
  • 2 months ago
00:00Einstein said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.
00:03There is a very deep reason behind this.
00:05Compound interest suddenly becomes aggressive and gives a lot of money.
00:09I will show you the question of CPO.
00:10The interest rate on Chakravarthy is 3 times in 5 years.
00:13We don't know where the interest rate is.
00:14But the money is 3 times in every 5 years.
00:17So how much time will it take to be 9 times?
00:19So the money will be 3 times more in the next 5 years.
00:22So it will take 5-10 years to be 3 or 9 times.
00:25That is, if you wait for 5 years, it will be only 3 times.
00:26If you wait for another 5 years, it will be 9 times.
00:28Isn't it a wonder, my friends?
00:29You will tell me this question, my dear friends, as it is.
