Mga naging highlight ng ikatlong SONA ni PBBM, alamin!

  • 2 months ago
Mga naging highlight ng ikatlong SONA ni PBBM, alamin!

00:00Yesterday, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. issued the 3rd State of Nation Address
00:06where he announced his commitment, programs, and projects for our country.
00:12This morning, to clarify the important parts of our President's speech,
00:19we will listen to the political analyst, Dr. Froylan Calilong.
00:23Good morning and welcome back to Rise and Shine Philippines.
00:27Yes, good morning. Good morning to all of our viewers here on Rise and Shine Philippines.
00:35Good morning and thank you for joining us today, Dr. Calilong.
00:39Yesterday, we witnessed the 3rd State of Nation Address of the President.
00:43To you, Dr. Calilong, what are the most important things that our President mentioned in his 3rd State of Nation Address?
00:52Basically, the most important parts of the SONA will have to be connected to the ideas on how we could solve this problem of
01:04Inflation, poverty alleviation, and the basic social services like housing, health, education, food security,
01:21agricultural self-sufficiency. I think these were the points that were first raised by the President.
01:29And of course, I think one of the highlights is when he gave a final blow to the Bogos.
01:39And I think this shows a decisive type of leadership on the part of the President.
01:46Okay, what is your opinion on the decision of the President to ban all Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators or POGO?
01:56How can this help in suspending this in our country, especially with the controversies that this is facing, particularly with criminality?
02:06Well, basically, the way I see it, the President actually did not come about this decision on a major reaction initially.
02:17I think there were already reports that he analyzed and basically some empirical studies that were made which became the basis.
02:28So I think when the President saw the harm, the problems that POGO is causing, like you mentioned,
02:38criminality is on the rise, a lot of people right now are involved in fake identities and all those things.
02:46So I think this is something that is not just politically driven, but I think it's based on sound judgment on the part of the President
02:56to finally put an end to this problem.
03:00The truth is, I think the problem here is bigger than the benefits that we are receiving.
03:07So I think the President is aware also of the potential loss of revenue that we could actually have from this POGO operation,
03:17especially that it's not just operating, but other ways by which you could possibly recover and source other meaningful ways to create revenues for the country.
03:30Alright. Dr. Calilong, President Marcos Jr. mentioned the rise of rice in our country.
03:38What can you say about the steps that the President mentioned for the sector of agriculture and food security?
03:47Well, basically, this is what we are waiting for our President to mention.
03:54Primarily because the problem of inflation can actually be solved partly by virtue of creating agricultural food self-sufficiency.
04:06Let's face it, inflation is a problem that is not just avoided by domestic issues alone.
04:15Some of these are actually created by global supply chain and a lot of currency fluctuations.
04:22But this is what we can do within our own domain.
04:25So I think it's important that we really strengthen agriculture and farming.
04:32I think the President is on point here when he actually wants to utilize more technology in agricultural self-sufficiency
04:44and creating more infrastructures, basically farm-to-market roads.
04:48The violation of middlemen, particularly those who violate the price of rice,
05:04I think these are very good points that were raised.
05:07Plus, this needs to be brought to proper legislation or legislative agenda.
05:14I think the President was able to create some important executive orders like H.O. 62,
05:21which will lower the price of rice because it is also reducing the price of rice that we are raising.
05:30I think these are good measures.
05:32We may still be far from the promise of P20 per kilo.
05:38But the thing is, what we need to see here is that the President is working towards the fulfillment of the promise.
05:46And we hope that these are positive directions along the line.
06:03So in the case of the West Philippine Sea, the President is on the side of it.
06:09He said that this is not what he is thinking and that this is really his territory.
06:13Is there anything that needs to be changed in the foreign policies of our government after this third session of the President?
06:21Or are there any adjustments or changes that need to be made to maintain peace in the West Philippine Sea?
06:30Yes. Actually, I've always felt that the President is always on track with regards to his foreign policy because of its very clear
06:38and distinctly right path.
06:42Our closing of our foreign policy, the shift of our alliance, I think is a positive trajectory for the country.
06:51And along the line, our government created good mechanisms like transparency, cooperation, bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other freedom-loving nations, joint patrols.
07:11I think these are all good.
07:12And the most important thing I think that the President actually mentioned here, of course, is how we could diplomatically settle this war in the West Philippine Sea.
07:23And I'm just anticipating the deeper or more concrete steps that our government will take.
07:34But I also understand that we may not be able to lay this out right away because when we talk about foreign policy, it's always a wait-and-see thing.
07:46It depends on how the reaction of our two countries, in this case, China.
07:53So I'm sure that along the line, many of these programs will be laid out to us by the President.
08:00So the assurance is there that our sovereign right is protected, that we will not be giving an inch of our territory to any foreign controller whatsoever.
08:14And I think this is something that we as Filipinas can hold on to. This is something good for us.
08:30And did the message of our President Marcos Jr. really reach the hearts of ordinary Filipinos?
08:37I would say yes. I would say yes. It's a sona that is never lacking in substance from the very beginning.
08:45I felt that the data, the information is there.
08:49But more importantly, we felt the sincerity of the sona.
08:54And the President actually is understanding or is one with the public sentiment that we are actually facing still a complex myriad of problems.
09:07So we are still facing a lot of problems.
09:09But I think this is a sona that listened, that heard the sentiments of the people,
09:18and that the President was sensitive enough to actually create meaningful policies along the line,
09:24particularly those hard-pressing issues like inflation, lack of livelihood, lack of opportunity, lack of food.
09:35I think the concrete policies along the line, that's what the sona is focused on.
09:42And if we can see, all the programs that he wants to pass, that's what he's really focusing on.
09:52So I think this was a sona that is substantially stated with a heart for the people.
10:01Maybe one thing that the President didn't mention or amplify are the issues of human rights, press freedom, and at the same time corruption,
10:17corruption and good governance, accountability. That's what I didn't hear from him.
10:26Of course, we need this because there are punitive sanctions that will be given, especially for government officials that will be creating corrupt practices.
10:39Because this is what is making it difficult for many of us.
10:56Prof, thank you very much.
