TJPW 8th Tokyo Princess Cup Semi Final Maki Itoh vs Mizuki

  • 3 months ago


00:00On July 31st, at the Tokyo Shinjuku Pace,
00:04the 8th Tokyo Princess Cup semi-final,
00:08an incident occurred.
00:15Ito Maki, broken collarbone.
00:20Despite the heavy damage, he managed to get a spark
00:24and advanced to the semi-final.
00:27It doesn't hurt. I'll definitely win.
00:33Ito's opponent in the semi-final was...
00:49Ito Takemura!
00:53In the second round of the Tokyo Princess Cup,
01:00She defeated the current Princess of Princess champion,
01:03Miyu Yamashita, and advanced to the semi-final.
01:06Mizuki was in the lead in the third round.
01:10I want to win.
01:13I want to win.
01:16Ito-san's match was a close one.
01:19I was able to improve.
01:22But I overcame that and won.
01:25I'm getting stronger.
01:27I'll do my best.
01:31Ito, who was looking forward to the match with Mizuki,
01:34also hopes to advance to the semi-final.
01:38If I win this much, I'll be fired up.
01:41After overcoming this,
01:43I'll be able to become stronger.
01:45I want to enjoy this game and win this summer.
01:49The third round of the Tokyo Princess Cup.
01:52The battle for the final stage of the Tokyo Princess Cup
01:55is about to begin.
01:58The main event, Ameba Presents.
02:01The 8th Tokyo Princess Cup semi-final.
02:04Mizuki vs. Ito Maki.
02:07I'll do my best!
02:11The main event for today,
02:14Ameba Presents.
02:16The 8th Tokyo Princess Cup, semi-final.
02:19Time limit is 1 minute.
02:22Thank you.
02:24Let's go!
02:27I'll do my best!
02:37Biggest chances of her career
02:48It is a new costume
03:37You can! You are worse than a dad at a soccer game.
03:41Look at that costume! Makito looks amazing!
03:44That is a fantastic costume.
03:46Makito, who came and became an international star in 2020 and 2021, of course.
03:52But her opponent is a two-time, in a row, winner to the Princess Cup.
03:57Two-time winner, yeah, absolutely. Looking to make it a three-peat today.
04:02Will she be successful? I sure hope not.
04:08One-half of the magical Sugar Rabbit, you see.
04:11Yuka Sakazaki there, in her corner.
04:14Jumping very, very, very happily.
04:20There she is.
04:23Popping Sugar Rabbit Mizuki.
04:31Of course, you talk about Yuka being there, her prison tag team partner.
04:35Her opponent today, her former tag team partner, together they were the Ito Respect Army.
04:41Mizuki and Makito.
04:42Popping Sugar Rabbit Mizuki!
04:53The Sugar Rabbit.
04:56Former tag team partners, fierce rivals.
04:59Maki Ito has, present in any singles confrontation with Mizuki, been unable to beat her in singles competition.
05:06There you see one two million tag team partner, Mio Yamashita, in the corner of Maki Ito.
05:11And of course, a very great contrast between their costumes as well.
05:15In pink, light pink, almost white, is Mizuki.
05:18And red, passionate black, is Makito.
05:23Ito looks like she's ready to go.
05:26Of course, Mizuki beat Mirai Mayumi and Mio Yamashita to get to this position here in the semifinals.
05:32Makito had victories over Raku and Suzume.
05:36Not without the cost of her health though.
05:41Picked up a huge fractured cheekbone in the match with Suzume just two weeks ago.
05:46Oh yeah, that might be.
05:47And that's what she used the last two weeks for recovery.
05:49Yeah, but like, it really could be a big factor in this match.
05:54An injury, even if you are fine with it, even if you agree to yourself and tell yourself you're okay with it,
05:59subconsciously it's always there.
06:01Of course, a lock up and a clean break for a moment.
06:05But Ito clubbing away at Mizuki and big smile on her face.
06:11Mizuki now backs Ito into the corner.
06:14She repays the favor.
06:16No stranger, no stranger to...
06:20Big elbow by Ito and a big one by Mizuki.
06:23And they're just absolutely unloading each other early on.
06:26Ito putting the brakes on with the boots.
06:28Shoots Mizuki straight to the outside, to the floor.
06:31The first match was a banger and we are in the makings of another incredible match.
06:37Head to the apron.
06:39Makito firmly in control right now.
06:43Now driving there, back into the corner of the apron.
06:47I'm really liking this from Makito.
06:49She is being very smart because being a technical wrestler in Mizuki,
06:54Makito is going to have a really hard time.
06:56What is Ito doing here?
06:58Oh, she has very bad intentions there.
07:02Look at how cool, calm and collected Makito is.
07:05She has really come in alone and found that star-like confidence.
07:09Scooping around, looking for the body slump.
07:13Mizuki counts out the kicker to the rail.
07:16Oh, down by Ito.
07:20Bringing this match to her own domain is Makito.
07:23Look at the confidence in Makito.
07:25You compare Makito right now.
07:27Just look at the stance.
07:29Look at the poise.
07:30You compare the Makito in the ring right now to the Makito
07:33that would have been in a Karakuen Hall main event 12 months ago.
07:36It's absolutely night and day.
07:38Yes, it's like a different person.
07:412020 and 2021, the half we have been through,
07:45has been incredible for Makito.
07:48I know there is more and more with Makito.
07:50Every costume change that she has,
07:52she kind of gets further away from being cute
07:55and more to looking like a pro wrestler.
07:57Yes, you see more of strength instead of cuteness.
08:05Right, absolutely.
08:11Nice fall.
08:13Oh, beautiful bridge by Mizuki,
08:15but Ito catches it and brings it closer again.
08:19Double foot stomp.
08:20God damn.
08:21Mizuki has been here before,
08:24as we have told you everybody.
08:28And if necessary, can be absolutely brutal in the ring.
08:36Mizuki now going to work on the back of Makito.
08:41Please do not let that pink costume and that beautiful smile fool you.
08:45Oh no, Mizuki is pure evil.
08:47Mizuki can really put in some punishment.
08:51She is a sinister wrestler.
08:53You see it there, just kicking the back of the head.
08:57Not necessary by the way.
08:59That hold is painful enough.
09:02You don't need an extra punishment to literally kick your opponent's head in.
09:10Compared to the last, very technically sound
09:14and very, very much like a back and forth of both wrestlers,
09:21wrestling, going at each other.
09:23This match is going to be more of a fight, it seems.
09:32Oh, the hurricane hold very strongly behind Makito up until this point.
09:36She's saying it's over early.
09:38Oh, she's going to go up to the middle, perhaps looking for that flying headbutt.
09:42Oh, she's going for kokeshi for the second round.
09:44But she needs to be careful.
09:47That face!
09:48The fractured cheekbone.
09:51Oh, that injury might be extruded right now.
09:54Hold on a second.
09:58Makito rolls out.
10:03This doesn't seem too good.
10:06This really doesn't seem too good.
10:20Oh, but Mizuki just going out.
10:22Yeah, just...
10:27A brief pause there.
10:29Myself and Aki both a little bit concerned.
10:33Yes, not a little bit, to be honest.
10:36A lot a bit concerned.
10:38Two weeks is...
10:41Not again, not again, not again.
10:43Two weeks is...
10:44It'll be no surprise to anyone.
10:46Not long enough for a fractured bone to heal.
10:48Yeah, and Mizuki is just going...
10:50Oh, my God.
10:51It's literally...
10:53You talked about the viciousness.
10:54No love lost between these two.
10:56Ah, really, really going to town now.
10:59Oh, my God.
11:00Oh, my God.
11:02That fractured cheek was no joke.
11:04It swole up like a baseball on Ito's face
11:08after that match with Suzume at Shinjuku Face.
11:12Mizuki now taking off.
11:15Drop kick to the back.
11:16Follows up with a stomp.
11:17And straight to the middle.
11:18And another one.
11:19Oh, my God.
11:21Stringing opponents together like nobody's business.
11:24She is all over Maki Ito.
11:28Oh, my God.
11:30Especially after just stomping that injury in.
11:37Mizuki, it's all her match up until this point.
11:42Taking her up now over the top rope.
11:44Oh, my God.
11:45Oh, my God.
11:46Crossbody through the middle.
11:48Very much Ami Sakurai-inspired crossbody.
11:53Those two know strangers to each other.
11:57Very much.
11:58Oh, no.
11:59Looking for the foot.
12:01Ito smartly evades out of the way.
12:04Now Mizuki charging in, but she's got her.
12:08Mizuki, the counter.
12:10But Maki Ito counters.
12:16And that's going to be a difference maker.
12:20We talked about the change for Maki Ito from being appealing so much to the cute idol, fired idol.
12:28Side of her career now to how we perceive she's changing into more of a professional wrestler.
12:33Interesting to note, even dropping the nickname, the cutest in the world.
12:36Now going by the new era charisma.
12:40We've seen no appeal so far in the match for who is the cutest in the world.
12:43Oh, yes.
12:44None of that.
12:45She's very focused.
12:47I think she's falling more and more in love with professional wrestling.
12:51You can see that evolution very clearly.
12:53Mizuki slip in the back.
12:55Serves Ito to the corner.
12:56Charging in now.
12:57Ito with the boot.
12:59Ascends to the middle rope.
13:02Hooks her in.
13:03And going for a satellite DDT.
13:06Super Delphin DDT from the middle rope.
13:10Come on.
13:12Come on.
13:13Only two.
13:14Shoulder up by Mizuki.
13:16Mizuki, on the other hand, had this pace of coming on her own.
13:20Actually got to move under the guidance of Annie Sakura.
13:24And that slide.
13:28She turned over.
13:29She turned over.
13:30She turned over.
13:31She was bouncing for the Boston Crab.
13:32But Ito's special.
13:33But Mizuki quickly counted around.
13:35Takes that.
13:36Looking for a cross face maybe.
13:37Ito rolls her through though.
13:38Just a count of two.
13:39Back to her feet.
13:43Nice roll through.
13:45Kasadora into the foot stomp.
13:47Only a few.
13:48Mizuki actually rendered with her after that stomp.
13:50With her knees.
13:51Oh no.
13:52Ito's in a world of trouble if she stays there.
13:55God damn.
13:56That was brutal.
13:57Again to that fractured cheekbone.
13:59Oh my God.
14:01Mizuki beyond relentless.
14:05Oh my God.
14:08Mizuki refusing to be denied.
14:10As we said that once again that third chance at winning the Tokyo Princess Cup.
14:17Oh yes.
14:18Literally certifying herself as probably the greatest in Tokyo Jiu-Jitsu.
14:22Ito's in trouble now.
14:23We've seen this from Mizuki before.
14:25We saw it against Miyo Yamashita.
14:26Shinjuku face.
14:28Likes to use that double stomp straight to the floor.
14:30But Ito up.
14:33Mizuki grabbing a hold of the head.
14:35And Ito just headbutts her.
14:37Headbutts her.
14:38She's out.
14:41Maki Ito pure defiance.
14:43What's Ito going to go for here?
14:45Oh my God.
14:46She's going to drape over the corner.
14:50No holding back for body or limb in this match.
14:53Both competitors going all out.
14:55Drape DDT on the apron.
14:59And Maki Ito now turning the tide.
15:01Rolling her in.
15:04Still favoring that cheek.
15:08Now going to look once again maybe for the Boston Crab.
15:11Turns it straight over.
15:15That sits down viciously with it.
15:19She's got Mizuki dead center of the ring.
15:22Mizuki is in trouble.
15:27That body slam to the outside on the concrete.
15:29Yeah that lower back of Mizuki.
15:31She's got to be feeling it.
15:33Ten minutes gone in this contest.
15:50Maki Ito using the full pound from the referee.
15:54As we all know she has still five.
15:59And that yell just coming from something within.
16:03From deep within.
16:05Maki Ito yells out.
16:07Ito ascending to the top again.
16:10Mizuki though cut her off at the pass.
16:12Big elbow clubbing away.
16:16What is she going for?
16:18Headbutt right to the chest.
16:19Absolutely folds Mizuki over.
16:21But Mizuki straight up again.
16:24Got her hooked.
16:27Super blast.
16:28Avalanche Brain Buster.
16:31From Mizupiyon.
16:33And Ito is down.
16:36Cover and a count of two.
16:38Only two.
16:39Only two.
16:40That was very close.
16:41That was very close.
16:42Shoulder just in the nick of time.
16:43Up you see.
16:44Perhaps even Ito surprised that she got the shoulder up there.
16:48We have close to ten minutes time.
16:50Paul coming alive now.
16:53People are killing it.
16:57Maki Ito is not in a good place.
17:00She is up first.
17:02And Mizuki is locked in.
17:05Up first but Mizuki is set.
17:07Charges in.
17:08Catches the boot.
17:09Picks up the other boot as well.
17:11Putting her in the ropes.
17:12Oh my god.
17:13This is not going to be pretty.
17:14Got her draped over the corner now.
17:22Inversion on the footstomp.
17:26Oh she nailed it to the mat.
17:29And Mizuki now calling for the finish.
17:31Feeling it.
17:32She has this in the bag.
17:33Goes up top.
17:37Maki Ito moves in time.
17:39Just out of that footstomp.
17:45Off the corner.
17:46And drills it out again.
17:59Maki Ito now.
18:00She is beside herself.
18:02Maki Ito.
18:05She is definitely feeling that cheek injury.
18:10Staying undeterred.
18:11Looking for that big head once again.
18:13The flying head from the top.
18:14Up top.
18:15And here she goes.
18:16Middle fingers.
18:19This is it.
18:20To the lower back.
18:21This is it.
18:22If she can.
18:23But how much damage has she done to herself?
18:26If she can just cover.
18:27If she can cover.
18:28This is her ticket to the finals.
18:31Get up.
18:32Get up the capital line.
18:34The more time Mizuki gets.
18:37And finally to the cover.
18:41Too much time.
18:43That injury.
18:45Might have just caused Maki Ito the ticket to the finals.
18:52Maki Ito.
18:53Channeling into that.
18:56Don't scream.
18:57Channeling into that anger and frustration.
18:59That only she can.
19:02Going absolutely ape.
19:06Looking for the Boston Crab.
19:09She's got it now with a knee in the back.
19:14Oh my god.
19:15Mizuki is folded in half.
19:18That lion Kimura.
19:20She's digging it in.
19:21Wrenching back.
19:22Look at that knee right on the neck.
19:25Mizuki getting a hold of the referee.
19:27Refusing to give up.
19:32She's got nowhere to go.
19:33She's so far from those ropes.
19:36And Ito has got her absolutely folded in half.
19:46Ito wrenching away.
19:54Absolutely every inch of...
20:02And strength on that back.
20:03Neither of these two have anything left.
20:06Ito holding a fractured cheekbone.
20:12Maki Ito is channeling almost a demon from hell.
20:17Just pouring her heart out in this match.
20:24Just in this pass.
20:26Ito trying to pull Mizuki up to her feet.
20:29Mizuki fighting back.
20:32And they're both down now.
20:35You can hear the exhaustion.
20:36Oh my god.
20:37Oh my...
20:41Ito absolutely leveling Mizuki with that elbow.
20:44Just floored her.
20:45Just floored her with that.
20:46The history between these two.
20:49The Ito respect army.
20:51The countless matches together.
20:53Ito's feelings of inadequacy.
20:55Never being able to get one over on Mizuki.
20:59It's all coming out right now with these two.
21:02And Ito just absolutely leveling Mizuki.
21:05Oh my god.
21:06She has lost it.
21:12Just pure...
21:19My god.
21:21These two are absolutely beating the shit out of each other, Aki.
21:25You should use that word.
21:27That's the only word that can do justice to what we are seeing right now.
21:31Constant control of the wrist.
21:32Holding on to one another.
21:35Neither letting go.
21:39How much do either of them have left?
21:46Meeting right in the middle.
21:48Oh my god.
21:52Ito goes down fast.
21:53Mizuki getting the better of her.
21:55The tension in this series right now.
21:59Mizuki again and again has been here before.
22:05But Maki Ito is feeling it.
22:13Oh my god.
22:15Oh my god.
22:17She touched him.
22:20She broke her own count.
22:22Couldn't keep the bridge.
22:24And that might have cost her.
22:26That really might have cost her.
22:28I think those elbows to the back of the neck really paid off for Maki Ito there.
22:36This match has gone way past to be tactical, to be fighting.
22:43Who wants it more?
22:44Who is willing to bleed?
22:47Who is willing to take more damage?
22:51Who needs this?
22:56She's looking for that suplex once more.
22:58Ito collapsing to the ground to try and save herself.
23:03But Mizuki now just clubbing away.
23:06Ito keeping a hold of the leg.
23:13Oh my god, right on the jaw.
23:16Maki Ito absolutely clinging to the thread of destiny.
23:23To make sure she's the one who goes to the finals.
23:27A broken face.
23:32And calls for the finish.
23:33Will she go for it?
23:34Looking for the Ito special.
23:36Mizuki though putting the block on.
23:38She's got the ankle hooked.
23:41Ito trying to turn her over and get that cloverleaf.
23:47And there she goes.
23:48She's got it.
23:49She has it.
23:50This is perfectly locked in.
23:51She's got it locked in and it's set in the ring.
23:55Mizuki, will she take it?
23:57Mizuki is being absolutely broken alive.
24:00She's tapped.
24:01She's tapped.
24:03Chris Brock, how happy are you?
24:06Maki Ito.
24:07The winner, Ito Maki.
24:09Goes to the finals of Princess Cup 2021.
24:14For the first time, Maki Ito gets the victory over her former tag team partner and teammate Mizuki.
24:22And it couldn't have come at a more important moment than right here, right now, the semifinals of the Tokyo Princess Cup 8.
