Dữ Quân Tương Nhận Tập 12 Vietsub

  • 2 ay önce
Dữ Quân Tương Nhận Tập 12 Vietsub
00:30调酒笑 跨山越海驰骋苍穹 战士与火啸
00:35剑行赴苍凋 勿忘罪过一世一朝 誓与天比高
00:40情而有三两枝脚 一旦南向朝
00:44同饮江湖 秋月从未老 与君共逍遥
01:00剑行赴苍凋 勿忘罪过一世一朝
01:09剑行赴苍凋 勿忘罪过一世一朝
01:22剑行赴苍凋 勿忘罪过一世一朝
01:29让哥哥 让哥哥 让哥哥
01:37我真的没有和莫卫勾结 陷害师父
01:44我信你 我信你 让哥哥 你别死 你别死
02:09你别说了 你别说了 让哥哥 让哥哥 让哥哥
02:21怎么会这样 让哥哥 你醒醒啊
02:32君慕 君慕 你醒了
02:53没有 你怎么会死呢
03:03老杨 我会查清楚师父当年的案子的
03:24奉陛下谕旨 赵吏投敌叛国 意图谋反 证据确凿
03:31你胡说 我爹不可能叛国
03:40监察御史 左风
03:47十六年前 他就已经死了
03:53我亲眼看见你杀了我爹 你还有什么可狡辩的
04:02老了 跪不住了 跪了一辈子了 现在终于可以堂堂正正地站着 说一些我的心里话
04:21没有 听听他还会说什么
04:31瑶瑶 其实你也是我看着长大的 今天你便可以听一听我好好讲讲当年的事情
04:40当年的皇城有十二星将 而你的父亲赵吏便是十二星将之首
04:49当年赵吏平定了西北叛乱之后 风光不良 朝中很多大臣见到他以后都会行叩拜之礼
05:44而赵吏深知自己功高该出 于是便卸甲归田 交出兵权
05:53陛下 臣赵吏不辱使命 平定西北 可保我大梁国百年基业无忧
06:04好 那你想朕如何封赏你啊
06:09臣请陛下赏梁田百亩 让臣卸甲归田 和女儿共享天伦之乐
06:17将军正值壮年 为何不继续为朕分忧啊
06:22臣只是陛下手中的一把剑 如今天下太平 百姓安居 陛下只需把剑放入角落即可
06:32倘若有一天再有外敌环势 臣定当万死不辞
06:38好 那朕就封你为太傅 此梁田千亩可在宫中任意行走
06:53可是谁都没有想到 仅仅只过了两年的时间 西北叛乱再起 宫中流言蜚语
07:03而陛下接到了监察御史左峰的密旨 上面详细地记载了赵吏投敌叛国的证据
07:12赵吏勾结敌国 意图谋反
07:17赵吏勾结敌国 意图谋反
07:20赵吏勾结敌国 意图谋反
07:33师父 师父 别打了 再打下去会有很多人死的
08:10师父 爹 师父
08:14赵吏 你勾结外族意图谋反叛国 是死罪
08:20Nonsense. If my father wanted to betray the country, why would he hand over the military power?
08:26Even you can think of it.
08:28Can't the emperor in the court think of it?
08:31Since the emperor knows, why would he kill my father?
08:37If the sword is too sharp, it will cut yourself.
08:41If Zhao Li gets the military power and the military merit,
08:46not only the people, but also the officials in the court will favor him.
08:51At that time, whether Zhao Li is willing or not,
08:55there will be people who will be strict with him.
09:04This is Zhao Li's handwriting for two years.
09:06It records the evidence that the queen killed herself to protect the crown prince.
09:12Sister Xia Chen.
09:14You stole my father's handwriting.
09:21This is just the last straw that can kill a camel.
09:25If the emperor is not afraid of Zhao Li, who will be able to kill Zhao Li?
09:33The people who were killed are all approved by the emperor?
09:37Of course not.
09:39The bloodshed in the court is far worse than on the battlefield.
09:42The officials who were killed were not the crown prince.
09:46So they were killed because they stood in the wrong team?
09:51Now the prince, except for the crown prince and the seventh prince,
09:55died inexplicably.
09:57Ten years ago...
10:12We will test it today.
10:15The world is waiting for you to explore.
10:19Join us at i9.bet.
10:22No concubine dared to bear a son.
10:25She was afraid that she would be killed.
10:27And now the real prince is only the crown prince and the seventh prince.
10:34The throne is worthless to me.
10:37If it weren't for you, how would Zhao Li die?
10:40How can an official who wants to use you for the throne die?
10:57My father wants Jun Mo to be the emperor?
11:10Jun Mo
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11:38Jun Mo
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