EP1-7 My husband is a big shot Short Drama Short Drama

  • 2 months ago
EP1-7 My husband is a big shot Short Drama Short Drama


00:00After five years, I'm finally marrying Ben.
00:07What is going on?
00:10What are you doing?
00:14We've been caught.
00:16I guess I don't need to hide it anymore.
00:19I've been with Emily for a while now.
00:22Today is our wedding day.
00:24How could you do this to me?
00:26Honestly, I never planned on marrying you.
00:28I didn't think you would take it seriously.
00:31Selina, look at yourself.
00:33You're poor and ugly.
00:34Now piss off.
00:35You bully me at home and now you're trying to steal my fiancé?
00:38How cheap are you?
00:40Who do you think you are?
00:43How dare you call me cheap?
00:46I never want to see that woman of you again.
00:48Keep dreaming.
00:49As long as I breathe, no one will stop you.
00:53Keep dreaming.
00:54As long as I breathe, no one will ever want to marry you.
00:58He'll never escape you.
01:11Sir, why don't I deliver the flowers for you?
01:14I'm the one supposed to be pretending to be the X-Train driver.
01:16But if my brother's spies see you...
01:18Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think it through.
01:20It's fine. Just wait here.
01:26Did someone order flowers?
01:28You got a sign for them.
01:33I don't believe that no one in the world will marry me.
01:40Does it hurt?
01:41Am I beautiful?
01:43Yeah, you're beautiful.
01:46Will you marry me?
01:48Are you serious?
01:49I'm serious.
01:52Selena, even an X-Train driver doesn't want you.
01:56That's how pathetic you are.
01:58That's right.
01:59Why don't you just go home and be Emily's servant?
02:01Maybe she'll show some mercy.
02:02Hey, shut up.
02:03You know what? Apologize to her.
02:04Who are you?
02:05And why are you trying to defend her?
02:12Hey! Hey!
02:13Sir, are you okay?
02:14Hey, can you hear me?
02:17Hey, I'm calling an ambulance, okay?
02:22Years ago, I was sabotaged by my brother in an accident.
02:26If it weren't for you, I might be dead.
02:29When I woke up, you were gone.
02:31Yet I've always remembered you.
02:36You know, it doesn't matter what the reason is.
02:38I'm taking care of her.
02:41Didn't you ask me to marry you?
02:43Let's get married.
02:46You're wearing the white dress.
02:48Let's have the wedding right now.
02:51Come on.
03:05What are you doing here?
03:08I want to marry him.
03:10Are you crazy?
03:11This guy can't even afford a diamond ring.
03:13You're going to be the laughing stock of the city.
03:15Did someone say I don't have a diamond ring?
03:24A pink diamond?
03:27That big?
03:28It must be worth over ten million dollars.
03:31It has to be fake.
03:32Pink diamonds are so rare, he couldn't possibly afford one.
03:35Oh, me? I can afford one.
03:37But I doubt you can.
03:38You've probably never even seen one.
03:40So both of you, shut up.
03:55Will you marry me?
04:06You can afford a car this expensive as an X-Tran driver?
04:13You rented it?
04:15Yeah, I rented it.
04:17In the future, don't waste money.
04:19You really don't need to show off, okay?
04:22Alright, got it.
04:30This place is huge.
04:32It's beautiful.
04:35But can I really live here with you?
04:37This is the plainest out of all my houses.
04:39And she thinks it's beautiful?
04:41What kind of environment does she usually live in?
04:44Look, I know it's a little small, but I hope you don't mind.
04:50Thank you.
04:52I know that this is a lot.
04:56But if you hadn't agreed to it, my family would still be trying to force me to marry back.
05:04But we're already a husband and wife.
05:06You don't need to thank me.
05:11I know it's fake, but it's not cheap.
05:15You know, it's already yours.
05:17I think that you should just wear it and enjoy it.
05:28Is there any movement on my brother?
05:30Your X-Tran driver disguise worked well.
05:32It's confused him and he's already let his guard down.
05:35Now I can focus on building my company when the time's right and take him out.
05:39Oh, by the way, do we have any business dealings with the Lane family?
05:43If so, make sure to terminate them.
05:45Sir, I don't understand.
05:47Why are you helping Selena?
05:49Why did you marry her?
05:51Do you have feelings for her?
05:53What? No.
05:54Look, she's just a random girl.
05:56I'm using her as a decoy to fool my brother.
05:58Okay, that's it.
06:01What the hell is going on?
06:03The Accord Company has terminated our contracts.
06:07Our stock has plummeted.
06:10It must be because of Selena's scandal.
06:13Damn it, she is taking the whole family down.
06:17And you have the nerve to come back here.
06:20I'm just here to get my mother's belongings.
06:22Are you serious?
06:24Accord has canceled our contracts.
06:27Do you know how much I have lost?
06:29And here you are thinking about a dead person's stuff?
06:32A dead person's stuff?
06:34She was my mother and your wife.
06:36You know, if it weren't for the two of you,
06:38I could have soared to great heights.
06:40But I didn't because of both of you dragging me down.
06:44Is this your mother's stuff?
06:49What are you doing?
06:52I heard this was a birthday gift your mother made for you.
07:01At the wedding?
07:02You bad-mouthed me in front of everyone.
07:05I haven't settled that score with you.
07:09How does that feel, slut?
07:10Once you lose your hand, we'll see how proud you are.
07:17Hey, I'm sorry I'm late.
07:22I guess I thought...
07:24Hey, look, don't worry. I can fix that, alright?
07:27Come on.
07:28Filthy ex-trans driver, you...
07:31If you ever try to harm Selene again,
07:33I will ruin this family.
07:36Do you even know who we are?
07:38Come, Jerry.
07:39Rett and Selene family.
07:41You are a jokester.
07:43Get this trash out of here.
07:53It hurts.
07:55Let's go find you a doctor.
08:01You're gonna regret this.
08:06We're fooled by an ex-trans driver?
08:09Mom, don't worry.
08:11This isn't over.
08:17Doc, how's her hand?
08:18She'll be fine.
08:20She just needs a few days to rest.
08:23Thank you.
08:25Look, I should have protected you.
08:30It's not your fault.
08:33And you did protect me.
08:35I should be thanking you.
08:37I'm never going to let anyone hurt you.
08:47Thanks for coming in.
08:51Bring me every ring.
08:53I want to try them on.
08:57You don't want to serve me?
08:59Be careful.
09:00I might complain about you.
09:08Which ring would you like to try?
09:12I'm a bit thirsty.
09:14Go get me a cup of tea first.
09:31My hand flipped.
09:40I want that one.
09:42Bring it to me.
09:52Kneel down and put it on me.
09:54Stop it.
09:55I'll just bully you.
09:57I'll just bully you.
09:59What are you going to do?
10:00Boss, I want to complain.
10:11My foot slipped.
10:18Are you done?
10:22The worker hit me.
10:24Someone help.
10:26How dare you hit a customer?
10:28Do you want to keep this job?
10:30I didn't hit her.
10:32Don't lie.
10:33Apologize immediately.
10:35I didn't hit her and I'm not apologizing.
10:39How dare you treat a customer like this?
10:42I'm going to complain to headquarters.
10:44Don't complain.
10:45I will handle this.
10:47Apologize or resign and get out.
10:54I'm sorry.
10:55That's too insincere.
10:57What do you want?
10:58I want you to beg for forgiveness.
11:02Will you kneel or not?
11:05Go on.
11:06Poor girl.
11:09What are you doing here?
11:11If I hadn't come, I wouldn't see you being insulted like this.
11:14How dare you ask Selena to get down on her knees?
11:18Have you not learned your lesson?
11:20I'm going to make you regret this.
11:22What are you going to do?
11:24If you do anything, your wife will lose her job.
11:28I'm sorry.
11:29I'm sorry.
11:30I'm sorry.
11:31I'm sorry.
11:32I'm sorry.
11:33I'm sorry.
11:34I'm sorry.
11:35I'm sorry.
11:36I'm sorry.
11:37Your wife will lose her job immediately.
11:40You can't survive on your ex-plan earnings alone.
11:43So your husband's an ex-tran driver.
11:46No wonder you look so poor.
11:49Get out.
11:50You're not qualified to be here.
11:58Am I qualified to be here now?
