Filipino Church Mass -Hope

  • 3 months ago
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電報を送ってください。見たいアニメやビデオがあれば、@RN241517 経由で連絡できます。
Denpō o okutte kudasai. Mitai anime ya bideo ga areba,@ RN 241517 keiyu de renraku dekimasu.


Anime Fan
00:00And if you bear His name, sing a song forever to Him.
00:10Sing a song forever and amen, and the angels cry,
00:19Holy, all creation rise.
00:26Holy, you are lifted high.
00:32Holy, holy forever.
00:40In your people, in your people sing.
00:46Holy to the King of kings.
00:52Holy, He will always be.
00:59Holy, holy forever.
01:07Come on and sing, your name.
01:10Your name is the highest.
01:14Your name is the greatest.
01:17Your name stands above them all.
01:23Above all thrones and dominions,
01:27all powers and positions.
01:30Your name stands above them all.
01:36Jesus, your name is the highest.
01:40Your name is the greatest.
01:44Your name stands above them all.
01:50Above all thrones and dominions,
01:54all powers and positions.
01:57Your name stands above them all.
02:02And the angels cry,
02:06Holy, all creation rise.
02:13Holy, you are lifted high.
02:19Holy, holy forever.
02:27In your people, in your people sing.
02:32Holy to the King of kings.
02:39Holy, you will always be.
02:46Holy, holy forever.
02:54You will always, you will always be.
02:59Holy, holy forever.
03:11Church, let's take this time to lift our hands.
03:16Let's lift our hands as a sign of surrender to Jesus.
03:20Let's lift our hands
03:24knowing that his name is above every other name.
03:29There's no greater than any other name,
03:33than the name of Jesus.
03:37Let's take this time to really just lift our hands
03:41and quiet our hearts
03:45and just embrace,
03:47embrace his greatness
03:50and his holiness in our lives.
03:53Holy, holy forever.
04:02You will always be.
04:06Holy, holy forever.
04:15You will always be.
04:19Holy, holy forever.
04:29You are so holy, Jesus.
04:33There's no circumstances, no trials, no difficulties
04:39that are greater than any other name.
04:43They are just names,
04:45which are all under one greater name
04:48and that name is Jesus.
04:52Lord, we thank you.
04:55We honor you.
04:56We adore you.
04:58We magnify your name in this place and in our lives.
05:04We are just so in awe
05:08of the ways how you make your name known.
05:13Thank you for the spirit of power,
05:16of your love and of sound mind
05:20that even you have said in your word in John 14, 13
05:25that anything we ask in your name, you will do.
05:30There's no situation that is above every other name
05:34because at the mention of your name, Jesus,
05:37breakthroughs and favor and victory will overflow in our lives.
05:44At the mention of your name,
05:47trials, chains, bondages will be broken.
05:52At the mention of your name,
05:54we are victorious, Jesus.
05:57Help us to reject all our fears,
06:01reject every fear that we may feel.
06:03Help us to reject every doubt
06:06and help us that we will just embrace the strength
06:11and the clarity that you provide for us every day.
06:15Lord, guide us that we will always live boldly and wisely
06:22reflecting your love and your name, honoring you alone.
06:27In Jesus' name we pray.
06:29Amen and amen.
06:32Let's take our seats as we prepare for the Holy Communion.
06:42Holy Communion is a sacred time of fellowship
06:46and a celebration with God
06:48where we remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us.
06:53Celebrating communion marks the story of Jesus
06:59on how he gave himself completely to give us a better life,
07:04a new start, and a fresh relationship with God.
07:09As it says in 1 Peter 3.18,
07:13For Christ also suffered once for sins,
07:16the righteous for the unrighteous,
07:18that he might bring us to God,
07:21being put to death in the flesh,
07:23but made alive in the spirit.
07:27We receive from Christ the nourishment,
07:30the strength, the hope, and the joy.
07:34He gives us the right standing before God.
07:37Thus, we can go boldly into God's presence
07:41and thank God for all he has done for us.
07:44So today, as we partake this bread,
07:48we are declaring that Jesus' health and divine life
07:53will flow in our bodies.
07:56And as we partake the juice,
07:58we are declaring that we are forgiven
08:01and have been made righteous.
08:03Let us pray.
08:05Father, we thank you for your unconditional love for us.
08:10We just want to thank you
08:11and we just want to give everything back to you
08:14for always giving us your unconditional love and grace
08:18for which we cannot fathom.
08:21We honor you and we love you.
08:23In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
08:25Let's partake the bread and the cup.