• last year
Watch the official "Coming to Hulu" trailer for the highly anticipated science fiction film "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," directed by Wes Ball. This gripping installment in the iconic franchise promises a thrilling continuation of the epic saga set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans and intelligent apes vie for dominance. Directed by Wes Ball, known for his visionary storytelling, the movie delves deeper into the complex dynamics and intense conflicts between the two species. Get ready to be captivated by stunning visuals, compelling characters, and a narrative that explores themes of survival, evolution, and the struggle for power. Don't miss this exciting new chapter of "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," coming Aug. 2nd to Hulu.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Cast:

Owen Teague, Freya Allan, Peter Macon, Eka Darville, Kevin Durand, Kevin Durand and William H. Macy

Stream Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes August 2, 2024 on Hulu!
00:07Son, your father, he waits.
00:15Much to learn, much to teach.
00:19There are dangers beyond our village.
00:23What a wonderful day!
00:28They took my family.
00:30I will bring them home.
00:36To survive, remember your strength, your compassion.
00:43I know where they're taking your clan.
00:48Remember what it means to be...
