• last year
Tamworth Regional Council general manager Paul Bennett gives an update on the status of Ray Walsh House on July 22, 2024. Video by Peter Hardin
00:00Today that resolution will be actioned. There'll be a publication of around 60
00:05documents on Tamworth Regional Council's website, a brand new page outlining all
00:09the details of how this event actually unfolded. The documents include
00:14everything from council reports, external expert reports, correspondence, even
00:20internal emails to staff running with regular updates around how the whole
00:24incident was evolving. The documents are all freely available. People will notice
00:30that some of the documents have actually been redacted. That means some of the
00:33information has been hidden in some instances. That's because there's
00:36commercially confidence information in there that relates to other third parties.
00:40And some of the documents have been listed to demonstrate that they exist
00:44but have been completely redacted because that information is subject to
00:48the Copyright Act. It is only for the publication of the body or the
00:52organisation that owns that information. With those documents that have been
00:56completely redacted, the public can access them. They can ring our Customer
00:59Services Department, make an appointment and they can come in and view them. We
01:03just cannot publish them electronically.
