ماتت فحضر طفلها الرضيع بدلا منها، مشاهد مؤثرة من حفل تخرج بالشرقية

  • 2 months ago
00:00Al-Kharija, Rahmatullah Alayha Ad-Nayy, Jalal Rasheed
00:04Yatasalam Al-Kakrim, Niyabatan Amna, Al-Tufli, Nahl, Muhammad Ali
00:11There is someone who is sometimes by your side and you don't see him
00:16You don't feel his presence at all and he is close to you
00:21And there is someone who leaves you and leaves you
00:24But he lives inside his heart
00:26And the sun disappears but his name never disappears
00:31There is a difference between a walking body and a soul that doesn't walk
00:36And the one you chose to leave among us makes me forget
00:41I was very happy and he came to hurt us
00:44And with you we will continue our journey
00:46Actually there is nothing in this world more precious than a soul
