• 3 months ago


00:00雪如煙 Snow Like Smoke
00:30战! Battle!
00:45有意思! Interesting!
00:47那我就成全你! Then I will help you!
01:01金龟山河! Golden Turtle Mountain Ridge!
01:08神火罩! Fire Curse!
01:10浴火鹰! Fire Eagle!
01:20招式叠加后,防御力虽然变强,但还是不够。 After the move is down, the defense is getting stronger, but it's still not enough.
01:25本座仅用了五成力而已。 I only used 50% of my power.
01:30无妨,我也没尽全力。 当然,我不介意前辈主动认输。 It's okay, I didn't try my best either. Of course, I don't mind if you give up.
01:37臭小子,你很聪明啊。 You're a smart boy.
01:56江陵汉海! Jiangning Hanhai!
02:01雷霆万钧! Thunderbolt!
02:22现在的话,很难短时间取胜。 It's hard to win now.
02:25认输吧,休想! Just give up!
02:31只有这样吗?只有这样吗? Only this?
02:36一机会吧。 Give me a chance.
02:52前辈,话说早了。 Senior, it's too early.
03:00天火! Fire!
03:21倒是低估了你。 I underestimated you.
03:24打下去没意义,不如坐下来聊聊幽族的事。 It's pointless to keep fighting. Why don't we sit down and talk about the You Clan?
03:29你对幽族感兴趣? Are you interested in the You Clan?
03:32我有一个朋友是幽族后人。 I have a friend who is a descendant of the You Clan.
03:36身为族长,我竟不知有后人尚存。 As a clan leader, I didn't know there was a descendant.
03:45撒谎! You're lying!
03:59用纪念术护住神魂! Use the Memory Stone to protect the soul!
04:04纪念胸! Memory Bear!
04:15我姑娘面前,容不得你造次! I won't let you do that in front of my lady!
04:29纪念胸! Memory Bear!
04:40气灵啊,竟感知不到她的实力。 A spirit? I can't feel her strength.
04:43人家好好跟你说话,你却搞偷袭,敢杀! She was talking nicely to you, but you attacked her! How dare you!
04:48等等。 Wait.
04:53那位友人的身份或有误会,但可以肯定,她和贵族有关。 That friend may have a misunderstanding, but I'm sure she's related to the You Clan.
04:58我只想弄清真相。 I just want to know the truth.
05:01真相?你们在意吗? Do you care about the truth?
05:06说不说! Say it or not!
05:12那年,真武大陆初建,我们从暴乱峰海迁徙至此。 That year, when the Great Continent of Zhenwu was first built, we traveled from the stormy sea to here.
05:20凭借强大的神魂之力,齐居一方,生活也算惬意,直到那个人出现。 With the power of the powerful soul, we lived together, and life was easy, until that person appeared.
05:29初代城主欧阳龙,为强化本命法器,用假名诓骗我等,行孽族恶事。 The first-generation city lord, Ouyang Long, used a false name to deceive us, and committed evil deeds.
05:38我等肉身被毁,尽余残魂被拘禁于此千年,变成了永不超生的邪灵。 Our bodies were destroyed, and our souls were confined here for a thousand years, and we became an immortal evil spirit.
05:48据我所知,修罗城已形伤发甲。 As far as I know, the city of Xiuluo has been damaged.
05:53狗屁! Bullshit!
05:55欧阳龙奉行杀盗,罪善掠夺,征伐,甚至追随过墨天教。 Ouyang Long committed murder, crime, plunder, execution, and even followed the Mo Tian Sect.
06:05神序大战后,墨天教失势,欧阳龙元气大伤,这才传位给独子,表面从伤,实则钻研用炼化幽族的方式增强太玄幽冥宫。 After the Great War of the God Realm, the Mo Tian Sect was lost, and Ouyang Long's soul was seriously injured, and this is how he passed the throne to his son.
06:13表面从伤,实则钻研用炼化幽族的方式增强太玄幽冥宫。 After the Great War of the God Realm, the Mo Tian Sect was lost, and this is how he passed the throne to his son.
06:21听说幽冥宫能助八重五帝快速突破五神境,我能说的只有这些。 I heard that the God Realm can help the Eight Divinities and the Five Realms quickly break through the Five Spiritual Realms. That's all I can say.
06:31你恨他们吗? Do you hate them?
06:35有用吗? Is it useful?
06:37只怪我技不如人,无法血恨。 It's just that I'm not as good as others, so I can't hate them.
06:43况且,欧阳龙的血脉已断,我又能恨谁呢? Besides, Ouyang Long's bloodline has been severed. Who can I hate?
06:51外姓城主接手时,没想过放你们自由。 I didn't expect to set you free when the outside city lord took over.
06:56我们能助他们成就五神,放手谈何容易? It's not easy for us to help them achieve the Five Gods.
07:04不过,有一人例外。 But there's one exception.
07:07他说的那个人,是我所想的吗? Did he mean me?