I Went To A REAL Haunted Pet Cemetery And Spent The Night _ OmarGoshTV

  • 2 months ago
00:04What is up fam welcome to another haunted adventure with your boy Omar today
00:09I am somewhere where a lot of people have been requesting for us to make a video and that is at a haunted pet cemetery
00:15There is so much that the locals talk about when it comes to this pet cemetery, and that's why we're here
00:20We are going to see if it is true. Not only is this going to be a cool haunted video
00:24But it's going to be an overnight challenge. Let's get right into this
00:43Since the 1990s locals have reported seeing a woman who can be heard from a distance crying
00:48Could this be a ghost that has been visiting their pets final resting place, or is it something more maybe something evil?
00:59Dude something is hissing at me over here. I was gonna get some b-roll shots here and something started hissing at me
01:05I don't know if anybody lives there
01:09You want to let's do it
01:20Would like hey, where do you live at a pet cemetery? There's an AC like right there?
01:32You know what when I first pulled in here there was a black cat I
01:36Swear there was a black cat hanging out here, which is really strange because a black cat hanging out at a pet cemetery
01:48From the hurricane
01:52Hello anybody there
02:00Car just pulled in here
02:02There's all these signs
02:04Here it says like private road. We might get the cops called on us, so there's a dog named patty
02:17I've never been to a pet cemetery before
02:20And oh my we have to look up this pretty here because it says famous and loved worldwide
02:25Do you think that's a famous dog that was a famous stinky?
02:34Dude there's so much history here, so this cemetery dates back to the 1960s
02:50You know there's not just dogs and cats buried here either
02:54No, I don't have people there's birds
02:57And like um like hamsters and stuff. Yeah, it's like a legit. I don't know. It's just what I've read online
03:07Oh, man look at all these sand spurs this why you're complaining
03:16Rose Atwood, you know like Roman Atwood
03:24Do you think that we'll be greeted with like our animals one day in heaven I
03:30Think so I think so too. Yeah, this is so sad that they live such short lives. You know
03:36I know
03:40That's if they're lucky yeah, that looks like my dog. I'll have a golden doodle
03:50Love these statues
04:06What the hell look there's a freaking hole right there
04:15Do what it's like either an animal was trying to get out
04:23Right got some uh somebody probably want to know what we're doing over here
04:31We're visiting our animal that came back to life
04:36Hey, maybe that was the black
04:39What if there was a picture of the black cat right there, oh my gosh that would have freaked me out
04:43I would have went running out of here
04:52Wow whatever this was it lived a pretty nice life, but like was that 14 years
04:59Yeah, I know from experience like when you bury an animal at your house
05:04Maybe you have to move away
05:05I mean this is cool because if you have to move away from your house you leave your deceased pet behind and that's kind of
05:10Sad so that's why I like pet cemeteries because if you know you move around to different places
05:15I mean you always have a
05:16Eternal resting home for your animal and that you could always go back and visit now one of the reasons why this place is haunted
05:22Is because a lot of these animals that were buried here were pets of people that passed on to the next life, too
05:28Sometimes their ghost can be seen still visiting their pets
05:43This dog lived 20 years
05:46That's so cool. Man. I hope my dog lives 20 years, but a cute picture. I love these headstones
05:58If so you can talk to me
06:01I'm not sure what you just said. Can you say that again?
06:07Can these animals speak in a human voice?
06:11You missed that one
06:22That was close
06:29Is that a spirit dog that we hear barking
06:34No, no, no, it's a real dog. There's a real dog out there. That's probably what it is
06:45What did that say I already tried
06:55Thank you, right
06:56I say this a lot in my videos and I'm gonna say it again if you see or hear anything that I may have missed
07:02Please let me know in the comments
07:04You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram
07:06Send me a message or tag me in it and say hey, I think you may have missed something
07:11Maybe take a screenshot of it. You could circle it. I have so many people have done that and I appreciate it. Thank you
07:19This is like covered
07:21Wonder why this one was covered. Oh, I feel so bad. That is so cute. Oh
07:29Man rest in peace Casey
07:38They clean this up for Casey here rest in peace, mr. Casey
07:46This is so heartbreaking
07:48Being here. I'm pretty sure they wanted this
07:52Upright like that realize how big this pet cemetery was
08:04I see a lot of poodles like poodle pictures
08:09There's like a gazebo over here
08:19Let me know if you guys see that black cat anywhere to kind of freak me out that I've seen
08:24I mean, I've seen it more than once too and I turned around and it was gone
08:29There's an old movie that I watched as a kid probably one of the scariest movies
08:35During the 80s in my opinion. It's called Pet Cemetery and
08:39I think there was a sequel to it as well
08:41I only watched the first one
08:42But in this movie people used to bury their pets at this certain cemetery and it would bring the pet back to life
08:50but it wasn't the same pet it was like a monster and
08:55Yeah, it's a pretty creepy movie
08:57another reason it breaks my heart being here is because I have animals at home and
09:01I would be devastated if I lost any of them. I do have one that's getting up there in age
09:08Her name is cookie. She is just
09:10The greatest bundle of joy I've ever had I mean I got her when my kids were babies
09:14She practically grew up with my children
09:17But I know the day is coming where I'm gonna have to say goodbye to her and that's another reason why I'm sad
09:22Being here is because I know that is gonna happen one day
09:27Maybe I'll bury her here. I kind of like this cemetery. I think it's cool. Wow. There's so many animals buried here
09:43Think okay, you heard a cat. I'm telling you. I think it's hiding underneath that house
09:54Oh, I heard it
10:01No, I may sound a little strange me saying this but after watching that movie pet cemetery
10:05I can't help like wonder what if that is the same
10:10Animal that was in that grave over there, and it don't I mean, I don't know. It's really weird it. There's a hole there
10:19And it's really weird that I seen a cat and then it disappeared
10:25Come here digit
10:29Well, this is where I seen it hanging out, I don't see any paw prints either
10:33I don't know what I've been looking for actually been filming. Have you? Yes, because I'm looking for paw prints
10:45This is exactly where that cat was too
10:50Where that sounded really close I keep hearing things like around in the woods here, maybe there is a cat
11:02Guys let me know if you see anything under here
11:15So this is an office
11:18Open for visitation tombstones. Oh, they're okay. So this is where people purchase the
11:28It's like abandoned yeah, yo, wouldn't be crazy if this was open
11:38What if the oh this is
11:49This is sketchy
11:51I'm here
11:55Dude look at that old-ass TV that TV looks like it came from the 1970s
12:03It sure does smell like it. Oh look it shows like the plots that are open and closed look
12:09This is me. This is the gazebo
12:15These are the ones that are maybe open or maybe these are the ones that are open
12:20I'm not sure
12:23Chevy so that's this cooler right here
12:28But the floors here, oh it smells bad in here
12:37Wow, it stinks
12:53Dude everything in here looks super old
12:56Like it has one of those look at the ceiling. Oh, yeah, that's bad. That's black mold. Yeah, we're gonna die
13:07Should we try let's do it let's do it
13:14Dude this place is so creepy
13:20Wow, look at this old telephone
13:27Okay, yeah, we do need some match
13:38Whoa careful, oh this floors rotten bro. This is not good. Not good. That's all right. I got a beer
13:45I love there was like someone's head in there. Yeah. Hey, oh, okay. No heads
13:53Yeah, I'm doing the same
14:05If you're wondering how much they pay to bury dogs here 65 that's so cheap
14:16That's from yeah
14:191987 wasn't planning on going in that was cool. I can lie. Yeah. Oh cool Elvis
14:28Rumble now
14:31Chiodi Elvis rumble now Chiodi
14:58Just heard somebody crying. Yeah
15:07I swore I heard somebody over there. It's more like either a dog whining or a woman crying
15:17Think it's the German Shepherd
15:26Did you really
15:30Well these guys are getting ready to get out of here Patty turns on her spirit box
15:34We heard this loud bang over here. I'm not sure if it was the tree right here, but this tree was already knocked over
15:44And then Patty's EVP thing said get out or something like that
15:51Did you you were recording that right yeah
15:57Damn I wish I was recording this is moving in there
16:07Whatever that is it's moving
16:28Somebody threw a rock from the other side
16:36You guys weren't messing around no not at all like that said coward coward something really weird is happening right now is
16:44Patty turns their EVP thing on like right when we
16:48Were around this trailer from the outside
16:52We heard a loud bang. I wasn't recording it. You could definitely see it on their videos
16:57But I got that rock coming towards us
17:01You think there's any people that live back there, maybe they're just annoyed that we're here really late
17:15Are we bothering you whoever threw that rock
17:29Tell us what it's like in heaven
17:35There's a little bit of a pause there is it really a rainbow bridge
18:00Well we did miss that first room this pet cemetery is haunted and
18:06This door just opened up with a force right now
18:10Don't go in there, bro. I don't know man. You want to do it. Let's take it. Yeah, I just went up
18:20Who's in here
18:24Hello, we mean you no harm
18:29Sorry if we disturbed you
18:33Maybe it was the wind
18:35So I'm thinking about spending the night here tonight
18:37Something about spending the night here tonight
18:50I think I'll be all right
19:16Put my camera down for just a few minutes here
19:19She was just asking her deceased son and husband some questions like you know hey, would you protect Omar?
19:27What do you think?
19:32It was crazy because he
19:34Said yes, or is her son said yes, and then she told Mike happy birthday, and he said thank you
19:40And then he said I'm all over it was crazy
19:43You're gonna have to go make your way to Patty's video, so you can see what I'm talking about
19:52Where I think we're here, maybe I don't know I'll know when I hear that back, but that was a very clear
19:58Omar I'll be okay
20:02Promise promise
20:07You heard that oh, I heard it yeah Wow
20:11Thank you guys for protecting our yes, thank you
20:14I love you guys happy birthday Mike Patty Heather and Joe just left
20:19So I am officially alone here at the cemetery
20:23It's pretty late already. That's why I was like you know what we kind of already spent most of the night here
20:28Why not just spend a couple more hours? I mean I could lay somewhere
20:32I'm not going inside that building seems tempting smells really horrible in there
20:38I'm thinking it might not rain a lot of stars in the sky
20:42Keep hearing somebody walking behind me
20:48Earlier I heard like some crying over here
20:59Haven't seen that cat anymore. I wish I could have got her on camera or him
21:06On a hole
21:27Kind of hate being alone thinking I might just chill underneath this tree. There is plenty of shelter
21:35Just hoping that there's no spiders
21:38I hate spiders
21:40Always got to check the ground too for bugs
21:44Okay, I don't see any
21:49This thing could totally pick my nose right now
21:52if you haven't already make sure to
21:55Smash the like button because this was one of my fears
21:58and that's one thing that I love about making these type of videos is that
22:04Ever since I started I mean I've been able to conquer certain phobias that I've had and
22:09One of those phobias was coming to a cemetery at nighttime
22:13I know this is a pet cemetery, but I have legit camped out
22:19100% at a cemetery I've gone to cemeteries at night
22:22I would have never like I was always terrified to go to a cemetery at nighttime
22:26I did it and I encourage you to do the same because it's not so bad once you just
22:31Face those fears and look them in the face and say hey man. I'm doing this whether you like it or not
22:37I'm telling you man
22:39You will go through life fearless
22:40And I'm not saying that I'm perfect and I'm not saying that I am NOT scared of anything because there are things that I'm still
22:47scared of
22:48However, it has helped me overcome certain fears and once you get over certain fears
22:54The next obstacle in life seems that much easier, so I encourage you to face those fears
23:01I know a lot of people's fears dying don't face that fear okay?
23:06That'll come on its own naturally my battery is getting a little bit low, and I don't have any other batteries
23:13This is my second battery already
23:15So I am gonna go ahead and get into the morning unless something
23:19Bizarre happens here in the middle of night
23:37Think I'm freaking myself out
23:41Sounded like something walking towards me right now
23:45I'm gonna try to go to sleep now. Hopefully I survive till morning I
23:54Successfully spent the entire night
23:58Under this tree at the pet cemetery. I kept hearing a weird whistling noise. I'm not sure if it was a
24:05bird I
24:06Think it was him whistling
24:11It's been a long while that I have spent the night at a real strange place
24:16It's definitely haunted, but I don't think in a negative way. It was pretty peaceful
24:22I mean I could definitely feel sorrow here because I
24:28Don't know like these furry creatures
24:30I mean you know we love them so much and their time with us here on earth is so short
24:35They just love us unconditionally. I'm gonna go for now. Let me know if you're digging the whole 24-hour overnight challenge
24:42I'm thinking about
24:43Doing a comeback on those videos all depends on how many likes this gets
24:48So make sure to give it a like to show your appreciation make sure to check out Patti from the G team
24:54Heather as well as my friend Joe from urban ghost urban exploration links will be in the description before you leave
