• last year
In this video I explain the basics to be able to start working with Kong KONNECT and what it is all about. In this world today we truly need to protect our applications as much as possible and sometimes doing that isn't very easy. Or at least it doesn't seem to. There are many api gateways available out there and Kong is one of them that we have a look at in this video. Remember that if you have any questions about how to use Kong's KONNECT management API, you can always ask me that in the comments section. I can't wait to hear your questions and comments about this video.

Have a good one veryone!



00:00 Start
00:37 Gateway Manager in a nutshell
01:06 The road to create a Gateway Service
01:23 Presenting the PetStore public API
02:29 Create a Data Node Plane
04:07 What is a Gateway Service in a nutshell?
08:27 Configuring a Consumer
08:52 Basic Authentication
13:36 ApiKey Authentication
13:18 JWT Authentication
22:26 A short talk about OAuth 2.0 and OpenId and Instrospection
24:24 Rate Limiting
28:04 ACL Lists with an Authentication ApiKey Example
32:21 Conclusion about Protecting Web Applications
35:11 A summary of all available plugins in KONNECT
36:52 My own projects
38:40 See you in the next video!



All slides are available on Scribd right over here: https://www.scribd.com/presentation/708939886/KONNECT-Kong-Presentation

or in slideshare here:


My Kong projects:

- https://github.com/jesperancinha/buy-odd-yucca-concert
- https://github.com/jesperancinha/healthy-cameras
- https://github.com/jesperancinha/kong-test-drives


OAuth Videos:

- Implement Introspection Flow With Kong Konnect and Okta - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gc33A7F2XE
- OAuth 2 Token Introspection -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSa0ZCfF2Sc


All music produced for this video is originally produced by me, João Esperancinha and I have exclusive copyright ownership to them.


As a short disclaimer, I'd like to mention that I'm not associated or affiliated with any of the brands eventually shown, displayed, or mentioned in this video.


All my work and personal interests are also discoverable on other different sites:

- My Website - https://joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl/
- Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/jesperancinha
- Credly - https://www.credly.com/users/joao-esperancinha/badges
- Pinterest - https://nl.pinterest.com/jesperancinha/
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/joaofisaes/
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/joaofisaes/
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/jlnozkcomrxgsaip7yvffpqqm
- Medium - https://medium.com/@jofisaes
- Daily Motion - https://www.dailymotion.com/jofisaes
- Tumblr - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jofisaes


