The unwanted billionaire heiress Part 3 End

  • 2 months ago
The unwanted billionaire heiress Part 3 End #shorts


00:00Crystal, that is so thoughtful. Thank you, sweetie.
00:05And then there's one more little thing.
00:08I drew it myself, so I know that it's far inferior to the paintings that you collect, but I still hope that you like it.
00:14Crystal, you are the best.
00:17It's been a long time since you've given me one of your paintings,
00:21and now I have another painting of yours to add to my collection.
00:25I will treasure it always. Thank you so much.
00:27Of course.
00:29Crystal, you never told me you were so good at drawing.
00:44Get away from me!
00:46You just wanted me to let you fall?
00:48I'd rather fall than let you touch me.
00:50Oh, get over yourself. If I would have made a move, I would have done it a long time ago.
00:54You're an idiot.
00:57You know, I remember a point in time where you were actually attracted to me.
01:02Well, Mr. Wade, things do seem to change, don't they?
01:07I used to be obsessed with you, and now I can't seem to get far enough away from you.
01:13Crystal, I don't even know who you are anymore.
01:20I'm not sure if I believe you.
01:27We're divorced.
01:29It's pointless to entertain those thoughts.
01:32Please, just respect my boundaries.
01:35Do you love that man?
01:42What if I did?
01:46No, you don't love him. You're just dating him to piss me off.
01:50You seem paranoid.
01:53Why do you hate me so much?
01:55You are dating a man you don't even like.
01:59Just to upset me.
02:01Is your life hell?
02:03God, am I happy to hear that.
02:06You're those true colors, Sherwin.
02:09Marrying you was the biggest mistake of my life.
02:17Your grandfather's party's almost over.
02:21Have those divorce papers to me.
02:25Let's just hope that we can shake hands and walk away as friends.
02:47Who's there?
02:53Come out, I know you're there.
02:55Crystal, run! Run!
02:59Oh my God!
03:05Oh my God!
03:08Cheryl, are you okay?
03:09Are you okay?
03:10You're the one that got stabbed. Why would you save me?
03:14Call an ambulance, he's been stabbed.
03:16You're injured, need immediate treatment.
03:17No, no, call an ambulance.
03:19No, Crystal.
03:22I'm so sorry.
03:23I treated you so terribly.
03:25I never should have yelled at you.
03:27It's okay.
03:28It's okay, I forgive you.
03:30I promise, from now on, I'll make sure no one treats you the way I treated you.
03:35I'm sorry, stay with me.
03:37It's okay.
03:39I'm sorry.
03:41Girls, no.
03:42Girls, stay awake.
03:44Girls, no, stay awake, come on.
03:57Charles, I thought you hated me.
04:02Why would you risk your life to save me?
04:06I just can't figure out what you're thinking.
04:25I'm sorry.
04:27I thought that was an accident.
04:30Now that you're awake, I'll go.
04:33No, no.
04:36Don't go.
04:46You're injured.
04:48You need to lay down.
04:50Don't move.
04:52The doctor said that you have to recuperate.
04:54You're going to open up the wound.
05:03What's your password?
05:06It's your birthday.
05:19You have my new number now.
05:24I'm going to go.
05:26Call me if you need anything, okay?
05:34Miss Smith suddenly transferred 8 billion out of her bank account.
05:42Why did she suddenly transfer so much money out just after Crystal was attacked?
05:47Gilda, I hope this wasn't you.
05:50Why did she suddenly transfer so much money out just after Crystal was attacked?
05:55Gilda, I hope this wasn't you.
06:04Crystal, are you okay?
06:06Do you have a fever?
06:07Why is your face so red?
06:08No, I don't have a fever.
06:09It's just hot in here.
06:11I didn't expect Charles to risk his life to protect you.
06:14He has some conscience.
06:16Thank God you're safe.
06:17If anything happens to you, Dad will be distressed.
06:19I'm okay.
06:21God, there must be somebody planning all of this.
06:24What are you going to do?
06:27Judging by that man's fighting skills, he's trained.
06:32I asked you to investigate over.
06:34Have you found anything?
06:39Oh my God!
06:50Lewis, good job!
06:53Where did you find all of these?
06:55From Ilda's Instagram.
06:57She has hundreds of followers.
06:59I've spent a lot of time investigating them one by one these days.
07:02Oh my God, you're the best.
07:05When I found this man suspicious, I hacked his account,
07:08baited his photo album, and found these pictures.
07:11He's a fitness instructor and has many followers.
07:15A fitness instructor?
07:18So maybe he knows how to fight.
07:21What do you mean?
07:22Did the attacker look anything like the man that Ilda had an affair with?
07:26Yes, you're amazing.
07:28They must be the same person.
07:30I'll investigate the fitness instructor thoroughly.
07:32Lewis, thank you.
07:33We have to find out why this man attacked me.
07:35Let's find this guy.
07:44I had no idea Bradley was such a gambler.
07:47Casinos, banks, loan sharks, they're all looking for him.
07:51That's why he was blackmailing Ilda.
07:53How's the answer?
07:54Ilda took advantage of his greed and hired him to attack you for a large sum of money.
07:59What an evil woman.
08:06Miss Brown, please.
08:08I know I was wrong.
08:10Please, spare my life.
08:12You'll answer every single one of my questions if you want to say that.
08:15Please, go ahead. I'll tell you everything I know.
08:17What is your relationship to Ilda Smith?
08:19I used to be her fitness instructor.
08:22Then we got closer.
08:24She's a total slut.
08:25She seduced me.
08:28So we got together after.
08:31Are you aware that she's pregnant?
08:34Judging by your expression, I can tell you already know.
08:38I know.
08:40Ilda's pregnant with my child.
08:46It is a Charles baby?
08:49Of course not.
08:51We used to live abroad.
08:53I don't know how she hooked up with Mr. Wade.
08:55She suddenly dumped me and then returned here.
08:58What if Charles were to take a paternity test after Ilda gave birth?
09:01She'd be scared.
09:03Charles, the woman you love tricked you.
09:10Ashley's calling me.
09:12Who's Ashley?
09:14It's Ilda.
09:16Get this off.
09:21Tell her I'm seriously injured.
09:23Do as I say.
09:25Don't alert her.
09:27Don't play any tricks.
09:30How is Crystal?
09:32She's entered the ICU.
09:33Good job. She will suffer even more.
09:35I hope she lies there for the rest of her life.
09:38I've transferred $8 million to you.
09:40I will give you the rest after my engagement ceremony.
09:46Well done.
09:47Now we'll just need you to cooperate for the big thing.
10:03Crystal, what should we do next?
10:07How about we release Bradley and let him teach Ilda a lesson?
10:11You know better than anyone.
10:13I always say best for last.
10:17I'd better love her at the last meal.
10:19Kara, now that both our families are on the rise,
10:24why don't we hold the engagement ceremony as soon as possible?
10:28You're right.
10:29Let's discuss the details after the fashion show.
10:34The new group's are the most quality clothes.
10:37I'm sure you'll like them.
10:39I'm sure you'll like them.
10:41I'm sure you'll like them.
10:43I'm sure you'll like them.
10:45I'm sure you'll like them.
10:47The new group's are the most quality clothes.
10:50I mean, the media has already exposed the scandal.
10:54How come you have the nerve to attend the show?
10:57What are you talking about?
10:59The Brown family invited us.
11:01The Brown family invited us.
11:13I don't know why I'm here.
11:22Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the HG fashion show.
11:27Wait, isn't this bitch in the ICU?
11:31Why is she here?
11:37Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the HG fashion show.
11:45Crystal, I almost forgot you were Louis Brown's mistress.
11:50Well, apparently he loves you so much,
11:53he trusts you to give the opening remarks at his big event.
11:57You are cute.
11:59This again.
12:00You're always trying to lie that I'm a mistress.
12:04Why is it that you'll stop at nothing to try to ruin my reputation?
12:08I come here tonight as CEO of the HG group.
12:12If you have any doubts or objections about that fact,
12:14you're welcome to see yourself out.
12:16But I will be reconsidering our cooperation.
12:19Crystal, I know you've been a bit unhappy ever since Charles abandoned you,
12:24but stop trying so hard to keep up appearances.
12:28You really think you can be CEO of the HG group just by paying some lip service?
12:33If you keep doing stuff like this, Mr. Brown will abandon you as well.
12:37Don't waste time trying to talk to her.
12:40Security, kick the crazy woman out.
12:45Security, hurry up.
12:57Mr. Brown, you're here at just the right moment.
13:01This moment has been claiming to be the CEO of HG group.
13:06She's nothing but a social climber.
13:09Yeah, she's a social climber. Don't trust her.
13:14Crystal, come here.
13:21Hi, Dad.
13:26She's not my sister, Crystal.
13:28How is this possible?
13:30Crystal was abandoned as a child.
13:32How can she be the young lady of the Brown family?
13:35Crystal, we were married for three years.
13:40Why would you hide your identity from me?
13:46Yes, okay. I'm Crystal Brown of the Brown family.
13:51I haven't appeared in public in years, and I hid my identity because I wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble.
13:57Charles and I are getting a divorce.
14:00I thought that hiding it could help us part as friends, but...
14:04If Crystal hadn't begged us to help you, HG group would have gone bankrupt three years ago.
14:10Crystal, even if you are the young lady of the Brown family,
14:14you still sacrificed everything for three years for nothing.
14:18Charles dumped you.
14:19Shut up.
14:20I'm warning you.
14:22I have been very forgiving of you,
14:25but I don't allow people to disrespect me like this.
14:28You're going to regret it if you continue to pull things like this, Ashley.
14:35Oh, why are you making that face?
14:38Why are you making that face?
14:40Isn't Ashley your other name?
14:42Why do you suddenly seem so scared?
14:46I don't know who you're talking about. I don't know anyone named Ashley.
14:50Stop talking nonsense.
14:52You can change your name and get all the plastic surgery in the world,
14:55but you can never erase the things that you did.
14:58If people investigate you, they'll find out exactly who you are.
15:09What is this? Oh, my gosh.
15:12What is this, Charles?
15:14Wow, Mrs. Smith, looking conservative and graceful.
15:18I didn't know you were this vile.
15:21Who did this? Hurry up and delete the photo. Hurry.
15:25Why do you want people to delete the photos, huh?
15:28Ashley, don't you like it?
15:30Who did this? Hurry up and delete the photo. Hurry.
15:34Why do you want people to delete the photos, huh?
15:37Ashley, don't you like it?
15:39We're family.
15:40You're pregnant with my child, and you want to marry another man?
15:44Has your conscience ever pricked you?
15:50It's ridiculous.
15:51Zelda, what is going on?
15:53You're a stinking scoundrel.
15:55Who are you? How dare you slander my daughter?
15:58Security, kick him out.
15:59No, don't kick him out.
16:02Charles, Charles, no, no, no. You have to believe me.
16:05I don't know that man. He's just trying to ruin my reputation.
16:08How can you say I'm slandering you?
16:10Don't you know how many times we've had sex?
16:12I will sue you for defamation.
16:14Yes, I'll sue you for bigamy.
16:16Do you want me to take the attorney?
16:18Prove it.
16:23How dare you?
16:26You told me that that baby was my brother's.
16:32I put up with you for so long.
16:36And now this.
16:38The baby isn't even in my family.
16:40No, no, no, Charles.
16:41Don't talk to me.
16:42No, don't talk to me.
16:43No, Charles.
16:47I heard Crystal.
16:48A cruel woman full of lies.
16:52Are you pregnant, Bradley?
16:54What are you going to do?
16:55You're both under arrest for the crime of murder.
16:57Everything you say is using an important victim in sight.
17:02What are you doing?
17:04Mom, I'm innocent.
17:05No, let go of me.
17:06Let go. I didn't do anything.
17:08No, no.
17:10No, no.
17:13Call an ambulance.
17:15You hired Bradley to kill Crystal.
17:18She deserves it then.
17:25It's the first time that Crystal's been responsible for the HD group events.
17:31I'd like to take this moment to make this announcement.
17:34She will be CEO of Full HD Groups and the Brown Group moving forward.
17:54Our distinguished guests, please have a seat.
18:25I got these for you.
18:30So you want to get back together with me after cutting off who I am?
18:33Do you want the Brown Group to help with your business?
18:37I want to get back together.
18:39But it's not because of your identity.
18:45You can punish me as you please.
18:48I know I deserve that.
18:50But I wanted to have another chance.
18:55You clearly have no idea how much I've suffered these last few years.
19:02We were supposed to have a baby.
19:05And you and Elza caused me to have a miscarriage before I could even hear a heartbeat.
19:09A baby?
19:11We were supposed to have a baby?
19:13We were supposed to have a baby?
19:15Yes, you told me to get rid of it.
19:17And I lost it because of you.
19:19No, I never said that.
19:21I didn't even know you were pregnant.
19:23Why would I say something like that?
19:35You and Elza caused me to have a miscarriage before I could even hear a heartbeat.
19:39And you and Elza caused me to have a miscarriage.
19:42You and Elza put me through hell.
19:47I'm so sorry.
19:49I'm so sorry, Crystal.
19:56But it also feels like now there's nothing that can stop us.
20:12No, there isn't an us anymore.
20:15You broke my heart.
20:18Broken hearts aren't easily mended.
20:22Well, in a million pieces or one, this heart still loves you.
20:27And I'll do everything in my power to put yours back together.
20:31It isn't going to be that easy.
20:34You're welcome to try.
20:37But I won't get back together with you until I'm satisfied.
20:42I love you.
21:35Will you marry me?
21:37It's beautiful.
21:39You don't know the real me.
21:42We can start over.
21:44I can reintroduce myself. My name's Charles.
21:48I don't even like pears.
21:50Okay, we don't have to go to the grocery store to get pears.
21:53It's okay.
21:56Is that a yes?
21:57Please slow down. Hold on.
