• last year
DISCLAIMER: these videos are for entertainment purposes only, DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF as it can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing! golf clubs are also VERY DANGEROUS as the iron can easily break off and seriously hurt you or someone else!


00:00And this time I got this Compaq Presario computer, a thing that's really old, it's someone else's
00:20It's got this fancy monitor that actually works, and the keyboard that actually works,
00:24and the mouse that actually works, it's called BTC, I never even heard of that brand.
00:29Browser, mouse, made in China, what a surprise, nice keyboard made, it's lightweight and cheap
00:38Oh, made in China, I don't know what brand it is, it doesn't say nothing on it, it's
00:45called Keyboard, it's keyboard brand keyboard, oh it has little legs, so you can adjust the
00:52height and make it stand up higher, it doesn't work though because the stand's broken, is
00:57the leg durable, no, I just took some fingers to break it, didn't even have to put all my
01:06weight on it, how cheap, those things are supposed to be extra durable, what's the end
01:10of these?
01:11I cannot find a device file that maybe needed to run Windows or a Windows application, blah
01:16blah, and that went off, I don't know what that is, adjusting, computer mouse says it's
01:23okay, put the okay sticker on it, that's just small, that's exciting, it's got Microsoft
01:35Windows 98, so advanced, I remember when it used to just be all gray and stupid, come
01:43on, load faster, what the heck is FixBlast, I want to click that too, I want that one,
01:49and this one, and that one, net zero, what the heck's a net zero, oh, Outlook Express,
01:57is there anything in there, it doesn't work, everything I click, am I overwhelming it,
02:03it's got advanced speed doesn't it, that start button's not working, I'm getting impatient
02:12already, let's throw the mouse at the screen and see how durable it is, the screen looks
02:18pretty durable, but the mouse wasn't, the mouse ball came out, I don't know if this
02:28little scroll wheel actually works on this, I don't know where the cover went for the
02:32ball, oh well, and it's not working without it, let's see if the ball hurts the screen,
02:38oh dang, fancy big 16 by 9 monitor that looks pretty big, I don't know, this is how big
02:45my hands are, so yeah, you can kind of see it's pretty big, that's how big it is compared
02:49to a computer mouse, I don't know why the adjustments aren't working on it, can you
02:54see that with a consumer camera, no, it's all washed out, oh well, mouse ball's mean,
03:00oh, right away, does it adjust it, I guess because I can still see the things over there,
03:11the little functions, I want to get inside and see the fancy bright light, but you'll
03:15never get to it though without breaking the whole thing to pieces, it'll make it so secure,
03:21I need a golf club for that though, it'll probably make it fail then, yep, turned off,
03:29what did I do, just touch it and the whole computer has to explode on me, where did the
03:38VGA cables come loose since it's all messed up, maybe that's what happened, maybe it's
03:44this power button, oh, power button, that was the problem, I want to see that fancy
03:53light inside of there, why the heck's it got to be so tough, still works, I can kind
04:13of see the light back there, I want to get inside, I'll take the LCD off first, that's
04:20still working even though I'm ripping it to all the pieces, LCD is still working, even
04:29though it's totally torn off, is it still going to be working when I start peeling this
04:35part off, it's still displaying a picture, oh, what's messing up displaying a picture,
04:43I can't believe the LCD is totally removed and it's still displaying over there, but
04:47I don't know if you can see it or not because of this, the icons are still there, man, that's
04:55got really thin glass, they probably did that on purpose just to make it break extra easy,
05:00still going, oh, failed, what's it even hooked up with anyway, there's nothing hooked to
05:07it, I don't understand how it works, oh, there's another layer of glass underneath, maybe that's
05:14more of it, gosh, it's so messy, I have no tools to get inside of it, except the golf
05:22club, I want to get to the fancy backlight without breaking the whole thing, got to see
05:29those magical tubes in there, how bright they are, stupid paper thin glass, trying to turn
05:36into a razor blade, oh, it's getting brighter, okay, gosh, more layers, get that one off,
05:50getting even brighter, oh, come out without breaking, probably going to break the tube
05:59behind there, man, it's going to be jammed in there so tight, yeah, it broke the tube,
06:09like I thought, it will not let go, no, it didn't just turn off, it broke the tube, I
06:19didn't have to do that, it's so close, this thing is so stubborn, it snapped it, man,
06:26it's super thin, that's the fluorescent tube, it's kind of hot too, pretty durable too,
06:37oh, it broke, well, I guess we won't be able to see the magic of brightness because it
06:44needs to shatter, oh, there's two of them up there, snaps, is there any more, how come
06:56the bottom one stopped working, they're not broken are they, man, those are teeny tiny
07:02tubes, if they can make lights that skinny and small, why can't they make that for household
07:07lights, make it a lot smaller, I can't get behind all the metal, maybe it just needs
07:12to be re-powered up, maybe then the lights will come on, oh, it did, I was right, but
07:19it zaps, oh, one of the tubes did break, gosh darn it, that stupid extra thick plastic that
07:27won't let go, I had to break it, now it won't stay on, now does it stay on, no, now does
07:44it stay on, it should be perfect, oh, now it's refusing to turn on, must have hurt
07:56it's circuit board, I'm going to press the power button harder, now, the button still
08:07closes but it doesn't work, what's wrong with this thing, it's not working, fine, you piece
08:30of junk, next monitor.