• letztes Jahr
Jack Parkers Schwester und Großvater wurden von sadistischen Banditen entführt. Gemeinsam mit Kopfgeldjäger Shorty (Peter Dinklage), Totengräber Eustace und der lebensklugen Jimmi Sue nimmt Jack in The Thicket die Verfolgung auf.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/the-thicket


00:03Know who you are
00:08Who am I cutthroat bill
00:18My brother's gonna come looking for me. He can't save you
00:22You don't get grave or what?
00:40Bill stole my sister
00:42That fella told me you'd help
00:44There's a bounty on her
00:46$10,000 you work for me three ways on the bounty. I say what I say when
00:52You ever shoot a man? No, I'm a Christian knows how many this cutthroat has three against now two against
01:00You're a Christian
01:03Where's she taking me
01:06The ticket
01:08Are you gonna kill me when we get there you're lucky I saved you
01:14If you do find her it's probably not sister you remember what if you don't want to come with us
01:22She might have forgot I
01:28Was starting to like you
01:33You home so scary how come nobody put a gun to my head
01:52Good Willis man, I ever seen you're the ugliest


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