Apotheosis (Become a God) S 2 Ep 34 Multi Sub

  • 2 months ago
Apotheosis (Become a God) S 2 Ep 34 Multi Sub
01:00想你永藏不忘 I want to keep you in my heart
01:03天地为魔 万物为同名 远近尘瘫 The world is full of monsters, the world is full of monsters
01:06败者不灰也成钢 哪怕会受伤 The victors will not fall, even if they get hurt
01:09火焰化身那道烟火 烧尽奔向烈炮 I will burn that fire and burn it to the ground
01:15击碎黑暗 破裂而亡 Break through the darkness, break through the darkness
01:18跨过生命荆棘的墙 Break through the walls of life
01:22与你肩如华伴绝交 I'll hold your sword like a flower
01:24相伴这一场绚烂 I'll be with you in this moment
01:28风雨飘荡而我无依然 The wind and rain are drifting, but I'm still here
01:31我始终自重要上扬 I will rise again and again
01:34冲向即将毁掉的冲刹 I'll fight to the bitter end
01:37与你执手 I'll hold your hand
01:40听梦的回响 Listen to your dream
02:21罗筝恭喜你突破到神丹境 仙木开啟了
02:28优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:50等从仙木回来 I'll taste it
02:52我一定要好好品尝它的滋味 when I get back from the tomb
02:57皇子殿下 奴家可比那寺庙灵好吃多了 Your Highness, I'm much better than that temple girl
03:05臭死了 You stink
03:11仙木门已开 动身吧 The door to the tomb has been opened. You may leave
03:24寺庙灵那女人有什么好的 What's so good about that temple girl?
03:27你不必生气 皇子平等地憎恶着每一个女人 You don't have to be angry. The prince values every woman equally
03:32在他眼里 女人没有一个好东西 In his eyes, women are not good things
03:36只不过你格外地肮脏 愿神国光芒尽怀 Only you are extremely dirty. May the kingdom of gods shine on you
03:43你不是女人吗 你也不是好东西 贱人 Aren't you a woman? You're not a good thing, either. Bitch
03:46神国之人不可轻信 此去小心 The people of the kingdom of gods cannot be trusted. Be careful
03:50好 为了天魔大阵 你我已经错过百年春宵 All right. We've missed the spring and summer solstice for the Demon Formation
03:55我定会回来 助你踏入神海 那时 I'll come back and help you step into the sea. Then
04:01这妖族天下 我与你共享 I'll share the world with you
04:07我不要天下 只要你当初的承诺 I don't want the world. I just want your promise
04:12妹妹也放心前去便是 奴家会好生伺候大王的 You can go ahead. I'll take good care of the prince
04:17好姐姐 你要跟我一起去卸磨 Good sister, you have to go with me
04:26我不 我不 I won't
04:35大王 King
04:40凡是你不喜的都可以杀了 You can kill anyone you don't like
04:43多谢大王 Thank you, King
04:56千慕凶险 觉醒过程稍有不慎便会神魂俱灭 妖王真舍得自己的爱宠 The Demon King is willing to sacrifice his beloved pet
05:07天命已经出现 这是唯一的机会 The destiny has appeared. This is the only chance
05:14天命离开 天命恢复与魔王 You're back
05:18不知天命的主人是何人 不知道天物的主人是谁 Who is the master of the Demons?
05:21是天妙仙人 It's the Fairy of the Heavenly Sacrifice
05:23陨地古籍中记载 天明仙人纵横上劫万年 因为不知名的原因受到重创 As recorded in the ancient scrolls of the Cloud Palace, the Fairy of the Heavenly Sacrifice has been in the mortal world for ten thousand years as a result of unknown causes
05:31冰雪之际坠入下界 临死前修成仙墓 She fell to the lower realm and became a Demon before her death
05:35The immortals are completely rid of mortal forms,
05:38and even have the ability to open up a new dimension within themselves.
05:40They have a body, and can be seen as the master for a world.
05:47Control a world?
05:48If I could inherit the immortals' power,
05:51then I wouldn't need to look at the faces of these lowly humans.
06:05So, we should be able to have fun in a timely manner.
06:07Here we are.
06:09Let's go.
06:11Let's go.
06:13Let's go.
06:15Let's go.
06:17Let's go.
06:19Let's go.
06:21Let's go.
06:23Let's go.
06:25Let's go.
06:27Let's go.
06:29Let's go.
06:31Let's go.
06:33Let's go.
06:35Here we are.
06:51It seems that
06:53there is a space in the fairy wood.
06:55The light has scattered us.
06:57Let's go to the fairy wood to see what's going on.
07:03If you are sad, don't look back.
07:09The jade god in the sky welcomes you.
07:33Here is the Luojia Town.
07:57Something is wrong with these people.
07:59Eliminate all the spirits in the space.
08:03Then you can reach the place of inheritance.
08:15What are these spirits?
08:19Spirits are the bodies that are coagulated by the power of the soul.
08:23Turn the void into stone.
08:25It's the way of the fairy.
08:27It's the way of the fairy.
08:29But these spirits come from...
08:33Mo Peishan.
08:47Aren't they dead?
08:49Why are they here?
08:53Wood head.
08:57Wood head.
09:01Something is wrong with my body.
09:03It's not like what I used to feel.
09:17Look at the spirits down there.
09:19These spirits are cursed.
09:21If you kill them,
09:23the curse will be transferred to you quietly.
09:27The curse will eat your soul.
09:29Fortunately, you have cultivated the War Soul Mirror.
09:31You won't get hurt so soon.
09:33Why didn't you tell me earlier?
09:37I'm not your mother.
09:39I don't need to tell you everything.
09:43According to the request of the fairy,
09:45if you kill the spirit,
09:47the soul will be cursed.
09:49Is there something wrong with the wood?
09:51The pie in the sky is mostly poisonous.
09:55I just used the power of the soul to investigate.
09:57The whole wood is actually
09:59a large array of souls.
10:01The souls of those who died in Tianyuan Continent
10:03were sucked into the wood
10:05and turned into spirit blood.
10:07They were cursed
10:09and buried in the wood.
10:11Can this curse be removed?
10:13Of course.
10:15You can use the Qi of Heaven Fiend.
10:17The Qi of Heaven Fiend is the power of the curse
10:19generated by the death of life and death.
10:21It is one of the most powerful curse forces.
10:23It can refine most of the evidence.
10:29It's really delicious.
10:31The souls of the Tianyuan Continent
10:33were sucked into the wood.
10:35Maybe Master Su is in the wood.
10:41What are you doing?
10:43I use the power of the fairy
10:45to settle these souls temporarily.
10:47When I leave the wood,
10:49I will let them return to the world.
10:51This is a great merit.
10:53It's good for you.
11:01Someone is sucking the spirit body.
11:03Is it Sui Xie's people?
11:05That's the direction of Luofu.
11:07Let's go and have a look.
11:15It's really boring.
11:17When I leave the wood,
11:19I have to find a few beauties
11:21to relax.
11:23Shen Guo.
11:25He uses incense to absorb the spirit body.
11:27Is it to avoid the curse
11:29or to help Si Miao Ling learn?
11:37It seems that there is a little mouse
11:39in the wood.
11:41It's not boring.
11:43That's the spirit body of the Luo family.
11:47The magic weapon of incense seems to be able to train souls.
11:49If we don't save these spirit bodies,
11:51they will never be released
11:53and be tormented by pain.
11:55In this space,
11:57the spirit body has been cleared.
11:59Go to the next space
12:01and continue to eliminate the spirit body
12:05until all the spirit bodies are destroyed.
12:09Zhenyuan Flower Temple.
12:13It's not a mouse.
12:15It's a dessert.
12:19You use this thing to absorb the spirit body
12:21to help Si Miao Ling wake up.
12:23Do you want to know?
12:25Call me good brother.
12:27I'll tell you.
12:31I'll beat you up first.
12:33When I saw your portrait before,
12:35I thought it was cute.
12:37Now look carefully.
12:41You do have a taste for me.
12:45Not bad.
12:47I can play with you for half a year.
12:49Are you crazy?
12:57Don't waste your energy.
12:59This is a sacred weapon.
13:01Your attack
13:03is just a little cute.
13:05And I only need
13:07one move to
13:09deal with you.
13:15Tianjie Lao Mi.
13:39I'm going to
13:41kill you.
13:43Luo Zheng.
13:45Although you are not as good as Cui Xie,
13:47you can barely
13:49fall into my trap.
13:51Why don't you serve me
13:53with Cui Xie?
13:55I can help you
13:57resolve the grudge between you and Cui Xie.
13:59Does being a prince
14:01have a big problem?
14:03If you don't listen to me,
14:05you will become a dead body.
14:07It's a pity.
14:23It's actually a real body.
14:27This figure
14:29is better than Cui Xie.
14:31This figure
14:33is better than Cui Xie.
14:47If I come one step later,
14:49I'm afraid
14:51you won't be able to keep your innocence.
14:57How dare you!
14:59How dare you!
15:07Stinky woman.
15:09I'm going to kill you today.
15:11I don't want to fight with him anymore.
15:13You help me out first.
15:15I'll deal with him in one move.
15:19Don't let me down.
15:23The person who scolded me last time
15:25has been sent to feed dogs by me.
15:27And you
15:29are disgusting to feed dogs.
15:31You deserve to die.
15:57Stinky woman
15:59is not a good thing.
16:01Dog prince,
16:03have you seen the moon?
16:13The moon is full and the earth is shaking.
16:27The moon is full and the earth is shaking.
16:57Don't kill him first.
17:01I'm going to send him to his death.
17:13Use the incense burner
17:15to absorb the spirit body in the fairy wood
17:17and offer it to the million spirit bodies.
17:19Then you can forcibly open the Purple Banner
17:21and draw the Purple Banner source
17:23into the Purple Banner Yin body.
17:25How do you know
17:27that there is no living person
17:29in the fairy wood?
17:31There was a cultivator
17:33who happened to escape from the fairy wood.
17:35We searched his soul
17:37and found that the fairy wood was pure.
17:39It was just a trick
17:41to lure the cultivator to send him to his death.
17:43Those spirit bodies
17:45were cursed by the ancestors.
17:47After killing the spirit body,
17:49the curse will be transferred
17:51and the cultivator's soul will be purified.
17:53When all the spirit bodies
17:55are killed,
17:57the fairy wood will wake up.
18:01The curse
18:11Scan this QR code
18:13and I can give you
18:15everything you want.
18:23Contributing to the end of the god
18:25is not your glory.
18:27What god?
18:29It's just a tool
18:31to brainwash the god.
18:33Use the million spirit bodies
18:35to ignite six soul rings
18:37and the Purple Banner
18:39will not be activated.
18:41Why are there so many spirit bodies
18:43in the fairy wood?
18:45My little bug
18:47wants to taste the god's
18:51The King's Avatar 2
19:21The King's Avatar 2
19:23The King's Avatar 2
19:25The King's Avatar 2
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19:31The King's Avatar 2
19:33The King's Avatar 2
19:35The King's Avatar 2
19:37The King's Avatar 2
19:39The King's Avatar 2
19:41The King's Avatar 2
19:43The King's Avatar 2
19:45The King's Avatar 2
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