AEW Double or Nothing 2024 AEW International Championship Will Osprey vs Roderick Strong

  • 2 months ago
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest, set for one fall, with a 60 minute time limit, is for the AEW International Championship!
00:13Introducing the champion, from Essex, England, weighing 233 pounds, the Aerial Assassin,
00:35Will Ospreay!
01:05Ospreay, Ospreay, Ospreay, Ospreay!
01:35Worldwide, they love this guy, and there's good reason, he's spectacular, a dynamic performer, amazing.
01:42Just once I'd like some of these rubes in the audience to give me credit, it's because of me that he's here.
01:48Rubes, go back for it right there.
01:51Yeah, you call somebody a rube, they're not going to give you credit for anything.
02:01Being accompanied by the Kingdom, from Tampa, Florida, weighing 203 pounds, he is the AEW International Champion, Roderick Strong!
02:17Roderick Strong, the International Champion, and the Undisputed Kingdom.
02:24Especially those two men, Mike Bennett and Matt Taven, have been a thorn in the side of Will Ospreay for the last month.
02:32And now, all the talk will be over.
02:37Last time we saw Ospreay, thanks to these men, there was blood coming out of his head.
02:42Yeah, Ospreay was bloodied for quartering stitches.
02:46You saw that bandage over his eye, that was because of what the Undisputed Kingdom had done to Will Ospreay.
02:56Well, I've got to say this, man.
02:59For those that are up for...
03:00Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
03:01He went for the Hidden Blade, look at that!
03:03Ospreay was looking for the Hidden Blade right off the bat.
03:06Roderick Strong saw it coming, and this match is underway, the International Championship.
03:12What I was about to say, sorry, Tobin, what I was about to say was powerful pound, Roderick Strong, one of the toughest men in all of pro-wrestling, but Ospreay was one step ahead.
03:21And Ospreay going over the top.
03:25Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
03:26No, there's another one!
03:28Bennett and Taven, thrown over our timekeeper's table, as Roderick Strong, using the numbers to his advantage,
03:35he peeled off that protective padding on the top of those sealed barricades.
03:41He's looking for the backbreaker on Ospreay on the barricade.
03:47That's the way, kid!
03:49Great footwork and balance and speed by Ospreay.
03:54And that glare from Will Ospreay to Roderick Strong says it all.
04:00Yeah, right now, the anger came away.
04:04That was a good double leg right there, a little ground to pound, nice block.
04:07What a hot start to W-Nothing.
04:10That was the strategy we discussed, it's working to a T.
04:13And a catapult, says Roderick Strong, face first to the steel ring post.
04:17Ospreay with all the momentum here.
04:20This crowd is electric.
04:22They are singing, they are chanting AEW.
04:25What a night, and we are just starting.
04:27What a crowd, man.
04:29The audience here, they know they're in for an amazing evening.
04:32It's going to go down tonight, that's double nothing.
04:34This will be a spectacular night, I guarantee it.
04:37As Ospreay and Roderick Strong return to the ring.
04:42The backbreaker, though, that time from Ospreay, Roderick Strong kicking out,
04:45barely a one count from referee Bryce Remsburg.
04:47Well, now, I do need to mention, before the match,
04:51that Will Ospreay came over and slapped hands with Don Callis.
04:54Don gave him a little bit of, I don't know, incentive in his ear,
04:58maybe a little pep talk, I don't know what it was.
05:00But, well, you got him fired up, Don.
05:02It's called coaching, Siobhan, you read up on it one time.
05:05I've read all about it.
05:07There's those of us that do it, and those of us that talk about it,
05:10and we know which strategy you fall into.
05:12Taven grabbing the boot of Ospreay.
05:14Bennett, though, with Ospreay on their shoulders.
05:16And now, what is this now?
05:18Come on now.
05:20Roderick Strong.
05:21Oh, shoot!
05:23He landed on his head.
05:25What a bad landing.
05:27He may have broke his neck, guys.
05:29I hope not.
05:31That was a horrible, horrible landing.
05:33He's holding his forehead.
05:35You got to check him.
05:37Hold on here.
05:39Let's just take a look at this.
05:41Oh, my God.
05:43He landed really rough there.
05:45You have that noise there.
05:47Don Callis dropped his headset.
05:48Hopefully, he doesn't pick it back up again.
05:52The referee checking on Ospreay.
05:54Ospreay saying he's okay to continue,
05:56but that was a scary moment.
05:58Yes, it was.
06:00Roderick Strong now in control of the challenger
06:03from the AEW International Championship.
06:05He's peeling off that bandage.
06:07He's going right for the head.
06:09He's going right for that injury.
06:11Got to give it to him.
06:13Good strategy.
06:15That's the thing about the Undisputed Kingdom.
06:16You may not agree with their methods,
06:18but they are tremendous professional wrestlers
06:21and tremendous tacticians.
06:23If you take another look at this,
06:25he got caught up on the ropes,
06:27and he hit Ospreay on the way down,
06:29and Ospreay landing at a very awkward angle
06:31on the crown of his head.
06:33I promise you, they were looking to hurt Ospreay,
06:35like put him out.
06:37That's what was going down right there.
06:39They know Ospreay's a legitimate, serious threat
06:41to this international championship
06:43that Roderick Strong so proudly holds.
06:44Taz, why are these two even allowed out here?
06:46Well, I can't answer that question.
06:48I don't make the rules, my friend,
06:50but I understand the questioning.
06:52I get you.
06:54Good rear chin lock right here,
06:56right across the throat.
06:58Ospreay's got to try to get some separation
07:00from that arm and his throat.
07:02Oh, do that. That works.
07:04Boxing the ears there.
07:06Uppercuts from the ground,
07:08but Roderick Strong,
07:10a swift knee to the shoulder blades
07:12drives Ospreay down.
07:14And you hear the fans still behind
07:16Will Ospreay singing his name here in unison.
07:19And Taz,
07:21Roderick Strong
07:23likes to call himself the messiah of the backbreaker.
07:25If Will Ospreay does indeed have a neck injury,
07:27those backbreakers would be extra,
07:29extra dangerous.
07:31Well, now, look at that,
07:33running right into an abdominal stretch.
07:35You don't see that much.
07:37Good count on the hip lock.
07:39With a lateral press.
07:41This Roderick Strong is so good
07:42at getting that stud between the ropes.
07:44And he's looking for a crossface on Ospreay,
07:46but Ospreay, importantly, has his left hip down.
07:48He's not flattened out on his stomach.
07:50Alleviating some,
07:52not all of the pressure, though, from the hold.
07:54And let's not forget,
07:56when Ospreay took that mad tumble outside,
07:58he was holding his forehead in his face,
08:00and that's what Roderick's been working on here.
08:02As you mentioned,
08:04they've ripped off the bandage,
08:06and he's been hammering the head in the face.
08:08So you see that Ospreay's holding his forehead again.
08:10That really was a momentum changer
08:12until that point.
08:14Right now,
08:16Strong realizes he is in the literal,
08:18the proverbial, I should say,
08:20driver's seat right about now.
08:22And Ospreay's trying to gee up a bit here
08:24to get fired up.
08:28Two heavy-handed guys.
08:30They are holding nothing back here.
08:32And Roderick
08:34got so much spring,
08:36so much explosion in those legs
08:38that needed a midsection.
08:40I'm telling you, Roderick Strong's not a guy
08:42who's going to tell you how good you are
08:44as an aerial assassin
08:46and how spectacular Ospreay is.
08:48Don't exchange hands with Strong,
08:50in my opinion.
08:52Yeah, one of the heaviest choppers
08:54pound for pound in all professional wrestling
08:56is Roderick Strong,
08:58the lateral press, and Ospreay able to kick out.
09:00Ospreay, in my opinion, Taz,
09:02is underrated as a striker.
09:04Would you agree?
09:06I think he's a great striker.
09:08In my professional opinion,
09:10I don't think he's at the level of a striker,
09:12but I think Ospreay trying to turn things around.
09:14Roderick went for the boot.
09:16Ospreay caught it.
09:18Maybe I spoke too soon.
09:20And now blistering the chest of the champion,
09:22maybe the throat of the champion with those chops.
09:24Maybe Don's right.
09:26Those are really bad-ass chops there.
09:28The boot, this time intercepted by Roderick Strong.
09:30Oh, the back hook avoided
09:32by Will Ospreay.
09:34What a great escape that was.
09:36And Ospreay coming through that corkscrew kick.
09:38It looked like he caught him
09:40with his knee that time.
09:42It's like having a limb at your body.
09:44Whatever limb hits you, that's it.
09:46And it worked.
09:48That's the great thing about Ospreay,
09:50he hits you from multiple angles in the air.
09:52Yeah, I think that's something
09:54we don't speak enough about,
09:56how unpredictable Ospreay is in the air.
09:58Look at that kick-off.
10:00He's fired up here, but he's still banged up.
10:02Yeah, the fans are with him every step of the way.
10:04Oh, what a boot that was.
10:06Yeah, big running kick in the corner.
10:08Oh, Ospreay, he saw Bennett and Tatum coming.
10:11Yeah, but his opponent's behind him here.
10:13Hold on a minute.
10:15The referee's got to do something about these guys.
10:17Yes, he does.
10:19Wait a minute!
10:21Oh, my God!
10:23Hit from behind.
10:25Another member of the industry to kick him.
10:27The referee...
10:29A ref caught it.
10:31Get him out of here!
10:33Take the belt!
10:35You either win or you lose the belt!
10:39All right!
10:41Good job by the referee, Bryce Remsburg.
10:44Oh, Roderick Strong.
10:46Oh, boy, the knee in the corner.
10:48Ospreay got caught.
10:50Shaking handles for Roderick Strong.
10:52No way!
10:54And Woodlow's still at ringside.
10:56As great as Will Ospreay is,
10:58he is outnumbered here, Don.
11:00He is, but we planned for this.
11:02Oh, my God!
11:04For the Sky Twister!
11:06Rest of the floor!
11:08This is the first Rodeo, Shivani.
11:10We know what to expect.
11:12Oh, definitely Ospreay eliminated the numbers there.
11:15Wargold never got touched.
11:17He's still standing strong.
11:19Bryce Remsburg, the referee,
11:21ejecting the Undisputed Kingdom from ringside.
11:23Security making sure it's done.
11:28He just creates magic in the air, Taz.
11:31He is.
11:33I said it before, a dynamic athlete.
11:36Roderick Strong goes down.
11:38Ospreay to the cover.
11:40Roderick Strong, all his years of experience
11:43working in wrestling throughout the world,
11:45just starting at a young age.
11:47He's an amazing competitor.
11:49He really is. He's spectacular.
11:51As Ospreay,
11:53looking maybe for a powerbomb.
11:55A kick to the face.
11:57Stepped in with a chop, Roderick.
12:03Ospreay, though, launches off the chest.
12:06Roderick Strong down to one knee, down to both knees.
12:08And Ospreay...
12:10Fishman suplex.
12:12The hook is in deep.
12:14Roderick Strong able to kick out
12:16just a shot to the ribs, Taz.
12:18That's all you need to break up the bridge.
12:20He was in a bridge in that throw.
12:22Strong being a veteran realized
12:24instead of exerting energy kicking out,
12:26let me bust it up with a gut shot.
12:28So the bridge goes away.
12:30Once the bridge goes away, the pinfall goes away.
12:32Very economical in his offense, would you say, Taz?
12:34You're exactly right.
12:38Scoop and the slam.
12:40He's got so many weapons off the top.
12:42This could be anything.
12:44Who knows what the hell this guy's going to do.
12:46Roderick Strong
12:48shoving Ospreay.
12:50And Ospreay, the back of his knee
12:52actually came down on the turnbuckle.
12:54That's a good call.
12:56I have the left knee, you're right, actually, Oliver.
12:58And that may change the complexion of this match.
13:00It could impede Ospreay's aerial assault.
13:04So he's fighting Strong off of the...
13:06off of whatever Strong was thinking
13:08to try to do off that second rope.
13:10They're going to go for it here, Taz.
13:12No, this is a mistake, guys.
13:16Landed on his knee and jammed his knee.
13:18Oh, my God.
13:20And that...
13:22That was from that awkward right arm.
13:24Still got that back heel kick.
13:26And now perhaps the hidden blade.
13:28That knee's messed up,
13:30so I think he wants to go for his finishing move right now.
13:32But does he have the acceleration to hit it?
13:34Great job into that single crab.
13:36Picks the leg of Will Ospreay,
13:38the single-leg crab Ospreay.
13:40He rolled right through into it,
13:42perfectly done by Strong.
13:44And Roderick Strong, he likes that Strong hold,
13:46his version of the Boston Crab.
13:48Also, oh, with the cloverleaf now.
13:50Yeah, Texas cloverleaf,
13:52and that is an excruciating, painful hold.
13:54I'm telling you from experience,
13:56a brutal hold on the body.
13:58Targets the knees, the lower back,
14:00hamstrings, glutes, everything.
14:02He's got that sunken deep, Giovanni.
14:04Well, Will Ospreay's got plenty left,
14:06as you can see.
14:08Ospreay makes the crawl to the bottom rope
14:11to force the break.
14:13Roderick Strong holding on as long
14:15as he was allowed there
14:17to inflict the maximum damage on Ospreay.
14:19Yeah, that cloverleaf does not have to be on long
14:21to really do damage.
14:23You say it's D. Malenko, he'll tell you.
14:25He was the best at it, in my opinion.
14:27We've seen three points of damage,
14:29the top turnbuckle, the awkward landing,
14:31and then the cloverleaf on the knee.
14:35So we'll see what Will Ospreay's got left here.
14:38Oh, my God.
14:40That was a thunderous chop.
14:42I told you he could strike
14:44a business chop if I ever saw it.
14:46You're not kidding.
14:48And the elbow.
14:50Boxing both sides of the hand.
14:52Oh, no, no.
14:54And Ospreay, understandably dazed,
14:56driven down.
14:58Could be it, guys.
15:00Base first, Roderick Strong,
15:02the far leg hooked, and Ospreay able to kick out.
15:04Chopped, nailed.
15:06Left, right, right, left.
15:08And still able to kick out.
15:10Taz, I would have to say
15:12Roderick Strong's conditioning is really scary.
15:15I mean, he's going 100 miles an hour
15:17this deep into the match.
15:19Very impressive.
15:21Insanely impressive.
15:23He's not a heavy guy, but he's ripped, he's lean,
15:25and he's a machine to your point.
15:27And everything is so crisp, as you said,
15:29so deep in this match by Roddy.
15:31And now, Roderick Strong
15:34up to the top with Ospreay in his grip.
15:38Oh, boy, tippy-top rope here.
15:40This is rough.
15:42Big superplex, but Roderick hangs on.
15:46Hoists up.
15:48Ospreay, center of the ring.
15:50Oh, no.
15:52Oh, my God.
15:54He's going to retain his title.
15:56And Ospreay able to kick out.
15:58And again, the toughness of Will Ospreay.
16:01Yeah, super tough.
16:03But Roddy Strong has shown the world
16:05why he is the international champion
16:07and why he will be so tough to topple
16:10to take that title from him.
16:12Now the fireman's carrying to the gut buster.
16:14Roderick Strong accelerates to the ropes,
16:18comes in, and Ospreay, what a kicker!
16:21Roderick Strong was looking for that high boot,
16:24and Ospreay intercepted him midair.
16:26Ran the ropes one too many times there, Tad.
16:28I think you're right, Don, for sure.
16:30I mean, look at the impact on this.
16:32What a counter to your point, Excalibur.
16:34Beautifully done catching him in midair.
16:36Sit-out powerbomb, beautifully done.
16:38Hit his head on the mat.
16:42Both Roderick Strong, Will Ospreay
16:44bringing undefeated records on the year
16:46into this match.
16:48So it was this past Wednesday
16:50at Dynamite Strong and Tremperetta
16:52did hand Ospreay and Orange Cassidy
16:54a tag team loss at Dynamite.
16:56But thus far,
16:58in Ospreay's AEW career,
17:00he has been perfect.
17:0413 and 0 in singles competition.
17:10Ospreay, wow.
17:12There you go.
17:14And Roderick Strong just teeing off on one of their
17:16Ospreay asks for more.
17:18It's amazing that both men can go toe-to-toe
17:20here after both.
17:22What they've gone through so far.
17:24These are two of the best in the world.
17:26Oh my God, what a kick.
17:28And a kick came around the corner.
17:30Roderick didn't see it coming.
17:32And now, the standing switch.
17:34Drop kick to the knee.
17:36Remember, that's the knee that Ospreay
17:38got hung up on the top rope
17:40and then jammed when he came down.
17:42Back elbow.
17:46Floats over.
17:48There we go.
17:50It brings Roderick up.
17:52I think it may be styles clash,
17:54but Roderick, he knows how to defend that move.
17:56That's it.
17:58That's it.
18:00Roderick Colaby, baby,
18:02the knee.
18:04Ospreay clutching on to that left knee.
18:06What transition by Roderick.
18:08Oh, come on.
18:10The transitions by both these men,
18:12so impressive.
18:14Look at this exchange, it's nuts.
18:16Ospreay, beautifully done.
18:18This thing could go either way.
18:20That international title.
18:22Wait, wait, wait, what is this now?
18:24What is this?
18:26Ospreay, he got time to check on Ospreay
18:28earlier in the match now.
18:30He's worried about Roderick's ability to continue.
18:32We're going to finish him here.
18:34No, he's got to check.
18:36What's a doctor now?
18:38Ospreay could win this match by forfeit.
18:40The referee's doing his job, Don.
18:42He doesn't do that.
18:44Off his ringside.
18:48What are you doing?
18:50Don's asking for the Tiger Tiger 91.
18:52Tiger, yes.
18:54You want to win this thing?
18:56He's going to the hospital anyway.
18:58He's done anyway.
19:00He's going to the hospital anyway.
19:02He's finished it, Tiger driver.
19:04He's going to the hospital anyway.
19:06You want the belt?
19:08You're the second best Tiger driver.
19:10Come on, kid, you do it.
19:12Ospreay, yeah, he said he'll never use it again
19:14after what happened to Brian Danielson.
19:16Well, right now, Ospreay's very content.
19:18He's going for it.
19:20He's going for it.
19:22They're standing up.
19:24Look at the eyes.
19:32Ospreay, he won't do it.
19:34He can't bring himself to do it.
19:36Counter, counter.
19:38What's up, Roderick?
19:40Pulls him through.
19:42And now strong.
19:44Carrying the gutbuster once again.
19:46Pushing the ribs.
19:48That's a kick.
19:50Ospreay laid out the cover.
19:54And Ospreay.
19:56That hesitation on that Tiger driver, man.
19:58I'll tell you what.
20:00Strong realized it was an opening.
20:02He countered, fired up.
20:04What a kick out right there by Ospreay.
20:06Taz, you can't be weak in these moments.
20:08You should have put him in the hospital.
20:10Put him in a chair.
20:12The opportunity was there for sure.
20:14And now Roderick Strong could be thinking
20:16end of heartache inside the ring.
20:18Oh, look at that counter by Ospreay.
20:19Work it, Roderick.
20:23Ospreay only had one boot clutch.
20:25But Roderick Strong lands a thunderous
20:27knee strike to the jaw.
20:29What a hell of an opening match, my God.
20:31It's amazing.
20:33End of heartache.
20:37Here we go.
20:47Oh, my God.
20:49He's not going to do it.
20:51We won!
20:53We won!
20:55And the winner of this match and new
20:59AEW International Champion,
21:03the aerial assassin,
21:06Will Ospreay!
21:10Oh, I mean, Roderick Strong went to the well, boys.
21:13Won too many times.
21:15And he got caught on that third one.
21:17He cuts to the counter.
21:21And we have a new international champ.
