
28:35We stood in this very room and you called me a traitor.
28:42Our years together, our kids together, but nothing.
28:48Is that the way you wanted it?
28:51That's the way it is.
28:56I'm not cleaning up your mess.
29:01You're on your own.
29:10I will fight for Avery, but delivering Sonny over to the FBI is something I cannot do.
29:16You don't have to explain.
29:17I have a child myself.
29:22Forget about helping me with Sonny.
29:25There are plenty of other people around here with enough evidence
29:28and they should not get away with protecting him.
29:31I'll get Sonny another way and when I do,
29:34you can be damn sure that Sonny will never see Avery again.
29:40Do you mean that?
29:43Do you think that's possible?
29:45You sound surprised.
29:48Well, it's been...
29:52a very long time.
29:57I'd forgotten what it feels like
30:00to receive a kind gesture.
30:06I have a code, too.
30:09But unlike Sonny, I stick to mine.
30:12And I will not let that poor excuse for a man push you around anymore.
30:18When you say it like that, I almost believe it.
30:21What would it take to get you all the way there?
30:34Hello, yeah, look, I don't have time to chat.
30:37Look, I don't have time to chat.
30:41I need you to arrange a face-to-face
30:44with one of the agents in your jurisdiction.
30:48John Cates.
30:50He's out of control.
30:52And I'm telling you, if the FBI doesn't reel him in,
30:55then I'm going to be forced to.
30:57Maybe, maybe I'm just being naive to keep wondering
30:59if there's a way back for Dad and me.
31:01No, no, Michael, you're not being naive.
31:04What you're being is courageous.
31:07My God, after everything Dad's put you through,
31:09you have it well within your right to write him out completely
31:12and never even speak to him again.
31:13But that is not what you're doing.
31:15You keep coming back and you're trying.
31:18And that, that's admirable.
31:20Well, you know what, I've given it a lot of thought.
31:23I mean, do I deny my feelings about Dad's past
31:25and just try to maintain this superficial connection with him?
31:29And when will it all be too much for me?
31:32And I think about my mom, I think about AJ
31:35and the price they paid for the lifelong grudges that they held.
31:37And I just, I don't, I don't want that for my kids.
31:41You know, I want Riley and Amelia to know that it's okay
31:44to hold people accountable for their actions.
31:47Just, but holding onto that bitterness, it only stunts you.
31:51No, you're right, that's very perceptive.
31:53Yeah, well, I learned that from Willow, actually.
31:56She's given Nina another chance
31:59and what appears to be paying off.
32:01So she can do that for her mother.
32:03It's the least I can do for my dad, you know?
32:07Even if he doesn't extend the same decency to you?
32:10Look, what's happening to us now does not affect us.
32:13It's just a matter of time.
32:14I don't know what's gonna happen to us.
32:18I don't know.
32:21Will you do it?
32:22I can't do it.
32:24I'll do it.
32:25I'll do it.
32:27I'll do it.
32:28I'll do it.
32:29I'll do it.
32:30I'll do it.
32:30I'll do it.
32:31What's happening to us now does not erase the years before.
32:34He raised me. He loved me. He protected me.
32:40And I can't forget that any more than I can stop loving him.
32:43We may be estranged for the rest of our lives,
32:46but for me to be a good father to my kids,
32:51I need to know that I tried my best.
32:54You know, after Dad beat up Dex at the wedding,
32:59I couldn't see him for a while.
33:03And still, when I think about it,
33:05it scares me to know what Dad's capable of.
33:07It does.
33:09But, Michael, it's just like you said.
33:10It doesn't outweigh all the years of love.
33:14I mean, that's...
33:16Hey. Hi.
33:17I'm sorry to interrupt. I am.
33:20Michael, I heard you had a run-in with your father.
33:22How'd you find that out?
33:25I see you, Michael.
33:26Hey. Sorry to interrupt.
33:28Can I talk to you?
33:53Luke's club was right across the street.
33:55Are you, um...
33:58indulging in a little walk down memory lane?
34:03Maybe it's the day for it.
34:07It's his birthday.
34:11You were never on your own...
34:14with a friend like Luke.
34:17Finally, something we could agree upon.
34:22You know, we...
34:23On the day, we didn't just celebrate
34:25drinking bottles of tequila.
34:26One day, I woke up in a barn with hay in my hair
34:29and a horse in my face.
34:33That was my horse.
34:34It was a gift from Luke for my birthday.
34:38He was very generous and...
34:41big on gestures.
34:44And he never...
34:46hassed up an opportunity to celebrate.
34:48He believes that if someone was gonna buy him drinks,
34:51why not accept?
34:52That's the thing I love about Luke.
34:54He would always enjoy himself.
34:59Do you think that's...
35:01because some of his life was just...
35:04not enjoyable?
35:14I gotta take this.
35:20Agent Cates.
35:22No, I wasn't.
35:26Yes, loud and clear.
35:29Oh, okay, I'm on it.
35:34I gotta go.
35:37Is there some kind of trouble?
35:39No, just some provincial egos that need massaging.
35:43Can we pick this up where we left off?
35:46We most definitely can.
35:50Soon, I hope.
36:07What's going on?
36:08What happened with Cates?
36:12He is sending me on another assignment.
36:17I leave for Quantico...
36:24Made up his mind at a very young age
36:26that he was just gonna go for every opportunity
36:29that presented itself.
36:32I think it was my favorite thing about him.
36:37Last time I saw Luke,
36:39we were on the waterfront.
36:41We were saying our goodbyes.
36:43And then he walked off in the sunset.
36:47Which, you know, is Amsterdam.
36:50I will deny,
36:52till I take my last breath,
36:55that I went to Amsterdam in search of Luke.
36:58I just, I happened upon him in a cafe.
37:02And how could I consider that anything but fate?
37:07And for the time that we had together,
37:13as Luke would say,
37:15Sonny, we had an absolute blast.
37:20Luke was always a good time.
37:25He was the best.
37:28Someday Avery is going to face exactly what you and I are going through right now with Dad.
37:34Somehow she'll find out everything there is to know about him.
37:37His past and no doubt his present.
37:39Yeah, and just like us,
37:41we'll see if it changes the way she feels about him.
37:43And if she wants him in her life.
37:46Yeah, but that has to be Avery's choice.
37:49Ava can't decide that for her.
37:54How much will it help my case
37:57if Sonny is busted by the FBI?
38:03You've been talking to my boss?
38:07Whatever I need to do.
38:10You set Jason free now
38:12or I swear I will bury you.
38:16No, no, no, no.
38:18You're not leaving. Not again.
38:19It's already decided.
38:22You did what Kate's wanted.
38:23Carly, you have to listen to me, okay?
38:25There's a way I can still beat him.
38:26There's a way to work around this.
38:28But you have to stay patient
38:29and you have to stay calm.
38:31While Kate's just whisked you away to some other dangerous job
38:34where you're going to be killed?
38:35I don't think so, Kate.
38:35Okay, Carly, don't.
38:36Let go of me.
38:37To do what?
38:38To turn myself in.
38:40And there's nothing you can say to stop me.