00:00:0010. Tadayori
00:00:0610. Higashikata
00:00:1211. Himura
00:00:2112. Kaio
00:00:2913. Nakamura
00:00:3314. Hakuohou
00:00:3615. Isegahama
00:00:4016. Tsushima
00:00:4317. Sakai
00:00:4718. Hakuyo
00:00:5019. Takadaga
00:00:5320. Aoyama
00:00:5621. Kasugamo
00:01:0022. Tochitai
00:01:0323. Saitama
00:01:0624. Shishin
00:01:0925. Ikazuchi
00:01:1326. Shirokuma
00:01:1627. Mishoseki
00:01:2028. Tomokaze
00:01:2329. Nakamura
00:01:2730. Shimanomi
00:01:3031. Hise
00:01:3332. Tamashou
00:01:3633. Kataomori
00:01:4034. Tohakuryu
00:01:4335. Tamanomi
00:01:4736. Kitanoaka
00:01:5037. Hakubuya
00:01:5338. Tokihayate
00:01:5639. Tokitsukabuya
00:02:2140. Nishikata
00:02:2441. Jyudyo
00:02:2742. Kawate
00:02:3043. Nishikata
00:02:3344. Jyudyo
00:02:3645. Tochigi
00:02:5246. Shikimori
00:02:5947. Nabatame
00:03:0248. Futagawa
00:03:0549. Fuji
00:03:0850. Fujishima
00:03:1151. Shimazu
00:03:1452. Kanarikoma
00:03:1753. Chiyosaka
00:03:2054. Okonoe
00:03:2355. Hinenomi
00:03:2656. Hise
00:03:2957. Hise
00:03:3258. Myougiryu
00:03:3559. Sakai
00:03:3860. Shiden
00:03:4161. Hise
00:03:4462. Tsurugi
00:03:4763. Oitekaze
00:03:5064. Asakoryu
00:03:5365. Takasago
00:03:5766. Daisho
00:04:0067. Oitekaze
00:04:0368. Mitoryu
00:04:0669. Nishikino
00:04:0970. Daiyamami
00:04:1271. Oitekaze
00:04:1572. Fuji
00:04:1873. Isegahama
00:04:2174. Omukatsu
00:04:2475. Omukatsu
00:04:2776. Omatsubara
00:04:5477. Tokio
00:04:5778. Kopii
00:05:0079. Komachi
00:05:0380. Komachi
00:05:0681. Komachi
00:05:0982. Komachi
00:05:1287. Komachi
00:05:1582. Komachi
00:05:1883. Komachi
00:05:51For the Holy Mother of God!
00:06:21ーEast class, Hakuohou. The 13th in the East weight class. From Kurayoshi City, Isegahamabeya, Tottori Prefecture. ー
00:06:48ーKoutokuzan, Nishigata Prefecture. Arashiobeya, Midoriku City, Yokohama Prefecture.
00:06:58ーHiruiki Yobidashi, Kichijiro Kimura.
00:07:07ーShomen Shimpancho Kokonoe, Chiyotaikai.
00:07:18ーHigashidamari Nishonosuki, Kisenosato.
00:07:22ーNishidamari Oshima, Kyokutenho.
00:07:26ーGyojidamari Akabusashita Urakaze, Shikishima.
00:07:30ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:07:35ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:07:41ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:07:47ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:07:53ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:07:58ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:04ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:10ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:16ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:22ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:28ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:34ーShirobusashita Takasago, Asasukiryu.
00:08:40ーTadai no kimakute wa Oshidashite Hakuoho no Tachi.
00:08:46ーTadai no kimakute wa Oshidashite Hakuoho no Tachi.
00:08:52ーOshidashite Hakuoho no Tachi.
00:09:28Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom, the bride and groom, the bride and groom.
00:09:58The bride and groom, the bride and groom, the bride and groom, the bride and groom, the
00:10:13bride and groom, the bride and groom, the bride and groom, the bride and groom, the
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00:27:38Nishimura Beya, Nishigata Ryogi-ryu, Nishi-jyu-ryo, Hachimai-me,
00:27:48Hyogo-ken, Takasago-shi, Sakai-gawa Beya.
00:28:08Nishimura Beya, Nishigata Ryogi-ryu, Nishi-jyu-ryo, Hachimai-me,
00:28:18Hyogo-ken, Takasago-shi, Sakai-gawa Beya.
00:28:38Nishimura Beya, Nishigata Ryogi-ryu, Nishi-jyu-ryo,
00:28:48Hyogo-ken, Takasago-shi, Sakai-gawa Beya.
00:28:58Nishimura Beya, Nishigata Ryogi-ryu, Nishi-jyu-ryo,
00:29:08Hyogo-ken, Takasago-shi, Sakai-gawa Beya.
00:29:18Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
00:29:48Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:18Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:48Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:49Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:50Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:51Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:52Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:53Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:54Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:55Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:56Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:57Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:58Thank you! Thank you!
00:30:59Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:00Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:01Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:02Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:03Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:04Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:05Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:06Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:07Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:08Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:09Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:10Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:11Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:12Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:13Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:14Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:15Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:16Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:17Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:18Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:19Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:20Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:21Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:22Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:23Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:24Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:25Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:26Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:27Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:28Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:29Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:30Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:31Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:32Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:33Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:34Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:35Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:36Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:37Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:38Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:39Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:40Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:41Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:42Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:43Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:44Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:45Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:46Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:47Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:48Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:49Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:50Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:51Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:52Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:53Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:54Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:55Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:56Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:57Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:58Thank you! Thank you!
00:31:59Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:00Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:01Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:02Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:03Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:04Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:05Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:06Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:07Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:08Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:09Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:10Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:11Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:12Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:13Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:14Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:15Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:16Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:17Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:18Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:19Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:20Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:21Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:22Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:23Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:24Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:25Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:26Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:27Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:28Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:29Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:30Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:31Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:32Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:33Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:34Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:35Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:36Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:37Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:38Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:39Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:40Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:41Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:42Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:43Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:44Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:45Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:46Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:47Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:48Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:49Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:50Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:51Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:52Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:53Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:54Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:55Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:56Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:57Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:58Thank you! Thank you!
00:32:59Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:00Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:01Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:02Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:03Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:04Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:05Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:06Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:07Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:08Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:09Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:10Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:11Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:12Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:13Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:14Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:15Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:16Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:17Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:18Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:19Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:20Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:21Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:22Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:23Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:24Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:25Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:26Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:27Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:28Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:29Thank you! Thank you!
00:33:30Thank you!
00:33:31Thank you!
00:33:32Thank you!
00:33:33Thank you!
00:33:34Thank you!
00:33:35Thank you!
00:33:36Thank you!
00:33:37Thank you!
00:33:38Thank you!
00:33:39Thank you!
00:33:40Thank you!
00:33:41Thank you!
00:33:42Thank you!
00:33:43Thank you!
00:33:44Thank you!
00:33:45Thank you!
00:33:46Thank you!
00:33:47Thank you!
00:33:48Thank you!
00:33:49Thank you!
00:33:50Thank you!
00:33:51Thank you!
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00:33:55Thank you!
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00:34:01Thank you!
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00:34:10Thank you!
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00:34:14Thank you!
00:34:15Thank you!
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00:34:19Thank you!
00:34:20Thank you!
00:34:21Thank you!
00:34:22Thank you!
00:34:23Thank you!
00:34:24Thank you!
00:34:25Thank you!
00:34:26Thank you!
00:34:27Thank you!
00:34:28Thank you!
00:34:29Thank you!
00:34:30Thank you!
00:34:31Thank you!
00:34:32Thank you!
00:34:33Thank you!
00:34:34Thank you!
00:34:35Thank you!
00:34:36Thank you!
00:34:37Thank you!
00:34:38Thank you!
00:34:39Thank you!
00:34:40Thank you!
00:34:41Thank you!
00:34:42Thank you!
00:34:43Thank you!
00:34:44Thank you!
00:34:45Thank you!
00:34:46Thank you!
00:34:47Thank you!
00:34:48Thank you!
00:34:49Thank you!
00:34:50Thank you!
00:34:51Thank you!
00:34:52Thank you!
00:34:53Thank you!
00:34:54Thank you!
00:34:55Thank you!
00:34:56Thank you!
00:34:57Thank you!
00:34:58Thank you!
00:34:59Thank you!
00:35:00Thank you!
00:35:01Thank you!
00:35:02Thank you!
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00:35:04Thank you!
00:35:05Thank you!
00:35:06Thank you!
00:35:07Thank you!
00:35:08Thank you!
00:35:09Thank you!
00:35:10Thank you!
00:35:11Thank you!
00:35:12Thank you!
00:35:13Thank you!
00:35:14Thank you!
00:35:15Thank you!
00:35:16Thank you!
00:35:17Thank you!
00:35:18Thank you!
00:35:19Thank you!
00:35:20Thank you!
00:35:21Thank you!
00:35:22Thank you!
00:35:23Thank you!
00:35:24Thank you!
00:35:25Thank you!
00:35:26Thank you!
00:35:27Thank you!
00:35:28Thank you!
00:35:29Thank you!
00:35:30Thank you!
00:35:31Thank you!
00:35:32Thank you!
00:35:33Thank you!
00:35:34Thank you!
00:35:35Thank you!
00:35:36Thank you!
00:35:37Thank you!
00:35:38Thank you!
00:35:39Thank you!
00:35:40Thank you!
00:35:41Thank you!
00:35:42Thank you!
00:35:43Thank you!
00:35:44Thank you!
00:35:45Thank you!
00:35:46Thank you!
00:35:47Thank you!
00:35:48Thank you!
00:35:49Thank you!
00:35:50Thank you!
00:35:51Thank you!
00:35:52Thank you!
00:35:53Thank you!
00:35:54Thank you!
00:35:55Thank you!
00:35:57Thank you!
00:35:58Thank you!
00:35:59Thank you!
00:36:00Thank you very much.
00:36:30The 7th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:36:50The 9th Higashi Juryo, Hidenoumi Nishigata from Tokyo-to, Edogawa-ku, Kisebeya.
00:37:20The 10th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:37:50The 11th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:38:00The 12th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:38:10The 13th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:38:20The 14th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:38:30The 15th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:38:40The 16th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:38:50The 17th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:39:00The 18th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:39:10The winner is Hikiotoshi from Hidenomi.
00:39:40The 19th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:39:50The 20th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:40:00The 21st Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:40:10The 22nd Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:40:20The 23rd Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:40:30The 24th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:40:40The 25th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:40:50The 26th Higashi Juryo, Nakamura Beya from Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi.
00:41:00The winner is Tsurugi!
00:41:06Thank you very much.
00:41:36Nishinoseki Beya from Tsukagawa-shi.
00:41:42Tsurugi Shou from Nishigata.
00:41:46The 5th Higashi Juryo,
00:41:50Oite Kazabeya from Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.
00:41:58Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:42:28Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:42:34Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:42:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:42:46Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:42:52Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:43:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:43:08Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:43:16Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:43:24Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:43:32Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:43:40I know, I know, I know!
00:43:42I know, I know, I know!
00:44:01The winner is Shirokuma.
00:44:10The winner is Shirokuma.
00:44:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:44:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:45:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:45:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:45:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:45:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:46:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:46:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:46:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:46:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:47:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:47:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:47:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:47:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:47:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:47:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:48:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:48:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:48:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:48:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:48:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:48:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:49:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:49:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:49:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:49:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:49:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:49:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:50:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:50:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:50:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:50:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:50:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:50:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:51:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:51:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:51:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:51:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:51:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:51:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:52:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:52:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:52:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:52:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:52:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:52:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:53:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:53:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:53:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:53:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:53:40Oitekaze room, Tatsubo-cho, Oshima, Kagoshima.
00:54:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:54:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:54:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:54:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:54:50Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:55:00Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:55:10Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:55:20Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:55:30Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:55:40Riki Nojou and Kimura Takao.
00:55:50Thank you!
00:55:52Thank you very much!
00:56:12Tadai-no-no Himari-no-wa Hataki-komi.
00:56:16Hataki-komi de Tama-so-ho-no-kachi.
00:56:20Aishi Touhaku-ryuu.
00:56:28Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:56:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:56:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:57:01Hoku-ryuu-ni Kono-kazu.
00:57:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:57:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:57:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:58:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:58:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:58:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:58:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:58:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:58:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:59:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:59:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:59:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:59:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:59:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
00:59:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:00:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:00:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:00:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:00:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:00:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:00:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:01:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:01:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:01:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:01:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:01:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:01:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:02:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:02:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:02:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:02:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:02:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:02:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:03:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:03:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:03:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:03:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:03:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:03:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:04:01Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:04:11Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:04:21Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:04:31Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:04:41Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:04:51Nishi Kono-kazu.
01:05:01Nishi Kono-kazu.