
  • 2 months ago
00:00For me, nothing is more important than loyalty.
00:03Whether it is close to me or far away from me.
00:31There is no etiquette in talking to you or singing to you.
00:35In this house, you can only talk to me because of Naila.
00:39Naila! Naila!
00:59Fine baby, what happened? How did this break?
01:06Ask your sir.
01:11Mom, look at this. One of the buttons are broken and this shirt is very loose.
01:17I don't want to wear this anymore. Okay?
01:20You just sleep.
01:22You didn't answer me.
01:26Mom, I am working.
01:29Okay, you are working, but you are the only earner.
01:33See, now I have to get my sisters married.
01:36Now I have to get my sisters married.
01:39Marriage means dowry and dowry means lakhs of rupees.
01:43So, no matter how much money is there, it is useful when the time comes.
01:48Mom, you also earn a little. Your committees were coming out.
01:55This means you don't like that Sadaf works with me on the sewing order.
02:00Mom, why don't you look for a proposal for him? It will be better.
02:06What happened? Why are you quiet?
02:09Dear, why are you delaying the last thing?
02:12Anyway, don't worry. I have told a couple of people.
02:16As soon as I get a suitable and good proposal, I will not delay, I will do it immediately.
02:23Okay, mom.
02:25Okay, mom.
02:27If you have thought like this, then what can I say? As you wish.
02:34Okay, talk to your mother.
02:37No, I didn't talk to her. Did you talk to her?
02:40No, I didn't talk to her either.
02:42I will talk to her tomorrow. I was busy with household chores.
02:54I will talk to her tomorrow.
03:15You have no right to talk or do any work.
03:18In this house, you will do everything because of Naina.
03:25What does she think of herself?
03:28I will not forgive her for this.
03:32That time sister Sadaf laughed at me, making fun of me.
03:36Did you see? Then she had to cry.
03:44That's why I don't like that someone comes and interferes in the privacy of the house.
03:48I have already forgiven you.
03:50I told you that I was giving the cereal to Arsal.
03:51I am not blaming you.
03:57You don't look good when you are angry like this.
04:00She was giving me a glass of water with her dirty hands in such a foolish way.
04:04She even spilled water on me.
04:06What will happen if I don't get angry?
04:08Okay, fine. I agree that water has spilled.
04:11But your hands are dirty.
04:13I am not in the mood for jokes.
04:15Okay, fine. What do you want?
04:17Should I call Maheen?
04:18Should I call Maheen?
04:20Should I say sorry to her and ask her to excuse me for this?
04:28Now see, anyone can make a mistake.
04:30You, me, anyone.
04:32Naina, you and I understand each other very well.
04:36Yes, absolutely.
04:38Here, sit here.
04:42You know what I want.
04:43When I am at home or when I come home from somewhere,
04:47it is only you who welcomes me.
04:51You should be the first person I look at.
04:55Okay, boss.
04:57Any other order?
05:01Make her understand.
05:03Stay in your room in my presence.
05:05Don't come in front of me.
05:13Don't come in front of me.
05:27Honey, I don't understand you people.
05:30What are you doing?
05:32This is the limit.
05:34You made a workshop out of a drawing room?
05:36Mom, where do we get so many guests anyway?
05:39I will make a nice drawing room for your guests
05:41and you can keep your guests there.
05:43This girl has gone completely mad.
05:45She doesn't understand anything.
05:47Mom, just pray to God.
05:49May God accept our intentions
05:51and may our hard work continue.
05:55If Haroon doesn't like me staying here,
05:58I would have gone back to aunt Nafeesa.
06:03And what if aunt Nafeesa says something again?
06:12No, my love.
06:14Don't cry.
06:18Look, always remember one thing.
06:21No matter who it is, your sister Naila is with you.
06:25She loves you a lot.
06:27Sister Naila, why doesn't the world love me?
06:30I am very bad.
06:32I am ill-mannered.
06:35You are.
06:37You are.
06:39Don't you feel bad about Haroon?
06:46What should I do so that everyone is happy with me?
06:57You don't need to make anyone happy.
07:02Do whatever you feel like.
07:04Focus on your future.
07:09I think my future will be buried with dad.
07:16Don't say that.
07:18Sister, I will try to stay away from Haroon's presence.
07:25I won't come in front of him.
07:34Sister, I want to take admission in the university.
07:38The BBAs have started.
08:08I want to take admission in the university.
08:39Sister, I will try to stay away from Haroon's presence.
08:45I won't come in front of him.
08:48Did Mahi listen to me and Haroon's conversation?
08:52It would have been better if she had listened.
08:55I don't know what to do.
08:57I don't know what to do.
08:59I don't know what to do.
09:01I don't know what to do.
09:03I don't know what to do.
09:05I don't know what to do.
09:06It would have been better if she had listened.
09:08I won't have to say this to myself.
09:11Besides, it would have been weird if mom had told me
09:14to stay in my room in front of Haroon.
09:36Haroon, I was thinking of you.
09:41Then see our love.
09:43You thought of me and I came to you.
09:46I am not that obedient.
09:50Listen, keep smiling like this all the time.
09:55If I smile all the time, people will call me crazy.
09:58In fact, people will start calling me you.
10:00And if I smile more, they will call me crazy.
10:03What rubbish!
10:05Don't even think about it.
10:07You are my entire universe.
10:09You are my children.
10:11I know.
10:13Okay, why did you call?
10:16Be ready in the evening.
10:18We will have dinner outside.
10:24In the evening?
10:27Why? What happened?
10:29No, just…
10:30I was feeling a little weird today.
10:33I don't know why I feel dizzy all of a sudden.
10:36Why didn't you tell me earlier?
10:40Okay, let's go to the doctor first.
10:43Then we will have dinner. Okay?
10:45Okay, fine. I will be ready.
10:47You come soon.
10:51And listen, ask Razia to make you fresh juice.
10:53Okay, fine.
11:21I should go and meet Mahi for a while.
11:24She will think that I didn't inform her again.
11:31I don't know why Naila was telling me that day
11:34that I should take care of Mahi like Samra and Sadaf.
11:53These clothes are mine?
11:58These are very dirty clothes.
12:02Since the room is mine,
12:05they must have been made for me.
12:08Oh no!
12:26Mahi madam,
12:28the bride is calling you.
12:32Your aunt is here.
12:34She is talking to her.
12:36She is calling you.
12:40You go, I will come.
12:48Take these.
12:50All of these?
12:52Yes, all of them.
12:53What should I do with them?
12:55They are old clothes.
12:57Go and put them in a storeroom.
13:00Mahi madam, the bride…
13:03Do as I say.
13:07Take them and put them in a storeroom.
13:09That's it.
13:13I will ask the bride.
13:15Maybe she has some work.
13:17The guests have come.
13:19How will you ask in front of everyone
13:21what to do with your old clothes?
13:23Take them and put them in a storeroom.
13:28I will ask her.
13:41Keep this, dear.
13:46What is this, aunt?
13:48A few days ago,
13:50Haroon gave this for Mahi's expenses.
13:51You don't need it anymore.
13:53Keep it.
13:55Why are you giving this to me, aunt?
13:57You should have taken something for Samra.
14:01I have worked hard all my life.
14:04I have never taken charity.
14:06I have never yearned for anyone.
14:08I don't like it.
14:10God forbid, aunt.
14:12This is not charity.
14:14This was for Mahi.
14:17I understand what you are saying.
14:19But this was for Mahi, right?
14:21Then spend it on Mahi.
14:23That's it.
14:26My daughter has come.
14:28Come, sit here.
14:30Sit next to me.
14:35How is my daughter's health?
14:37I am fine now, aunt.
14:40Thank God.
14:42Forgive me, I could not come to see you.
14:44Actually, there was a lot of work at home.
14:46That is why it was difficult.
14:48No problem. You have come now.
14:52My sister misses you a lot.
14:55In fact, Samra was insisting so much
14:57that she should take me with her whenever she goes.
15:00So, will you bring her?
15:02Samra's exams are going on.
15:04God willing, once they are over.
15:06In fact, why don't you come someday?
15:09Come to stay, if you feel like it.
15:18Yes, aunt. Mahi will definitely come.
15:21In fact, I will bring her myself to introduce her to everyone.
15:27You have tea.
15:29Yes, I will have it.
15:31Please have it.
15:51Yes, I will have it.
16:14My baby.
16:16Everyone is leaving.
16:18Meerab is not coming.
16:19Why is she not coming?
16:24What is this problem?
16:29Aunt, take her away.
16:31I have to take a shower.
16:36Take her away.
16:43She is coming, she is coming.
16:45Come, come, come.
16:47My baby.
16:49My baby.
16:59Congratulations, Mr. Haroon.
17:01A new guest is going to come to your house.
17:11What is this?
17:13But right now, my second baby is very small.
17:18By the time this baby comes, he will grow up.
17:21In fact, it is good.
17:23Both will be brought up together.
17:27Okay, look.
17:29You need to be very careful.
17:31You have a lot of weakness.
17:33And I am writing two tests.
17:35You get this done for now.
17:38And write the vitamins.
17:39Take that once a day.
17:45Right shot.
17:48Thank you.
17:50Thank you.
18:09Thank you.
18:11Thank you.
18:39Thank you.
18:49Come, come, please.
19:00Thank you.
19:10Thank you.
19:16Should I tell you the truth?
19:18I am very happy today.
19:20I always wanted to have three kids.
19:23Two sons and one daughter.
19:25A lovely family with three kids.
19:28And what if you have a daughter?
19:30No, come on.
19:32I am not that conservative.
19:34If I have a daughter, more than welcome.
19:36Meerab will get her sister.
19:40Listen, stop, stop.
19:42Come here.
19:43Yes, sir.
19:44Give me two guns.
19:45How much?
19:46100 rupees, sir.
19:48What 100?
19:50Do one thing.
19:51Keep 1000 here.
19:52Thank you very much, sir.
19:54Show me.
20:09Thank you.
20:10Thank you.
20:39What are you doing here?
21:10What were you trying to take by opening your wardrobe?
21:16I didn't come here to steal.
21:18In our absence, in our room,
21:21what is the point of opening your personal wardrobe and standing in front of me?
21:25You think so cheap and negative about me?
21:30Do you think I am a thief?
21:31Don't misbehave.
21:33And don't consider this as your home where no one cares about your ill-mannered behavior.
21:37This is my home and you can't talk to me in this tone.
21:43You are a cheap, arrogant and narrow-minded person.
21:48No one wants to spend even two moments with you.
21:51Congratulations to sister Naila for keeping your money safe.
21:56But I am not your slave.
21:59I will break your face if you can't control me.
22:02Shut up.
22:07Shut up.
22:22If you ever stand in front of me and talk to me like this,
22:27the result will be worse than this slap.
22:33Now go from here.
22:34Go from here before I get more angry.
23:05I didn't have clothes with me.
23:08I stayed at grandma's house.
23:11So I came to take some old dress from sister Naila.
23:17I am not a thief.
23:20But the slap you gave me,
23:23I will make you pay for it.
23:27You will remember it for the rest of your life.
23:29Promise me.
23:59Promise me.
24:06You think so cheap and negative about me.
24:10You think I am a thief.
24:11Don't misbehave with me.
24:13Shut up.
24:21No one has ever slapped me.
24:26This slap will never forget me.
24:29Or else I will make you forget it.
25:00Are you okay?
25:11Nothing. I was just sleepy.
25:20You look sad.
25:22Is everything okay?
25:24I am fine.
25:25I am fine.
25:28Why are you so quiet?
25:32I was thinking of going to aunt's place tomorrow.
25:36All my stuff, clothes, documents, everything is there.
25:41Shall we go?
25:42Oh yes, your stuff.
25:44But Mahi, I have given the driver leave for a few days.
25:48How will you go now?
25:50I will go on public transport.
25:53I have to go because Mohit will also be there tomorrow.
25:56I have to tell him to bring the form.
25:58Or else the admission date will be over.
26:03Oh my God.
26:04I forgot to discuss your admission with Haroon.
26:08Baby, you are so crazy.
26:10So many things are going on that I forgot.
26:13But you don't worry.
26:14I will talk to Haroon.
26:23You had to go to the doctor, right?
26:27What did the doctor say?
26:29Yes, we had gone to the doctor.
26:32The doctor said that
26:37Arsal's sister or brother is going to come.
26:45Look at this.
26:48Haroon got it for me.
26:50He forced me to wear it.
26:52Moreover, he took me to his favorite restaurant.
26:55Then he said, let's go for shopping after dinner.
26:58I said, no, it's enough.
27:01Let's go home because kids are also annoying.
27:04Haroon is also very happy to hear this news.
27:11If he could, he would take me around the world.
27:17I love him.
27:20Kiss you.
27:23Kiss you.
27:35Where did you ask Maheen to come?
27:39I have said no many times.
27:42How many times should I say it?
27:44I don't like to be insulted again and again.
27:46Mom, if you had said it once, maybe she…
27:48I had asked her to take me around.
27:51In fact, Naila was saying that I will bring her myself.
27:55That's good.
27:57You didn't go to meet her?
27:59No, no. I have so much work in the office these days.
28:03Otherwise, I don't get time to sing.
28:05How would I go?
28:11I forgot to tell you the real thing.
28:15What happened?
28:17Some people are coming to see Sadaf.
28:21Do they know anyone?
28:23Yes, there is a woman in the neighborhood.
28:25She has been making me stitch clothes for a long time.
28:27They are her acquaintances.
28:29When I mentioned it to them, they said that there are some people.
28:32I will send them.
28:34It's a very good family.
28:36Son and daughter and husband and wife.
28:38Her husband is out of the country.
28:40Daughter and mother will come tomorrow.
28:42So she wanted to get her son married along with her daughter.
28:45And there must be some demand from them too.
28:48No, there is no such demand.
28:50They just want a decent girl,
28:53who knows how to stay at home,
28:55and is regular in prayer.
28:57And by the grace of God, Sadaf has all these qualities.
28:59In fact, much more than this.
29:03You tell them that whatever tea stuff they need,
29:06I will bring it for them.
29:08Yes, yes, I will definitely tell them.
29:10In fact, Fauzia was saying that there is no need for much arrangement.
29:13But still, it will be a little.
29:15Okay, I will tell them.
29:35What happened? You slept so early?
29:45You know me.
29:47I wake up early in the morning.
29:49You also come to the bedroom,
29:51and take so much time.
29:53What should I do? The kids were not sleeping.
29:56They were bothering me so much.
29:58Thank God, Maheen made them sleep, so they slept.
30:02By the way, I can see that the kids have moved away from Maheen a lot.
30:05Whatever it is,
30:07you should take care of the kids yourself.
30:10The kids are still young.
30:12I find Maheen weird anyway.
30:15What is this, Arun? Why do you always say that she is weird?
30:18She is so caring.
30:21And on top of that, she is innocent like a kid.
30:24Innocent like a kid?
30:26Let it go.
30:31Arun, why are you being so rude?
30:33Think about it, she is a child without parents.
30:36If you touch her head,
30:38God will be happy and who knows,
30:40He might have mercy on our kids with that means.
30:45Your Mulani has also woken up.
30:48Let me sleep.
31:01The doctor has said that Arsal's sister or brother is going to come.
31:09Look at this.
31:11Haroon got it for me.
31:13He forced me to wear it.
31:15He even took me to his favourite restaurant.
31:18Then he said, let's go for shopping after dinner.
31:22I said no, enough is enough.
31:24If he could,
31:26he would take me around the world.
31:28And now I am.
31:45I have seen the real face of Mr. Haroon.
31:51He is a very evil and disgusting person.
31:57I will not forgive him.
32:13Come in.
32:16Haroon, I really don't feel like eating.
32:19I am feeling nauseous.
32:21The doctor told you in front of you,
32:23that you have to take good care of your diet.
32:25And you have low HP,
32:27so no compromise on protein and fruits.
32:29You are always talking about the doctor.
32:31Didn't the doctor tell you to forcefully feed your wife?
32:34No, not forcefully.
32:36But what is important is the food.
32:38Like eggs, fruits and juice.
32:40All this is important.
32:42And all this table is for you.
32:43I will drink the juice, let's go.
32:45You can start with the juice,
32:47but you will have to eat everything, I am telling you.
32:51Mahi, you woke up early today.
32:53That's good.
32:55Let's have breakfast. Come, sit.
32:57No, I had tea, I don't feel like having breakfast.
33:00Actually, I told you,
33:02that I have to go to aunt Nafeesa's house
33:04to get some things and clothes.
33:06So I am going there, that's it.
33:10if you wait for some time,
33:12I will come with you.
33:14Moiz will also be at home at this time,
33:17so I will tell him about the university forms.
33:19Oh yes, you have to take the university forms.
33:21But how will you go?
33:23Sister, I will go.
33:25Okay, bye.
33:27Wait, why are you in such a hurry?
33:29Do one thing, Haroon will drop you.
33:32Anyway, aunt's house is on the way to Haroon's office.
33:37I won't take long to leave.
33:39Sister, I will go.
33:42No, no, there is no need to go like this.
33:45Haroon will drop you.
33:48In fact, do one thing, Haroon,
33:50you can pick her on your way back.
33:52She won't come alone.
33:56Sister, I will come myself.
33:58You are unnecessarily troubling brother Haroon.
34:01I will have breakfast in fifteen minutes.
34:03You are troubling me.
34:05I will have breakfast, change and leave in fifteen minutes.
34:08Whoever wants to go, can come.
34:14Please have breakfast.
34:16Okay, come with me.
34:34Brother, mom has asked for some stuff.
34:37Bring it before going to office.
34:39Okay, I will bring it.
34:42And give this bracelet to the one for whom you have bought it.
35:03Thank you.
35:04Thank you.
35:05Thank you.
35:31No, no, sister didn't trouble you unnecessarily.
35:33I would have gone myself.
35:41I am sorry.
35:48Why are you apologizing?
35:50What did you do?
35:56I shouldn't have hit you.
35:59I don't get angry easily.
36:00I don't get angry easily.
36:03That's it.
36:05No, no.
36:07What is your fault in this?
36:09I should have taken permission in your bedroom.
36:17I know you don't even like me staying here.
36:22But what can I do? I am helpless too.
36:25Aunt's attitude towards me,
36:27she doesn't want to do anything bad to anyone.
36:32But the way God has made me helpless,
36:35don't do the same to anyone.
36:41I am trying to find a part time job along with BBA.
36:46So that I can shift to a hostel.
36:49I won't trouble you for long.
