Nagoya 2024, Makuuchi - Day 7

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Shikimori Kandayu
00:00:18Next, Kagayaki
00:00:22Takadagawa from Ishikawa prefecture
00:00:26Shio Shoma
00:00:29Kokonoe from Mongolia
00:00:36Oitekaze from Ishikawa prefecture
00:00:40Wakataka Kage
00:00:44Ara Shio from Fukushima prefecture
00:00:48Hokuto Fuji
00:00:51Hakkaku from Saitama prefecture
00:00:56Churano Umi
00:00:59Kise from Okinawa prefecture
00:01:06Hanare Goma from Hokkaido
00:01:14Tokitsukaze from Kumamoto prefecture
00:01:22Kataonami from Mongolia
00:01:30Naruto from Mongolia
00:01:34Koto Shouho
00:01:37Sadogatake from Chiba prefecture
00:01:41Takano Shou
00:01:44Tokiwayama from Chiba prefecture
00:01:48Wakamoto Haru
00:01:52Ara Shio from Fukushima prefecture
00:01:56Atami Fuji
00:01:59Isegahama from Hizoya prefecture
00:02:04Komusubi Hiradoumi
00:02:08Sakaiga Abeya from Nagasaki prefecture
00:02:12Komusubi Daieisho
00:02:16Oitekaze from Saitama prefecture
00:02:20Sekiwake Kirishima
00:02:24Otowayamabeya from Mongolia
00:02:28Sekiwake Abe
00:02:31Shikoroyamabeya from Saitama prefecture
00:02:35Ozeki Kotozakura
00:02:39Sadogatake from Chiba prefecture
00:03:47Shikimori Kiichiro
00:03:58Isegahamabeya from Aomori prefecture
00:04:03Busho Ozan
00:04:06Fujishimabeya from Ibaraki prefecture
00:04:14Tagoyamabeya from Russia
00:04:19Takara Fuji
00:04:22Isegahamabeya from Aomori prefecture
00:04:31Isenomibeya from Iwate prefecture
00:04:39Isegahamabeya from Shizuoka prefecture
00:04:44Kinbo Ozan
00:04:47Kisebeya from Kazakhstan
00:04:55Takadagaabeya from Yamadashi prefecture
00:05:03Sakaigaabeya from Kubamoto prefecture
00:05:11Ootakebeya from Tokyo
00:05:19Takadagaabeya from Kanagawa prefecture
00:05:27Kisebeya from Osaka
00:05:35Oitekazebeya from Tokyo
00:05:43Takekumabeya from Osaka
00:05:52Dewanoumibeya from Nakano prefecture
00:06:00Tatsunamibeya from Kagoshima prefecture
00:06:05Sekiwake Oonosato
00:06:09Nishonosekibeya from Ishikawa prefecture
00:06:14Ozeki Takakesho
00:06:18Tokibayamabeya from Shogo prefecture
00:06:23Ozeki Houshouryu
00:06:28Tatsunamibeya from Mongolia
00:06:51Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:06:59Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:07:07Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:07:16Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:07:21Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:07:26Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:07:31Takadagaabeya from Nagasaki
00:07:36From Higashigata
00:07:37Termo Fuji
00:08:10Yokozuna Terunofuji
00:08:14Tsuyuharai Midorifuji
00:08:17Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:08:20Gyoji is Kimura Shounosuke
00:08:40Yokozuna Terunofuji
00:08:43Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:08:46Gyoji is Kimura Shounosuke
00:08:49Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:08:52Gyoji is Kimura Shounosuke
00:08:55Yokozuna Terunofuji
00:08:58Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:09:01Gyoji is Kimura Shounosuke
00:09:04Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:09:07Gyoji is Kimura Shounosuke
00:09:10Yokozuna Terunofuji
00:09:13Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:09:16Gyoji is Kimura Shounosuke
00:09:19Tachimochi Atamifuji
00:09:21Thank you
00:09:53The end of the dohyori.
00:10:23Today, on the left side of the screen, is the 33-year-old Chiyo Shoman, Kanada-san.
00:10:28Oh, is that so? Congratulations.
00:10:31You've been doing this for a long time, haven't you?
00:10:34Yes, I have.
00:10:35By the way, you were in a hurry, weren't you?
00:10:37Yes, I was in a hurry because of a hernia surgery on my waist.
00:10:41I was in a hurry and won yesterday.
00:10:44I was looking for Chiyo Shoman on the first day.
00:10:46I was looking for her, but I couldn't find her.
00:10:49Oh, I see.
00:10:52You had a good sumo match yesterday, didn't you?
00:10:54Yes, I did.
00:10:56Chiyo Shoman is wearing a white hat to celebrate her birthday.
00:11:02She is wearing a white hat to celebrate her birthday.
00:11:09Today's opponent is the heavyweight Mitoryu.
00:11:11Mitoryu has lost 3 to 3 so far.
00:11:14Chiyo Shoman should step forward.
00:11:16By stepping forward, Chiyo Shoman will be able to reduce the burden on her waist.
00:11:22Yesterday, Chiyo Shoman did a sumo match like that.
00:11:25Today, Chiyo Shoman did a sumo match like that.
00:11:30Chiyo Shoman has a lot of techniques.
00:11:33Mitoryu is 190 cm tall and weighs 197 kg.
00:11:37If Chiyo Shoman grabs the opponent and puts him on the right side, she will become Mitoryu.
00:11:41Chiyo Shoman has won 8 matches in the past.
00:11:44She is going to the front.
00:11:46She is going to the front.
00:11:47Mitoryu is going to put her on the right side.
00:11:49She grabs the opponent and wins.
00:11:51Chiyo Shoman has won.
00:11:55Chiyo Shoman didn't grab the opponent and step forward.
00:11:59She can't do that because her waist is bad.
00:12:01She grabbed the opponent and stepped forward.
00:12:04She grabbed the opponent and stepped forward.
00:12:07She didn't have enough power to grab the opponent.
00:12:10When Chiyo Shoman steps forward, Mitoryu steps forward.
00:12:14This is a position where Chiyo Shoman uses the weight of her waist.
00:12:18This is a position where Chiyo Shoman uses the weight of her waist.
00:12:23You can see that.
00:12:25I thought Chiyo Shoman was going to step forward.
00:12:30But she didn't step forward.
00:12:34Chiyo Shoman is 33 years old.
00:12:37She has a cool posture.
00:12:40She has a cool posture.
00:12:43She is 33 years old, but she has a cool posture and can step forward.
00:12:47HANADA-san, is January 20 your birthday?
00:12:49HANADA-san, is January 20 your birthday?
00:12:52I usually have no special occasion.
00:12:57Wakataka Kage came back to the Makunouchi.
00:13:00Wakataka Kage came back to the Makunouchi.
00:13:03Mr. Hanada, this young Takakage has returned to Makunouchi and has won 4 wins and 2 losses so far.
00:13:08How do you feel about the sumo content?
00:13:10I think it's good.
00:13:12I lost a little bit of sumo yesterday.
00:13:16I think my body is moving in that respect.
00:13:19I don't have any fear anymore.
00:13:23But I think I'm getting used to it.
00:13:27You had an injury on your right knee, but you were able to overcome the surgery and come back to Makunouchi.
00:13:34There are a lot of people who have surgery now.
00:13:38I think it's because the medical field is improving.
00:13:41You didn't have surgery before, did you?
00:13:43I didn't have surgery.
00:13:45I had surgery, but I had a different method because I thought that if I cut it, it would delay the regeneration of the skin.
00:14:00Either way, the medical field is improving.
00:14:06I think I should find a way to fix it.
00:14:12You've had a lot of injuries in the past.
00:14:15Nishikifuji is also in pain in his left elbow and ankle.
00:14:21Right-handed young Takakage vs. left-handed Nishikifuji.
00:14:28Young Takakage peeped to the right.
00:14:30He can't pull his lower arm.
00:14:32But he's going for it.
00:14:33He's got it in his back.
00:14:34Young Takakage wins by a close call.
00:14:36It's good that he's able to move his arms.
00:14:38It's good that he can move his legs.
00:14:40Yesterday, he cut his lower arm, but he let go of it.
00:14:43That didn't go well.
00:14:49He cut it off in the form of a cut.
00:14:51Young Takakage wins.
00:14:52Now he's keeping his arm in front of him.
00:14:57Nishikifuji is lowering his head, but he can't step in.
00:15:01That's why young Takakage's stepping in is good.
00:15:04He was stabbed and his upper body was raised.
00:15:06In the end, Takakage aimed for a kote-nage from the right.
00:15:10But Takakage was able to step forward.
00:15:12That doesn't change the result.
00:15:15It's good that Nishikifuji stepped in more and won.
00:15:20Young Takakage won and won 5 wins.
00:15:22Tomorrow, he'll fight with former O-Zeki Shodai.
00:15:24He lost to Nishikifuji and lost 4 times.
00:15:26Tomorrow, he'll fight with Chiranoi.
00:15:29Kamaru Dohyo.
00:15:30From the east, Kagayaki.
00:15:32From the west, Takara Fuji.
00:15:34Kagayaki has returned to Makunouchi for the first time since September last year.
00:15:40Today, he's back in the ring again.
00:15:43He's back in the ring.
00:15:44Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium.
00:15:45I think it's called the Dolphins Arena now.
00:15:48There's a fan who's holding a fan that says Noto Hanto.
00:15:54He's Kagayaki from Ishikawa Prefecture.
00:15:56He came to support him.
00:15:59Nagoya is relatively close.
00:16:01That's right.
00:16:02In Makunouchi, there are Kagayaki and Endo Onosato.
00:16:06They're both from Ishikawa Prefecture.
00:16:08First, we have Kagayaki.
00:16:10His opponent is Takara Fuji from Aogori Prefecture.
00:16:13Takara Fuji won 6 wins and lost 3 times in a row.
00:16:17In the first half, he won several times in a row.
00:16:20He was the star of the match.
00:16:21But in the middle of the match, he didn't get a lot of stars.
00:16:24Currently, Takara Fuji has lost 2 wins and 4 losses.
00:16:27He's been losing 3 times in a row since the 4th day.
00:16:30Takara Fuji is a veteran in sumo wrestling.
00:16:34He's a veteran.
00:16:36He's 37 years old.
00:16:37He's got a strong body.
00:16:39He's good.
00:16:41I think he's training hard.
00:16:43There are a lot of fans who support Takara Fuji.
00:16:51Takara Fuji seems to like weight training.
00:16:53He seems to like it.
00:16:55He's got a good body.
00:16:57I heard that bench press and deadlift can lift more than 200kg.
00:17:03That's amazing.
00:17:05Takara Fuji has 4 left-handed sumo wrestlers.
00:17:08If he has 4 right-handed sumo wrestlers, he's the right-handed Kagayaki.
00:17:11Takara Fuji's 14-8 win in the past match.
00:17:18Takara Fuji went for a right-handed throw.
00:17:20Kagayaki pushed him forward.
00:17:23Kagayaki won.
00:17:24Takara Fuji's 14-8 win in the past match.
00:17:26He went for a left-handed throw.
00:17:28He went for a right-handed throw.
00:17:31It's enough if Takara Fuji goes for a left-handed throw.
00:17:34It's better not to let him go for a left-handed throw.
00:17:40Kagayaki's uchiwa is shaking.
00:17:44He went for a right-handed throw.
00:17:46He pushed him forward.
00:17:48He went for a right-handed throw.
00:17:50I think it's better for Kagayaki to use his legs more.
00:17:53I think he can use his body more.
00:17:57Kagayaki is 193cm and 171kg.
00:18:01I envy him.
00:18:02He's big.
00:18:06Kagayaki is 30 years old.
00:18:09He's still shining.
00:18:11I think he should be in a commercial.
00:18:15Kawarudo vs. Fuji.
00:18:19Three wins and three losses.
00:18:26Fuji lost three games in a row.
00:18:29Fuji has three losses in a row.
00:18:32Fuji won the Nishikifuji Championship yesterday.
00:18:34Fuji has won the 3-game series 3 times in a row.
00:18:37Fuji has lost in a row.
00:18:39Fuji has lost in a row.
00:18:41Do you think that the history of Oshi-zumo goes on and on?
00:18:47Well, the more you do it, the stronger it gets.
00:18:49I see.
00:18:50The basics of sumo are Oshi, right?
00:18:53First, everyone learns Oshi-zumo, and then they do Otsu-zumo.
00:18:57I see.
00:18:58That's what I think about with the instructors.
00:19:00I see.
00:19:01Oshi-zumo has been the same since then.
00:19:04It's hard to master it.
00:19:07That's why Oshi-zumo has a low chance of becoming a Yokozuna or Oseki.
00:19:15I think that's why Oshi-zumo is so difficult.
00:19:20As you can see, it's been 3 consecutive losses and 3 consecutive wins.
00:19:24Right now, Oseki's Takakei-sho in Kadoban is really Oshi-zumo.
00:19:29It's tough.
00:19:31I can see that he's doing his best in a bad state.
00:19:36In the same age as Mr. Hanada, Mr. Musashimaru and Mr. Akebono are basically Oshi-zumo.
00:19:42Well, if you can master it, it's Oshi-zumo.
00:19:46That's right.
00:19:48You can do both Yokozuna and Oseki, right?
00:19:55It's his usual routine.
00:19:57There's also a long interview with Rikishi, which is being released on AVE.
00:20:02It's also being released on SNS.
00:20:05AVE said that if you look at Rikishi's routine, Sumo beginners can be interested in it at first.
00:20:15Each Rikishi's routine.
00:20:17That's interesting.
00:20:19I remember the other person's routine.
00:20:21Is that so?
00:20:22I think about it a lot.
00:20:26You look at the situation and find out what you're thinking about, right?
00:20:29You can break the rhythm.
00:20:33From here, Hokutoji has an action to step on the target.
00:20:38It was Busshozan who put his fist down first.
00:20:40Both of them are pushing.
00:20:42Busshozan pushes in a low stand.
00:20:45Hokutoji pushed it up from below and pulled it a little.
00:20:48Busshozan won by pushing it out.
00:20:51He grabbed it with his neck and pulled it too much.
00:20:58But I think it's a good matchup.
00:21:02I went from the shoulder today.
00:21:04I think it's okay to take that kind of sumo, Hokutoji.
00:21:10I'm not used to it, so I'll hit it a little more.
00:21:13If you hit your opponent with a little more strength, you can't attack.
00:21:23Busshozan pushed it up because he did a good job.
00:21:28It's a good matchup for Busshozan.
00:21:35Busshozan won and put his fist forward.
00:21:37The score is 4-3.
00:21:39Tomorrow is the Takarazuji match.
00:21:40Hokutoji, who lost, is in the lead with Kuroboji.
00:21:42Tomorrow is the matchup with Rouga.
00:21:46Nishikigi and Endo.
00:21:49This is Uchiwa.
00:21:51There's a lot of yellow.
00:21:54Did they give out something?
00:21:58It's written.
00:21:59It's Nishikigi's green.
00:22:08It's the color of Mars.
00:22:09That's right.
00:22:13These two are on the third table.
00:22:15Endo and Nishikigi.
00:22:18The audience is lined up.
00:22:21They're cheering for Endo and Nishikigi.
00:22:26Nishikigi doesn't have a white star yet.
00:22:29I don't think he's in a good condition.
00:22:33He's tired of being hit by his opponent.
00:22:36He's tired of his weaknesses.
00:22:38If you attack a little faster,
00:22:40Nishikigi will be able to close the gap and attack.
00:22:45If you can see that, you'll be able to win more.
00:22:51Last year, Nagoya lost 10 matches and won the Kanto tournament.
00:22:56I thought it would go up from here.
00:23:01But he's doing his best.
00:23:04Endo is having a hard time.
00:23:08He was strong in terms of weight.
00:23:11But he's not as good as Makunouchi.
00:23:18Endo won the Kanto tournament yesterday.
00:23:20It's his second win in a row.
00:23:22It's his seventh win in a row.
00:23:26He's from Ishikawa Prefecture.
00:23:28He's been seen a lot in Uchiyama.
00:23:32The four of them are good at each other.
00:23:34The left and right are similar in shape.
00:23:36However, Nishikigi wants to put his chest together.
00:23:38Endo wants to turn around.
00:23:40Even if they're good at hitting the same left,
00:23:42they're a little different in shape.
00:23:45The past matches are Endo's 7 to 2.
00:23:48It's been a year since we've had a match.
00:24:06Nishikigi is in the lead.
00:24:08Endo won the match.
00:24:11Let's watch Endo.
00:24:14Let's see his action.
00:24:22This is interesting.
00:24:24I'm Nishikigi, and I'm Endo.
00:24:28Normally, sumo fighters hit each other with their heads.
00:24:33But Endo looks at the opponent's head.
00:24:36He's a veteran.
00:24:38Nishikigi knows that his lower body is pulled back and his upper body is out.
00:24:43That's why he's in this position.
00:24:45When he comes forward, he pulls his hand well.
00:24:48This is when Endo's good sumo was shown in a good way.
00:24:53If you look too much, you'll be hit by your opponent.
00:24:57Today, Endo's good pull was the best.
00:25:00He was calm.
00:25:02He didn't come forward.
00:25:04He pulled his hand back.
00:25:06It was an interesting sumo.
00:25:08Thank you.
00:25:09You explained the action.
00:25:11Let's watch the match again.
00:25:14We've seen a lot of matches like this.
00:25:18But we haven't seen much recently.
00:25:23He opened his body quickly.
00:25:25He was in sync with the opponent.
00:25:27If he changes, he'll be hit.
00:25:29It's hard for the audience to watch.
00:25:31It's hard to watch.
00:25:33We've been told that.
00:25:36But we have to put up with it.
00:25:41Endo wins the third match.
00:25:43Nishikigi is still in the first round.
00:25:457 consecutive losses.
00:25:47Tomorrow is the Chiyo Shoma match.
00:25:52Akatsu-san has a comment.
00:25:54Akatsu-san, you look tired.
00:25:58I heard you went to the location.
00:26:01I heard you were swimming in the sea.
00:26:03Akatsu-san only speaks at the end of the show.
00:26:08I talk a lot.
00:26:10I wanted to speak earlier.
00:26:12But sumo is fast.
00:26:14I can't speak at all.
00:26:16Hanada-san's commentary and Akatsu-san's sumo commentary.
00:26:23Please look forward to it.
00:26:27Akatsu-san has a lot of comments.
00:26:29Thank you very much.
00:26:31I'll make the commentary easier to understand.
00:26:36Ichiyamamoto vs. Rouga.
00:26:38Ichiyamamoto vs. Oshizumo.
00:26:40Rouga vs. Yotsuzumo.
00:26:42In the past match,
00:26:44Ichiyamamoto had a face in the middle of the match.
00:26:48Ichiyamamoto won by Hatakomi.
00:26:51Ichiyamamoto lost to Chiranomi yesterday.
00:26:54Ichiyamamoto lost by Hatakomi.
00:26:59Rouga also lost to Chiranomi yesterday.
00:27:05The flow of the match is not good.
00:27:09Ichiyamamoto should go forward.
00:27:12But he's going forward.
00:27:14That's why he's pulling his opponent.
00:27:17Rouga is pulling his opponent.
00:27:20Rouga is Yotsuzumo.
00:27:22Rouga wants to pull his opponent.
00:27:25Both of them clearly know what they want to do in sumo.
00:27:30It's different from today.
00:27:32If Rouga wants to be right-handed,
00:27:35he can't tell his opponent.
00:27:38He will be found out.
00:27:40No, it's not like that.
00:27:42Rouga goes forward.
00:27:44And he pulls his opponent while going forward.
00:27:47He pulls his opponent with his right hand.
00:27:50Rouga is too particular about his right hand.
00:28:20Rouga was thinking.
00:28:22Rouga moved to the left from the match.
00:28:30He went to the left from the beginning.
00:28:33He was thinking about this from the beginning.
00:28:36He's Yotsuzumo.
00:28:39This is a replay.
00:28:43He's pulling his opponent.
00:28:46He's pulling his opponent with his right hand.
00:28:49Ichiyama can't do anything in this situation.
00:28:56Ichiyama didn't look at Rouga.
00:28:58He lowered his head too much.
00:29:02He knew that Rouga was coming.
00:29:05Rouga is thinking.
00:29:08Rouga often uses this situation.
00:29:11Rikishi is lowering his head.
00:29:15When will he hit Rouga?
00:29:17He's thinking.
00:29:19But he's not lowering his head.
00:29:24This is the Nagoya venue of the DOLPHINS ARENA.
00:29:27The main event will be held in Nagoya in April.
00:29:30The main event will be held for 15 days.
00:29:33Today is the 7th day.
00:29:35The first half of the game will be held tomorrow.
00:29:38Sumo is held in the first half of the game.
00:29:41Today is the 66th Yokozuna,
00:29:44and today is the 66th Hanada Masaru.
00:29:47Sumo is held.
00:29:49It is an event that is fun and easy to understand.
00:29:53The map is the east side of the Chura sea and the west side of the Midori Fuji.
00:29:56I got a comment from Mr. Hanada.
00:29:58Do you have any memories of Nagoya?
00:30:00I do.
00:30:02I was in Kanie at that time.
00:30:04There was a Yakiniku restaurant called Daimon.
00:30:06I went there for 15 days.
00:30:08You went to the main venue for 15 days.
00:30:10I went to the Yakiniku restaurant for 15 days.
00:30:13I went to many places.
00:30:15There are many places.
00:30:17Isn't it Genkatsugi?
00:30:19I went to that place.
00:30:21I went to Komeda's White Noir.
00:30:24I went to Komeda Coffee.
00:30:26I went to Taiwan Ramen.
00:30:28It's delicious and spicy.
00:30:30I went to Hikumabushi and Horaiken.
00:30:32There are many types of food in Nagoya.
00:30:35I went to a variety of strange spaghetti.
00:30:39What kind of spaghetti is that?
00:30:41It's sweet.
00:30:43It's like matcha.
00:30:45I see.
00:30:47There are many things.
00:30:49You didn't stay in a place for 15 days.
00:30:52You went to a place and stayed there for a long time.
00:30:55I stayed in a place for a month.
00:30:57I went to a place two weeks ago.
00:31:00I went to the main venue two weeks ago.
00:31:04The people who prepare for each room enter the venue a week before that.
00:31:11A sumo wrestler appears two weeks before that.
00:31:14Only sumo wrestlers and wrestlers are on the car.
00:31:20Of course, the wrestlers of GENKI will go out to eat today.
00:31:25They will eat the food they bought yesterday.
00:31:28I miss that time.
00:31:30I went to Nagoya in private this year.
00:31:33Is that so?
00:31:34I went to Nagoya with my family for dinner.
00:31:39Thank you for your comment.
00:31:43In July, you won against TAKANOHANA.
00:31:48You also won against TOMOE.
00:31:51That's right.
00:31:53I like summer because my body warms up.
00:31:58Do you like summer?
00:32:00I like summer.
00:32:02It was really hot.
00:32:04Nagoya is only hot because it is only July.
00:32:11I was nervous and was taken to the hospital the day before.
00:32:15I was in an emergency.
00:32:18I'm nervous.
00:32:20I don't care if it's cold or hot.
00:32:26Sumo wrestlers fight against pressure for 15 days.
00:32:33The fourth match is a tie.
00:32:35Chiranomi vs. Midorifuji.
00:32:38Midorifuji doesn't fall.
00:32:40Midorifuji moves.
00:32:42Midorifuji pulls.
00:32:44Chiranomi moves forward.
00:32:46Midorifuji moves to the left.
00:32:48Midorifuji goes in.
00:32:49Midorifuji goes to the right.
00:32:50Midorifuji moves away.
00:32:51It's a fierce sumo.
00:32:53Chiranomi wins.
00:32:58It was a good sumo.
00:33:00Chiranomi had a good kick.
00:33:03Midorifuji got on the kick.
00:33:07Midorifuji didn't miss the timing of Chiranomi's kick.
00:33:15Midorifuji should have aimed at Chiranomi.
00:33:23Midorifuji didn't go to the ground.
00:33:26Chiranomi aimed at Chiranomi.
00:33:29It was a good kick.
00:33:31Midorifuji didn't have a choice.
00:33:34He wanted to go to the ground.
00:33:38But Chiranomi pushed him away.
00:33:42Chiranomi got on the kick.
00:33:44Midorifuji should have aimed at Chiranomi.
00:33:48But Chiranomi pushed him away.
00:33:53It was a good sumo.
00:33:56Midorifuji moves to the right.
00:34:00Chiranomi should move to the left.
00:34:03Midorifuji moves to the right.
00:34:06Midorifuji can predict the next move.
00:34:09Midorifuji can predict the next move.
00:34:13Chiranomi won the fifth match.
00:34:15Midorifuji lost the third match.
00:34:18Chiranomi's cute little picture is on the cheering board.
00:34:22Hanada is happy.
00:34:25He made it with all his heart.
00:34:29I'm happy.
00:34:32What if I send it to you?
00:34:35I'll write it.
00:34:37I'll send it to you.
00:34:40I'll send it to you.
00:34:43I'll send it to you.
00:34:46I'll send it to you.
00:34:49I'll send it to you.
00:34:52I'll send it to you.
00:34:55I'll send it to you.
00:34:58I'll send it to you.
00:35:01I'll send it to you.
00:35:04I'll send it to you.
00:35:06I'll send it to you.
00:35:09He has won four times in a row.
00:35:12He used to be a big player.
00:35:15He has a winning experience.
00:35:18I want him to do his best.
00:35:21He is 32 years old.
00:35:24I used to say that it was easy to be a big player.
00:35:27I used to say that it was easy to be a big player.
00:35:30I want him to do his best.
00:35:33I want him to do his best.
00:35:36He is one of the most popular players.
00:35:39He is 37 years old.
00:35:42He is a good player.
00:35:45He is a good player.
00:35:48I want him to stop.
00:35:51I want him to stop.
00:35:54I want him to stop.
00:35:57I want him to stop.
00:36:00I want him to stop.
00:36:03I want him to stop.
00:36:06I want him to stop.
00:36:09I want him to stop.
00:36:12I want him to stop.
00:36:15I want him to stop.
00:36:18I want him to stop.
00:36:21I want him to stop.
00:36:24I want him to stop.
00:36:27In the past, Shodai has won 4-3.
00:36:30Sadanomi has won 1,000 matches.
00:36:33I see.
00:36:36Shodai wants to compete with Sadanomi.
00:36:39Shodai wants to compete with Sadanomi.
00:36:42I think Shodai will win.
00:36:45He showed a good sumo.
00:36:48I think Shodai will win.
00:36:51I think Shodai will win.
00:36:55Shodai has won 4 times in a row.
00:36:58Sadanomi has won 4 times in a row.
00:37:01Shodai wants to continue winning in a row.
00:37:04Sadanomi wants to stop winning in a row.
00:37:07They are both Yotsu Sumo.
00:37:10They are both Yotsu Sumo.
00:37:13They are both Yotsu Sumo.
00:37:16Shodai won.
00:37:19Shodai won.
00:37:22Sadanomi is very good at tsuki-dori.
00:37:25Shodai is looking at Shodai's left.
00:37:28Shodai is looking at Shodai's left.
00:37:31Sodai has a good waist.
00:37:34Shodai has a good waist.
00:37:37Shodai has a good waist.
00:37:40Shodai should have hit the opponent from the beginning.
00:37:43Shodai should have hit the opponent from the beginning.
00:37:46He did whatever he could.
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