• last year
Dick Tracy Chapter 13 -The Fire Trap-SD
02:00There's no mistaking as to who they had, sir.
02:02It was Gordon Tracy, all right.
02:04My brother.
02:06There's no telling what those fiends have done to him.
02:53Where'd he go?
02:54Where is he?
02:55Take him to Snappy.
02:56Take him to Snappy.
03:10Get up, you two!
03:12The spider's still in the building.
03:14Search everywhere.
03:15Let no one get away.
03:17Well, I thought he was...
03:18I know.
03:19Yes, sir.
03:20Get going.
03:21I'll find the spider.
03:22Ben, you come with me.
03:24I'll find him.
03:27Did you see anything?
03:28No, but it isn't for a lame walk.
03:30The spider's got a bum foot.
04:00Knock, knock.
04:01Who's there?
04:02What are you doing, playing fireman or something?
04:04Hey, what is this?
04:05Say, Chief, did you catch the spider?
04:07No, I'm afraid he got away.
04:08Come on into Anderson's office.
04:09Hey, wait a minute.
04:10Will you do me a favor?
04:12All right.
04:13Help me get this bucket off my foot.
04:21I didn't get too good a look at the spider.
04:23No, I didn't want to.
04:24It was horrible.
04:25No, I think that outfit's a disguise.
04:27The face wasn't human.
04:29I wish there was some way to make sure.
04:30Well, I got a picture of him.
04:32You what?
04:33I said I got a picture of the spider.
04:35It's right in here.
04:36Good work, Junior.
04:38I'll report to you in the morning.
04:40Okay, Dick.
04:41Come on.
05:20Krafft, Gordon has a mission for you.
05:27Dick Tracy has a photograph taken with a small camera.
05:31That film must never be developed.
05:33You know where Dick Tracy lives?
05:36Report to me when the negative has been destroyed.
05:39Yes, sir.
05:43We can depend on Krafft.
05:51Everything set, Gwen?
05:53I'm terribly anxious to see what those horrible men look like.
05:56So am I.
05:57At last we'll know who we're after.
05:59Turn off the light, Steve.
06:03See that the door is closed tightly, Steve,
06:05and I'm going to turn on the red light.
06:07All set.
06:08Chief, you'll ruin your eyes working in here in the dark.
06:11Did you get the picture?
06:13No, and if you turned that light on a second later,
06:15we never would have seen it.
06:16Close the door and turn off the light.
06:18I'll turn them out, Miss Tracy.
06:21Oh, I do hope it turns out to be a good picture.
06:24So do I.
06:29I'm afraid so.
06:30I'm afraid so.
06:31I'm afraid so.
06:32I'm afraid so.
06:33I'm afraid so.
06:34I'm afraid so.
06:35I'm afraid so.
06:36I'm afraid so.
06:37I'm afraid so.
06:50It's coming clearer.
06:57Can almost make it out.
06:59It's coming clearer.
07:00Any minute now.
07:04He let us out of here!
07:05Mike, you turned this thing on!
07:06I never done nothing!
07:08I was sitting right over there!
07:09I didn't have a thing to do with it!
07:10I'll get the money for everything around here!
07:30Well, there goes the best lead we've had yet on the spider ring.
07:35Hey, Mike, you dropped something.
07:36That ain't mine.
07:38Don't you eat at Whitey's Chop House?
07:40What is that, a meal ticket?
07:41Let me see that, Junior.
07:44Whitey's Chop House.
07:46Looks like our unknown visitor left his card.
07:48This may be a hot clue, Steve.
07:55Well, why not raid the place around dinner time?
07:57I'm not after that fellow as much as the man he takes his orders from.
08:00Oh, you figure he'll lead you to the spider.
08:01I don't know.
08:02But I intend giving him the chance.
08:04But, Dick, that's too dangerous.
08:05You can't walk right into their hands.
08:07Well, maybe walking right into the spider's web.
08:09When do we start?
08:10I don't mean it that way.
08:12You can do more good here.
08:14It's easier to trail a man alone.
08:16If I can follow him to the spider's hideout,
08:18I'll contact you to bring the police and clean it up.
08:20Well, how will you get in touch with me?
08:22I'll show you.
08:27Now, what in the world is that?
08:29This is one of the latest devices to be adopted by the police.
08:32This is one of the latest devices to be adopted by the federal authority.
08:34Now, hold on to me, huh?
08:36How does it work?
08:37Well, in reality, it's a radio transmitting set on a belt.
08:39Oh, I see.
08:41Now, if I want to get in touch with you, I'll use our personal code.
08:44All you need to do is have these earphones glued to your head
08:50and keep tuned in on our regular wavelength.
08:52I'll be sitting right here.
08:53That's the idea.
09:02All right.
09:18What's good tonight?
09:26Everything's good here.
09:29Fair enough.
09:30I'll have the regular dinner.
09:34By the way, do you know a fellow by the name of Kraft?
09:39Oh, I found his meal ticket.
09:41I wanted to give it to him.
09:45Oh, yeah.
09:47Yeah, he just passed through here just a minute ago.
09:50Leave it here with me and I'll see that he gets it.
09:53All right.
09:54How about the dinner?
09:55Yeah, all right.
09:56Coming up.
10:00Thank you.
10:30Thank you.
11:01I'm sorry.
11:02I'm sorry.
11:03I'm sorry.
11:04I'm sorry.
11:05I'm sorry.
11:06I'm sorry.
11:07I'm sorry.
11:08I'm sorry.
11:09I'm sorry.
11:10I'm sorry.
11:11I'm sorry.
11:12I'm sorry.
11:13I'm sorry.
11:14I'm sorry.
11:15I'm sorry.
11:16I'm sorry.
11:17I'm sorry.
11:18I'm sorry.
11:19I'm sorry.
11:20I'm sorry.
11:21I'm sorry.
11:22I'm sorry.
11:23I'm sorry.
11:24I'm sorry.
11:25I'm sorry.
11:26I'm sorry.
11:27I'm sorry.
11:28I'm sorry.
11:29I'm sorry.
11:30I'm sorry.
11:31I'm sorry.
11:32I have to leave.
11:33I have to leave.
11:34Wait a minute.
11:35Wait a minute.
11:36Calm down,imiento.
11:37We have to bring back the hard cores.
11:38The hard Cores.
11:39Come on.
11:46There's no time to be quiet.
11:47Don't move.
11:48You don't speak another word to anyone.
11:49All right.
11:51All right.
11:58That picture would have gone to every police station in the country.
12:07Here's Kraft now.
12:10You were successful?
12:12I destroyed the negative.
12:14Return to Craig's head and tell the others to report here.
12:17I have a mission for them.
12:18I doubt that very much.
12:19I've been waiting a long time for this opportunity.
12:23Don't reach any further, you.
12:25Put your hands on the table.
12:32Before I turn you over to the police, there's one thing I want to know.
12:35What have you done with my brother Gordon?
12:38If you've harmed him...
13:09I should think you'd be getting tired, Steve.
13:27Wouldn't you like a little rest?
13:28No, I'm okay.
13:29I'm my toe dick.
13:30I'd stick by this.
13:31The flames are spreading.
13:32This will all be ablaze in a minute.
13:33What about him?
13:34If he likes to get here, we'll see that he stays.
13:35Tie him up.
13:36Get to the boat.
13:37Get to the boat.
13:38Get to the boat.
13:39Get to the boat.
13:40Get to the boat.
13:41Get to the boat.
13:42Get to the boat.
13:43Get to the boat.
13:44Get to the boat.
13:45Get to the boat.
13:46Get to the boat.
13:47Get to the boat.
13:48Get to the boat.
13:49Get to the boat.
13:50Get to the boat.
13:51Get to the boat.
13:52Get to the boat.
13:53Get to the boat.
13:54Get to the boat.
13:55Get to the boat.
13:56Get to the boat.
13:57Get to the boat.
13:58Get to the boat.
13:59Get to the boat.
14:00Get to the boat.
14:01Get to the boat.
14:02Get to the boat.
14:03Get to the boat.
14:04Get to the boat.
14:05Get to the boat.
14:06Get to the boat.
14:07Get to the boat.
14:08Get to the boat.
14:09Get to the boat.
14:10Get to the boat.
14:11Get to the boat.
14:12Get to the boat.
14:13Get to the boat.
14:14Get to the boat.
14:15Get to the boat.
14:16Get to the boat.
14:17Get to the boat.
14:18Get to the boat.
14:19Get to the boat.
14:20Get to the boat.
14:21Get to the boat.
14:22Get to the boat.
14:23Get to the boat.
14:24Get to the boat.
14:25Get to the boat.
14:26Get to the boat.
14:27Get to the boat.
14:28Get to the boat.
14:29Get to the boat.
14:30Get to the boat.
14:31Get to the boat.
14:32Get to the boat.
14:33Get to the boat.
14:34Get to the boat.
14:36It's Dick.
14:49The marine terminal.
14:55Dick's in trouble.
14:56Come on, boys.
15:05Come on.
15:35The breakwater, as fast as you can.
16:05I can't get very close to that fire.
16:27You've got to.
16:28Dick Tracy's aboard that ship.
16:36Get to the boat.
16:37Get to the boat.
16:38Get to the boat.
16:39Get to the boat.
16:40Get to the boat.
16:41Get to the boat.
16:42Get to the boat.
16:43Get to the boat.
16:44Get to the boat.
16:45Get to the boat.
16:46Get to the boat.
16:47Get to the boat.
16:48Get to the boat.
16:49Get to the boat.
16:50Get to the boat.
16:51Get to the boat.
16:52Get to the boat.
16:53Get to the boat.
16:54Get to the boat.
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16:56Get to the boat.
16:57Get to the boat.
16:58Get to the boat.
16:59Get to the boat.
17:00Get to the boat.
17:01Get to the boat.
17:02Get to the boat.
17:03Get to the boat.