وأيوب اذ نادى ربه أني مسني الضر الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى اداء لتاريخ خمسين دقيقه ابداع متواصل محصلتش كده

  • 2 months ago
00:30I have heard the voice, and you are the most Merciful of the Merciful.
01:00I have heard the voice, and you are the most Merciful of the Merciful.
01:16So we prostrated to him.
01:46I have heard the voice, and you are the most Merciful of the Merciful.
02:16So we prostrated to him.
02:34So we prostrated to him, and we removed what was in him of harm.
03:04So we prostrated to him, and we removed what was in him of harm.
03:20And We gave him and his family and those like them, with them as a mercy from Us.
03:50And We gave him and his family and those like them, with them as a mercy from Us.
04:10And We gave him and his family and those like them, with them as a mercy from Us.
04:32And Ishmael, and Idrees, and Dhul-Kifl,
04:54and Ishmael, and Dhul-Kifl, for each of the patient.
05:02And We admitted them into Our mercy.
05:24And indeed, they are of the righteous.
05:54How did He call in the darknesses, saying, There is no deity except You. Exalted are You.
06:24How did He call in the darknesses, saying, There is no deity except You. Exalted are You.
06:44Exalted are You. Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers.
07:14And they blamed me, when I was of the righteous.
07:26So he thought that we were not able to do it, so he called out.
07:54So he called out in the darknesses.
08:25So he thought that we were not able to do it, so he called out in the darknesses.
08:50He said, There is no deity except You. Exalted are You.
09:20So he called out in the darknesses.
09:35So he called out in the darknesses.
09:55He said, Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers.
10:25So he called out in the darknesses.
10:55He said, Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers.
11:25So he called out in the darknesses.
11:53He said, Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers.
12:23So he called out in the darknesses.
12:53He said, Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers.
13:11My Lord, leave me not in silence.
13:29This is the best of inheritors.
13:36So we responded to him, and we gave him John.
13:49So we responded to him, and we gave him John.
14:19So we responded to him, and we gave him John.
14:39And We restored his wife, and Zachariah, when he called out to his Lord,
15:07My Lord, leave me not in silence.
15:15My Lord, leave me not in silence.
15:35My Lord, leave me not in silence.
15:45This is the best of inheritors.
15:55So we responded to him, and we gave him John.
16:06And We restored his wife, and Zachariah, when he called out to his Lord.
16:25And We restored his wife, and Zachariah, when he called out to his Lord.
16:55And We restored his wife, and Zachariah, when he called out to his Lord.
17:13And they called upon Us with hope and fear, and they were humble before Us.
17:43And they were humble before Us.
18:03And they were humble before Us.
18:33And the one who protected her husband, We poured into her Our Spirit,
18:49And We made her a sign for the worlds.
19:19And We made her a sign for the worlds.
19:46Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.
20:17Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.
20:37Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.
21:00Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.
21:18Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.
21:36Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.
22:04And whoever does righteous deeds while he is a believer,
22:25And whoever does righteous deeds while he is a believer,
22:46And they will be on the town which We have destroyed, that they will not return.
23:09Until, when it is opened, O Gog and Magog, and they are from every tribe, they will descend.
23:40And the true promise is near.
23:48Until, when it is opened, O Gog and Magog, and they are from every tribe, they will descend.
24:15And the true promise is near.
24:45Indeed, we were heedless of this.
25:10Indeed, we were heedless of this.
25:40And they will not return.
26:10And they will not return.
26:23All will abide therein.
26:31They will have therein a sound, and they will not hear therein.
26:48Indeed, those whose good has preceded them,
27:09They will have therein a sound, and they will not hear therein.
27:39They will not hear therein, and they will abide in that which their souls desire.
28:10And they will abide in that which their souls desire.
28:21They will not be saddened if they are called to you, or if the angels call them to you.
28:41And this is the Day which you were promised.
29:11And this is the Day which you were promised.
29:23The Day when We will raise up the heavens like a mountain, raising up the heavens like a mountain, raising up the heavens like a mountain,
29:35Raising up the heavens like a mountain, raising up the heavens like a mountain,
30:05As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
30:23As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
30:31As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
31:01As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
31:13And it is forbidden upon a city which We have destroyed that they should not return
31:23until Gog and Magog are opened, and they are of every age, remembering.
31:37And the true promise is near, and behold, the eyes of those who disbelieve are dimmed.
31:51O woe to us! We were heedless of this. Nay, we were wrongdoers.
32:03Verily, you and that which you worship besides Allah are the firewood of Hell, to which you will return.
32:18If only these were the fountains of that which they brought, and all would abide therein.
32:36For them therein is whispering, and they will not hear therein.
32:45Verily, those who have preceded them from Us are the best of those.
33:05For them therein is whispering, and they will not hear therein.
33:35For them therein is whispering, and they will not hear therein.
34:05For them therein is whispering, and they will not hear therein.
34:35For them therein is whispering, and they will not hear therein.
35:05On the Day when the Heavens will rise through the gates of the Books,
35:30As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
35:53As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
36:11On the Day when the Heavens will rise through the gates of the Books,
36:41As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
37:01On the Day when the Heavens will rise through the gates of the Books,
37:31As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
37:59As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
38:18It is a promise upon Us.
38:23On the Day when the Heavens will rise through the gates of the Books,
38:42As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
39:12As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
39:25It is a promise upon Us.
39:43As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
40:10On the Day when the Heavens will rise through the gates of the Books,
40:25As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
40:55As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.
41:10Indeed, We will do it.
41:40Indeed, We will do it.
41:55Indeed, We have written in the Book after the Reminder that if My righteous servants had inherited it,
42:17Indeed, in this is a message for a worshipping people.
42:48Indeed, in this is a message for a worshipping people.
43:04Indeed, We have not sent you except as a mercy.
43:34Indeed, We have not sent you except as a mercy.
43:52Indeed, in this is a message for a worshipping people.
44:16Indeed, in this is a message for a worshipping people.
44:39Indeed, in this is a message for a worshipping people.
44:54Indeed, We have not sent you except as a mercy.
45:24Indeed, We have not sent you except as a mercy.
45:54Indeed, We have not sent you except as a mercy.
46:16So will you not submit?
46:33Say, ˹O Prophet,˺
46:40Verily, ˹all˺ that is revealed to me is but one God.
46:59So will you not submit?
47:13And if they turn away, say, ˹O Prophet,˺ I have permitted you to be together.
47:32And if they turn away, say, ˹O Prophet,˺ I have permitted you to be together.
47:51Verily, He knows full well what is said, and He knows what you conceal.
48:11And if I should know, perhaps it would be a trial for you and enjoyment for a while.
48:41Verily, He knows full well what is said, and He knows what you conceal.
49:07And if I should know, perhaps it would be a trial for you and enjoyment for a while.
49:37and enjoyment for a while.
50:07and enjoyment for a while.
50:37and enjoyment for a while.
