Police disrupt apparent sex trafficking ring operating in Australia

  • 3 months ago
Authorities say they’ve disrupted a sex trafficking ring operating in Australia. A man has been charged with allegedly trafficking a 17-year-old from Indonesia to work in Sydney brothels.


00:00The AFP says they've removed at least seven potential victims from sexual exploitation
00:07following a lengthy investigation into the syndicate which was allegedly recruiting young
00:12women in Indonesia and bringing them to Australia.
00:15A 43-year-old man from Sydney's south faced court today charged with trafficking children
00:20and police allege he was the Australian ringleader of the operation.
00:25In Jakarta, our partners in the Indonesian National Police found multiple passports of
00:31individuals who police will allege had been recruited by the syndicate and were being
00:35prepared to be trafficked to Australia.
00:38The man was granted strict conditional bail and will face court again in September.
00:42The AFP has not ruled out laying further charges in relation to this investigation.
