gameplay cho cho charles

  • 2 bulan yang lalu
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00:00Oh my god you hear the sound of the music
00:06and it's coming out
00:10Since we last spoke, but something has happened at the mines I've been supervising
00:15No, trust me. You'll want to make time for this
00:19You're looking for something big to keep your museum in business
00:22Well, there's something big on that island. Real big
00:26So many friends, and even my own son is still out there.
00:31If anyone can bring this thing down, it's you.
00:34It'll be the biggest attraction your city's ever seen, and you can help an old friend.
00:38Yes, meet me on the docks at sunset.
00:41I hope you're ready for a little monster hunt.
00:57Yes, sir. They call him Charles.
01:01Half train, half gigaspider from hell.
01:04We've been planning his demise for some time now, and have nearly everything in order.
01:09Just a few people to meet and places to see.
01:12Simple errands, you know.
01:15Yes, sir. Welcome to Aranearum, the island where miners dig their own graves.
01:21Stay close. Charles isn't the only thing to fear around here.
01:30There's a train shed at the top of the hill.
01:34One of the train operators...
01:36If we can get steak...
01:52Ah, shucks. It's not to worry. We can still find a way in.
01:56There's a small shack up the path that...
01:58Take this map I just marked. See if the key is up there, and I'll...
02:03Ah, shucks. It's not to worry. We can still find a way in.
02:06There's a small shack up the path that...
02:08Take this map I just marked. See if the key is up there, and I'll...
02:33Ah, shucks. It's not to worry. We can still find a way in.
02:47Good on you! Looks like you found it!
02:50Open up that door and lead the way!
03:03Oh, shucks. It's not to worry. We can still find a way in.
03:06There's a small shack up the path that...
03:09Take this map I just marked. See if the key is up there, and I'll...
03:13Ah, shucks. It's not to worry. We can still find a way in.
03:16Well, be it. That gun's weak and light. Are you ready to take this?
03:25Yeah, baby! We're coming for you, Charles!
03:31Do you hear that? It's him! It's him!
03:34Get to the gun! Hide him up! Hide him up!
03:38Now! Don't let the gun overheat!
03:55This isn't how things were supposed to end.
03:59I thought we could still fight like the old days.
04:02Yes, sir. Easy in, easy out.
04:07You'll need to do more than I thought, but...
04:11I don't have time to explain.
04:15Find the eggs. Find my son.
04:30Find my son.
04:37Find my son.
04:40Find my son.
05:10Find my son.
05:40Find my son.
06:11Eugene told us we'd have a newcomer soon.
06:13There's some scrap metal in the balcony.
06:15Here's the key. And as a side note, talk to anyone around.
06:17Anyone. Not where.
06:18Check out the balcony. And good luck with everything.
08:11Well, hello, darling.
08:14I'm making a fresh stew.
08:17Would I smell a carcass on the ice?
08:19Oh, no. Keep an eye...
10:40What a cure those scrubs seek!
12:41Look, kid.
12:44I know you're supposed to be some fancy-pants monster hunter, but...
12:47You can't earn my respect without making your...
12:49One of Orange Goon's dumped a locked chest in the yard last night.
12:52I got some lock picks, but I don't know how to use them.
12:54Here, take them.
13:40The key.
13:42Find my son.
13:44Find my son.
13:46Find my son.
13:47Find my son.
13:49Find my son.
13:51Find my son.
13:53Find my son.
13:59Well, well, well.
14:01Fancy fingers here got the chest unlocked.
14:04That's an odd looking piece of junk you found in there.
14:07Bit of a letdown, to be frank.
14:09You earned my respect. Here's some scraps, like I promised.
14:39The monster Hunter has arrived, I see. This is no ordinary hunt, mind you. We've already
15:06tried fighting Charles, but he retreats into the wilderness. We believe there may be a
15:10way to get Charles to commit to a mortal battle, however.
15:14Dispersed around the island are three eggs, locked in the island's three primary mines.
15:22Our theory is that putting these eggs in the temple at the center of the island will provoke
15:27them. Unfortunately, there's an egg in the m-
15:29Here's the key to-
15:57I made a little flamethrower, isn't it? Here, take a look.
16:20I would, look. If a flamethrower somehow still works after the fire dies down, I'd assume
16:24you're the-
16:45Using the water tank to put out the fire! Pure genius! Woohoo! Here, take a- I don't
21:50know what you're talking about. Here, take a- I need my pickles! I ate the last jar of
22:06pickles I had in my house, and there's only one jar of pickles left on the island! My
22:07secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours
22:08ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles-
22:09I mean, lockpicks! And if you can't find them, I'm sure you can't find them either!
22:10Here, take a- I need my pickles! I ate the last jar of pickles I had in my house, and
22:11there's only one jar of pickles left on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked
22:12away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave!
22:13Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles- I mean, lockpicks! And if you
22:14can't find them, I'm sure you can't find them either! Here, take a- I need my pickles!
22:15I ate the last jar of pickles I had in my house, and there's only one jar of pickles
22:16left on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would
22:17have gotten them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might
22:18have some lock pickles- I mean, lockpicks! And if you can't find them, I'm sure you
22:19can't find them either! Here, take a- I need my pickles! I ate the last jar of pickles
22:20I had in my house, and there's only one jar of pickles left on the island! My secret
22:21jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours ago, but
22:22I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles! I ate
22:23the last jar of pickles I had in my house, and there's only one jar of pickles left on
22:24the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten
22:25them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have some
22:26lock pickles left on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle
22:27cave! I would have gotten them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the
22:28island might have some lock pickles left on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked
22:29away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave!
22:30Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles left on the island! My secret
22:31jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours ago, but I
22:32lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles left on the
23:02island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten
23:32them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have some
24:02lock pickles left on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle
24:33cave! Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles left on the island! My secret
24:41jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours ago,
24:46but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have some lock pickles left
24:51on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my pickle cave! I would have
24:58gotten them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else on the island might have
25:06some lock pickles left on the island! My secret jar of pickles! Locked away inside my
25:14pickle cave! I would have gotten them hours ago, but I lost my pickle cave! Someone else
25:21on the island might have some lock pickles left on the island! My secret jar of pickles!
25:51Locked away inside my pickle cave!
26:21Thank you for watching!
