Divorce to the Top Heiress (Part-2)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Sign the divorce papers.
00:04Are you serious?
00:06Absolutely. Cheating man doesn't deserve me.
00:13Well how about you Jules? At least I'm more at the end of us.
00:18You're talking about Hugo Lawrence? Well I did know him before you. Years before you.
00:24On some cold nights. He would even tuck me in.
00:30So you've slept with him before me?
00:32Absolutely. Hundreds of times.
00:48You'll get your papers tomorrow. I'll see you up personally.
01:01It's not really jealous of Hugo is it?
01:03Of my brother?
01:04He's just embarrassed that's all.
01:06But why did you lie? About, you know, being together?
01:11I didn't lie. When I was a baby, he would always sing me to sleep.
01:28What's this all about?
01:30Freedom. You're getting divorced. Congratulations.
01:34And who said I'm getting divorced?
01:47Uh, Matt. What did you mean by that?
01:51Exactly what I said.
01:53But she cheated on you. First with Darcy and then again with Hugo Lawrence.
01:57I'm warning you for the last time. This is none of your business.
02:04Then why did you save me, huh? I thought it was because you deeply care about me.
02:11I came to save you. To make amends with Julia on your behalf. Not because I believe you.
02:18And only because you're with a child.
02:24Oh, Matt. You still just can't let go, can you?
02:36I drove Julia away as you wanted. We had a deal. I did my part.
02:44Are you going to keep yours? Are you a man of honour or not?
02:47I agree to be your guardian. Not your husband. And certainly not your father.
02:55Grow up, all of you.
03:00I just, I don't know what he's seen in that woman. It's embarrassing.
03:04Don't worry, Irene. Let's make a plan. We must make Matt give up on that rich.
03:11You mean man-eating bitch.
03:13I have a plan. But I'm going to need some help to find someone first.
03:29Hey! Just wait till I get my hands on you. I'll tear that fine dress right off your fucking bed.
03:35See how you like it?
03:43I'm thinking, I know somebody who wants revenge just as much as we do.
03:48Let's show Matt just how depraved Julia really is.
04:12What the hell are you doing here again?
04:22Ever since I left here the other day, Matt has completely ignored me. I have nowhere else to turn.
04:29Why should Julia give a shit? You maniac.
04:32I know it's going to be hard to believe me, but Julia, I truly never meant you any harm.
04:38The heart does foolish things when in love.
04:43So how exactly do you want me to help?
04:46Tomorrow's Sadie's birthday.
04:49We would really love you to come. It would make Matt so happy knowing we were no longer enemies.
04:57Another olive branch.
05:02What time?
05:05I'll be there.
05:06Great. I'll see you at Matt's house.
05:13Thank you again.
05:19I know they're up to something. I'm just curious to find out what it is.
05:30Thanks again, Dora. I owe you.
05:32I just hope you're reading the room right. Irene's no saint, but is she that evil?
05:37We'll see.
05:54Julia? Is that you? Come upstairs, darling.
06:08Irene is such a flake. She must be chickened out.
06:10Shh. Be patient.
06:12Be patient.
06:17Matt? Come quick. Something's happened.
06:20What's happened?
06:21Well, Irene invited Julia to Mum's birthday dinner and then Julia brought some guy with her and they've locked themselves in your bedroom and we can't get the door open.
06:32Quick. Let's get ready.
06:34Go, go, go.
06:43Oh, Matt's already here. He must be really hungry.
06:53Julia, open the door!
07:05Get the fuck over here, you prick!
07:11Are you okay?
07:12He tried to rape me!
07:13It's not supposed to be, Julia.
07:16Is someone looking for me?
07:19What's going on?
07:21Julia, are you alright?
07:23Couldn't be better. Why else?
07:41Where is she?
07:43Should I get in?
08:04Oh, Irene!
08:06Oh, Irene!
08:08Oh, there you are.
08:13Sadie's waiting for you in the room.
08:15You're not coming in?
08:16Well, she'd like to talk to you, so I should leave you both to it, alone.
08:20Let's go in together.
08:21Come on, we'll have a drink together.
08:25Sadie's not in there, is she?
08:27It's a trap for me.
08:51It's not me, you idiot!
08:53Shut your fucking mouth, you heartless slut!
08:55This is the motherfucker and he doesn't need you!
08:57It's supposed to be Julia!
08:59Come on!
09:04Irene Quentin.
09:05It wouldn't have come to this if you showed a little more kindness.
09:09Now I've turned the trap you set for me, back onto you.
09:15What have you done to Irene?
09:18That's something you should ask Irene, and ask yourself.
09:21You invited me for lunch, don't even offer me water,
09:24and leave me to listen to those disgusting noises coming from the next room.
09:41Take him to Bayview Station.
09:43Detective Adams is expecting you.
09:45Other than motive, I expect the police will be focusing on exactly how Mr. Hemings
09:49gained access to such an exclusive estate home.
09:52Don't take me to the station.
09:53Miss Irene, help me.
09:55You brought me here, you can't just walk away from it.
09:57I don't know what you're talking about.
09:59We don't know him.
10:00I fucking know you!
10:02And you, and you!
10:03Tell him!
10:04What did you just say?
10:06You know Irene.
10:07What? Yeah, I mean, her and these two women paid me to do this.
10:10He's lying!
10:11Shut up and let him speak!
10:13Was that the Royal Music thing?
10:15And these three came up to me and laid 20 grand on me and they said they wanted to...
10:20You know?
10:22Tell me.
10:23They wanted me to nail her and nail her good.
10:27Look, sir, please, if you're going to blame somebody, blame them!
10:29Just let me go!
10:42You wrote, directed and acted in your own melodrama.
10:46How professional.
10:48See this?
10:49This is mine.
10:50If I hear one peep, one squeak, one scuffle from your ratty little cause within 100 miles of me,
10:57I'll upload this online and make you bitches famous across America.
11:01You whore.
11:03Matt, I...
11:04Get the fuck out of my life.
11:07Then you'd hear from the grace of my promise to a dying father.
11:10I'm sorry, sir.
11:12We share no blood.
11:14You did to me.
11:16Well, what are you waiting for?
11:18Get the fuck out!
11:27I don't even know words.
11:29I couldn't make this right.
11:32But on behalf of my family,
11:37I'm sorry.
11:38No need.
11:39I'm used to it.
11:40I just learned how to fight back.
11:42Jules, come on.
11:43Just leave me alone.
11:48I'm sorry.
11:57I did wrong.
11:59I know that now.
12:03But I can make it right again.
12:07Please just let me stay.
12:10I can do all of Julia's old chores.
12:13You've got till Friday to get your affairs in order.
12:19What about little Magdalene, then?
12:22We had a deal.
12:24You promised Gabriel.
12:30Everything I do for you is out of love.
12:36I would terminate this pregnancy for you.
12:38You're insane.
12:39I have loved you.
12:40I've always...
12:41Shut up!
12:42I have loved you.
12:43I've always...
12:44Shut up!
12:47Gabriel was my best friend.
12:51And the father of your child.
12:54I know you can't accept me because of Gabriel.
12:58But he's gone now.
13:00He would have wanted us to be happy.
13:04In three days, you're going to France.
13:09And I want sure that you have enough money to give birth to his child.
13:16I don't want to go anywhere else.
13:18No, Matt, I want to stay by your side.
13:25Matt, don't leave us.
13:28Matt, don't leave us.
13:32Who's going to look after us now?
13:38Julia, it's me or you.
13:48This offer is 5% above the market rate, but there are advantages in the technological patents.
13:54If we leverage those, we'll be five months ahead of our competitors.
13:59Ross, take a day off.
14:02Okay, boss.
14:07Do you remember those earrings I sent you to Europe for?
14:10Hard to forget.
14:12Yeah, where are they?
14:13You said they were for your wife, but you left them out for months.
14:16I put them in this drawer here.
14:23Thank you.
14:53I was with Mr. Lennart earlier today, and he keeps telling me about his grandson, Tova, being here.
15:08Been here for a while. Have you met up with him yet?
15:10Tova, he probably still doesn't know who I am.
15:13Julia, there's some guy here to see you.
15:15Oh, yeah.
15:17Tova, what are you doing here?
15:19Um, have you got a few minutes?
15:26Um, this for you?
15:32Um, Julia, this is crazy. I know we just met, but will you marry me?
15:45Will you marry me?
15:50You're like a flower in a field of dreams.
15:55A unicorn that can't be tamed.
15:58A Norseman riding through the battlefields of Valhalla.
16:03What about the woman your grandfather wanted you to marry? The Lawrence girl?
16:07Far out.
16:09I'd rather stab myself in the eye than marry her.
16:12You mean it?
16:14It's weird. I thought I just heard my grandpa.
16:25What are you doing on the phone call with Julia? And why is Hugo there too?
16:28You just don't get it, do you? How did I get such a foolish, flabby grandson?
16:32The woman that you've just proposed to, Julia, is Lawrence's granddaughter.
16:39Is Lawrence's granddaughter.
16:48Let's start again.
16:51What the fuck?
17:00I said she's married!
17:05All right, Mac.
17:10Piece of shit.
17:18Now it's your turn, is it, huh?
17:19How does Julia feel about that?
17:21How do you feel about that, Jules?
17:22Don't even ask, Hugo.
17:25You still don't get it.
17:27Hugo is Julia's...
17:33Get up and get out.
17:40Get out.
17:42Don't tell me you came all this way without those divorce papers.
17:45Don't tell me you came just to start trouble.
17:48Julia, I need to speak with you.
18:00Julia, I need to speak with you.
18:04I didn't come here to fight.
18:07I came to apologize.
18:10It's a little too late for that.
18:12I know.
18:14So that's why I fought.
18:19A gift might help bridge the gap.
18:22It's too late, and all this is turning sour.
18:26All the good memories have been drowned out by the horrific ones.
18:30Let's just stop the torture.
18:32That's what I'm trying to do.
18:35Irene will be on a plane to France by Friday.
18:38Sadie and Evie never step foot in my house again.
18:44I've made a lot of mistakes.
18:47And trusted the wrong people.
18:50And let go of the right one.
18:59You really care for me?
19:02Want to give me something that will make me happy?
19:09Then give me my freedom and sign the divorce papers.
19:31Want to talk about it?
19:37This whole thing is wearing me out.
19:40I don't know how much more I can take.
19:44I just need him to sign the papers.
19:47Let Hugo help Julia.
19:49He has the influence. He'd fix it in a second.
19:53I'll give him a few more days.
19:56See these?
19:58I first saw them in a boutique jewellery store on a honeymoon in Paris.
20:02They're handmade.
20:05The only ones in existence.
20:09He begged to get them for me, but I said no.
20:13He must have went back and got them.
20:17But you're a Lawrence.
20:19You could have bought the entire store.
20:21You could have bought the entire store.
20:25And that's something I'll never forget.
20:29Matt Harrison will pay.
20:36Send over the contract, Layla.
20:41Looking forward to our collaboration.
20:45Never thought this area had a lady with such good call skills.
20:50Mr. Hayes, it's nice to meet you.
20:52I'm Julia and I'm in charge of the Lawrence Group.
20:56Oh, the Lawrence Group. It's a pleasure.
20:59Julia, when did you learn to play golf?
21:01You two know each other?
21:03We're not close.
21:06Well, since we're together,
21:08it'd be a great chance to discuss potential collaborations with the Lawrence Group.
21:12I can't wait to start.
21:15The Lawrence Group are aggressively developing a military-grade concrete
21:20containing special polymers that can withstand direct munition attacks.
21:25We call it hydrocrete.
21:27Perhaps we can discuss in more detail.
21:30So first you steal my product, and now you want to steal my investment?
21:39Because you represent Hugo Lawrence.
21:41Then you're out of luck stealing.
21:43I'm clearly here to help.
21:44Adding another investor will be a benefit for you both.
21:47Miss Julia, you're a negotiating expert.
21:50Mr. Harrison, what do you think?
21:52I think there's absolutely no possibility
21:54of collaboration between Harrison Group and Lawrence Group.
21:57Why is that?
21:58Because you represent Hugo Lawrence.
22:00Then you're out of the game.
22:03Or sign the divorce papers.
22:05Otherwise, I'll compete with all your projects
22:08in a kind and respectful manner.
22:11Is that a threat?
22:13Guys, let's not go to war.
22:16Let's swing for it and let the good Lord decide.
22:18Winner takes all.
22:23Better hand?
22:27I'm here to help.
22:28Don't think of anything.
22:30Your brother's with me.
22:32What's the relationship between you two now?
22:39Are you scared?
22:40Quite the opposite.
22:42I've played for years.
22:43Your handicap won't help you now.
22:45Ignore him, Jules.
22:47I'm here to help you win.
23:02I'm going to be really relaxed.
23:06Smile for me.
23:10That's intense.
23:11Shoulder with the pop.
23:14Okay, that's it.
23:15No gripping so far.
23:19Swing now.
23:29Less tension.
23:31Less tension.
23:33What's your problem?
23:34Your technique.
23:35Damn it.
23:36For that big swing, I really, really want to bring that all the way up.
23:44Look, Jules.
23:45If you want to learn how to play properly, I can teach you.
23:49Let's play.
23:58Didn't embarrass you too much, did I?
24:00Easy, boy.
24:01There's a lot riding on this shot.
24:03It's too much.
24:04You can forfeit, Matthew.
24:05Yeah, no shame in forfeiting it, Matt.
24:30You enjoy humiliating me that much?
24:36Not as much as I want those divorce papers.
24:40Mr. Hayes, tell me about yourself.
24:43Can I call you Jim?
24:51Boy, that woman has a hell of a swing.
24:53You have no idea.
24:54No idea.
24:59The vultures are already circling.
25:02You don't have to lie to yourself.
25:04Why did you deliberately lose to her?
25:09You're an undefeated presence in this club.
25:12Marriage is sacred.
25:14Love is rare.
25:19They're both worth fighting for.
25:21I say go get her.
25:23Use your last breath.
25:25Thanks for your help today.
25:27I wanted to make it up to you after that stunt I pulled in the office.
25:30I mean, who proposes after meeting just once?
25:35After two meetings, though?
25:42Tova, I'm not ready to be in a marriage again.
25:44Julia, I believe in fate.
25:46It can't be a coincidence after all these years.
25:49Sorry, but I need to mull it over.
26:23Is anyone there?
26:42With no one that cares, foolish Julia starts to die.
26:46Oh, forget that self-righteous woman.
26:50Or forget that self-righteous pest in the blink of my little eye.
27:02Is anyone there? Please, someone help!
27:20I, Matthew, take you, Julia, to be my wife.
27:50To be my lawfully wedded wife.
28:04But I love you.
28:12Stupid fucking woman.
28:14About to die and you spend your last moments thinking about him.
28:21Julia, are you in there?
28:29I can't believe I'm still fantasizing about him not coming to save me.
28:35I feel so sleepy.
28:41Julia, are you in there?
28:44Julia, are you in there?
28:51Julia, are you in there?
29:05Let's go and get this damn door open.
29:07Sir, calm down. I'm doing my best.
29:10You tell me to calm down. My wife is trapped inside.
29:14If anything happens to her, you're life is over.
29:18Come on!
29:28Julia, get her arms.
29:33Julia, it's okay. It's okay.
29:36Julia, it's okay. It's okay.
29:39I want you to save her.
29:43Open your eyes. It's okay.
29:50It's okay. It's okay.
29:53Come on, come on.
30:06She's dehydrated and in a little shock, but she'll be fine.
30:10I'll call the paramedics. You just get her home, okay?
30:13Thanks, Doctor.
30:15I owe you.
30:17You're okay, Jules. You're okay.
30:19Mr. Harrison, we are beside ourselves. We will be launching a full investigation.
30:23We'll discuss it later.
30:27You're okay.
30:29Let's get you home.
30:40It's okay.
30:51It's okay.
30:52I should go.
30:53No, you can...
30:55You can stay.
31:00I thought I was going to lose you today.
31:02Why do you care?
31:10I used to think that...
31:14...love could be explained, rationalized.
31:21...after today...
31:27...real love...
31:32...beyond words...
31:37...beyond comprehension itself.
31:52Come on. Get them off.
32:08What's wrong?
32:09My stomach. Oh, God, it hurts.
32:16911. What is your emergency?
32:27Why do I do this to myself?
32:30Will I ever learn?
32:39The ambulance is on its way, okay? Just hang on.
32:42Don't leave me.
32:44I won't.
32:55Did you find out what happened?
32:56We found some evidence of tampering.
32:59I found some evidence of tampering.
33:01You found some evidence of tampering?
33:04We found some evidence of tampering.
33:20No, that's impossible.
33:23Is he doubting it?
33:25What if there's actually evidence?
33:28Julia, why can't he just be dead already?
33:35There they are.
33:48You're up.
33:50I thought you were in pain.
33:57I... I am.
33:59Uh... I feel better.
34:01But, um, I think it's something I ate.
34:03Oh, good.
34:05Um, I'll cancel the paramedic.
34:08You should rest, by the way.
34:10Your flight leaves in six hours.
34:16You still want me out of your life?
34:18Even after everything we've been through?
34:20Especially after everything we've been through.
34:30Oh, Matt.
34:33You do try me.
34:35I'm actually going to have to murder this bitch.
34:50Jules, after last night...
34:54Julia, I think that...
35:04I said she's married.
35:06Oh, wake up. She's your ex-wife.
35:11Tova, on time as always.
35:13Come on!
35:34Oh, good morning for a run.
35:36Shit, that Matt guy's a bit of a princess.
35:39Actually, I might just go for a run by myself.
35:42Clear my mind.
35:44Actually, go ahead.
35:54Go, go, go, go, go!
36:04What do you want now?
36:06Shut up, all right? Julia's been kidnapped.
36:12I don't know what to tell you, man. She's gone.
36:14Why didn't you do something?
36:15It happened so fast, I don't know.
36:16Why can't you get fucking kidnapped in broad daylight?
36:19Look, I'll call Hugo's men and get them down here right now.
36:22Ross, Julia's been kidnapped.
36:24Call everyone.
36:25I want security, the cleaners, the goddamn gardener on this, right?
36:28I want everyone with a pulse on this, understood?
36:31Also, did you get Irene to the airport this morning?
36:35Why didn't you fucking call?
36:37Find her!
36:50Ah, look what the cat dragged in.
36:53Are you out of your fucking mind?
36:55Hey, you want to speak to me with some respect, huh?
36:59It's going to cost me ten million dollars to make sure you disappear,
37:03you ungrateful bitch.
37:11If this is about Matt, you can have him.
37:15You're a liar.
37:18I saw you slither your way back into his bed.
37:22Come on.
37:23Oh, the elevator killed me.
37:25Oh, the elevator killed me.
37:27Through fucking who?
37:30It's over.
37:32He loves me.
37:39I'll make sure you disappear forever.
37:41Dump this bitch in the creek.
37:44I'll take care of the rest.
37:46This bitch put me through hell last time, so you can at least let me give her a proper send-off.
37:51You see?
37:52See how generous I am?
37:54Even as I send you to your death, I'm still advocating for you.
37:58Irene, don't.
38:00Come on. Come on.
38:04Come on.
38:12Come on. Come on.
38:15Come on.
38:17Hey, what were you...
38:18Take one more step and I'll slit her fucking throat.
38:21I'll fucking do it.
38:22Back the fuck off!
38:25Calm down.
38:27Hey, we've met, yeah?
38:29You remember me?
38:31What is it that you want?
38:32I've got money, I've got friends, I can give you whatever you want, whatever you need.
38:36Just ask.
38:37Just let my wife go.
38:38You think I'm fucking stupid? You'd never let me go.
38:42Be fair.
38:44I'm sorry.
38:50Don't pretend like you care, Matt.
38:52Look at this, Matt. Look at this.
38:54Hey, it's okay.
38:57You're a fucking pussy, aren't you?
38:59Why don't you get on your hands and knees and fucking beg, bitch?
39:04Go on, beg!
39:05Just get out of here, Matt.
39:06Just stop moving, bitch.
39:08Oh, Neil!
39:09Fucking Neil.
39:11You'd do anything for her, wouldn't you?
39:14Maybe you're the bitch in this relationship, so why don't you crawl, bitch?
39:17Come on, fucking crawl!
39:19Matt, just stop.
39:32Matt, just stop.
39:33I don't understand what's happening.
39:35It's okay, Joyce.
39:36It's okay, Joyce.
39:38You know she loves me, and then you torment me.
39:40Stop toying with me.
39:42I can't take it anymore.
39:44Shh. You'll be fine.
39:46You'll be okay.
39:47You have my heart, Matt.
39:50I know you love me.
39:52I do, but the pain I'm going to make is too much.
39:54I can't bear it anymore.
40:04It's okay.
40:05It's okay.
40:06It's okay. It's gone now.
40:07What's it going to take for you to let me go?
40:09Shh. It's okay.
40:14Look out!
40:15Joey, bitch!
40:31What have I done?
40:44It's okay.
40:46Don't worry.
40:50I just wish
40:52that I could have
40:54started my life
40:56with you.
41:00I made decisions.
41:01It's okay.
41:04It's okay.
41:07It's okay.
41:08No, Matt. No.
41:11No, Matt.
41:13No, Matt.
41:35You know, I don't get you.
41:37You took a knife
41:38for Julia, but
41:41didn't you hate her?
41:44Didn't you hate her?
41:47Didn't you love Irene?
41:50I never said I hated Julia.
41:52And I definitely
41:53never said I loved Irene.
41:55If you love Julia so much,
41:56why not just let her go?
42:00Do you know
42:02how hard it is
42:03to love someone
42:04and let them go?
42:13she was in love with someone else.
42:15Some guy named Darcy.
42:17Some guy named Darcy.
42:20Some nights
42:22she would even call his name.
42:27I thought I was ready to let her go.
42:31then she gave me those divorce papers.
42:40what's the deal with Irene?
42:43Her husband
42:47was my roommate at uni.
42:50We, uh
42:52we volunteered for World Kitchen together
42:54as aid workers in Gaza,
42:56but some things came up, so
42:58I couldn't go.
43:01His unit was hit by a bomb.
43:07last phone call
43:09was to me.
43:14And his final dying wish
43:16was that I take care of his unborn child.
43:19So that's what I'm doing.
43:21Why wouldn't you just told Julia about this?
43:24I figured she only loves Darcy, so
43:28I thought I'd give her a way out, you know?
43:29If she thought I was cheating too,
43:31then she'd have an excuse to leave me.
43:34You see,
43:35I learned that
43:38is not
43:39seeing a beautiful flower in a field
43:43taking it home.
43:45That's possession.
43:47Love is
43:49admiring the flower
43:52and letting it live.
43:56easier said than done.
44:02you love Julia to the extent that
44:06is not
44:07seeing a beautiful flower in a field
44:11taking it home.
44:13That's possession.
44:15Love is
44:17admiring the flower
44:20and letting it live.
44:24easier said than done.
44:27easier said than done.
44:36you love Julia to the extent that
44:40you're willing to let her be with someone else.
44:58admire the flower
45:00and let it live.
45:03Let them live, Tova.
45:07Let it go.
45:26Everything will be alright.
45:31Thanks for pushing my application through, babe.
45:34Maybe next time I'll
45:35take care of it myself.
45:38What do you mean?
45:40I don't want any more favours from
45:41Hugo Lawrence, alright?
45:43The thought of you even
45:44talking to him
45:45makes me sick.
45:49I have a little secret.
45:52What is it?
45:53I have a little secret.
45:55I'm a Lawrence.
45:58You already married Hugo?
46:01Oh, Matt!
46:05Let me introduce my family.
46:07My grandpa,
46:08Harry Lawrence.
46:11My brother,
46:12Hugo Lawrence.
46:17And me,
46:19Julia Lawrence.
46:24Your brother
46:26and grandpa.
46:28You, young man,
46:29should have been calling me
46:30grandpa a long time ago.
46:54I feel like we should have,
46:56I don't know,
46:57done things differently.
46:58Oh, yeah?
47:01Why didn't you tell me who you were?
47:03I loved you so much,
47:04I thought
47:06all of this
47:07would scare you away.
47:13Well, I should have
47:14done things differently.
47:16Should I have
47:17told you
47:18who I was?
47:20I should have
47:21told you
47:22I should have
47:23taken better care of you, Jules.
47:26And I should have
47:27built trust
47:28through communication
47:29instead of
47:31concealing my thoughts
47:32and feelings.
47:35I wish I'd never let go of your hand.
47:38And I wish
47:39I'd never made you suffer.
47:47I love you, Julia Lawrence.
47:49Please never leave me again.
47:52I love you too,
47:53my Mr. Darcy.
48:00Again with the Darcy,
48:01just tell me who he is.
48:04Kiss me and I will.
48:14Hey, Tom!
48:19What's your name?
48:20Hang on!
48:22Hang on!
48:33What are you thinking?
48:35I'm thinking
48:36I may have just found
48:37my own Mr. Darcy.
48:46I remember that day.
48:49I was chasing that guy,
48:50that was you?
48:51From that day on,
48:52you were always
48:53Mr. Darcy.
48:55I need to read that book now.
49:00it was always me?
49:02Always was,
49:03always will be.
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