Hollyoaks 23rd July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 23rd July 2024
00:00I've already told you that Freddie is not Blue. You're being paranoid.
00:03Whoever this is, is trying to mess with my head.
00:07Just tell him and we'll deal with it together.
00:09This is Cassa McQueen.
00:11And this is all yours?
00:14Why don't you come and work for me?
00:15Warren is spiralling out of control.
00:19We have to find out who Blue Reddy is.
00:22I've just posted this to about 10 million followers.
00:25Theresa, have you just told the whole world that we open tomorrow?
00:28But what are we supposed to do? Because we're clearly not ready.
00:58We've only got a couple of hours left and we're not even close to being ready.
01:26I haven't slept. I'm covered in baby sick. But my cafe will open today.
01:31You got those pretty eyes in your head, you know it.
01:35You got me dancing in my bed, so let me show it.
01:39You are exactly what I want.
01:41Kinda cool and kinda not.
01:43Wanna give myself to you.
01:45Yeah, we're driving down the freeway at night.
01:48I only got one thing in the back of my mind.
01:51This is Joker Blue.
01:54He reckons he's gonna take out someone that I love today.
01:56We're gonna remember this summer for the rest of our lives.
02:09You're just a humble cut short if you don't mean it yourselves, Quirrell.
02:12So let's go.
02:17I sent Steve to keep an eye on Joel, just in case this Blue makes a move on him.
02:21But what about Sophie and Sebastian?
02:24I spoke to Sienna last night.
02:26She's not prepared to take him out of the village.
02:27Look, I need you to pick him up from summer camp.
02:30Check Liberty's social media. She posted a photo.
02:33Have you warned Mercedes?
02:35Her and your other twins could be targets too.
02:37She's struggling with the babies and opening the cafe today.
02:42She's got enough on her plate, look.
02:43I need you to keep an eye on her. Make sure she's safe.
02:49And, um, what are you doing to help?
02:52Just following up some leads.
02:55If I can find out who this Blue is, I can stop him.
02:57Remember, he called you greedy in his message.
03:00That must be about Fraser's stash.
03:02So there's a connection there.
03:04Of course it's all connected.
03:06The shooting, the fox toy, the cash.
03:09It's just everywhere.
03:12Warren, Warren, be honest. Are you losing it?
03:15Of course I am.
03:16I'm supposed to be having a fresh start with me, Mercedes, and the babies.
03:21I am not going to let him take that away from me.
03:24This party is going to be the death of me.
03:26Hey, hey, shh.
03:28Food's in the oven, sangria's chilling,
03:30and I'm going to go to town and get a big, massive ribbon.
03:33How did you not know what mañana meant?
03:35You lived in Spain.
03:36The only Spanish I learnt was,
03:38quiero una cocaína.
03:40And I'm going to get a big, massive ribbon.
03:42The only Spanish I learnt was,
03:44quiero una cocaína.
03:46And, sí, señora, esto es solo singolele.
03:51Which meant, yeah, I want a cocktail.
03:55And, yes, sir, I am single.
03:58But it is pretty good, though, that we opened today, isn't it, really?
04:01Oh, yeah, really fancy.
04:02Distress meltdown.
04:03Big, fat, grassy arse to you.
04:06Sorry you're here.
04:07Might want to put this up somewhere.
04:08It was one of Hunter's.
04:09Prince, that's perfect.
04:11Listen, I know we've all had a rubbish time lately,
04:14but this, this is going to be the big turnaround that we need.
04:17As long as you can afford the loan repayments,
04:19I mean, this place must have cost a fortune.
04:22Look, T, we look after these.
04:24He's got some work I need to do first.
04:29Who's seen those screws?
04:30They're in the cupboard over there.
04:32The squishy thing.
04:34Still can't believe Mercedes bought the space without telling us.
04:37I know.
04:37Our mercy's full of surprises.
04:44She certainly is.
04:56Where's the girls?
04:57With our tea.
04:58I just wanted to come and see you before we opened, Catherine McQueen.
05:01You bought that business for our girl's future,
05:04and I want to say thank you.
05:06I love you, and I wish you were cutting that ribbon with me.
05:11Oh, is Mercedes McQueen going all soft on me?
05:16And tonight, I'm going to tell my family about you two.
05:19They need to know what an amazing man you are,
05:21and how much you've changed.
05:27I've got to get back,
05:29make it at least look like I'm helping,
05:31but I promise I'll thank you properly later.
05:37I want you back.
05:39Look, are you gonna have people with you for the rest of the day?
05:42What's wrong?
05:45I just want to make sure you're okay.
05:48You're lying to me.
05:50Please don't tell me that blue fella's back to have a pop at you.
05:54No, of course not.
05:55I told you I've sorted that.
05:56No, you need to be straight up with me.
05:58And if there's something I need to know, you better tell me now.
06:01There isn't.
06:02I promise you.
06:07Come on.
06:09Let's go.
06:30I thought you'd gone to work.
06:32I'm running late.
06:34I was always time for a quick 30-second...
06:39This isn't my usual style.
06:41Hold on.
06:43Mr Marvin Gaye.
06:45My all-time fave.
06:46How can you say that?
06:48I mean, he's smooth,
06:56I have a shocking lack of coordination.
06:58My kids call me careless misbehave.
07:00Well, just put that down to the charm, eh?
07:15Door's open.
07:17Sorry to interrupt.
07:19Whatever that was.
07:24Can I help you?
07:24Zane instructed me to deliver this.
07:29It's a petition for your divorce.
07:38Tom said no funny business on the job.
07:41We'll have plenty of time for that when we get to the yurt.
07:43That's what I'm thinking about here.
07:44Me, you, big comfy bed under the stars.
07:48No parents.
07:49But we'll never be able to afford it if Tom sacks us for not hitting his sales quota.
07:53Tom needs to chill, right?
07:54It's only our first proper shift.
07:56He's just stressed about Cass and McQueen stealing all his customers.
07:59Who knew Tom was such a cutthroat businessman?
08:04We've run out of coffee beans.
08:09There's so much for that sales target.
08:11We can't ask Tom and look useless.
08:13We can't go out and bind him.
08:14We're both broke.
08:16All right, just leave it with me, all right?
08:18We're gonna get that yurt no matter what.
08:19What a wonderful customer experience,
08:21being hit in the face with a load of detergent.
08:24I wish I didn't even like bubbles.
08:28Work can't always be fun.
08:29I had to deliver divorce papers from Zane like some sort of gopher.
08:34I can't believe Mrs is getting divorced.
08:36With the amount of clients leaving me because I'm married to a so-called child killer,
08:40I'll take any job that pays.
08:44If you mean espresso, then yes, please.
08:49Speaking of your dad,
08:50do you know when he's coming back today?
08:52He hasn't been able to get hold of him.
08:54Reckon it'll be a late one.
08:57You again.
08:59Sorry, how do you-
09:00I work with Warren.
09:02You know, I heard that Steve's doing a big cleaning job for him today.
09:06Well, didn't he tell you?
09:08Don't ask for an itinerary.
09:11Just out of interest, though.
09:15How long has he been cleaning for, Warren?
09:17Rather not get in between you and your husband.
09:20Better ask him yourself.
09:24Thank you.
09:25Can we go back to summer camp?
09:27We were just about to play a treasure hunt.
09:30Oh, we'll have our own on the beach, like proper pirates.
09:33Mum said she'd pick us up after she closed her market stall.
09:37Well, plans change.
09:39In you pop.
09:40If we go with you, we'll need ice cream.
09:42Three scoops each, with sprinkles.
09:44You are not in charge here, missy.
09:46I'm not her.
09:47Take it or leave it.
09:55I am so proud of that girl.
10:01Where are you taking my children?
10:04I can't believe she lied to us.
10:07Like I said, she has a reason.
10:09I saw him first.
10:10You owe me 50 quid.
10:12Hi, Rex. What a surprise.
10:28I thought this was supposed to be a family-friendly establishment.
10:31Have you seen the size of that bull's ear or what?
10:33Supposed to put you off your croquetas.
10:34Leo, don't lower the tone.
10:36Oi, can I have your attention, please?
10:38Look, no one likes speeches, so I will make this quick.
10:41Here is about family, and nothing means more to me.
10:45So, you're Esther, Abierta, Casa McQueen.
10:49Which means, in Spanish, open or something.
10:52So, go on.
10:53Go in, get your two-for-one sangrias.
10:56I love it.
11:00All the strange, baby.
11:05I found this in the cupboard.
11:08Now, you said you own this place,
11:10but this says it's registered to Warren Fox.
11:12Look, I told you, she has a plan.
11:15Wait, this is all part of bringing one and down, though, right?
11:20No, Prince, it's not.
11:24We're together.
11:27Yeah, sure, of course, my kids are in danger.
11:29That's exactly what I would say if I wanted to snatch them,
11:31and you've got form.
11:32Leave a message.
11:33Warren, I'm going to keep calling you until you get down here.
11:36I told you to deal with this.
11:38She won't believe me.
11:39Sienna, I already warned you, someone could be after the kids.
11:43I'm not going to let you bully me into this.
11:44Who exactly is making these threats?
11:46You need to listen to me.
11:48Look, the less you know, the safer you are.
11:52Please, trust me on this one.
11:54Wow, you're really rattled, aren't you?
11:55Just go with Mum.
11:57She'll make sure you're safe.
12:01What a fun family day out this will be.
12:03We can play spot the hitman.
12:05I hope Mercedes knows what she's getting herself into.
12:12See you, kids.
12:14It's about family, and nothing means more to me.
12:17So, so go on, go in, get your two-for-one, sangrias, now.
12:43Look, after what happened, Warren has changed.
12:53He ain't going to go selling drugs again.
12:55How can you defend him?
12:56Let alone shack up with him.
12:58He's the reason that Hunter's dead.
12:59He can't look Prince in the eyes because you know how sick it is.
13:02That's why you lied about that law.
13:03I was going to tell you all tonight, I swear to you.
13:06You're only saying this because we found you out.
13:08Go on, you were just going on about how much family means to you.
13:11Prove it, end it with him.
13:12He's the father of my kid.
13:14If you're going to ask me to choose, it's going to be him.
13:17Out, now!
13:18Everyone out!
13:20This place is going to blow up!
13:22Where's Mercedes?
13:24Mercedes, go!
13:24What's happening?
13:25Get your kids out!
13:27Just get out!
13:29Get the babies out!
13:30Go, go, go, go, go!
13:30Go, go, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it!
13:32Come on, go, go, go!
13:34Everyone out!
13:34Move, now!
13:43Your darkest moments, I can see no way, I can see no way.
13:50And then all of the goons come onto play.
13:54Then every demon wants his pound of flesh.
13:59But I'd like to keep some secrets to myself.
14:01What was on that phone?
14:02There was nothing.
14:04You knew we were in danger and you did nothing!
14:07Is this that blue after you again?
14:09It's always darkest before the...
14:12Take it off, take it off!
14:13Take it off, take it off!
14:14Where have you put it?
14:19What's this, you know it?
14:22Grab it and hit it!
14:23Come on, we're landing!
14:24Oh, oh, oh, oh!
14:42Oh, oh, oh, oh!
14:51What happened?
14:52Come, please!
14:53Hey, baby talk to me!
14:57It's okay, I'm gonna get you to a hospital
15:01Absolutely smashed ourselves quota
15:03One step closer to our year at fantasy
15:07No, thanks my favorite scally bean. I'll pay the boys back, and I'm sure they'll launch my file anyway
15:14Sometimes you just got
15:19Sorry son, I've only just got your message you saw the money for the coffee beans
15:24Yeah, yeah
15:31And yeah, I bumped into that Rex character again earlier nobody told me
15:38He told me that you were working for Warren, but I know that cannot be
15:44Okay, yes, I'm working for Warren again
15:46I have supported you through everything and this is how you repay me you promised me you would never work for him again
15:52I'm sorry. I should have told you I'm going out of my mind here
15:54Just waiting to find out what blue wants from me
15:57He got me out of going to prison, so it's gonna be something pretty bad. There's no excuse for deceiving me I
16:03Am sorry for breaking your trust yet again
16:07But we're out of our depth here James so once blues dealt with I will stop working for Warren. It's just for now
16:14From now on you tell me everything so well, I'm gonna do it later, so I need to go meet Warren
16:21James you're a million times cleverer than me, but I know this world better. Okay. This is the smart play trust me
16:36Good news
16:38It wasn't a heart attack
16:40Okay, but there must be something else wrong with me. I've been out of sorts sweating stress about a lot on recently
16:48Yeah, but it's not just stress
16:50I've been seeing things that aren't there. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Why don't you tell me it was that bad?
16:56Well the blood show something possibly
17:01Sorry I'll be back
17:06Why are you going you need to wait for the results not just lying here in bed
17:09I've got a meeting with Stan Rex at the loft. I need to figure out blues next move
17:13You never learned here you had me and the girls like sitting ducks today
17:18What if that box had a real bomb in it which was supposed to be looking out for you?
17:24Don't you dare blame him I told you to be up front with me now
17:29It's all over social media and we are dead in the water because of you our girls future is blown up because of you
17:36The business will bounce back. It's just one day
17:39And my family found out about us today
17:43You should have seen the way that the looked at me
17:47and I wanted to believe that you was worth hurting him for but
17:52Maybe I was wrong
17:58I'm gonna find this blue and I am gonna deal with there is always something with you Warren
18:05Either a dad or a gangster you can't be both
18:08We say it all I want to do is be a dad again I
18:15Need to get the curls on for a feed my house
18:21I love you
18:32Sorry, I had to leave my store in an emergency with my kids, but they're with their grandmother now everything all right
18:38Well, no one was assassinated, so I'm taking that as a win I
18:43Wish I was joking
18:51For me yeah one of the vendors is stocking them, you know
18:56Besides I know how hard the end of a marriage can be so I thought to try and make things a little less
19:05Why don't I get a few bits from price slicer cook us up a nice tea for tonight's a
19:09one condition
19:11The dinner music has to be mr.. Marvin yay, just please no
19:17sexual healing in front of the kids
19:20Let's get it on
19:26Donnie thank you
19:50Well we don't need a fancy cafe do we girls hmm you've got each other
20:05I didn't really mean it when I said that she was warring over my family a
20:10Few weeks after he killed my brother you jumped into his bed I
20:14Think that's where you made your choice, but that's you all over isn't it you're so selfish
20:21You haven't even asked me what it's like to lose my twin I
20:27Feel like I can't even breathe
20:29You don't even care Prince of course I do I loved on her or enough
20:35We've all had enough of you
20:38That's why we all agreed to get you out the house by tomorrow
20:41Don't even worry or in a ditch because I couldn't care less
20:45What about the babies look I need you guys I need my family
20:51Anymore you on your own
21:18Joking right in the middle of the McQueen's party it's everyone all right
21:22Yeah, thankfully I
21:24Just got my blood test results. What I've got LSD in my system
21:30Someone's been drugging me you're kidding
21:33It's why I couldn't think straight
21:36Why I messed up with Mercedes if I lose my kids over this so you don't think this is blue dear
21:43Whoever it was
21:45They're close to me. They've got access to me
21:54See you was it what me Warren listen, I won't do anything like that to you would I
22:04What are you of course not me I mean you can search us if you want
22:13Right let's just think about this for a second. Yeah, you're saying it's someone close to you, so
22:19Let's start with all the staff that work here. We'll question him
22:24Well if it wasn't one of you two
22:26You better find out who it is
22:29When I get my hands on it
22:31I'm gonna pop bully straight through
23:05Do you think we were a bit harsh kicking Mercedes in the twin zone well, she's got a learn and she Mercedes learn
23:13Anyway, here's to customer Queen. She was messy extra and she went out with a bang. She was McQueen after all