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Anime Fan
00:00A joyful Sunday, Hope family.
00:18Yes, welcome everyone here in the Axis.
00:22Welcome as well to our families who are joining us online.
00:26And also, how can we forget, we would like to welcome to those new faces in our midst
00:32If that's you, can you give us a wave of hands?
00:35Yes, welcome sister, welcome brother, welcome sister.
00:39You are just so welcome in this family.
00:41And of course, how can we forget our new friends online?
00:45If that's you, just type in N-E-W in our comment section so we could connect with you.
00:53Yes, and do you know there was this saying that it says, that there is no greater reward
00:59in this life than having your family together, loving one another, and serving God together.
01:07And I am just so blessed and so grateful for this family that I've found.
01:12A family in Hope Church, a family that serves God together with zealousness, and a family
01:19who loves one another genuinely.
01:21Indeed, this is hope, this is home.
01:25So why don't we all stand and welcome and thank God for your life, for one another,
01:31by saying, I thank God for you.
02:08You know church, there was this story of a widow in the Bible where Jesus and his disciples
02:13were standing outside the temple treasury.
02:17By the way, temple treasury at that time is the place where people will deliver their
02:23gifts to God.
02:26And that widow had little to give.
02:29She only gave two coins, and that's everything that she has.
02:33You know, the amount would not have impressed anyone in the temple treasury at that time,
02:40except for Jesus.
02:42Jesus knew something about this woman that others did not.
02:47This woman's gift represents everything she had.
02:51Numerically, she gave little, but sacrificially, she gave much.
02:58And that latter will always be mattered in God's kingdom, right?
03:04And in God's economy, amount sacrificed always supersedes amount given.
03:11God is not impressed with our big gifts because he has everything.
03:16The number doesn't matter to him.
03:19He is not interested with our wallet, but he is interested with our hearts.
03:24Do you agree with that church?
03:28He wants a heart that fully trusts him, and the sacrificially uncomfortable giving is
03:36the one that is most important because it's a visible demonstration of how a life that
03:41is put on his or her hope in Jesus.
03:46As it says in 2 Corinthians 9, 7, each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
03:53not reluctantly or under compulsion, but for God loves a cheerful giver.
03:59Let's give our tithes and offering with joyful thanksgiving in our hearts.
04:05We refer on the screen for various ways on how we can give.
04:14Thank you everyone for your giving.
04:16And just a gentle reminder, church, on August 4, we will still resume our normal services.
04:26Hope Filipino Service will still have two services, and that is at 2.30 and 5.30 PM.
04:33So again, a gentle reminder, we will have a normal service on August 4 of August, and
04:39that service is as usual at 2.30 and 5.30 PM.
04:46And to know more of what's happening ahead in our church, please watch this video.
04:56Are you approaching parenthood?
04:58At our Girl Class, you'll learn to navigate the joys and challenges of becoming a first-time parent.
05:03This journey begins from planning to conception and continues even after the baby arrives.
05:09Sign up at the Girl Portal.
05:11That's all for today.
05:12Catch up on details about all upcoming services and events at Hope at our website.
05:22Hello everyone.
05:23Good afternoon to all of you, and it's good to see you in the house of the Lord.
05:29And of course, a big shout out as well to all our brothers and sisters who are watching
05:32us online all over the globe.
05:35You know what, guys?
05:35We may not be able to see you physically, but we wanted you to know that we are so blessed
05:40knowing the fact that you are able to join us for this afternoon in our service.
05:45Praise God.
05:48Let me start this story—let me start with a story when I was still in the Philippines.
05:53I remember my mom attended a church conference, and she went back home a little bit upset.
05:59So she was saying that the pastor preached a very powerful message about blessings.
06:04But she was complaining that the person sitting beside her was taking away all the blessings
06:09that are supposed to be hers.
06:11So I got a little bit confused and puzzled and asked her,
06:15Ma, how was that even possible?
06:17And then my mom replied back saying,
06:20Because when the preacher released the blessing, the person sitting beside me was extending
06:25her hands over my head and catching all the blessings that are supposed to be mine.
06:29Yes, I receive it.
06:30I receive it, Lord.
06:31I receive it.
06:32I receive it.
06:33And since my mom is a little bit short, I can imagine her doing something like this.
06:37Uh, excuse me, sister.
06:38That's mine.
06:39Sister, that's my blessing.
06:40I love you, Ma.
06:41I'll call you later, okay?
06:42You know, brothers and sisters, I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed this, but
06:49whenever a preacher or a pastor share a message about blessing, we are very attractive.
07:00We are very excited.
07:01We are very eager to claim it all.
07:03We respond with a very loud amen, with enthusiastic nuts, amen, praise the Lord, I receive it.
07:10But whenever a preacher or pastor share a message about correction, things that we needed
07:16to change, or even the necessity to be humble and forgive others, our reaction often change.
07:24For some of us, we react something like this, I hope he's listening because this message
07:29is exactly for him.
07:30Come on, Brother Jeff.
07:31Preach it.
07:32Preach it, Brother Jeff.
07:34And for some, we might respond with a very soft amen, and we are quite hesitant sometimes
07:41to lift our hands because we don't want other people to see us, that we are that kind of
07:47Yes, Brother Jeff.
07:48I need to forgive something.
07:49I need to forgive someone.
07:50Oops, my leader is looking at me.
07:51Can you tell to the person sitting beside you, listen, I think you are the topic today.
08:02Spoiler alert, brothers and sisters, my message for this afternoon is very simple.
08:08It's very simple, and as a matter of fact, but it's very simple but a little bit tough.