Check someones phone photo in your phone…

  • 2 months ago
Check someones phone photo in your phone…
00:00Gaurav, is there any way that I can watch someone else's photos and videos on my phone without downloading any app?
00:07Yes, show me your phone.
00:08Open Google Photos in your phone and tap on your account.
00:11Scroll down a little bit and you will see the photo setting.
00:14After that, you will see sharing here.
00:16After that, tap on partner sharing.
00:18Choose starting date, old time.
00:19Choose photo to share, old photos.
00:21Then select partner.
00:22Put the mail id of the device you want to see photos of and send it.
00:26Then a request will go to that mail.
00:28Go and accept it.
00:29Your photos will be with them and their photos will be seen with you.
00:32Your work is done.
00:33Wow, Gaurav. Thank you.
00:34You will also have all the work for the whole day.
00:36You just have to follow Techliziv.
