jiffy allsorts millionaire

  • 3 months ago


00:00Someone is you! It's your job! You are here to cook, and I am here to be cooked for!
00:10Oh yes, there are much moneybags, I'm very, very sorry!
00:13And what about you? Standing there, nothing to do?
00:17Er, no sir, only I haven't had a lunch break myself, and I thought I'd go down to the kitchen and have a quiet sandwich.
00:22Lunch break?! I don't know about that!
00:25You've been standing here idly chatting with me for the past ten minutes, I think that's enough of a break, don't you?!
00:31Yes sir.
00:33Well then, let's get going, I'm an important man!
00:38Important man sir!
00:39I've got things to do!
00:40She's got places to go, people to see!
00:43Work! Work! Work!
00:45Work, work, work sir!
00:47Don't leave me here!
00:50Get out!
00:56Oh dear, oh dear, this money's a heavy responsibility, it really is!
01:01Now, what have we got here?
01:03Ah, chocolates, very nice!
01:05Tarts, ice cream, oh ice cream!
01:08Oh, that's nice!
01:16I feel a bit daft, sitting here on my own, eating this food!
01:21I wonder if that lot out there fancy a bite?
01:31Now, second thoughts, sitting down with ten thousand might be a bit of a handful!
01:35Um, oh dear!
01:41I've got all this money, but nothing to do!
01:46Oh, sounds like they're having fun!
01:51I wonder!
01:53So, I said my girl, she might think those are clean, but if my Uncle Jack saw your book, just...
02:05Um, excuse me?
02:07Yes sir?
02:08Can I help you?
02:09Oh, you should ring the bell, great master!
02:11All that walking, it's bad for you!
02:13No, nonsense, no, I just came in for a chat!
02:15Chats? You want to talk to us?
02:18We're boring, we're poor!
02:20I'm rich and I'm bored, let's be friends!
02:23What do you mean by that, sir?
02:24Friends, friends, friends, like we used to be, you know, Jiffy, JJ, Bonzo and Box!
02:29Ah, but things have changed, we were friends when we were ordinary folk, but now you're the richest man in the world!
02:36Yeah, but, that's not fair!
02:38No one ever said it had to be fair, sir!
02:41Rich people can have friends too, can't they?
02:44Ah, nice rich people!
02:46Rich people like you just have servants!
02:51I'm a millionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire too, there's nothing in the world that I can't do!
03:00I'll buy anything, anywhere, everything I see, but I'd much rather you were friends with me!
03:11He's so rich, his money never ends, but there's one thing he doesn't have!
03:16I know!
03:17He doesn't have friends!
03:21Listen, I can be nice, honest, honest, look, come and share my food!
03:26But you've given us jobs to do, sir, hundreds of jobs, we'd like to be friends but we really haven't got the time,
03:31we're rushed off our feet, things to cook!
03:33Food to buy!
03:34Pots to clean!
03:35Pans to dry!
03:36Doors to dust!
03:37Lawns to mow!
03:38Floors to scrub!
03:39Plants to sow!
03:40What can I do?
03:41Phone the bank!
03:42Count your cash!
03:43Buy some clothes!
03:44Look dead flash!
03:45Get a car!
03:46Sail a yacht!
03:47See the world!
03:48Make the big shot!
03:49But I'll be all on my own!
03:51No, no, I like the way things were before, you know.
03:54You're on your own, forget about us, we'll stay here, won't make a fuss, give us orders, instructions too, we're happy working without you!
04:01No, no, no!
04:03No, no, no, don't you go!
04:07Wake up!
04:08You're having a nightmare!
04:10A nightmare?
04:12Oh, thank goodness!
04:14And I'm not a millionaire, I'm just me!
04:17You're daft as a brush as usual!
04:19Oh, lovely, bad-tempered box, thank goodness!
04:24Oh, don't ever be nice to me again, promise you'll never be nice!
04:27Oh, that's easy.
04:28And stop slobbering over me like a band of tripe!
04:30Get off!
04:31Isn't she wonderful!
04:33Oh, and JJ, did I ever tell you how marvellous you are?
04:39What a guy!
04:41Oh, we're all friends!
04:43He called a doctor, he's flipped his lid!
04:45No, it's just that I'm happy-box so happy!
04:47No, shut him up!
04:49He's got Barnsley Chuck for brains!
04:51Yes, well, let's eat!
04:53Beans on toast, I'm starving!
04:55No, we're all going out to dinner!
04:57My treat!
04:58But Jiffy, you can't afford it!
04:59I can!
05:00What about that bike you were saving up for?
05:02Who cares about bikes when I've got you guys as friends?
05:05Come on, let's eat!
05:06Aye, that's it, leave me!
05:08I'll get me own beans on toast!
05:10There's probably a lesson in all this somewhere,
05:14but I'm jigging if I can work it out.
05:17Human beans.
05:20Down to the smallest bone!
05:32Thanks for watching!