Tiny Toon Abenteuer Staffel 1 Folge 60 HD Deutsch

  • 2 months ago
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00:00We're tiny, we're toonies, we're quiet cartoonies.
00:07At home without a break, we'll get you out of bed now.
00:11We have sponsors, and don't care about the censors.
00:14The tinytoon authors advise you to jokes and crack.
00:17We live and we laugh here the way we like it.
00:21Because fun has to be a cartoon alone, yes, that's our world.
00:24The text will be reviewed, destroyed, new poems.
00:27The tinytoon stories start as ordered.
00:30Could be sweet and mean.
00:32And funny, could be to snore.
00:34And Monty is a money pig.
00:36Elmira likes us a lot.
00:37We tempt, we plagiarize.
00:39This is devilish, I say.
00:41Bubbles and Duckville and Go-Go-Game-Crossing.
00:44And at the university, we learn the tricks.
00:47The gags, the jokes, the jibber-jabber and nothing else.
00:51We're tiny, we're toonies, we're quiet cartoonies.
00:54The tinytoon stories, yes, we're really big.
00:58That's it, and now we go.
01:08You help, you help!
01:10You stupid, I'll make a dragon out of you.
01:14Oh, hello friends.
01:16Today you can experience a lot of action with us.
01:19There are some bunny adventures on the program.
01:22And now I remember Sir Buster von Eggme,
01:25to defeat the evil dragon and to free Lady Bubsy.
01:33Now I'm fed up with these eternal, old, hare-chameleons.
01:39How about a red-red birdie day?
01:42So you know, sweetie, I...
01:44What's that supposed to mean?
01:45Do you have to have long spoons to get a main role?
01:48I signed a contract with this series,
01:50which guarantees me star fame.
01:52And what did it turn out to be?
01:53Five minutes break, okay?
01:56I just want some recognition as an artist.
01:58Is that too much to ask?
02:00Well, sweetie, I think we just don't know
02:02how to get you right.
02:04Do you have an idea?
02:06First, I want to experience the exciting story
02:08of a poor, helpless bunny
02:10alone in the cold, cruel world.
02:21Yes, I can do it.
02:23I think I can do it.
02:26Oh, let's not pretend.
02:28I can do it.
02:32I'm sorry, sweetie, I can't do it anymore.
02:37If the union finds out, I'm done.
02:54Ich bin zufrieden, dass ich bin, wie ich bin.
02:56Dazu hab ich allen Grund.
02:58Hast du ein Ei?
03:00Das heißt, ich werde Vater.
03:02Schatz, mein kleiner Honigschnabel,
03:04guck dir mal an, was der Storch uns gebracht hat.
03:07Moment mal, ich bin ja gar nicht verheiratet.
03:11Dann werd ich wohl alleinerziehender Vater.
03:14Naja, was soll's?
03:15Wir leben schließlich in einer modernen Zeit.
03:17Und wer wäre geeigneter als ich,
03:19einem jungen Adler beizubringen,
03:21was es heißt, das stolze Pappentier
03:23der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu sein?
03:26Niemand und sonst keiner.
03:28Komm raus, Kleiner, und lern deinen Papa kennen.
03:37Mein Sohn!
03:40Meine Tochter?
03:41Das ist wohl ein Lieferfehler gewesen.
03:43Unglaublich, du bist ja ein Mädchen.
03:46Hey, Blitzmärker!
03:48Genau das bin ich.
03:50Ich bin schließlich der weißköpfige amerikanische Seeadler.
03:53Wurde der denn immer so laut?
03:55Sag mal, du bist ziemlich mickrig.
03:58Und du hast ne fette Wampe.
04:00Ich hab keine Wampe.
04:02Das sind alles Muskeln, schlag mal ruhig drauf.
04:10Das Erste, was du als echt amerikanischer Adler lernen musstest,
04:14ist fliegen.
04:15Lass mal sehen, wie du fliegst.
04:18Sweetie, bitte den Tower um Starterlaubnis.
04:21Start frei.
04:25Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein.
04:28So kann doch kein Adler fliegen.
04:30Du musst deine Spannweite ausnutzen und gleiten.
04:33Das hat dieses Land so groß gemacht,
04:35dass jeder das Recht hat, so zu fliegen, wie ich will.
04:39Und doch so zu lang.
04:45Das hat weh getan.
04:51Das Nächste, was du als Adler unbedingt lernen musst,
04:54ist, wie du an Beute kommst.
04:56Auf die Plätze, fertig, los.
05:06Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein.
05:08Adler geben sich nicht mit Wirbern ab.
05:10Adler fressen Lex.
05:15Wir Adler sind bekannt für unsere ausgezeichneten Augen.
05:19Na, sag mal, was siehst du?
05:21Ich sehe ein, warum die Adler vom Auswerben bedroht sind.
05:24So, ich sehe einen klitzekleinen Lachs
05:28doch drüben an der Flussbiegung.
05:31Ich kann da keinen kleinen Lachs sehen.
05:33Das kommt daher, dass du kein ausgebildetes Adlerauge hast.
05:37Warte, ich zeig's dir.
05:40Der Lachs ist da vorne an der Flussbiegung.
05:48Grizzlybären fressen auch gerne Lachs.
05:54Hör gut zu, jetzt erzähl ich dir alles über den wichtigsten Tag
05:57im Jahr des amerikanischen Seeadlers.
06:00Ich meine natürlich den 4. Juli,
06:02den amerikanischen Nationalfeiertag.
06:05An diesem glorreichen Tag,
06:07müssen wir stolzen Adler
06:09uns vor den großen patriotischen Feuerwerksorgien aufpflüstern
06:12zu Ehren der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
06:16Die meisten Feuerwerksraketen kommen doch aus China.
06:19Red nicht so viel, hier hast du eine Wunderkerze.
06:22Oh, wie schön.
06:24Jetzt pass gut auf, bei so einem großen Feuerwerk
06:26gilt Sicherheit über alles.
06:28Nur geübte Adler sollten die Lunden anzünden dürfen.
06:38Ich bin ja so stolz, ich könnte platzen vor Stolz.
06:50Sehr beeindruckend.
07:03Hey, Adlerpapi, frag nur aus Neugierde,
07:06welchen Feiertag feiern wir als nächstes?
07:10Das Erntedankfest und ich bin der Trutschhahn.
07:13Ih, du bist ja schon viel zu gut durchgebraten.
07:18Oh, mein Papa.
07:25Jetzt machen wir weiter mit der Sweetie Show.
07:28Aber es ist nicht nur eine Show,
07:30es ist ein multimediales Kulturereignis.
07:32Ihr wollt wissen, wie ich das meine?
07:34Nun, ich habe eine ganze Produktpalette zu bieten.
07:37Die Sweetie-Action-Figuren,
07:39die Sweetie-Frühstücksflocken,
07:41die Sweetie-Buchreihe,
07:43die Sweetie-Nudelsauce.
07:45Und das bringt mich auf meine neue Fernsehserie.
07:47Eine Serie über ein kleines, hilfloses Vögelchen,
07:50das den halbtückischen Anschlägen einer Miezekatze entkommt.
08:04Oh, armes kleine Katze,
08:06hast du kein Zuhause?
08:08Das Leben kann ja so grausam sein.
08:13Du darfst aber zu mir nach Hause kommen.
08:17Armes Miezili,
08:19ich werde dir ein schönes, kuscheliges Bettchen
08:21vor dem Kamin machen
08:23und dich mit ganz viel Turnfisch vollstopfen.
08:25Oh, armes Miezili,
08:27ich werde dir ein schönes, kuscheliges Bettchen
08:29vor dem Kamin machen
08:31und dich mit ganz viel Turnfisch vollstopfen.
08:33Oh, armes Miezili,
08:35ich werde dir ein schönes, kuscheliges Bettchen
08:37vor dem Kamin machen
08:39und dich mit ganz viel Turnfisch vollstopfen.
08:41Das Einzige, was ich von dir verlange, ist,
08:43dass du meinen süßen kleinen Piepmatz in Frieden lässt.
08:45Eine Katze!
08:47Mehr verlange ich nicht von dir.
08:49Wenn du meinem Piepmatz was tust,
08:51muss ich dich leider aus dem Haus treten,
08:53dass dir dein süßer Hintern
08:55in tausend kleine Stücke zerfällt.
09:01Und jetzt sei ein liebes kleines Katzili.
09:03Ich mach dir inzwischen was zu essen.
09:05Ich bin verloren.
09:07Der Kater wird mich bestimmt fangen und auffressen.
09:09Klarer Fall.
09:11Ihr Katzen seid doch alle gleich.
09:13Futter, futter, futter, fressen, fressen, fressen.
09:15Machen wir's kurz und schmerzlos.
09:17Es gibt was zu essen.
09:19Mich ausspucken, Frechheit.
09:21Komm, süße Miezi, Miezi.
09:23Hier ist dein Turnfisch.
09:29Bist du blöd?
09:31Du frisst lieber Fisch als leckeres Geflügel?
09:49Miezi, Katzi, hat auch kein Hunger.
10:15Miezi, Katzi, hat auch kein Hunger.
10:37Guten Appetit!
10:41Na mach schon, ich bin nast.
10:45We are
11:40That's enough! I give up!
11:43I'm just unappetizing!
11:46No, you're not!
11:47Am I not?
11:48You just have to start differently!
11:50Oh, hello Tweety!
11:53Hello Tweety, take a seat!
11:55Meatcats are basically very simple creatures.
11:57The average cat is not particularly intelligent.
12:00If you spit at her, she definitely won't do it.
12:03You have to annoy her!
12:05And torture her!
12:06And tempt her!
12:08And harass her!
12:09You have to rub her to the bone!
12:11I guarantee you that your meaty cat will run wild after you!
12:16Thank you, Tweety!
12:19It was a pleasure!
12:32Monosodium, tirade, polymorph, schwitzermate!
12:36I give up! Let's forget this stuff!
12:44It's called scissor brings luck!
12:59Now it's your turn, you evil meaty cat!
13:01Didn't I forbid you to do that?
13:03So you're out!
13:07The meaty cat will learn to leave me alone!
13:12This exercise made me very hungry!
13:22Time to eat!
13:23I got you!
13:27You know the rules! Get out of here!
13:51Hello, my dear fans!
13:53Or just hello!
13:55As you know, I'm not only a comedian, but also a serious actress!
13:59Well, Sweetie, you said we just don't know how to get you in.
14:04Very fitting, Bubsy!
14:06But then you said, hey, Sweetie, do you have an idea?
14:11I could play some classical music!
14:14The Prisoner of Alcatraz!
14:16I'm innocent!
14:18I'm not a prisoner!
14:30But for me, the leading role in Edgar Allan Poe's classical music would be perfect!
14:35A toad!
15:06A visitor?
15:08I thought so!
15:10It must be coming from the door!
15:12But it's not!
15:14Oh, I can still feel the night!
15:17December was never worse!
15:19Flickering throes of fire!
15:21Ghostly shadows all around!
15:35Deep into the dark, I lingered,
15:38Doubtful again, strangely afraid,
15:40Dreaming, dreaming, like no mortal being she had dreamed before.
15:45But only silence.
15:47And no more.
16:00Then, when I turned around and my heart burned like fire,
16:04I heard this thundering again,
16:06A little louder than before.
16:11I'm sure the window shop in the stormy night took damage today.
16:16Silence, my heart, and be quiet!
16:18Harmless it will be back and forth,
16:20Only the wind is, and no more.
16:24I opened the high window,
16:26Rolled in like a night ghost,
16:28Fluttered a proud toad,
16:31Like from an old fable.
16:33No greeting, no bowing,
16:35Not the slightest gesture of pleasure in front of the fire.
16:37He turned around and around,
16:39And then he shouted,
16:40No more!
16:43But it didn't last long,
16:45Because his stomach was growling,
16:47He hurried into the kitchen,
16:48Emptied the fridge,
16:49And shouted again,
16:51No more!
16:53A charter plane is approaching,
16:55Just to get to the south cheaply,
16:57But it's beeping a lot.
16:58Yes, he said, and no more.
17:04I'm an unscrupulous little television glutton,
17:08And I'll stay here all winter.
17:11Meanwhile, I realized,
17:13Karl will eat me,
17:15And for such a fee,
17:17I put him in front of the door.
17:23But then I thought,
17:25Is he coming back?
17:27Is he planning his return?
17:29No more, I said, no more.
17:34But there he is, crookedly wrapped up!
17:37Longingly waiting for the morning,
17:39I wanted to be at peace with books,
17:41Because Lenore was worrying me.
17:43But then it sounded,
17:45Who's there?
17:47While I asked this dreadfully,
17:49And dared to approach fearfully,
17:51From outside, I heard a quack.
17:53A love letter from Lenore!
17:58Oh, send me the good pralines!
18:00Oh, how good it makes me feel,
18:02My sweet sugarcane!
18:04Give me your heart from afar!
18:06But instead of sweet gifts,
18:08There was only the nasty rabe,
18:10And otherwise the box was empty.
18:12All, all!
18:14No more!
18:18Maybe I should have tried
18:20With the brothers Grimm.
18:24Just wait, you little fly!
18:26I'll take hammer, board, nails,
18:29And rattle door and gate!
18:43Another message from Mrs. Lenore!
18:45Joy and horror, my heart wants to break,
18:47I will speak to the beloved,
18:49Let her through, right away, please!
18:51Said the rabe.
18:53Take me!
19:00Oh, the boy really doesn't understand any fun.
19:04Barely everything was sealed,
19:06Closed and sealed,
19:08The Santa Claus fell into the room
19:10Through the chimney, as always.
19:15Ho, ho, ho, your gift is sent to you, Lenore!
19:19The Santa Claus!
19:21Have you been a good,
19:23Depressive poet this year?
19:25Yes, dear Santa Claus!
19:27Didn't you accidentally torture
19:29A poor, helpless little bird?
19:31No, dear Santa Claus!
19:35I have a gift for you,
19:37But you have to be very careful!
19:39Well, I had to see that urgently.
19:41Excited by the event,
19:43I tore the paper, threw it around me,
19:45Cross and cross!
19:47Then the rabe spoke.
19:49You don't throw me out,
19:51No more!
19:54I was always very stubborn.
19:57I was always very stubborn.
20:14And the rabe doesn't move anymore,
20:16Still sitting, still sitting
20:18In front of the block,
20:20Tough as tar, and throws popcorn
20:22Around himself.
20:24It's always hard for me to say goodbye,
20:26No more!
20:29Thank you, thank you very much!
20:31Well, I would very much like to stay here,
20:33But I'm going to eat with Woody, Mia,
20:35Cher, Jack and Mariel.
20:42At least we made Sweetie happy.
20:44Yes, and...
20:46We can go on like before.
20:49Or no more?
20:51And more, and more, and more!
20:54I don't need more!
21:24To be continued...