"Artificial Intelligence (AI)"love is my eyes

  • 2 months ago
love is my eyes"Artificial Intelligence (AI)" is a term used to describe the ability of computers and machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. This can include things like learning, problem-solving, understanding language, and recognizing patterns. In Hindi movies, AI may be portrayed in various ways, such as robots with human-like emotions or computers with advanced decision-making capabilities.
00:30It's a beautiful day, you can say it with your heart
00:34You can dream it
00:46Get lost in your dreams
00:50The secret of love
00:54Whatever your heart says, walk on that path
00:58Without saying anything, say it, say it, say it
01:03Understand love
01:06Open your eyes
01:08You can say it with your heart
01:11You can dream it
01:13Understand love
01:15Open your eyes
01:18You can say it with your heart
01:20You can dream it
01:28Understand love
01:30Open your eyes
01:32You can say it with your heart
01:34You can dream it
01:36Understand love
01:38Open your eyes
01:40You can say it with your heart
01:42You can dream it
01:44Understand love
01:46Open your eyes
01:48You can say it with your heart
01:50You can dream it
01:52Understand love
01:54Open your eyes
