chatgpt mini gpt-4o are coming

  • 2 months ago
chatgpt mini gpt-4o are coming work like gpt4
00:00OpenAI is launching a mini version of its latest AI model.
00:04The goal behind these small AI models is to make something that's faster and more affordable than the full version.
00:10Supposedly, they're especially useful for simple high-volume tasks.
00:14That could be particularly appealing for a smaller developer who doesn't necessarily have a lot of funding to cover AI costs,
00:20but wants to incorporate AI into their website or app in a relatively lightweight way.
00:25In this case, OpenAI announced its latest flagship model, GPT-4.0, back in May.
00:30The O stands for Omni, a reference to the fact that the model should be able to understand speech and video along with text.
00:38And now there's GPT-4.0 Mini, which is the pared-down version of that new flagship model.
00:44Right now, it supports text and images, but OpenAI says it will add video and audio capabilities in the future.
00:50OpenAI's head of product API told TechCrunch that,
00:53for every corner of the world to be empowered by AI, we need to make the model more affordable,
00:58and they call GPT-4.0 Mini a really big step forward in that direction.
01:03The new Mini model is supposed to be more than 60% cheaper than GPT-3.5 Turbo, which it's replacing as OpenAI's smallest model.
01:12It also scores better than competing small models on the MMLU, which is an industry benchmark for reasoning.
01:18It's worth noting that this may not be an entirely apples-to-apples comparison, because different companies administer the test in different ways.
01:25That said, everyone will get their chance to put GPT-4.0 Mini to the test,
01:30as it's already been released for developers and also for consumers using the chat GPT web and mobile apps.
01:36Enterprise customers are scheduled to get access next week.
01:39We'll see you Monday.
