Matthew Chapter 19 covers teachings on marriage, divorce, and the kingdom of heaven. The Pharisees test Jesus with a question about the legality of divorce. Jesus responds by emphasizing the sanctity of marriage, citing that God created male and female to be united as one flesh, and He permits divorce only in cases of sexual immorality.
Jesus blesses little children brought to Him, stating that the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. A rich young man approaches Jesus, asking how to obtain eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments and to sell his possessions and follow Him. The young man leaves sorrowfully, unwilling to part with his wealth.
Jesus remarks on the difficulty for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven, comparing it to a camel passing through the eye of a needle. When the disciples question who can be saved, Jesus assures them that with God, all things are possible. He promises that those who have left everything to follow Him will receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life, concluding with the statement that many who are first will be last, and the last, first.
Jesus blesses little children brought to Him, stating that the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. A rich young man approaches Jesus, asking how to obtain eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments and to sell his possessions and follow Him. The young man leaves sorrowfully, unwilling to part with his wealth.
Jesus remarks on the difficulty for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven, comparing it to a camel passing through the eye of a needle. When the disciples question who can be saved, Jesus assures them that with God, all things are possible. He promises that those who have left everything to follow Him will receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life, concluding with the statement that many who are first will be last, and the last, first.