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Ten Thousand World's Ep 252 eng sub watch and enjoy


00:30Should be hey
00:32You said she's in since it's a little way. You know, I want you to take it easy
00:37She's a shit shit shit. Oh god. What would you do?
00:43Don't you know say you don't need to know you know who's your girl
00:50What's on top
00:52I'm gonna show you my
01:24月月魂牵 身心之间 绝世容颜 Yueyue Huanqian, shen xin zhi jian, jue shi rong yan
01:28孤独之间 斩过千月 红颜柔软 红心玉帘 Gu zu zhi jian, zhan guo qian, yue feng ying rou zhuan, gong xin yu nian
01:47大长老好快的消息 Da zhang lao hao kuai de xiao xi
01:49可惜学祖已有好转,不劳费心 Kexi xue zu yi you hao zhuan, bu lao fei xin
01:52好转与否,单凭一张嘴可说都不算,我怀疑学祖遭难,皆因你带回的神花有问题 Hao zhuan yu fou, dan ping yi zhang zui ke shuo de bu suan, wo huai yi xue zu zao nan, jie yin ni dai hui de shen hua you wen ti
02:03我和阿姐辛苦得来的神花,怎么可能有问题? Wo he a jie xin ku de lai de shen hua, zong me keng ne you wen ti?
02:09无凭无据,二长老慎言 Wu ping wu jun, er zhang lao shen yan
02:14我没耐心耗,让开 Wo mei nan xian hao, rang kai
02:19阿姐 A jie
02:22想做什么? Xiang zuo shen me?
02:28这句话应该我问你,学祖垂危,非但不通知,还要阻拦探视,是何居心? Zhe ju hua, ying gai wo wo ni, xue zu chui wei, fei dan bu tong zhi, hai yao zu lan tan shi, shi he ju xin?
02:41学祖正在闭关,谁也不能打人 Xue zu zheng zai bi guan, shi ye bu neng da ren
02:48关不灵 Guan bu ling
02:52太阳翻天 Tai yang fan tian
03:22全是仙剑 Quan shi xian jian
03:32并非族中之物,本座天命所归,收服区区三把仙剑又有何难? Bing fei zu zhong zhi wu, ben zuo tian ming suo gui, shou fu qu qi san ba xian jian you you he nan?
03:52是杏和龙骨剑和青霄剑的气息 Shi xing he long gu jian he qing jiao jian de qi xi
04:01万一学祖走火入魔,你担待得起吗? Wan yi xue zu zou huo ru mo, ni dan dai de qi ma?
04:09一无惊险,四季之灵 Yi wu jing xian, si ji zhi ling
04:22当天意图谋害学祖,其罪当诛! Dang tian yi tu mou hai xue zu, qi zui dang zhu!
04:45天一 Tian yi
04:52天一 Tian yi
05:02独手应喊仙剑? Tú shou Ying Hàn aan xian jiàn?
05:04此人是谁? Cì rì shì shì shèi? Who's that?
05:08山主大人,我是梓崎! Xiang zhǎo dànrén, wǒ shi Zǎojian! My lord! I am Tian!
05:11主人助我 Zhōuren jiù wǒ Master, please save me!
05:13不许动! 不许动! Unlike your major!
05:15You are my master, how dare you be so impudent?
05:23You bullied my master, you can't forgive me.
05:27Soul Sea Spirit Jade
05:37You want to die?
05:46Sword of Wu Gou
05:54I have seen through you, don't try to hurt me
05:59I'm listening
06:02Is it a special skill of the Ghost Realm?
06:05Wan Jian Gui Zong
06:16Humph, it's just a small trick, what can it do?
06:20The Soul Sucking Red is the most powerful weapon
06:23It can kill thousands of people, let's see how you can fight me
06:28Humph, what a big breath
06:36Ha ha ha ha, it's just a flame, it will only become his food
06:43Flame Storm
06:48Oh no
07:05How dare you hurt my master, I will cut you into pieces
07:10You will pay for this
07:24Master, I miss you so much
07:26It's good that you are fine
07:32Young master
07:34Kill me, I want you to pay for this
07:44I will change my appearance, my body will change, my blood will flow
07:55It's a forbidden skill, it can use the power of the ancestors
08:01King of Gods, Chief God
08:08Not bad
08:14Just one punch, you have defeated the forbidden skill
08:26This is the King of Gods
08:39You want to run away
08:42It's Du Ku Fu again