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00:00Tower, Delta 1505, there was a man running down the runway.
00:03Watch this man desperately chase the plane that was about to take off.
00:09Tower, Delta 1505, there was a man running down the runway.
00:13He ran around the airport and managed to get onto the runway without anyone trying to stop him.
00:20Delta 2348, a guy on foot?
00:23Yeah, might be the guy you're looking for.
00:25He thought that he could still enter the plane and make it to his flight.
00:30But his desperation only led him to the biggest tragedy of not only his life,
00:35but also the lives of the people who loved him the most.
00:39The police came and knocked on our door at one o'clock at night
00:43to give us the news that no parents ever want to hear.
00:47It's heartbreaking how the first day of 2024 became the last day of this man's life.
00:54And some of you will think that he acted irresponsibly.
00:57But once you know the reason, you will really change your mind.
01:02These are the final hours of the man who chased a moving plane, Kyler Effinger,
01:10who had just celebrated Christmas with his beautiful and loving family.
01:14At that moment, of course, no one knew it was Kyler's last Christmas ever.
01:20Texted on his way home that it was the best Christmas ever.
01:25A week later, he posted a fun video on December 31st, 2023,
01:31just the night before the tragedy.
01:33All right, it's ready.
01:41That was his last post ever.
01:43You can see he was having a good time.
01:45He was even teasing his friend who made a mistake while taking a video of him.
01:50He said, I'll post this selfie on my story so it disappears after 24 hours.
01:55This is quite chilling to read now because indeed it was his final 24 hours.
02:01The next day, January 1st.
02:03This was Kyler arriving at the Salt Lake International Airport before 5 p.m.
02:09Just look at these moments.
02:11It feels like an ordinary day.
02:13Kyler was on his way to Colorado Springs to visit his grandfather, who was very sick.
02:19He wanted to be with him before it's too late.
02:21Can you just see how sad it is?
02:25You want to be with your loved one during their final moments.
02:28You want to spend time with them, whatever's left of it,
02:33but you have no idea you're never gonna make it
02:35because you are the one who's living your own final moments right now.
02:40At first, Kyler planned to drive for 9 hours,
02:44but his father didn't want him to drive and be alone for so long.
02:49And very soon you will know why.
02:51Kyler's dad bought him the ticket and everything seemed normal.
02:55He got himself checked in, but the moment he reached the security,
03:00everything started to happen really fast.
03:03He sent his dad a message that he felt like the security was profiling him.
03:08He was held up for so long that he missed his flight.
03:12He was close to saving his own life with it.
03:16Eventually, the security let him go.
03:19From that moment on, Kyler started behaving differently
03:22and that would go on for the next four hours.
03:25He started running around the airport as fast as he could.
03:29And I want you to really watch these videos closely.
03:32He dropped his things, argued with airport staff,
03:36sat beside the moving walkways and ran again while carrying his own shoes.
03:439.51 p.m.
03:45This was Kyler going from one boarding gate to another.
03:49He was trying to open doors.
03:52He even asked for help from an airport staff.
03:54At this point, someone had reported Kyler to the authorities.
04:06A male is wearing a yellow jersey, brown pants with no shoes.
04:11And so at 9.53 p.m., you can see he became even more desperate.
04:16He used all his strength to open this door, but he kept failing.
04:22He tried breaking the windows by hand and by throwing his shoes against them.
04:27You can just see how badly he wanted to see his grandpa.
04:309.56 p.m.
04:32Kyler realized he could try going through an emergency exit.
04:36By this time, the airport authorities started to look for him.
04:41But he now managed to get onto the runway.
04:48They communicated with pilots of aircrafts that were about to take off that night,
04:53asking them if they've seen a man on the runway.
05:03For a few more minutes, no one could locate Kyler.
05:22But by 10.04 p.m., one pilot finally saw him.
05:3210.08 p.m. Kyler was seen underneath an aircraft and had accessed the engine.
05:53And that's when the authorities came, only to find Kyler unconscious.
05:57They had to pull him out because he was partially inside a wing-mounted engine.
06:03They tried their best to save him, but you know it already, it was too late.
06:09After four hours of running around the airport, Kyler had passed away.
06:14At 1 a.m. of January 2nd, Kyler's parents received the most devastating news.
06:21And it seemed like they already knew why all of this happened.
06:26He got held up in security, missed his flight.
06:30And those phone calls, I just knew, you know, they call it the manic phase.
06:34Kyler had been suffering from bipolar disorder.
06:37That's why his dad didn't want him to drive for nine hours alone.
06:42But it was so unfortunate that he had a manic episode the time he was at the airport.
06:47That's why he had been acting so strange.
06:50He felt anxious the moment the security held him up.
06:54He was thinking about his grandfather and he panicked,
06:59thinking that he might never see him again.
07:02And in all of these, Kyler lost himself.
07:05It's painful to see these videos of Kyler now in this context, his final moment.
07:11And it reminds us that mental health issues can have devastating consequences.
07:16It's just so difficult to believe that Kyler was there for four hours
07:22with over a hundred thousand other passengers and airport staff.
07:27Yet no one noticed there was something going on with him.
07:31No one noticed something serious was happening.
07:34All people saw was a man acting weirdly and going out of control.
07:40No one bothered to check on him, even just a few seconds.
07:44And we're talking about an airport here where anything out of ordinary
07:50should be instantly spotted and addressed.
07:54If someone had just put his arm around him and said,
07:56Hey buddy, looks like you're having a bad day.
07:59Can we help?
08:00I think they could have saved his life.
08:03And so all I can say with all of this in mind is Kyler, rest in peace.
