Biggest Dam Failures Of The World انکو اندازہ نہیں تھا جب بڑا ڈیم ٹوٹے تو کیا ہوتا ہے(360P)

  • 3 months ago
Biggest dam failures in the world


00:00Friends, almost 70% of our land is covered by water.
00:04And the water, which is considered to be the lifeline of this world,
00:07would not be wrong to say that it is the most precious thing in our land.
00:11And it is said that the next world wars will be fought on water.
00:14This is the reason why almost all the big countries in the world
00:17make big dams and reservoirs to store fresh water.
00:21And then this water is used to make agriculture and even electricity.
00:28Friends, the area where dams are built,
00:31the surrounding villages and cities are evacuated from there.
00:34People have to leave that area.
00:36The reason for this is that despite all the progress,
00:39humans have not yet been able to control the powers of nature in their fist.
00:44And this water, which gives us life,
00:47if it is out of control, it can also prove to be a message of death.
00:51Today's video of Voice Daily is about the big dam failures in the world.
00:55But friends, before starting the video,
00:57click on the new red button and press the bell icon
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01:08Friends, 2 July 2019 was the day when
01:11it rained heavily in the district of Ratnagiri in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
01:15There were already complaints about the Tiwari Dam
01:18that there are floods here.
01:20But the government always ignored these complaints.
01:23Local people used to do small repairs of this dam with their help.
01:27But when there was a lot of water due to heavy rains,
01:30a large part of the Tiwari Dam broke.
01:33The speed and height of the floodwater coming out of the dam
01:37was so high that these waves took away the 7 villages that were coming with them.
01:4119 people died due to the failure of the Tiwari Dam.
01:44Thousands of people had to leave their homes and many animals were washed away.
01:49And friends, do you know that when this dam failure was investigated,
01:52the authorities gave such a hilarious statement that
01:55you will also hold your stomach by listening to it.
01:58They had to say that crickets were present in the foundations of the dam
02:01and this dam broke due to these crickets.
02:04And more than that, the funny thing is that those crickets were also arrested.
02:14Friends, do you know that every dam has a proper age
02:17and after passing that age, the dam itself is dropped and finished.
02:21Or at least the repair of the dam continues from time to time.
02:25But this did not happen in the case of Kizilagash Dam in Kazakhstan.
02:29On the day of 11 March 2010, in the oldest dam in the area,
02:33at that time, slowly, slowly, cracks began to appear
02:35when the continuous temperature began to rise due to the hot sun.
02:38Finally, the old walls broke and this dam fell.
02:42After the dam broke, a wave of water up to 7 feet began to flow towards the nearby villages
02:47and it destroyed every road and bridge that came in its way.
02:51In this incident, about 43 people were killed.
02:54When an inquiry was done about the Kizilagash Dam breaking,
02:57it was found that the walls had weakened due to getting old
03:00and they could not bear the pressure of the water.
03:03That's why, friends, there is always a team at every big dam in the world
03:08who keeps checking the condition of this dam from time to time.
03:125. Syanoshushan Shikaya Dam
03:15Friends, Syanoshushan Dam used to be Russia's largest hydroelectric dam
03:19which provided electricity to this city with a population of 3.8 crore.
03:23The estimation of the storage of this dam is based on the fact that
03:26it was 18 floors high and was spread over a distance of about 18 miles
03:31and 10 large turbines were installed to generate electricity in it.
03:34This day was 17 August 2009.
03:36According to the routine, the workers were working here
03:39that they suddenly felt the ground around them was shaking.
03:42At first, they felt that it was an earthquake,
03:45but suddenly there was a powerful blast and a turbine of the dam
03:48broke the roof above the dam and rose 50 feet in the air.
03:53This happened in that turbine due to technical failure
03:56and about 75 people lost their lives due to this dam failure.
04:00But still it was fortunate that this turbine damaged only the upper part of the dam.
04:05If this turbine had broken the lower or middle part of the dam,
04:08the devastating destruction that would have come from it
04:11could have caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people.
04:154. Brumadino Dam Failure
04:18Friends, Brumadino Dam was counted among the big dams in Brazil.
04:22But 25 January 2019 was the unfortunate date when this dam broke
04:27and as a result 270 people lost their lives and 11 of them did not find dead bodies.
04:34Actually, this flood of soil and water had mixed a large number of houses in the soil
04:39and the speed and quantity of water was so high that people did not get a chance to run away from here.
04:45Unfortunately, the company that had constructed this dam,
04:48even before that it was built, a dam broke like this.
04:52At that time, no action was taken against the company,
04:55but after the Brumadino Dam broke, this company was declared unqualified
04:59and its owners were severely punished for the loss of innocent lives.
05:053. Vijon Dam Disaster
05:08Friends, this 860-foot-high dam built in 1959 was counted among the big dams in Italy.
05:14For four years of its construction, this dam worked properly,
05:18but on 9 October 1963, when this dam was filled,
05:22the ground below its concrete wall cracked
05:25and a wall of 50 million cubic feet of water fell on a nearby village.
05:30The Vijon Dam failure is still considered the biggest failure in the history of engineering
05:35because according to research, this dam was built on an unstable place.
05:39This was the reason why the ground below its concrete wall cracked
05:43and the flow of water coming out of the dam was several hundred feet high
05:47and it continued to destroy everything that came in its way.
05:51As a result of the Vijon Dam failure, more than 1,000 people lost their lives.
05:572. Machu Dam India
06:00Friends, Machu Dam India comes second in the world's largest dam disasters.
06:06Friends, reports say that the Machu Dam built in Gujarat, the Indian state,
06:10was a weak dam from its inception.
06:12Even then, the government ignored its repair and the funds provided for it were consumed by the people.
06:19But the innocent people of Morbi city had to pay the price for this corruption
06:23when on 11 August 1979, the Machu Dam broke down
06:27and within 20 minutes, 25,000 people lost their lives due to a wall of water several feet high.
06:34This torrential flood was so powerful that the village's name and signs were wiped out
06:38by the dam located several kilometers away.
06:41Although it is not known to this day how much damage was caused by the Machu Dam,
06:46but it can be estimated from here that according to the Guinness Book of World Records,
06:50it was the largest dam failure in the history of the world.
06:54But no one could know who was responsible for the loss of about 25,000 people.
07:021. Benqiu Dam China
07:05Friends, Benqiu Dam was not only in China but also in the world's largest dams.
07:08And this is why Discovery Channel called this dam failure the biggest disaster of technology.
07:14In the month of August 1975, there were heavy rains in this area of ​​China
07:19and on 8 August 1975, the water in Benqiu Dam was filled to the brim
07:24and slowly it went above its capacity.
07:27While the people who were responsible for the maintenance of the dam demonstrated their incompetence,
07:30they made sandbags around the dam and built walls.
07:34But how could sandbags stop the power of millions of cubic feet of water?
07:39On 8 August 1975, when people were sleeping near the Benqiu Dam,
07:44they were not aware that they were going to sleep to death.
07:47In the middle of the night, there was a sudden sound of the earth cracking and the Benqiu Dam broke.
07:52Along with this, a 25 feet high and 11 kilometers wide wall of millions of liters of water
07:58turned the city and destroyed everything in its way.
08:03According to a report, this was the largest dam in the history of the world,
08:07in which a total of more than one crore people were affected,
08:11almost 30 cities were completely damaged,
08:14people were killed between two and two and a half lakhs,
08:17although the number of deaths has not been estimated to date
08:20because China still hides the infection figures.
08:23So friends, this was the list of the biggest dam failures in the history of the world,
08:27which Voice Daily has brought to you.
08:29Surely you must have been scared to see all this like us,
08:32but if this video is informative,
08:34then click on the red button and press the bell icon to become our subscriber.
08:38See you soon, keep listening to Voice Daily.
