angelmouse 2 hours

  • 3 months ago


00:00:31One morning, my friend Angel Mouse was in a very bad mood.
00:00:39Angel Mouse, what's the matter?
00:00:41My thingamajig, it's gone.
00:00:44Where did you lose it?
00:00:45How would I know, you silly quilly?
00:00:49That's very rude.
00:00:51You'd be rude too if you'd lost your thingamajig. Now help me.
00:00:57Please, it's not in here, so it must be outside somewhere.
00:01:03So Angel Mouse and I went to look for his thingamajig.
00:01:07We flew all round the village, and then Angel Mouse spotted something.
00:01:11There, there it is.
00:01:14Catch, Ellie.
00:01:17Give it back, that's my thingamajig.
00:01:20No it's not, it's baby Ellie's hoop and you've spoiled our game.
00:01:28Say sorry, Angel Mouse.
00:01:34Not until I find my thingamajig.
00:01:38Oh dear.
00:01:43Mmm, nice.
00:01:48Hey man.
00:01:50You can't eat my thingamajig.
00:01:53That's my carrot donut.
00:01:56And you were right, I can't eat it now.
00:02:00Oh well, we'll get you another one.
00:02:02You can?
00:02:04I've got to find my thingamajig.
00:02:07Man, that's one crazy mouse.
00:02:12Spencer had spent hours making a house of cards.
00:02:15Spencer, Spencer!
00:02:19You know everything, don't you?
00:02:21Well I wouldn't say that.
00:02:24Well I wouldn't say that.
00:02:26Yes you would. So where's my thingamajig?
00:02:29What's a thingamajig?
00:02:31It goes on my head.
00:02:33Oh yes, you mean a hat.
00:02:35No, no, not a hat.
00:02:37I mean the round shiny thing that angels have, I've lost it.
00:02:41Headlights, headlights!
00:02:44I say, look out!
00:02:45I've been looking out all morning.
00:02:50Help, help!
00:02:51What's the matter, Oswald?
00:02:53Baby Ellie, Baby Ellie, in a pond, in a pond.
00:02:56How did that happen?
00:02:59I'll help her.
00:03:02Follow me, follow me.
00:03:06One crazy mouse, man.
00:03:12Baby Ellie really was in trouble, but how could we reach her?
00:03:15Angel Mouse had an idea.
00:03:19Forget about your thingamajig, we've got to save Baby Ellie.
00:03:23That's what I'm doing. Come on, help me.
00:03:31Catch Baby Ellie.
00:03:36I need you all to help.
00:03:38My poor baby.
00:03:40You too, Ellie Mum.
00:03:44One, two, three, four.
00:03:56You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:03:58You saved my baby, Ellie.
00:04:03And that was when Spencer noticed something.
00:04:06Angel Mouse, there's your thingamajig.
00:04:09What's it?
00:04:11My thingamajig.
00:04:23As soon as you did something good, it came back straight away.
00:04:27And it's extra bright.
00:04:29So that's how my friend Angel Mouse found his thingamajig.
00:05:34One morning I was fast asleep,
00:05:37when a parcel arrived for my friend Angel Mouse.
00:05:47I've got an angel trumpet.
00:05:57It must be from you-know-who.
00:06:00I wonder why he sent it.
00:06:02Well, for me to play, of course.
00:06:04I'm going to show all my friends.
00:06:06Wait, wait, wait, there's a message.
00:06:09Look, Angel Mouse, come back.
00:06:15Blow, Baby Ellie, like Mummy Ellie.
00:06:21No, no, no, no, try again.
00:06:27Oh, dear, I don't think you'll ever learn.
00:06:35Excuse me, Ellie Mum, have you seen Angel Mouse?
00:06:38No, I'm sorry.
00:06:40I'd help you find him, but I'm trying to teach Baby Ellie how to trumpet.
00:06:46Well, that's what the message is about.
00:06:49Angel Mouse is supposed to be helping you.
00:06:52But trumpeting is an elephant sort of thing.
00:06:56I don't see how Angel Mouse can help.
00:06:59Well, I do. I'll see if I can find him.
00:07:06Look, Spencer, I've got an angel trumpet.
00:07:10Oh, my goodness.
00:07:12I can play music and I can make angel bubbles.
00:07:20Most impressive.
00:07:23Watch out, Oswald.
00:07:33Oh, no, look what you've done to my angel trumpet, you dippy duck.
00:07:40Sorry, Angel Mouse, sorry, Angel Mouse.
00:07:42I'll fix it, I will fix it.
00:07:50What's going on, Oswald?
00:07:52Angel Mouse?
00:07:54A touch of a tangle with the trumpet.
00:07:57Are you all right, Angel Mouse?
00:08:01No, I'm not all right.
00:08:03My trumpet's broken.
00:08:08Oh, bubbles, Baby Ellie.
00:08:13Oh, look, bubbly, bubbly.
00:08:16Bubbly, bubbly, bubbly, bubbly.
00:08:19Oh, it's gone.
00:08:21Don't worry, I'll make another one.
00:08:28See, it's easy.
00:08:30You can do it too.
00:08:42Baby Ellie, you've done it.
00:08:44You've learned how to trumpet.
00:08:49That's what the message from You-Know-Who said, Angel Mouse.
00:08:52The trumpet was for you to teach Baby Ellie how to trumpet.
00:08:59Oh, no, I've lost my thingamajig.
00:09:08Oh, hey, look, Baby Ellie's found it.
00:09:15Oh, thank you, Baby Ellie.
00:09:22Oh, you're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:09:29That's my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:09:33He's an angel, even when he isn't trying.
00:09:38Angel Mouse.
00:09:41He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:09:44But things don't always go his way.
00:09:48He'll always do his best when he's up to the task.
00:09:51To get a little better every day.
00:09:54Angel Mouse.
00:09:57Angel Mouse.
00:10:04Angel Mouse.
00:10:07Angel Mouse.
00:10:10He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:10:13But things don't always go his way.
00:10:16He'll always do his best when he's up to the task.
00:10:19To get a little better every day.
00:10:23Angel Mouse.
00:10:26Angel Mouse.
00:10:32One day, a very windy day, there was a knock at Angel Mouse's door.
00:10:46Oh, my thingamajig, come back.
00:10:49It's too windy to open the door.
00:10:52Oh, look, there's a message from you-know-who.
00:10:56Well, read it.
00:11:00He says, there's trouble on Cloud 9, go there at once.
00:11:03Oh, do I have to?
00:11:06Yeah, well, of course you do.
00:11:09But I don't want to lose my thingamajig in that wind.
00:11:12Oh, I know.
00:11:21In the village, the wind was even stronger.
00:11:28Well caught. Newspaper blew right out of my hands.
00:11:31Oh, my hat. Quick, catch that as well, can you?
00:11:34Sorry, not now. Emergency on Cloud 9.
00:11:41Oh, thanks for the lift, Aquiline.
00:11:44Watch out.
00:11:47Whoa, careful.
00:11:50Can you be careful with your umbrellamon, Ellymon?
00:11:55Oh, no, please, get him back for me.
00:11:59I can't, there's trouble on Cloud 9. Come on, Quillie.
00:12:03I'm right, I'm right.
00:12:06Don't tell me you lost something too, Oswald.
00:12:09Yes, yes, yes, turn away, turn away.
00:12:12Well, I can't help, there's trouble on Cloud 9.
00:12:16Oh, wait for me, wait for me.
00:12:19Angel Mouse's door.
00:12:23Angel Mouse always gets lost when he tries to find Cloud 9 without me.
00:12:30Where's Cloud 9?
00:12:33Hmm, wait, well, it should be next to Cloud 8.
00:12:39Listen, someone's calling for help.
00:12:43Over there, there's Cloud 9.
00:12:45And that's who needs help, it's Little Petal.
00:12:48What are you doing here?
00:12:50Oswald asked me to hold his kite, but then the wind blew me all the way here.
00:12:56And all these other things too.
00:12:59Oh, that's the trouble on Cloud 9.
00:13:03It's an awful lot for one little mouse to carry.
00:13:07Well, maybe we can move one thing at a time.
00:13:10Well, that would take hours.
00:13:14What if Quilly takes the hat, Angel Mouse takes the kite, and I take the...
00:13:25Angel Mouse, do something, catch Little Petal.
00:13:30Little Petal was falling fast, and she was heading straight for the village pond.
00:13:38Got you.
00:13:41Oh, thank you, Angel Mouse.
00:13:44Well done, Angel Mouse, got there just in the nick of time, one.
00:13:48Oh, really was trouble on Cloud 9.
00:13:54I'm sorry I lost your kite, Oswald.
00:13:57Never mind, never mind.
00:13:59I say, duck.
00:14:01Yes, that's me, that's me.
00:14:03No, duck.
00:14:04Ow, ow, oh, my kite, my kite.
00:14:08Yeah, and my hat.
00:14:11Did you find my umbrella, too?
00:14:15Oh, wait a minute.
00:14:18Uh, yeah.
00:14:21Got it.
00:14:23Oh, thank you, Angel Mouse.
00:14:26Oh, oh, dear.
00:14:29Oh, my thingamajig.
00:14:32You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:14:35That's my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:14:38Angel Mouse.
00:14:41He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:14:44But things don't always go his way.
00:14:47He'll always do his best when people do their best.
00:14:50To get a little better every day.
00:14:53Every day.
00:14:54Angel Mouse.
00:14:57Angel Mouse.
00:15:04Maybe they didn't hear.
00:15:06Hello, hello, bees.
00:15:08Oh, oh, what's that? It's gone.
00:15:10Oh, ah, oh, I'm stuck.
00:15:12I'm stuck, help, help.
00:15:15Ouch, ouch.
00:15:17Oswald, is that you?
00:15:19It's all of us.
00:15:20You-Know-Who told me to rescue you.
00:15:23Well, go on, then.
00:15:25Oh, I don't know how.
00:15:27I knew Oswald would be loud.
00:15:29Give us one of your kite string.
00:15:34All right, now tie it around his feet.
00:15:40One, two, three, four.
00:15:47Angel Mouse.
00:15:50Angel Mouse.
00:15:53He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:15:56But things don't always go his way.
00:16:00He'll always do his best when people do their best.
00:16:03To get a little better every day.
00:16:06Every day.
00:16:07Angel Mouse.
00:16:10Angel Mouse.
00:16:19One day, my friend Angel Mouse and I were having breakfast
00:16:22when there was a knock on the door.
00:16:29Ah, hello.
00:16:34Oh, hey look, there's a message from You-Know-Who.
00:16:37It says, please help your important visitor to get home.
00:16:42But where is his home?
00:16:44It doesn't say.
00:16:46Oh, don't ask him.
00:16:48Uh, excuse me, where do you live?
00:16:50Hey, I'm talking to you.
00:16:52Be polite, he's important.
00:16:54Oh, where do you live?
00:17:00That's not in our village, is it?
00:17:02Uh, Rub-a-Groo.
00:17:04Let's go outside, you can show us.
00:17:07Come on.
00:17:09Oh, help me.
00:17:14This is hopeless, we need help.
00:17:20Look, there's Spencer.
00:17:23We've got an important visitor, can you give him a lift home?
00:17:26Delighted, dear boy.
00:17:28Where to?
00:17:33Let's see here, I'd better get the map out.
00:17:39Let's have a scout round, shall we?
00:17:42We couldn't find our important visitor's home anywhere.
00:17:46I don't think this fellow comes from around here at all, you know.
00:17:49Then how do I make sure he gets home?
00:17:54Oh, I know.
00:18:02A-one-one, two-two, hee-hee, pos-pos.
00:18:08Let's go, let's go.
00:18:11Oswald flew to Cloud Nine and all round the sky,
00:18:14but they still couldn't find the important visitor's home.
00:18:18It's no good, he'll have to stay here.
00:18:21But what about the message from you-know-who?
00:18:24It's a silly message.
00:18:26I'm never going to find Rub-a-Groo.
00:18:29Uh, you'll figure me, Cheek.
00:18:31Rub-a-Groo to you, too.
00:18:35Angel Mouse, I need you.
00:18:38Baby Ellie's very upset.
00:18:40Be an angel and help me.
00:18:42Angel Mouse is busy.
00:18:45He-he-he, Rub-a-Groo, Rub-a-Groo, Rub-a-Groo.
00:18:48No, he's not.
00:18:49Anything's better than more Rub-a-Grooing.
00:18:55Bun, bun.
00:18:56She keeps asking for buns, but she doesn't want them.
00:18:59Bun, bun.
00:19:01No, Bun-Bun, that's what she calls Hodgkin.
00:19:06Let's go to see him.
00:19:12No brakes, no brakes.
00:19:14Rub-a-Groo, Rub-a-Groo.
00:19:21There's something blocking his front door.
00:19:28Hey, man.
00:19:29The biggest carrot I've ever seen fell out of the sky and landed in my door.
00:19:33It's a rocket.
00:19:35No, it's a carrot, man.
00:19:37I mean, who's got a rocket around here?
00:19:40He has.
00:19:42No brakes, no brakes.
00:20:04Jack comes from space.
00:20:06That's why we couldn't find his home.
00:20:08But Baby Ellie found his spaceship.
00:20:11And you've made Baby Ellie happy.
00:20:14You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:20:17He's my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:20:19That's some carrot, man.
00:20:48Angel Mouse.
00:20:51Angel Mouse.
00:20:54He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:20:57But things don't always go his way.
00:21:01He'll always do his best when he's put to the test.
00:21:04To get a little better every day.
00:21:07Angel Mouse.
00:21:10Angel Mouse.
00:21:18One winter's day, my friend Angel Mouse and I were building a snow angel.
00:21:22There's just one thing wrong.
00:21:24No figamajig.
00:21:26I should have mine.
00:21:32Message for Angel Mouse.
00:21:37Don't forget your halo.
00:21:39Oh, thanks.
00:21:40It's a message from you-know-who.
00:21:42It says Ellie-Mum needs a special cake for her tea, and you must get it for her.
00:21:47Ah, that's easy-peasy.
00:21:49All we have to do is to go to a little petal shop.
00:21:55There you are, Angel Mouth.
00:21:57There's your cake.
00:21:59It's all very special-looking.
00:22:01Well, it's the only one I've got left.
00:22:04I suppose it will have to do.
00:22:07Look out!
00:22:14Away you go, you dilly duck!
00:22:16No airbags! No airbags!
00:22:19Oh, no! Where's the cake gone?
00:22:22We've got to find it. Come on!
00:22:24We looked all round the village, but we couldn't find the cake anywhere.
00:22:31What are we going to do?
00:22:34What are we going to do?
00:22:36There's Spencer. He'll help us.
00:22:43Spencer, I'm looking for a cake, a special cake.
00:22:46Have you seen it anywhere?
00:22:48A cake? Was it in a tin?
00:22:53It went by five minutes ago,
00:22:55roaring down the hill towards Hutchins' Burrow.
00:22:59Mmm, nice.
00:23:02Hello, Hutch. Have you seen a cake?
00:23:05Seen it, man. I ate it.
00:23:08You can't have.
00:23:10It was carrot cake, man.
00:23:13I like, like carrot cake.
00:23:16Now when one, like, rolls right into my burrow,
00:23:19what else can I do?
00:23:21You ate it all.
00:23:23Yeah, gone, man. All gone.
00:23:27What am I going to do?
00:23:29You-know-who said I had to take the cake to Elliamump.
00:23:33Where will I get another one now?
00:23:35You could bake one yourself.
00:23:37I don't know how.
00:23:39I'll help you. Come on.
00:23:44Hey, save a slice for me, man.
00:23:47No, no, no.
00:23:50Hey, save a slice for me, man.
00:23:55So Angel Mouse and I made a cake.
00:24:05Doesn't look like a cake.
00:24:07That's because it's not been baked.
00:24:09That's what we do next.
00:24:12Oh, no. I can't give that to Elliamump.
00:24:16Getting a cake should have been easy-peasy,
00:24:18and it all went wrong.
00:24:20That is too late.
00:24:25Look, Angel Mouse. It is a special cake.
00:24:29No, it's an angel cake.
00:24:31And we've still got time to take it to Elliamump's for tea.
00:24:36Well, everyone's here.
00:24:39Everyone's here?
00:24:41This is a surprise.
00:24:43In a minute.
00:24:47No biscuits, no buns.
00:24:50What am I going to do?
00:24:52Everyone in the village has dropped in for tea,
00:24:54and I've nothing to give them.
00:24:58Not more guests.
00:25:02Special delivery for Elliamump.
00:25:06Angel Mouse, is that you?
00:25:11You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:25:15And so we all had angel cake for tea,
00:25:18thanks to my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:25:21Angel Mouse
00:25:24He tries to be good, he knows that he should
00:25:27But things don't always go his way
00:25:31He'll always do his best when he's up to the test
00:25:34To get a little better every day
00:25:37Angel Mouse
00:25:40Angel Mouse
00:25:48Angel Mouse
00:25:51Angel Mouse
00:25:54He tries to be good, he knows that he should
00:25:58But things don't always go his way
00:26:01He'll always do his best when he's up to the test
00:26:04To get a little better every day
00:26:08Angel Mouse
00:26:11Angel Mouse
00:26:19One winter's day, my friend Angel Mouse and I were building a snow angel.
00:26:23There's just one thing wrong.
00:26:25No figamajig.
00:26:27I could have mine.
00:26:33Message for Angel Mouse.
00:26:37Don't forget your halo.
00:26:39Oh, thanks.
00:26:41It's a message from you-know-who.
00:26:43It says Elliamump needs a special cake for her tea,
00:26:46and you must get it for her.
00:26:48Ah, that's easy peasy.
00:26:50All we have to do is to go to a little petal shop.
00:26:55There you are, Angel Mouth.
00:26:58There's your cake.
00:27:00It's all very special-looking.
00:27:02Well, it's the only one I've got left.
00:27:05I suppose it will have to do.
00:27:12Look out!
00:27:18Away you go, you jelly duck!
00:27:21No airbrakes! No airbrakes!
00:27:24Oh, no! Where's the cake gone?
00:27:27We've got to find it. Come on!
00:27:29We looked all round the village, but we couldn't find the cake anywhere.
00:27:36What are we going to do?
00:27:39There's Spencer. He'll help us.
00:27:45Spencer, I'm looking for a cake, a special cake.
00:27:49Have you seen it anywhere?
00:27:51A cake? Was it in a tin?
00:27:56It went by five minutes ago,
00:27:58rolling down a hill towards Hutchins Borough.
00:28:06Mmm, nice.
00:28:08Hello, Hutch. Have you seen a cake?
00:28:11Seen it, man. I ate it.
00:28:14You can't have.
00:28:16It was carrot cake, man.
00:28:19I like, like carrot cake.
00:28:22Now, when one, like, rolls right into my borough,
00:28:25what else can I do?
00:28:27You ate it all?
00:28:29Yeah. Gone, man. All gone.
00:28:33Oh, what am I going to do?
00:28:36You-know-who said I had to take the cake to Elliamump.
00:28:39Where will I get another one now?
00:28:42You could bake one yourself.
00:28:44I don't know how.
00:28:46I'll help you. Come on.
00:28:51Hey, save a slice for me, man.
00:28:56So Angel Mouse and I made a cake.
00:29:05Doesn't look like a cake.
00:29:07That's because it's not been baked.
00:29:09That's what we do next.
00:29:15Oh, no!
00:29:17I can't give that to Elliamump.
00:29:19Getting a cake should have been easy-peasy,
00:29:21and it all went wrong.
00:29:23No, it's too late.
00:29:28Look, Angel Mouse. It is a special cake.
00:29:31No, it's an angel cake.
00:29:33And we've still got time to take it to Elliamump's for tea.
00:29:38Well, everyone's here.
00:29:41This is a surprise.
00:29:43I'll be back in a minute.
00:29:47No biscuits, no buns.
00:29:50What am I going to do?
00:29:52Everyone in the village has dropped in for tea,
00:29:54and I've nothing to give them.
00:29:58Not more guests.
00:30:03Special delivery for Elliamump.
00:30:07Angel Mouse, is that you?
00:30:11You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:30:16And so we all had angel cake for tea,
00:30:19thanks to my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:31:18My friend, Angel Mouse, had a day off,
00:31:20and he was trying to think what to do.
00:31:25I know. I'll have a sandwich, cheese and honey.
00:31:29Oh, I know. Where's the honey?
00:31:32We've run out. You'll have to go to Little Petal's shop.
00:31:37Oh, but this is my day off.
00:31:47Angel Mouse, stop it.
00:31:49I don't want to.
00:31:51You'll figure me, Jig.
00:31:54Oh, I'm bored.
00:31:56Are you sure there aren't any messages from you-know-who?
00:32:00No, it's your day off, but you could always go and find someone to help.
00:32:04Yeah, or I could make more music.
00:32:07Angel Mouse, go out.
00:32:12Keep your feathers on, you silly quilly.
00:32:16That is rude.
00:32:17I'm allowed to be rude.
00:32:19It's my day off.
00:32:21Angel Mouse looked hard for someone who needed help,
00:32:25but Hutchkin had counted all his carrots.
00:32:35Oh, man.
00:32:38Oswald's kite wasn't stuck anywhere.
00:32:48And Ellie Mum didn't need any help looking after baby Ellie.
00:32:59There was nothing at all for Angel Mouse to do on his day off.
00:33:07I suppose I could get some honey.
00:33:13Hello, Little Petal. Can I have some honey?
00:33:16Oh, I'm sorry, Angel Mouse.
00:33:18The shop's closed. It's my day off, too.
00:33:22Well, where can I get honey, then?
00:33:24Oh, I know. I'll ask the bees.
00:33:26Hello, bees. I want some honey, please.
00:33:32Oh, maybe they didn't hear.
00:33:34Uh, hello? Hello, bees?
00:33:37Oh, what's that? It's gone.
00:33:39Oh, I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Help, help.
00:33:44Then something happened that had never happened before.
00:33:49It's a message from you-know-who for me.
00:33:53He sent a message to me.
00:33:57We've all got to rescue Angel Mouse.
00:34:00Huh? Where from?
00:34:02Well, the message doesn't say.
00:34:04Angel Mouse said he was going to ask the bees for honey.
00:34:07Follow me. Follow me.
00:34:13The wrong way. The wrong way.
00:34:16No brakes. No brakes.
00:34:19Ouch, ouch.
00:34:21Oswald, is that you?
00:34:23It's all of us. You-know-who told me to rescue you.
00:34:27Well, go on, then.
00:34:29Oh, I don't know how.
00:34:31I knew Oswald would be there. Give Willie a kite string.
00:34:38I hope I don't tie it round his feet.
00:34:44One, two, three, four.
00:34:48Oh, look what you've done to my thingamajig. It's all sticky.
00:34:54That's because the bees have filled it with honey.
00:34:58I know a good way to thank us all for rescuing you.
00:35:01Why not share it with us?
00:35:04And so we all had honey for tea, thanks to my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:35:10It was right for you to rescue me for a change.
00:35:13After all, it is my day.
00:35:15Oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:35:20♪ Angel Mouse
00:35:23♪ He tries to be good He knows that he should
00:35:26♪ But things don't always go his way
00:35:29♪ He loves to express When people do the test
00:35:32♪ To get a little better every day
00:35:36♪ Angel Mouse
00:35:38♪ Angel Mouse
00:35:41♪ Angel Mouse
00:35:49♪ Angel Mouse
00:35:52♪ Angel Mouse
00:35:55♪ He tries to be good He knows that he should
00:35:58♪ But things don't always go his way
00:36:02♪ He loves to express When people do the test
00:36:05♪ To get a little better every day
00:36:09♪ Angel Mouse
00:36:12♪ Angel Mouse
00:36:19One day, I was having breakfast with my friend, Angel Mouse, and trying to read my book.
00:36:28What are you doing?
00:36:29Playing a tune.
00:36:31A very annoying tune.
00:36:33Angel Mouse?
00:36:35It's not me bird brain, it's the post.
00:36:40Oh, it's a message from you-know-who.
00:36:42It says, if Angel Mouse is good all day, he will get a reward.
00:36:46Well, I wonder what it is.
00:36:50The only way to find out is to be good all day.
00:36:54Where are you going?
00:36:55To find someone to help.
00:36:57That way I might get an extra big reward.
00:37:01It didn't take Angel Mouse long to find someone to help.
00:37:10Oh lord, that's very dangerous.
00:37:12You should have warned me.
00:37:15I know how you can warn people to get out of the way.
00:37:18I'll show you.
00:37:21Here you are.
00:37:22What do I do? What do I do?
00:37:31See, now everyone will know where you are.
00:37:34I think it's a brilliant idea.
00:37:36No, it's not. It's a horrible noise.
00:37:39You're not being good at all.
00:37:45Angel Mouse, what are you doing?
00:37:48Going to be good somewhere else.
00:37:52Angel Mouse went to Elly Mum's house to help with baby Elly.
00:37:56Bam, bam.
00:37:58What's bam, bam?
00:38:00Bam, bam.
00:38:01Oh, you want to play some music.
00:38:03Bam, bam. Bam, bam. Bam.
00:38:11All together now.
00:38:15Angel Mouse, what are you doing?
00:38:18Bam, bamming.
00:38:19It's a horrible noise.
00:38:20If you carry on at this rate, you'll never get your reward.
00:38:23But I was trying to be good.
00:38:26Well, it didn't sound like it.
00:38:27It's time for baby Elly's nap.
00:38:29Why not see if Spencer needs any help?
00:38:33Hello, Spencer.
00:38:34I'm trying to be extra good today.
00:38:37Ah, well, I've got a bit of a problem with the old jalopy, don't you know?
00:38:41No, I don't.
00:38:42I need a bump start.
00:38:43Do you think you could push my car?
00:38:45Well, I can, um...
00:38:47Yeah, I could try.
00:38:48Well, off we go then.
00:38:52Need to go a bit faster than that old chap.
00:38:57Good show, good show.
00:38:59Oh, no.
00:39:02No brakes, no brakes.
00:39:05No brakes, no brakes.
00:39:07Stop, stop and clear the road.
00:39:09No brakes, no brakes.
00:39:18Oh, my goodness.
00:39:19Well, I suppose it needed a wash.
00:39:22Angel Mouse, you woke little baby Elly.
00:39:25What's going on?
00:39:27Angel Mouse pushed me.
00:39:30Angel Mouse, you'll never get your reward now.
00:39:32I think you should go home before you get into any more trouble.
00:39:37Hold on, hold your horses.
00:39:39Angel Mouse was trying to help me.
00:39:41Help me too, help me too.
00:39:44What's that, dear?
00:39:45Oh, baby Elly says Angel Mouse was helping her too.
00:39:49Oh, it didn't seem like he was helping.
00:39:51Come on, let's go home.
00:39:55Oh, look, Willie, it's my reward.
00:39:57Everyone says you deserve it.
00:39:59You really were good all day.
00:40:02Oh, it's just what I wanted.
00:40:06And it's a note from you-know-who.
00:40:08It says I've got to do loads and loads of practice.
00:40:11And so that's how my friend Angel Mouse got his reward.
00:40:14I think I'll sit outside.
00:41:23One day, my friend Angel Mouse was very worried.
00:41:27It's no good, it's baby Elly's birthday today,
00:41:30and I don't know what present to get her.
00:41:33Well, why don't we go and ask Elly-ma?
00:41:39Fly, fly, fly.
00:41:42That's right, baby Elly, it's flying, look.
00:41:45Oh, Angel Mouse and Quelly.
00:41:48What should I get baby Elly for her birthday, Elly-ma?
00:41:54Fly, fly, fly.
00:41:56Yes, birds and angels fly, but elephants don't.
00:42:00I don't know what to get her myself.
00:42:02Maybe she'd like a surprise.
00:42:04Why don't we find out what other people are getting her?
00:42:07That might give you an idea.
00:42:08Come on, Angel Mouse.
00:42:11Fly, fly.
00:42:12No, dear, we say bye-bye, not fly, fly.
00:42:20Hey, Hutchkin, what are you giving baby Elly for her birthday?
00:42:26A carrot man.
00:42:28She'll, like, love this big, juicy, crunchy...
00:42:32That's one idea.
00:42:34I've come up with an excellent gift.
00:42:36It's a sponge, all three useful for cleaning cars.
00:42:42Look out, it's Oswald.
00:42:45No brakes, no brakes.
00:42:47What present have you got, Oswald?
00:42:49Roller skates, roller skates, turn them up, turn them up.
00:42:54So everyone's getting baby Elly something that they really like themselves.
00:42:58Is that the best way to choose a present?
00:43:03Well, that's what I always do.
00:43:06Then I know what I'll get her.
00:43:09See you at the party!
00:43:18Hello, little petal.
00:43:20I want some cheese.
00:43:21You know, my favourite runny, smelly one.
00:43:23Here you are, Angel Mouse.
00:43:26Could you wrap it up, please?
00:43:27It's for baby Elly's birthday.
00:43:30That reminds me.
00:43:31Elly and I wanted some more balloons.
00:43:33Could you take them for me?
00:43:36Hutchkins, Spencer, Oswald and I all gave baby Elly her birthday presents.
00:43:41But she didn't seem to want them.
00:43:47Fly, fly.
00:43:51I don't know what's the matter with her.
00:43:54Here's something to cheer her up.
00:43:56Look what I've got for you, baby Elly.
00:44:00Fly, fly.
00:44:04Delicious cheese.
00:44:13Careful, careful.
00:44:16Fly, fly.
00:44:19I don't think she wants any of her presents.
00:44:22She'd like a balloon.
00:44:29Not all of them, Angel Mouse.
00:44:31Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly.
00:44:36That's what she wants for her birthday.
00:44:38She wants to fly.
00:44:39Come on, baby Elly.
00:44:59Ha, ha.
00:45:03Thank you, thank you.
00:45:05You've made sure that baby Elly's had a very happy birthday.
00:45:11You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:45:14Fly, fly.
00:45:17Not until after tea.
00:45:20So, baby Elly got the present she really wanted.
00:45:23Thanks to my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:45:28Angel Mouse.
00:45:30He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:45:33But things don't always go his way.
00:45:37He'll always do it better when people do their best.
00:45:40To get a little better every day.
00:45:43Angel Mouse.
00:45:46Angel Mouse.
00:45:53Angel Mouse.
00:45:56Angel Mouse.
00:45:59He tries to be good, he knows that he should.
00:46:02But things don't always go his way.
00:46:05He'll always do it better when people do their best.
00:46:08To get a little better every day.
00:46:12Angel Mouse.
00:46:15Angel Mouse.
00:46:21One day, my friend, Angel Mouse and I heard a sort of tapping, rapping, knocking sound.
00:46:28What's that noise?
00:46:31It's coming from outside.
00:46:38Tell me I'm a bird.
00:46:40Hey, I'm a bird.
00:46:41Then you should look after her.
00:46:46Looks like she prefers you.
00:46:48She's copying everything you do.
00:46:56Stop it.
00:46:57Wait, there's a message.
00:47:00It's from You-Know-Who.
00:47:03It says, please find a good home for this little chick.
00:47:06Do I have to?
00:47:10Course you do.
00:47:11I won't if she keeps copying me.
00:47:14You-Know-Who won't be pleased.
00:47:17I'm all right.
00:47:18I know just the place to take her.
00:47:24Look, I found something she can't do.
00:47:27She's only a baby.
00:47:29You've got to help her.
00:47:34Hello, Angel Mouse.
00:47:36What do you want?
00:47:37This little chick needs a home.
00:47:39Can she live here?
00:47:40Could she help in the shop?
00:47:42Oh, yeah.
00:47:43All you've got to do is call her.
00:47:45I'm making up an order for Eileen, Mum.
00:47:47Let's see if she can help.
00:47:50One bag of flour.
00:47:53Come on, chick.
00:47:54You do it, too.
00:48:03I'm sorry, Angel Mouse.
00:48:05She's far too messy to live here.
00:48:08You're right.
00:48:09She'd be much better off in the shop.
00:48:13You're right.
00:48:14She'd be much happier in a messy home.
00:48:16Don't let me think who's really messy.
00:48:18I know.
00:48:22Oswald's always messy.
00:48:23You can live with him.
00:48:24He even looks like a chicken.
00:48:26I don't think this is a good idea, Angel Mouse.
00:48:30No brakes.
00:48:31No brakes.
00:48:32You let this little chick live with you, won't you, Ozzy?
00:48:35Can she skate?
00:48:36Can she skate?
00:48:38Look out.
00:48:39Look out.
00:48:41We need to find someone safer than Oswald.
00:48:46In the bush.
00:48:47In the bush.
00:48:49Let's try Spencer.
00:48:52Hello, Spencer.
00:48:53Can this little chick come and live with you?
00:48:56No, she cleans cars.
00:48:59Let's go, chick.
00:49:04Come on, chick.
00:49:08Oh, no.
00:49:10You know what, my boy?
00:49:11That chick's only a baby.
00:49:13I don't think she wants to live with an old bear like me.
00:49:16You think she should be with someone younger?
00:49:19Much younger.
00:49:22Hello, Ellie.
00:49:23Mum, I've got a big favor to ask you.
00:49:27Um, can this little chick come and live with baby Ellie?
00:49:31Baby Ellie's too young.
00:49:33She can't even look after herself yet.
00:49:39They're friends already.
00:49:43And they can learn things together.
00:49:48I'll think about it, but right now it's time for baby Ellie's nap.
00:50:03This really would be a good home for the little chick.
00:50:06Yeah, and she'd be a little friend for baby Ellie.
00:50:10Then everyone would be happy.
00:50:13You're right.
00:50:15You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
00:50:19And so the little chick found a good home.
00:50:22Thanks to my friend, Angel Mouse.
00:50:36I feel like I'm doing better when people do the job
00:50:39To get a little better every day
00:50:43Angel Mouse
00:50:46Angel Mouse
00:51:06Although he has a good heart and two wings
00:51:09What can he do when he's always unlucky?
00:51:12Our little Angel Mouse
00:51:15What will you play with today?
00:51:19Angel Mouse
00:51:21My friend, Angel Mouse
00:51:25I'll never forget the day I met Angel Mouse.
00:51:30There hasn't been such a strong wind for a long time.
00:51:40Do you have to hang socks where someone can fly into them?
00:51:44But you're a mouse. You can't fly.
00:51:47I have wings just like you, silly.
00:51:51Mice don't have wings.
00:51:54But I do.
00:51:56One day I'll be a real angel.
00:51:58How do you want to do that?
00:52:00I go to an angel school.
00:52:02They teach us all kinds of things there.
00:52:05For example, going through the pearl gates of paradise.
00:52:10Excuse me.
00:52:18We learn how to paint a rainbow.
00:52:28Roserabia again.
00:52:30But the most important of all are good deeds.
00:52:37But I don't always succeed.
00:52:40And today is the day of the angel exam.
00:52:44What do you have to do?
00:52:46Do you know who you know?
00:52:48Of course. I think everyone knows who you know.
00:52:51To check if I studied well at school,
00:52:54they send us to help someone.
00:52:58If I do it well, I'll be a real angel.
00:53:03But I lost the letter from You-Know-Who and I don't know who to help.
00:53:07If I don't help the right person,
00:53:10I'll never be an angel.
00:53:12They can even take my wings.
00:53:16I'm sure we'll find someone to help.
00:53:20Let's look around the town.
00:53:24We went to the town to see who needs help.
00:53:31But it wasn't a rabbit or a petunia.
00:53:35We didn't have to help a bear,
00:53:38an elephant or even a little elephant.
00:53:46Watch out! Watch out! I don't have brakes!
00:53:49Ah! Out of the way!
00:53:51He needs help.
00:53:53No, it was a chicken. He always gets stupid.
00:53:56If I don't help anyone, I'll never be an angel.
00:54:16Oh, thank you, Mouse. Thanks for your help.
00:54:23What's this?
00:54:26You have something on your head.
00:54:28You know, it's something all angels have.
00:54:37Look, a letter from You-Know-Who.
00:54:40It says here,
00:54:42To pass the exam, you have to help a bird named Dziobak.
00:54:46It's a letter I lost.
00:54:48I have to find this Dziobak.
00:54:50It's an apple, bird.
00:54:53Here comes the next one.
00:54:58Congratulations on passing the exam.
00:55:01Does that mean you're a real angel?
00:55:07From now on, I'm a mouse-angel.
00:55:10A real one. What happened?
00:55:15It was also written in the letter,
00:55:17that the mouse-angel has to stay in the town
00:55:19and help everyone every time You-Know-Who sends a message.
00:55:23And so I became friends with the mouse-angel.
00:55:41The song was sung by Wojciech Waszkowski.
00:55:43Directed by Ewa Złotowska.
00:55:45Dialogs by Anna Witlińska-Kacuszek.
00:55:47Sound and editing by Michał Skarżyński.
00:55:49Production manager Lidia Masiak.
00:56:10English translation by Dariusz Kraśnicki
00:56:20Mouse-angel, my thing.
00:56:26One day, the mouse-angel was in a bad mood, since morning.
00:56:33Mouse-angel, what happened?
00:56:35My thing has disappeared.
00:56:37Where have you lost it?
00:56:39How am I supposed to know, you fool?
00:56:42You're a bad boy.
00:56:45You'd be a bad boy too if you lost your mouse.
00:56:48Help me!
00:56:49Here you are.
00:56:51Here you are.
00:56:52It's not here, so it must be somewhere else.
00:56:57And we went with the mouse-angel to look for his mouse.
00:57:00We flew around the whole town and suddenly the mouse-angel called.
00:57:04There it is! There's my mouse!
00:57:07Catch it, elephant!
00:57:10Give it back to me! It's my mouse!
00:57:14Not at all!
00:57:15It's an elephant's ball and you ruined our fun!
00:57:23I'm sorry, Mr. Mouse-angel.
00:57:29Only when I find my mouse!
00:57:33Oh dear!
00:57:37Mmm, it smells so good.
00:57:42What are you doing?
00:57:45You can't eat my mouse!
00:57:48It's my carrot cake!
00:57:51You're right. I can't eat it anymore.
00:57:55Oh, we'll bring you another one.
00:57:58Do it yourself. I have to look for my mouse.
00:58:02This mouse is crazy.
00:58:07The mouse has been building a treasure house for a few hours.
00:58:10Mouse! Mouse!
00:58:14You know everything, don't you?
00:58:17Well, it's not true.
00:58:19It's true. Where's my something?
00:58:22What's that something?
00:58:24I'm wearing it on my head.
00:58:26Oh, yes. A hat.
00:58:28No, it's not a hat. It's a glowing thing.
00:58:31Like angels have.
00:58:33I lost it.
00:58:34I don't have brakes!
00:58:37Be careful!
00:58:38I've been looking for it since morning!
00:58:42Oh, help! Help!
00:58:44What's the matter, Mr. Chicken?
00:58:46The elephant! I won't let the elephant in!
00:58:49How did it happen?
00:58:52Let's save it!
00:58:55Follow me! Follow me!
00:58:59This mouse is really crazy.
00:59:05The elephant was in a hurry.
00:59:07But we couldn't help her.
00:59:09But the mouse angel had an idea.
00:59:12Forget about your something.
00:59:14We have to save the elephant.
00:59:16I'm doing it! Help me!
00:59:24Catch the elephant!
00:59:29I can't get it out myself.
00:59:31My little thing!
00:59:33You too, Mr. Elephant!
00:59:37One, two, three, four!
00:59:41Let's pull it out!
00:59:50You're an angel, Mouse Angel!
00:59:52You saved my elephant!
00:59:56And then the mouse noticed something.
00:59:59Mouse Angel, I can see your...
01:00:01I mean, your something.
01:00:04I found my something!
01:00:17When you do something good, it appears right away.
01:00:20And it shines like never before.
01:00:22And that's how my friend, Mouse Angel, found his something.
01:00:37Our Mouse Angel
01:00:40has visited us again.
01:00:43He always wants to help.
01:00:45He tries for two.
01:00:47But unfortunately, he can't do it.
01:00:50Even though he has a heart and two wings,
01:00:53what can he do when he's always unlucky?
01:00:56Our Mouse Angel,
01:00:59what will you play with today?
01:01:03Mouse Angel, an important message.
01:01:06One morning, I sat down for breakfast,
01:01:09but Mouse Angel disappeared somewhere.
01:01:12Mouse Angel, breakfast is served!
01:01:19Don't stir the tea, Mouse!
01:01:23Why don't you listen to me?
01:01:25Because I don't want to!
01:01:28Look, they brought the mail!
01:01:34Oh dear, it's just an old blanket.
01:01:38What are you doing?
01:01:41There's a letter from you-know-who.
01:01:44Please return this priceless blanket.
01:01:47Huh, the rest is in the chest.
01:01:52But we couldn't find the torn piece of the letter,
01:01:55even though we looked for it everywhere.
01:01:59It flew away with the wind!
01:02:01Never mind, it's just an old, boring blanket.
01:02:06But someone cares about it.
01:02:08And you have to find that someone.
01:02:11I don't want to!
01:02:14Mouse Angel and I went to the rabbit's den.
01:02:17Seventy-eight, seventy-nine...
01:02:23Oh, Rety.
01:02:25Is that your blanket?
01:02:27No, my carrots.
01:02:30Now I have to count them from the beginning.
01:02:35It's not his.
01:02:36He only cares about the carrots.
01:02:45Someone's missing him.
01:02:47Oh no!
01:02:50A bucket, water, sponge, brush, rag.
01:02:53Where did I put it?
01:02:55Ah, it's perfect here.
01:03:00So it's your blanket, Mouse?
01:03:02It's not a blanket, it's a rag I found.
01:03:05It's not a regular rag, it's someone's treasure.
01:03:10So take it.
01:03:13What do you think, Mouse? Whose could it be?
01:03:15Ask the chicken, he always loses everything.
01:03:18Watch out, he's coming!
01:03:21Watch out, watch out! I don't have brakes!
01:03:24Is it yours?
01:03:25No, not mine.
01:03:29No, it's not his.
01:03:30Oh no, come back!
01:03:35I'll never know whose blanket it is.
01:03:40The elephant is coming. Ask her.
01:03:43It's too small for her.
01:03:44She's got everything from the elephant.
01:03:46I'm going back home.
01:03:49You know who won't be happy?
01:03:52I tried.
01:03:59Oh, hello, Mouse. How are you?
01:04:04Bad, because I didn't do my homework.
01:04:06And you?
01:04:07Me? It can't be better.
01:04:09But the elephant is sad because she lost Ninny.
01:04:13There's no Ninny.
01:04:16What's that?
01:04:18A blanket she always had in her bed.
01:04:21I washed it yesterday and the wind took it off the string.
01:04:27She hasn't been able to sleep since yesterday.
01:04:30Is Ninny similar to this?
01:04:34Ninny, Ninny!
01:04:38We know whose treasure it is.
01:04:42You're an angel, Mouse.
01:04:45Thanks to you, the elephant is the happiest elephant in the world.
01:04:50We'll help you take her home.
01:04:55It's nice to help others.
01:04:58I think you know who pays more attention to what we do than what we say.
01:05:04And so, thanks to Mouse the Elephant,
01:05:06this night the elephant slept soundly until the very morning.
01:05:11Production of the Polish version, Panfilm Studio, Warsaw.
01:05:14Participants were Tomasz Bednarek, Ryszard Nawrocki,
01:05:17Marek Frąckowiak, Wojciech Paszkowski, Artur Kaczmarski,
01:05:20Józef Mika, Elżbieta Jędrzejewska, Lucyna Malec.
01:05:24The song was sung by Wojciech Paszkowski.
01:05:26Directed by Ewa Złotowska.
01:05:28Dialogues by...
01:05:29Our Mouse the Elephant
01:05:32has visited us again.
01:05:36He always wants to help, he always tries to help.
01:05:39But unfortunately, he can't do it.
01:05:42Although he has a good heart and two wings,
01:05:45what can he do if he's always unlucky?
01:05:48Our Mouse the Elephant,
01:05:51what will you play with us today?
01:05:55Mouse the Elephant.
01:05:57Eternal Day
01:06:01One day, when there was a very strong wind,
01:06:04we heard a knock at the door.
01:06:10Who's there?
01:06:13Oh no, Mouse, come back!
01:06:15The wind is too strong, close the door!
01:06:18Oh, look!
01:06:20It's a letter from you know who.
01:06:24Read it.
01:06:26Alarm on the ninth cloud.
01:06:28Go there immediately.
01:06:30I have to.
01:06:33It's obvious.
01:06:35It's obvious.
01:06:37But then the wind will steal my something.
01:06:41I know.
01:06:49In the town, there was a real storm.
01:06:52Oh, oh, no!
01:06:57Good catch!
01:06:59The wind took my newspaper from my hands.
01:07:01Oh, my hat, could you catch it?
01:07:04Not now.
01:07:05Alarm on the ninth cloud.
01:07:10Thank you for your help, Mouse.
01:07:12Be careful.
01:07:17Be careful!
01:07:19Hold the umbrella tight!
01:07:25Oh, no!
01:07:26Could you catch it?
01:07:28No, because we have an alarm on the ninth cloud.
01:07:31Mouse, let's go!
01:07:33I don't have brakes!
01:07:35Don't tell me you lost something, too!
01:07:38Yes, yes!
01:07:39The wind took my flyer!
01:07:43Oh, no!
01:07:44We have an alarm on the ninth cloud!
01:07:47Oh, wait for me!
01:07:49Without my help,
01:07:51the Mouse Angel would never get to the ninth cloud.
01:07:56Where is the ninth cloud?
01:07:59Hmm, wait.
01:08:01Probably next to the eighth.
01:08:05Can you hear it?
01:08:06Someone's calling for help.
01:08:09It's there!
01:08:10There's the ninth cloud!
01:08:12It's Petunia!
01:08:13She's calling for us!
01:08:15Where did you come from?
01:08:17The chicken asked me to hold his flyer,
01:08:20but the wind took it.
01:08:22And it brought me here.
01:08:24And these things, too.
01:08:26So that's what it was about.
01:08:29One little mouse can't carry everything at once.
01:08:33So you have to carry it one by one.
01:08:37That will take a lot of time.
01:08:40Let the chicken take the hat,
01:08:42the Mouse Angel the flyer,
01:08:44and I'll take the flyer... help.
01:08:51Mouse Angel, do something!
01:08:53Catch Petunia!
01:08:56Petunia was falling faster and faster
01:08:58straight into the pond on the market.
01:09:04I've got you!
01:09:08Thank you, Mouse Angel.
01:09:11You caught her at the last moment.
01:09:14The ninth cloud was really bad.
01:09:19I'm sorry I lost your flyer.
01:09:23It doesn't matter.
01:09:25The flyer, you say?
01:09:27Yes, the wind took it.
01:09:29Was it this one?
01:09:31My flyer!
01:09:34And my hat!
01:09:37You found my umbrella, too?
01:09:41Just a moment.
01:09:48Got it!
01:09:49Thank you, Mouse Angel!
01:09:56I've found something!
01:09:58You're an angel, Mouse Angel!
01:10:00That's our Mouse Angel.
01:10:25Our Mouse Angel
01:10:27has visited us again.
01:10:31He always wants to help,
01:10:32he tries to help both of us,
01:10:34but unfortunately he can't do it.
01:10:37Although he has a good heart
01:10:39and two wings,
01:10:40what can he do
01:10:41when he's always unlucky?
01:10:43Our Mouse Angel,
01:10:46what will you do for us today?
01:10:50Mouse Angel, the flyer.
01:10:54One morning,
01:10:55while we were still sleeping,
01:10:57Mouse Angel got a package.
01:11:07Oh, it's an angel's trumpet!
01:11:17I'm sure someone sent it.
01:11:20I wonder why.
01:11:22I want to play it.
01:11:24I'll show it to everyone.
01:11:27There's a letter here.
01:11:29Mouse Angel, come back!
01:11:35Blow, elephant,
01:11:37just like Mommy.
01:11:42No, no, no!
01:11:43One more time!
01:11:47Oh, no!
01:11:48I don't think you'll ever learn it.
01:11:54Excuse me, ma'am.
01:11:56Have you seen Mouse Angel?
01:11:59Unfortunately, no.
01:12:01I'd look for him with you,
01:12:03but I'm learning the trumpet.
01:12:07That's the point.
01:12:09Mouse Angel was supposed to help you with that.
01:12:12But the trumpet is something for elephants.
01:12:15I don't know how he could help us.
01:12:19But I know!
01:12:21I'll find him.
01:12:26Look, Mouse!
01:12:27I have an angel's trumpet!
01:12:30Oh, wow!
01:12:32I can play it
01:12:34and blow soap bubbles!
01:12:40Oh, very nice!
01:12:43Watch out, chicken!
01:12:45I don't have brakes!
01:12:52Oh, no!
01:12:53You broke my angel's trumpet for nothing!
01:12:58I'm very sorry.
01:13:00I'll fix it.
01:13:10What happened, chicken?
01:13:12Mouse Angel?
01:13:13We have a problem with the trumpet.
01:13:17Is everything all right?
01:13:21Not at all.
01:13:23The trumpet is broken.
01:13:28Oh, bubbles!
01:13:30Look, sweetie!
01:13:33Look how pretty they are!
01:13:36Vol, vol, vol!
01:13:39It's gone!
01:13:41Don't worry.
01:13:42I'll make a new one.
01:13:49You can do it, too.
01:14:02Elephant, you did it!
01:14:04You can play the trumpet!
01:14:10That's what was written in the letter.
01:14:13You got a trumpet to teach the elephant how to play the trumpet.
01:14:19Oh, no!
01:14:20I lost my trumpet!
01:14:28Oh, look!
01:14:29The elephant found it!
01:14:35Thank you, elephant!
01:14:42You're an angel, Mouse Angel!
01:14:50That's what Mouse Angel is like.
01:14:53He's an angel!
01:14:56Even if he doesn't try.
01:15:19He's always unlucky.
01:15:21Mouse Angel,
01:15:24what will you play with us today?
01:15:28Mouse Angel.
01:15:29A gift for the elephant.
01:15:32One day, Mouse Angel was very worried.
01:15:36Oh, no!
01:15:37Today is the elephant's birthday,
01:15:39and I don't know what to give her as a gift.
01:15:42Ask the elephant lady.
01:15:45It's flying, it's flying, it's flying!
01:15:48Yes, elephant, it's flying!
01:15:50And Mouse Angel and the trumpet are flying to us.
01:15:54What should I give the elephant lady as a gift?
01:15:59It's flying, it's flying, it's flying!
01:16:03The birds and the angels are chirping,
01:16:05but the elephant isn't.
01:16:07I don't know what to give her.
01:16:09I'd rather give her a surprise.
01:16:11I'd rather give her a surprise.
01:16:13Let's ask the others what they want to give her.
01:16:16Maybe you'll come up with an idea.
01:16:19It's flying, it's flying, it's flying!
01:16:21My dear, you should say bye-bye,
01:16:23not it's flying, it's flying!
01:16:29Rabbit, what will you give the elephant for her birthday?
01:16:34A carrot.
01:16:36I'm sure she'll like it,
01:16:38because it's juicy and crumbly.
01:16:41That's one idea.
01:16:42I have a great gift.
01:16:44A car wash sponge.
01:16:52Watch out, chicken!
01:16:54I don't have brakes!
01:16:55What will you give the elephant for her birthday?
01:16:57Carrots! I have to try them.
01:17:02Does that mean everyone gives a gift what they like?
01:17:07Is that the best solution?
01:17:12I always do that.
01:17:15I know what I'll give the elephant.
01:17:17See you at the reception!
01:17:26Good morning, Petunio.
01:17:28I'd like a piece of my favorite stinky cheese.
01:17:31Here you are.
01:17:34Pack it nicely.
01:17:35It's a gift for the elephant.
01:17:38Oh, right.
01:17:39Miss Elephant asked for balloons.
01:17:41Can you take them?
01:17:45The elephant got presents from the rabbit,
01:17:47the bear, the chicken and me.
01:17:50But I don't think she liked them.
01:17:55It's flying!
01:18:00I don't know what's wrong with her.
01:18:03This will cheer her up.
01:18:05Look, elephant, what I brought you!
01:18:09It's flying!
01:18:12It's delicious cheese!
01:18:21Watch out!
01:18:25It's flying!
01:18:27I don't think she wants these presents.
01:18:30Maybe she prefers balloons?
01:18:34It's flying!
01:18:37Not all at once!
01:18:40It's flying! It's flying!
01:18:44So this is the best gift!
01:18:46She wants to fly!
01:18:47Up you go, elephant!
01:19:03Oh, it's flying!
01:19:07Oh, thank you!
01:19:09Thanks to you, elephant,
01:19:11she has a wonderful birthday!
01:19:15You're an angel, Miss Elephant!
01:19:20It's flying!
01:19:21But only after the tea.
01:19:24And so, thanks to Miss Elephant,
01:19:26the elephant got her favorite present.
01:19:30It's flying!
01:19:31And so, thanks to Miss Elephant,
01:19:33the elephant got her favorite present.
01:20:01It's flying!
01:20:02It's flying!
01:20:03It's flying!
01:20:04It's flying!
01:20:05It's flying!
01:20:06It's flying!
01:20:07It's flying!
01:20:08It's flying!
01:20:09It's flying!
01:20:10It's flying!
01:20:11It's flying!
01:20:12It's flying!
01:20:13It's flying!
01:20:14It's flying!
01:20:15It's flying!
01:20:16It's flying!
01:20:17It's flying!
01:20:18It's flying!
01:20:19It's flying!
01:20:20It's flying!
01:20:21It's flying!
01:20:22It's flying!
01:20:23It's flying!
01:20:24It's flying!
01:20:25It's flying!
01:20:26It's flying!
01:20:27It's flying!
01:20:28It's flying!
01:20:29It's flying!
01:20:30It's flying!
01:20:31It's flying!
01:20:32It's flying!
01:20:33It's flying!
01:20:34It's flying!
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01:21:55It's flying!
01:21:56It's flying!
01:21:57It's flying!
01:21:58It's flying!
01:21:59It's flying!
01:22:00It's flying!
01:22:01It's flying!
01:22:02It's flying!
01:22:03It's flying!
01:22:04It's flying!
01:22:05It's flying!
01:22:06It's flying!
01:22:07It's flying!
01:22:08It's flying!
01:22:09It's flying!
01:22:10It's flying!
01:22:11It's flying!
01:22:12It's flying!
01:22:13It's flying!
01:22:14It's flying!
01:22:15It's flying!
01:22:16It's flying!
01:22:17It's flying!
01:22:18It's flying!
01:22:19It's flying!
01:22:20It's flying!
01:22:21It's flying!
01:22:22It's flying!
01:22:23It's flying!
01:22:24It's flying!
01:22:25It's flying!
01:22:26I like like this very much.
01:22:29I couldn't resist to take it home with me.
01:22:34You ate all of it?
01:22:36Of course I did, particles.
01:22:41And what I am going to do now?
01:22:44And you know who asked me to bring an elephant cake?
01:22:47How am I going to take another cake?
01:22:49You can bake them.
01:22:51I can't!
01:22:53I will help you.
01:22:54Let's go.
01:22:56Hey! Zostawcie kawałek dla mnie!
01:23:03Zabraliśmy się do pieczenia ciasta.
01:23:13Hm, nie wygląda jak tamto.
01:23:15Bo nie jest upieczone. Zaraz to zrobimy.
01:23:18O nie! Jak mam to dać Pani Słoniowej? Znów mi się nie udało! Wszystko na nic!
01:23:36Spójrz! Upiekłeś wspaniały tort!
01:23:40To anielski tort! I zdążymy go zanieść Pani Słoniowej!
01:23:45Wszyscy już są! A to niespodzianka! Zaraz wrócę!
01:23:54Ojej! Nie ma herbatników ani ciastek! Co ja zrobię?
01:23:59Zaprosiłam przyjaciół na herbatę i nie mam im co podać!
01:24:05O! Następni goście!
01:24:10Przesyłka dla Pani Słoniowej!
01:24:15Czy to Ty, mysz aniołku?
01:24:20Jesteś prawdziwym aniołem!
01:24:24I tak dzięki mysz aniołkowi mieliśmy do herbaty prawdziwy anielski tort.
01:24:45Reżyseria Ewa Złotowska
01:24:47Dialogi Anna Wichlińska-Kacprzak
01:24:49Dźwięki montaż Michał Skarżyński
01:24:51Kierownik produkcji
01:24:53Mysz aniołek nasz, znów odwiedził nas
01:25:00Zawsze chce pomóc, stara się za dwóch
01:25:04Lecz to niestety nie wychodzi mu
01:25:07Choć dobre ma serduszko i skrzydełka dwa
01:25:10Co ma zrobić, skoro ciągle pecha ma?
01:25:13Mysz aniołku nasz, czym rozbawisz dzisiaj na...
01:25:20Mysz aniołek, pisklątko
01:25:24Pewnego dnia usłyszeliśmy jakieś dziwne stukanie i pukanie.
01:25:31Co to za hałas?
01:25:34Dobiega zza drzwi.
01:25:41To mały ptaszek.
01:25:43Ja jestem ptakiem.
01:25:44Więcej nim zajmij.
01:25:49Ale on woli ciebie.
01:25:51Robi wszystko to, co ty.
01:26:00Zaczekaj, przyszedł do ciebie list.
01:26:03Wiesz kto pisze tak.
01:26:05Proszę znajdź dom dla tego małego pisklęcia.
01:26:14Nie chce, bo mnie przedrzeźnia.
01:26:17Wiesz kto nie będzie zadowolony.
01:26:20No dobrze.
01:26:22Chyba wiem, dokąd je zabrać.
01:26:29Jest coś, czego nie umie.
01:26:31Przecież to pisklę.
01:26:33Musisz mu pomóc.
01:26:39Dzień dobry mysz aniołku.
01:26:41Czego potrzebujesz?
01:26:42To pisklątko potrzebuje domu.
01:26:44Może tu zostać?
01:26:45Umie pomagać w sklepie?
01:26:48Wystarczy coś mu pokazać, a będzie cię naśladować.
01:26:51Właśnie zbieram rzeczy dla pani słoniowej.
01:26:54Może mi pomóc.
01:26:56Jedna torba mąki.
01:26:59Spróbuj małej.
01:27:00Zrób to samo.
01:27:09Przykro mi, ale robi za dużo bałaganu.
01:27:14Masz rację.
01:27:15Lepiej mu będzie u jakiegoś bałaganiarza.
01:27:18Ale u kogo?
01:27:20Już wiem.
01:27:23Kurczak jest taki roztrzepany, że będzie ci tam dobrze.
01:27:26Jesteście nawet podobni.
01:27:27To chyba nie jest dobry pomysł.
01:27:31Nie mam hamulców!
01:27:33Zaopiekujesz się tym pisklaczkiem, prawda?
01:27:36A umie jeździć na wrotkach?
01:27:42Trzeba mu znaleźć bezpieczniejszy dom.
01:27:47Wpadłem w krzaki.
01:27:49Chodźmy do misia.
01:27:53Dzień dobry!
01:27:54Czy to piskle może u ciebie zamieszkać?
01:27:57A umie myć samochody?
01:27:59Sam zobacz.
01:28:00Do roboty, mały.
01:28:05Postaraj się.
01:28:09O nie!
01:28:11Wiesz co?
01:28:12To piskle jest za małe.
01:28:14Nie powinno mieszkać u takiego starego niedźwiedzia jak ja.
01:28:18Muszę poszukać kogoś młodszego.
01:28:20Znacznie młodszego.
01:28:23Dzień dobry, pani!
01:28:24Mam do pani prośbę.
01:28:28Czy to piskle mogłoby zamieszkać ze słoninką?
01:28:32Jest za mała.
01:28:33Nie umie zadbać nawet o siebie.
01:28:40Już się przyjaźnią.
01:28:44I mogą się razem uczyć.
01:28:49Pomyślę o tym.
01:28:50Ale teraz słoninka musi iść spać.
01:29:05Małemu pisklenciu byłoby to dobrze.
01:29:08Mogłoby bawić się ze słoninką.
01:29:12I wszyscy byliby szczęśliwi.
01:29:15Macie rację.
01:29:17Jesteś kochany, mysz aniołku.
01:29:21I tak dzięki mysz aniołkowi małe piskle znalazło dom.
01:29:35Prąskowiak, Wojciech Paszkowski, Artur Kaczmarski, Józef Mika, Elżbieta Jędrzejewska, Lucyna Malec.
01:29:42Piosenkę śpiewał Wojciech Paszkowski.
01:29:44Reżyseria Ewa Złotowska.
01:29:46Dialogi Anna Wiglińska-Kacprzak.
01:29:48Dźwięki montaż.
01:29:50Mysz aniołek nasz
01:29:53Znów odwiedził nas
01:29:57Zawsze chce pomóc, stara się dać wód
01:30:00Lecz to niestety nie wychodzi mu
01:30:03Choć dobre ma serduszko i skrzydełka dwa
01:30:06Co ma zrobić, skoro ciągle pecha ma
01:30:09Mysz aniołku nasz
01:30:12Czym rozbawisz dzisiaj na nas?
01:30:22Była noc i obaj z mysz aniołkiem smacznie spaliśmy, gdy nadeszła pilna wiadomość.
01:30:27Mysz aniołku, obudź się!
01:30:32Wiesz kto przysłał list?
01:30:35I co z tego? Właśnie śniło mi się coś miłego.
01:30:40Ej, to ważne!
01:30:43Teraz śpię!
01:30:47Na pewno znowu pani słoniowa zgubiła słoninkę!
01:30:53Jesteś kochany?
01:30:55Jesteś kochany, mysz aniołku!
01:31:00Albo trzeba pomóc misiowi umyć samochód!
01:31:06Doskonale, mysz aniołku!
01:31:09Nie, już wiem! Latawiec kurczaka znów zaczepił się o drzewo!
01:31:14Dzięki, dzięki!
01:31:20Nigdzie nie idę, chcę dokończyć mój sen!
01:31:23Mysz aniołku, twój coś zniknął!
01:31:30Trzeba pomóc królikowi!
01:31:33Teraz, w samym środku nocy?
01:31:36Tak, teraz!
01:31:44Co tu robisz, króliczku?
01:31:47Rozglądam się.
01:31:49Za czym?
01:31:51Za krainą w obłokach.
01:31:53Nie zasnę póki tam nie trafię.
01:31:58Wszyscy mi mówią, hej króliku, żyjesz jak w obłokach.
01:32:03Ale nie wiem co to znaczy, czy można żyć w chmurach?
01:32:07Podobno ta kraina leży za dziewiątym obłoczkiem.
01:32:11Dalej niż siódme niebo.
01:32:16To za daleko, żeby tam lecieć w środku nocy.
01:32:20Ale jeśli bardzo tego chcesz...
01:32:23To lećmy!
01:32:25Ale ja nie umiem latać!
01:32:28Nie zaniosę cię tak daleko!
01:32:32Latanie jest łatwe!
01:32:34Rób to co ja!
01:32:41Spróbuj jeszcze raz!
01:32:49Już wiem!
01:32:51Musisz mieć skrzydła!
01:32:53A teraz podskocz i machaj skrzydłami!
01:33:03Może weź rozbieg?
01:33:05Postaraj się!
01:33:13Nigdy nie będę latał.
01:33:16Moglibyśmy odpocząć.
01:33:19Ale tylko trochę.
01:33:21Tak, króciutko.
01:33:24O rety!
01:33:28To chyba kraina w obłokach!
01:33:30Czuję się jakbym żył w obłokach.
01:33:34Wygląda jak w moim śnie!
01:33:44Mysz Aniołku!
01:33:46Obudź się!
01:33:48Przestań mnie ciągle budzić!
01:33:51Miałeś zabrać królika do krainy w obłokach!
01:33:54I zabrałem!
01:33:56Tam można trafić tylko we śnie!
01:33:59Królik jest marzycielem!
01:34:01Dlatego mówią mu, że żyje w obłokach!
01:34:04Jesteś pewien?
01:34:09Właśnie stamtąd wracam!
01:34:11Nie budźmy go!
01:34:13Niech śpi!
01:34:15I tak królik trafił do krainy w obłokach.
01:34:18Oczywiście dzięki mysz aniołkowi!
01:34:21A ja idę do domu spać!
01:34:44To niestety nie wychodzi mu
01:34:47Choć dobre ma serduszko i skrzydełka dwa
01:34:50Co ma zrobić skoro ciągle pecha ma?
01:34:53Mysz Aniołku nasz
01:34:56Tym rozbawisz dzisiaj na...
01:35:00Mysz Aniołek
01:35:02Dziewiąty obłoczek
01:35:04Pewnego dnia pracowałem w ogródku, gdy nagle zjawił się mysz aniołek.
01:35:08Nudzi mi się!
01:35:10Znajdź sobie jakieś zajęcie!
01:35:12Polecę do kurczaka!
01:35:14W tej chwili znalazłem zaczepiony na krzaku róży pilny list.
01:35:20Mysz Aniołku!
01:35:22Zaczekaj! Wróć!
01:35:24Za późno!
01:35:29Po co ci ten samolot?
01:35:31Do dalekich podróży!
01:35:33Umiesz nim kierować?
01:35:42Złamałeś moje róże!
01:35:44Jesteś nieznośny!
01:35:46Teraz musicie tu posprzątać obaj!
01:35:48Dziś przychodzą sędziowie konkursu ogradniczego!
01:35:55Dzień dobry pani!
01:35:57Ma pani piękny ogród!
01:35:59Byłby jeszcze ładniejszy, gdyby rosły tu lilie!
01:36:05Mam dla ciebie list, Mysz Aniołku!
01:36:10Fajnie! Mogę przestać grabić!
01:36:12Co pisze?
01:36:14Na poczcie w siódmym niebie czeka bardzo pilna przesyłka!
01:36:17W siódmym niebie?
01:36:21To za dziewiątym obłoczkiem!
01:36:23Nie latam tak daleko!
01:36:25Mysz Aniołku!
01:36:27To daleko!
01:36:29Lećmy samolotem!
01:36:33Ja też polecę!
01:36:35On nie zna drogi!
01:36:36Gotów! Start!
01:36:41Nie mam hamulców!
01:36:45Mysz Aniołku!
01:36:56Uwaga! Uwaga!
01:37:02Trafiliście do dziewiątego obłoczka!
01:37:06Pokażę wam skrót na pocztę w siódmym niebie!
01:37:10Na poczcie w siódmym niebie przechowuje się najpilniejsze anielskie przesyłki!
01:37:17To tutaj!
01:37:21Paczkę dla Mysz Aniołka!
01:37:25Najpierw powiedz proszę!
01:37:28No dobrze! Proszę!
01:37:30To bardzo pilne! Bardzo proszę!
01:37:34To wszystko? Leciałem taki kawał po tę maciupeńką paczuszkę?
01:37:38Powiedz dziękuję!
01:37:42Co to takiego?
01:37:44Jakieś nasionka.
01:37:46Jestem Aniołkiem! Robię tylko ważne rzeczy!
01:37:49Przepraszam, ale skoro jesteś Aniołkiem, gdzie masz Aureole?
01:37:53Rety! Mój coś zniknął!
01:37:56O nie! Paczkę też zgubiłem!
01:38:03Spadła z ogłoczka! Łap ją!
01:38:24Mysz Aniołku, czy to dla mnie?
01:38:27Nasiona lilii! Dziękuję! Zaraz je zasieję!
01:38:33Choć nie wyrosną na konkurs!
01:38:39Ale Mysz Aniołek zdążył!
01:38:42Patrzcie! Patrzcie! Patrzcie!
01:38:45Lilie! Prosto z nieba!
01:38:49Jesteś Aniołem, Mysz Aniołku!
01:38:57Tamtego dnia Pani Słoniowa wygrała konkurs na najpiękniejszy ogród.
01:39:02A Mysz Aniołek bardzo się do tego przyczynił.
01:39:27Mysz Aniołek nasz, znów odwiedził nas.
01:39:34Zawsze chce pomóc, stara się dla dwóch.
01:39:38Lecz to niestety nie wychodzi mu.
01:39:41Choć dobre ma serduszko i skrzydełka dwa.
01:39:44Co ma zrobić, skoro ciągle pecha ma?
01:39:47Mysz Aniołku nasz, tym rozbawisz dzisiaj nasz.
01:39:57Mój przyjaciel Mysz Aniołek miał wolny dzień i zastanawiał się, co ma robić.
01:40:04Już wiem! Zjem kanapkę z serem i miodem!
01:40:08Ojej! Nie ma miodu!
01:40:11Skończył się! Musisz iść do sklepu petunii!
01:40:16Ale ja mam dziś wolne!
01:40:26Mysz Aniołku, przestań!
01:40:29Nie chcę!
01:40:31Uważaj na coś!
01:40:34Nudzi mi się! Na pewno nie ma żadnych wiadomości, odwiesz kogo?
01:40:40Nie, masz dziś wolne, ale możesz sprawdzić, czy nie trzeba komuś pomóc.
01:40:45Tak? Mogę też pograć!
01:40:46Mysz Aniołku, idź na dwór!
01:40:51Pilnuj swoich piórek, dziobaty dziobaku!
01:40:55Jesteś niegrzeczny!
01:40:57I co z tego? Mam dziś wolne!
01:41:01Mysz Aniołek szukał potrzebujących pomocy, ale Królik policzył już swoje marchewki.
01:41:18Latawiec Kurczaka nigdzie się nie zaplątał.
01:41:28A Pani Słoniowa nie potrzebowała nikogo do opieki nad Słoninką.
01:41:38Tego dnia Mysz Aniołek nie miał zupełnie nic do roboty.
01:41:46W takim razie lecę po miód.
01:41:52Dzień dobry, Petunia! Sprzedasz mi trochę miodu?
01:41:56Oh, Mysz Aniołku, przykro mi, ale ja też mam dziś wolne.
01:42:01To skąd ja wezmę miód? Już wiem, poproszę psztoły.
01:42:06Dzień dobry, pszczółki! Dostanę trochę miodu?
01:42:12Chyba nie usłyszały.
01:42:14Halo, pszczółki!
01:42:16Jeju, tam coś!
01:42:20Ratunku! Pomocy!
01:42:24Wtedy stało się coś, co jeszcze się nie zdarzyło.
01:42:29To list odwiecie kogo? Do mnie!
01:42:33Chcę czegoś ode mnie!
01:42:36Musimy pomóc Mysz Aniołkowi!
01:42:39Och, co się stało? Tego nie ma w liście.
01:42:43Mysz Aniołek chciał prosić pszczoły o miód.
01:42:46Za mną! Za mną!
01:42:52Nie! Nie tędy! Nie mam hamulca!
01:42:59Kurczaku, to ty!
01:43:00Przyszliśmy wszyscy. Wiesz kto kazał mi cię ratować.
01:43:04No to zaczynaj!
01:43:06Ale nie wiem jak.
01:43:08Ja wiem!
01:43:10Kurczaku, podaj dziobakowi sznurek od latawca.
01:43:16Zawiąż mu go wokół łapek.
01:43:21Raz, dwa, trzy, ciągniemy!
01:43:25Patrzcie co się stało. Mój coś cały się lepi.
01:43:30Bo pszczoły napełniły go miodem.
01:43:34Wiem jak możesz nam podziękować za pomoc.
01:43:37Podziel się z nami.
01:43:40I wszyscy mogliśmy napić się herbaty z miodem.
01:43:46To miło, że dla odmiany wy uciekliście.
01:43:49Nie, nie.
01:43:51To miło, że dla odmiany wy uratowaliście mnie.
01:43:55Ja miałem dziś wolne.
01:44:20Dialogi Anna Wiklińska-Kacprzak. Dźwięki montaż Michał Skarżyński.
01:44:51Mysz Aniołek. Mysz Aniołek stróż.
01:44:58Pewnego dnia mysz aniołek był bardzo przejęty.
01:45:02Dziś będę latał! Dziś będę latał!
01:45:06Codziennie fruwamy.
01:45:08Ale ja będę latał samolotem kurczaka, ptasi muszczku.
01:45:11Zabierze mnie na przejazdkę.
01:45:15Hej, a to co?
01:45:21Co to ma znaczyć?
01:45:25No i już po twoim cośu.
01:45:29To był list od wiesz kogo.
01:45:32Muszę go czytać?
01:45:34Jasne, że musisz.
01:45:36No dobrze.
01:45:41A tak.
01:45:43Wiesz kto chce, żebyś na dziś został aniołem stróżem słoninki.
01:45:48Co to znaczy?
01:45:50Musisz się nią opiekować.
01:45:52Mysz Aniołku, lecisz?
01:45:54Tak, ale mi się nie chce.
01:45:57Dzień dobry panie. Mysz Aniołek przyszedł popilnować słoninki.
01:46:01Och, to wspaniale. A gdzie on jest?
01:46:04Super, świetnie.
01:46:06Mam nowy samolot!
01:46:14Co? A, a, ua!
01:46:16Oj, nie!
01:46:18Mysz Aniołku, chodź tutaj.
01:46:21Trzeba przypilnować kurczaka.
01:46:23Nie, masz się zająć słoninką. Pani słoniowa czeka.
01:46:29Mysz Aniołek starał się jak umiał.
01:46:32Dał słonince obiad.
01:46:36Bawił się z nią w ogrodzie.
01:46:38I położył słoninkę na popołudniową drzemkę.
01:46:44Ale słoninka nie chciała spać.
01:46:47Ej, ej!
01:46:54Uwaga! A, a, ua!
01:47:14Słoninko, miałaś iść spać!
01:47:18Mówisz o kurczaku?
01:47:22To on nie daje ci spać?
01:47:24Powiem mu, żeby gdzie indziej latał tym swoim samolotem.
01:47:33Słoninka chciała powiedzieć, że trzeba go ratować.
01:47:41Poleciałem sprawdzić, jak radzi sobie anioł stróż.
01:47:45Mysz Aniołku!
01:47:47Co za bałagan?
01:47:50Cześć, słoninko.
01:47:52Gdzie jest Mysz Aniołek?
01:47:57Lata z kurczakiem jest niepoprawny.
01:48:04Nic nie widzę!
01:48:13Nie bój się! Coś na to poradzę!
01:48:18Właśnie kończyłem sprzątać, gdy wróciła Pani Słonioła.
01:48:22O nie!
01:48:24Co miałem jej powiedzieć?
01:48:26Witaj, dziobaku! A gdzie Mysz Aniołek?
01:48:29No więc, on...
01:48:31Tu jestem! Ratowałem kurczaka!
01:48:35Rozbiłem samolot w drobny mak!
01:48:38Przecież miałeś pilnować słoninki!
01:48:41To ona zobaczyła, że kurczak ma kłopoty!
01:48:44Jest mała, ale bardzo bystra!
01:48:47Sss! Nie bójmy jej!
01:48:49Wy sprzątaliście cały dom!
01:48:52Jesteś kochany, mój Mysz Aniołku!
01:48:56Taki właśnie jest Mysz Aniołek stróż.
01:49:04Tomasz Bednarek, Ryszard Nawrocki, Marek Frąckowiak, Wojciech Paszkowski, Artur Kaczmarski, Józef Mika, Elżbieta Jędrzejewska, Lucyna Malec
01:49:34I'll never forget the day that I met my friend, Mysz Aniołek.
01:49:50It was the windiest day that I can remember.
01:49:53Why do you have to hang your socks up where anyone can fly into them?
01:49:57But you were a mouse! You can't fly!
01:50:00I've got wings, just like you, you silly bird!
01:50:03Mice don't have wings!
01:50:06Well, I do! I'm learning to be an angel!
01:50:10Where do you do that?
01:50:12Well, I go to angel school.
01:50:14And you?
01:50:16Well, I'm learning to fly!
01:50:18I'm learning to be an angel!
01:50:20Where do you do that?
01:50:22Well, I go to angel school.
01:50:24That's where you learn angel things, like how to walk through the pearly gates.
01:50:39You learn how to paint rainbows!
01:50:51And most important of all, you try very hard to be good.
01:50:58But sometimes I'm not quite good enough, and today is the day that I have to do my angel test.
01:51:04Oh yeah, what's that?
01:51:06Do you know you-know-who?
01:51:09Yeah, well, anybody knows you-know-who.
01:51:12Well, to see if you've learned properly at angel school, he sends you out to help someone.
01:51:19And if you do it right, you become a proper angel.
01:51:23Only I lost my message from you-know-who, so I don't know who to help.
01:51:29And if I don't help the right person, I'll never ever become an angel.
01:51:33He might even take my wings away.
01:51:36I'm sure we can find someone who needs help, Mouse.
01:51:41Let's ask around the village.
01:51:45So, Mouse and I flew around the village looking for someone to help.
01:51:51But Hutchkin and Little Petal didn't want any help.
01:51:57And neither did Spencer, or Mrs. Ellie-Mum, and Baby Ellie.
01:52:03Back up! Back up!
01:52:05New brakes! New brakes!
01:52:09He needs helping.
01:52:11No, that's Oswald. He's always like that.
01:52:14If I don't help someone today, I'll never be an angel.
01:52:19Yeah, help!
01:52:22Help! Help!
01:52:25Yeah, help!
01:52:38Thank you, Mouse. You really helped me.
01:52:44What's that?
01:52:46Over your head.
01:52:49It's a, you know, a sea image that angels have.
01:52:55Look, a message. It's from you-know-who.
01:52:59It says, to pass your angel test, you must go and help the bird called Quilly.
01:53:04That's the message I lost. I'd better find this Quilly bird as quick as I can.
01:53:08I'm Quilly, silly.
01:53:11There's another one.
01:53:15It says, congratulations, you have passed your test.
01:53:19Does that mean you're an angel, Mouse?
01:53:21Yes, that is what I am.
01:53:23Angel Mouse. A real angel, Mouse.
01:53:26With a thingamajig.
01:53:31That message also said that Angel Mouse was to stay in the village and help people whenever you-know-who sends a message.
01:53:39And that's how he became my friend, Angel Mouse.
01:53:42And that's how he became my friend, Angel Mouse.
01:54:12To be continued...
01:54:42To be continued...