FFG Chronicles Just Dance 2023 Recap

  • 2 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for FFG Chronicles Just Dance 2023 Recap. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00Hey guys, Paul Burry, Family Friendly Gaming, and this is an FG Chronicles on Just Dance
00:19So this is kind of a recap of Just Dance 2023.
00:21We've recorded every single song and I've been going back through and trying to get
00:25better at some of the songs.
00:28My initial reaction is the game is completely and utterly broken.
00:34Just after Thanksgiving I sent YouTube support an issue with the game, we were having issues
00:43with the game.
00:44We were not scoring properly.
00:46And so like, let's say like the Switch controllers, you have a motion like this and you do this
00:51and you do it the exact same timing that it does on the game, so your timing is exactly
00:55as the game.
00:56There's tons of video proof, we have all these members only videos of the entire recordings
01:00of them.
01:02And it's like, why did this break?
01:05When it's like, X, okay, good, same with the phone, like, and there's a lot of questions
01:12that you can use on your phone.
01:13So people say, well you have to hold it like this.
01:16People say you have to hold it like this.
01:19Well, that's a major variance.
01:21And then, so I tested it.
01:24While I was doing some of the songs, I would test it.
01:26And I found that there'd be one iteration where you're doing this move, right, like
01:30dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, and you're doing those moves.
01:33And it would be absolutely perfect if you held it like this.
01:37You're going la, la, la, la, la.
01:39And then the next time that series of moves came up, it wouldn't work.
01:43And so then you'd like swap it and you're doing it like this, or maybe you're doing
01:47it like this.
01:48And then it would be like, oh, now I'm going to register properly and say it's perfects
01:53and supers.
01:54You're like, wait, wait.
01:55So I never could figure out, even within a song, you'd have to sit there and be rotating
02:01and changing how you held the Joy-Con or how you held the phone to make it record properly.
02:06I did find, as a general rule, it seemed to record much better, score much better, accurately
02:13score on the Switch versus the Xbox Series X.
02:18Did not try the PlayStation 5, but it's also going to use a phone and I don't really
02:21think there's much hope to the phone doing better.
02:24On top of that, it's always having to connect to Ubisoft Connect.
02:27And so one of the things we tried, we tested, was we downloaded all the songs, but I couldn't
02:33find a way to ensure that I would do it offline because every time you got into the game,
02:36it wanted to go to Ubisoft Connect.
02:37So on some of the dances, I have people ask, why did you use two Joy-Cons?
02:45Well, the reason I did two Joy-Cons is because I discovered, just by testing this, sometimes
02:52the left hand doing the opposite moves scored higher than the right hand.
02:58Now, you've got to go, wait, wait, wait, that's seriously broken.
03:02Yeah, it is seriously broken.
03:04However, one of my theories is it may have something to do with lag since you're connecting
03:09Ubisoft servers.
03:11That's why some people might be fine recording or are playing Just Dance because maybe they're
03:16closer to the Ubisoft servers, maybe they have better internet.
03:19Now we have fiber where we live, so we have the best internet we can have.
03:24However, once we get outside that fiber, I don't know what it goes to.
03:28So there's got to be something between the servers we're connecting to with our internet
03:35to Ubisoft.
03:36There's something along that path.
03:38Now, people are going to have different paths and that could be why it doesn't do as well.
03:43When we did the live stream, this was just, oh my goodness, the live stream was a disaster.
03:52We had 12 copyrights on the live stream, 10 of them blocked the live stream, 10.
03:59So we had to do a bunch of extra work, had to go through there and mute all these different
04:05minutes where they said that there was copyrighted material muting it.
04:13Now we put it up as a video, we took the live stream down, downloaded the live stream, did
04:19all of this hours of work of processing on the video, on the live stream, the VOD.
04:26Put it back up, it still had six or eight more copyrights.
04:31Some of the same songs that were blocking the live stream were now okay to have as a
04:37And I'm just like, I don't get it.
04:39It's just utter confusion.
04:42You know, and it's getting to the point where I'm not even sure if there is a Just Dance
04:482024, if I'm going to do a live stream because of how much of a pain it was this year and
04:54how nasty these audio copyright owners are, these music companies who are like, we get
05:01all the money, you get nothing.
05:02So that's what's happening with all of our Just Dance videos for Just Dance 2023.
05:07We're getting no money for any of them.
05:10We're not getting paid for our hard work, all of the dancing, the processing, the uploading,
05:18all the stuff to get it on YouTube.
05:21We're getting paid zero because audio copyright owners are like, we get all the money, you
05:27get nothing.
05:29That's how it works on YouTube.
05:30There's nothing for it.
05:31So we don't get paid.
05:32We're not getting paid for all those dance videos, which is kind of annoying for us.
05:41I have gone back.
05:42Now, here's another thing.
05:43There was an update to Just Dance, okay?
05:45So between some of these songs where I get two stars and three stars, there was an update.
05:50After the updates, I'm now getting four or five superstar, still not getting mega stars
05:56on these.
05:58And so I've had someone leave a comment about, well, you need to practice.
06:01Okay, first off, don't be such an insulting, don't be so insulting there because I've been
06:07playing Just Dance since Just Dance 1.
06:09I played every single Just Dance.
06:11I've played all of the Dance Central games.
06:14I've played all the Zuma games, right?
06:16So it's not like I don't understand the concept of how to follow along and do the moves.
06:22In previous Just Dance games, when we could use the Xbox Kinect or the Kinect 2, so we
06:28played on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, when we could play those, I would dance a song the
06:34first time, first time I ever seen it, heard it, never even saw the moves before, okay?
06:40First time I would get between five star and mega star.
06:45First try this year in Just Dance 2023 because there is no Kinect support in it at all.
06:53You can't use the Kinect sensor to play it.
06:58It was like there were one stars, there were two stars, there were three stars, there were
07:03some that started four stars.
07:05There was a couple that would be five star the first time I danced it.
07:10Very, very rarely.
07:11Now, I've gone back and practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced.
07:14Now, I've seen this.
07:15This kind of baffles me.
07:16You go back and practice a song multiple multiple times and you might go four star, four star,
07:24five star.
07:25You might go four star, four star, four star, four star, and then that last one, it's worse
07:33than any of the others.
07:34It's like the worst you've ever done.
07:38How is it I'm doing worse when I know the moves, I'm doing them accurately, but you
07:41watch the scoring.
07:42We've actually had ... Peter will sit there in the chair and watch me and he'll sit there
07:45and spot me and he'd be like, yeah, it's not accurate.
07:49You do this, it's not accurate reporting.
07:53We have a bunch of video of this.
07:54I'm going up with a yeah and the left hand just stays down.
07:58The left hand gets the yeah, the right hand doesn't.
08:00I'm like, what?
08:03How is that possible?
08:06It's just very, very glitchy in the scoring.
08:09Now, if you don't care about just getting exercise, it's great.
08:14You get lots of exercise with Just Dance 2023.
08:17I still think it encourages more exercise with the Connect Sensor ones, so the previous
08:22versions of Just Dance, like Just Dance 2022, 2021, et cetera.
08:26You'll get a better workout with the Connect because one of the other theories we tested
08:30and we tried and we found it worked sometimes, that I think Peter did on I Know Your Trouble.
08:38He would just do the arms.
08:39Just do the right arm, that's all he was doing.
08:42He would get a higher score than I did by doing the full body.
08:48The theory was, well, maybe the Joy-Con was getting confused or the phone was getting
08:53confused when you're doing all these leg movements because it's getting jostled around more.
08:58That's broken.
08:59It should accurately report the whole thing.
09:03Now, as I said, the update came and they've had multiple updates to the game since it
09:08was released.
09:09I think things have changed and things have gotten a little bit better, but there's still
09:13ones that I can only get three or four stars on and I practiced them numerous times.
09:19I got the dance down real good and it's still just like, nope, we're going to give you a
09:24bad score.
09:27In a lot of ways, I found Just Dance 2023 a real disappointment.
09:30I wish it would have accurately reported the scores for what you were doing because it
09:37doesn't really encourage full body movement with just your right arm.
09:40Then you spend time just focusing on what the right arm is supposed to do.
09:43There's other stuff where it'll do like a kick move.
09:45We're not getting scored for that at all because how does the right arm know if your left foot
09:50kicks out like that?
09:52It doesn't.
09:53There's no way it can tell that you did that.
09:56It just doesn't give you a score at all.
09:59With Connect, it would give me a score.
10:01I kick my leg out and I get a score for it.
10:03I get something versus nothing.
10:07That's another issue I have with it.
10:09Ultimately, I like the fact that you get to exercise.
10:13I just wish it scored better and I wish it wouldn't have to do so many recording sessions.
10:19In the past, first time I danced it, five star to mega star.
10:23Now I'm dancing it four or five times the same song.
10:25I might be lucky to get four stars after a bunch of practice.
10:30I don't like to have to do that because I only have so much time.
10:35That's my thing there.
10:37When I want to play Just Dance games, I'm going to go back to old ones because it's
10:42got the Connect sensor.
10:44That's a better experience.
10:45Like I said, because it watches your whole skeleton, it makes you do the full body.
10:53There were times, I had some people like, well you're just being lazy.
10:55Well, it scores better if I just do this versus doing the full movement, scores worse.
11:06I'm just trying to get the better score.
11:10I think they made a mistake there in not encouraging people to do full body by not scoring it right.
11:17I also sent the PR contacts over at Ubisoft a comment.
11:20I would love to see them change Just Dance in the future to go into give multiple difficulty
11:27settings on every song.
11:29You could do this song at easy, medium, hard, extremely hard type of deal.
11:34Same song.
11:35Just have it score differently based on which version of the difficulty of the song you
11:41I just go in there, do all the songs at easy, and hopefully get high scores and just be
11:46done with it.
11:47That way for us recording, because then we get comments like, you suck, you only got
11:51three stars.
11:52Well, did I do the moves?
11:56Then the game is broken, so just leave it at that.
12:02That's all my thoughts on that.
12:03Thank everyone for watching.
12:04I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
12:06Transcribed by https://otter.ai