At a campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Saturday, former President Trump spoke about El Salvador President Nayib Bukele and accused him of 'dumping' criminals at the US border.
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00:00Meanwhile, our crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are plunging.
00:07We have become a dumping ground for the world, which is laughing at us.
00:11They can't believe how stupid we are, how stupid, stupid, stupid we are.
00:16We're destroying our country.
00:18They can't believe what they're getting away with, but they're getting away with it at
00:22levels that they never thought possible.
00:24In Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent.
00:28You know, Caracas, Venezuela, is a very, very dangerous place.
00:32And now, because of the great job they've done in removing their criminals into the
00:37United States, next year we're going to have our Michigan rally in Caracas, Venezuela,
00:45because it's nice and safe, okay?
00:48Does that sound like a good idea to you?
00:50Because we want safety.
00:53Now the press is going to write that.
00:54They're going to say, Donald Trump proposed next year's Michigan rally in Caracas, Venezuela.
00:59They'll say, isn't that horrible?
01:02Isn't that unpatriotic?
01:03You understand.
01:04This is what I have to go with.
01:05I'm only kidding, press, I'm only kidding, although maybe it's not a bad idea.
01:11So El Salvador is an interesting one because I know the president.
01:14He's a young guy, young guy, and he's been getting this great press, this great press
01:19that his crime rate is way down, and they're training their criminals.
01:24Well, you don't train criminals, okay?
01:25You know, maybe every once in a while you get lucky, but you don't.
01:29So in El Salvador, murders are down 70 percent.
01:32He's saying, yes, we're teaching.
01:34He's different.
01:35Most of them just say, well, the United States is stupid, so we're dumping all our criminals.
01:38He does it differently, smart, because we're working with our people that are causing problems
01:44in crime.
01:45He's not working with them, he's dumping them in the United States.
01:49And their crime rate, their murder rate is down 72 percent, 73 percent and going up.
01:56And I don't blame them because if I was running one of those countries, and we're not just
02:00talking in South America, but if I were running one of those countries, I would have been
02:04doing it much more.
02:05They're also emptying their jails.
02:07The big thing is their jails.
02:09Those jails were packed.
02:10Now, all of a sudden, it's like, oh, isn't this wonderful?
02:13They're doing such a wonderful job.
02:16They're dumping their criminals into the United States of America, and we're not going
02:22to take it anymore.
02:23Stupid people.