Dumb Money 2023

  • 2 months ago
David vs. Goliath tale about everyday people who flipped the script on Wall Street and got rich by turning GameStop (the video-game store) into the world's hottest company.
00:01:12I'm here and I do not see
00:01:16Anything happening, right at all. Look, I'm very sorry. That's what I'm trying to understand is what is the reason for this delay?
00:01:25So sorry, but it's just
00:01:28Closed in November. We had all the permit applications in before the end of the year
00:01:32Once we get the final stamp of approval and we can't get the trucks here a little early just you know
00:01:36Ordinances won't let me do that. Anyone actually forcing mr. Plotkin. I know that you're eager to move in
00:01:41Okay, once we get the final step of approval, you're gonna be the first second. Sure
00:01:50You see what's going on at GME
00:02:02Okay, honey, they're holding it just crossed on jerk
00:02:09Where are you you should probably dial in
00:02:19Free seven days a week ass puss make that pull out game
00:02:31Will tell you I've never seen anything like it
00:02:34I'm calling it the ultimate short squeeze. You can lose money to infinity
00:02:42Put this pussy right in your face
00:03:06We're having some sort of miscommunication here because I'm not trying to move into that house
00:03:09I'm trying to tear that house down so I can build a tennis court for me my family to play during the pandemic
00:03:14I thought it'd be very simple. Apparently it isn't because the pandemic is almost over. There's no
00:03:19Thank you for your time
00:03:22Hi, it's Ken
00:03:30Hi there Ken, how are you? Great to hear from you. Do you have a minute? I
00:03:39Gotta call you right back. If that's okay. I'm so sorry
00:03:44Sure. Okay, great
00:03:46Hi, what's happening right now? It looks like there's one guy driving all the buying what what what guy
00:03:53I believe his name is roaring kitty
00:04:03Deep fucking value
00:04:08Warren kitty on YouTube and deep fucking value on reddit
00:04:24Know but I think I just came
00:05:32Ruby Ruby, right? Yeah, I got a couple of honeys. What sorry?
00:05:37Boy, I'm gonna have a what's wrong with a honey drinking since we're 17. Hey drink what you like. No judgment
00:05:43You have a hands on one of those the fuck. Did you just order? It's a nice one out of Milwaukee
00:05:50Good-quality 50 cents a chemical. Come on. Forget about price get him a Heineken. Thank you. It's on me. Thanks, man
00:05:56Thank you. That's nice
00:05:59So a Heineken on a ham, thank you
00:06:02Thank You Ruby
00:06:09Hey a bit man, oh sure things. Oh, yeah. Okay
00:06:20That's your asshole brother still an asshole, okay
00:06:24Keep busy at least
00:06:26The day job at mass mutual working on my portfolio. It's the last thing you should be worrying about right now
00:06:32Why it's uh, it's a good distraction. Let me take that over for you
00:06:35We've got thousands of analysts at B of a to do just this good man. Come on
00:06:40You should be focused on your family right now not fucking around with penny stock. They're not all penny stocks game
00:06:44Stop isn't the penny stop game stop
00:06:47Just a love game stop
00:06:49Well, I think it's undervalued. Oh, I just sold off a bunch of other shit to double down how much we talking grand 50 bucks
00:06:5953 grand
00:07:09And you don't even own a house it's got a ton of short interest which is artificially pushing
00:07:13Bro, you never bet against Wall Street Street gets it wrong all the time. Look good. Oh wait, that was a one-off
00:07:18These guys they have all the money and the fancy degrees in the political juice in the world and they get it wrong
00:07:23Are you ready? I got the advantage and they still get it wrong
00:07:28No, give me that I'm drinking it even if it's 50 cents, it's four bucks
00:07:32Well, my man just spent 53 key on a penny stock. So I'm gonna fought his water
00:07:36You're a Wall Street guy very much. No, I'm a Wall Street guy. What was the stock?
00:07:43Game stop
00:07:45The video games to work tomorrow
00:07:49$53,000 I don't believe I think he's fucking with us. You're fucking with us, right? You don't even have to be grand. Let's see
00:07:58Oh shit
00:08:01How's your office how you fall for this he won't spend five bucks for a beer
00:08:05If you'll put 50k in a stock that you think is a joke and that's interesting to you
00:08:31Hey, hey
00:08:36Bedtimes already done. Yeah
00:08:43Was pretty oh good. Yeah
00:08:54You guys talk about Sarah
00:09:02You want to sit down a minute I'll feel better if I finish these first
00:09:07No, you won't
00:09:35Do you think I'm insane? Yeah
00:09:38I'm sorry, but what?
00:09:41Game stop, it was compelling days magic opportunity in the market
00:09:47What did Briggs you make you jump a little
00:09:50He didn't have one
00:09:52He just said it was a reckless bet. He said he put in your money nice blockbuster
00:09:57I'm not crazy, babe. You literally know more about this damn company than you know about me
00:10:01That's true. I mean I know more about this company than I know about myself
00:10:07We can't afford to miss something
00:10:10It's all our savings
00:10:13Go do a video. I
00:10:15Can finish these first?
00:10:18See what the nerds have Wall Street bets people aren't nerds Caroline. They're gangsters. You make a dumb case and post it
00:10:25They'll rip you apart. Don't make a dumb case
00:11:35Yo, what up everybody roaring kitty here
00:11:38I've done a few of these now mostly on my investing methodology. But today I'm gonna try something a little different
00:11:44Well, I appreciate the feedback. You guys have been leaving me by the way
00:11:49What feedback coming in hot less cats, okay
00:11:56Like I was saying
00:11:57What was I saying? I'm gonna try. Oh and here's one from balls nerd and
00:12:03Nerd is in all capitals
00:12:06Okay, that's kind of mean but okay fair
00:12:10Nice shirt grandpa. What how old do you think I am?
00:12:16You know what? Thanks for the comments. We're gonna come back to him at the end. Here's what I want to talk about
00:12:22I'm gonna pick a stock and talk about why I think it's interesting and that stock is
00:12:28Game stop. I
00:12:31Know it's a polarizing stock and some of you pregnant a tomb out of stream right now when you're on bullish on GameStop
00:12:36But I am you can see it is now the biggest position by far in the roaring kitty portfolio
00:12:42So yeah, I think everyone else is crazy and I think I'm right, but I've been wrong plenty of times in the past. Oh
00:12:50So there are a lot of aspects to this both these there's a lot of moving parts
00:12:54But I boil it down to what I consider the three overs
00:12:56The digital risks seem to me to be overblown the negative sentiment is overdone
00:13:00You can see it with the huge short interest and the value is overlooked Wall Street just doesn't see it
00:13:08Mr. Market
00:13:11The hedge funds are overlooking the value in the company just like they overlook the people who shop there
00:13:17They assume most people download games online now
00:13:20But look 25% of gamers still buy new discs from GameStop and
00:13:2540% buy used games from the store and the markets kind of forced my hand here. What more can I say?
00:13:30I just like the stock
00:13:45We can get you a cup of coffee
00:13:50Oh, isn't that beautiful?
00:13:55100% short GameStop stock GME
00:13:59It's an investment video. Hey Jenny
00:14:02For real, I wouldn't take investment advice from a guy in a cat shirt. Oh, okay
00:14:06Who do you take investment advice from? I don't have investments and if I did I'd listen to like a
00:14:15Banker just the way they like it
00:14:20Here we go, just never mind. No, no, no, please tell me I'm dying to know what Luke Wilson from the Royal Tannin Bombs
00:14:26Thinks we should do with our sixty eight thousand dollars a year
00:14:30What ugly be you're on board? Okay, fine. Wall Street is betting that this company is gonna fail
00:14:36It's called shorting and if it fails, well, and everybody loses their job, but these hedge fund assholes make a shit ton of money
00:14:43It's bullshit. It's a bullshit way for rich people to get richer
00:14:48How do you even find this guy?
00:14:5070,000 people have watched this video. He posts his balance sheets and everything Wall Street guts is going crazy over this. Oh, it's an internet forum
00:15:00I'm ready. No. No, I'm not gonna do this with you
00:15:02The last time you brought up read it it was just all these oil paintings of Donald Trump on horseback. You liked it detestable
00:15:09Okay. Yeah, let's let's take a look
00:15:12Shit's not a pump and dump if it never dumps you fuckheads
00:15:18Feed me your tears. I use it as anal lube on your wives. Why did you go to that one? Oh
00:15:25Strap on your theta dildo and start pounding. Okay. Yes that shit exists on here
00:15:32But I also learned the difference between a Delta squeeze and a gamma squeeze and now everyone's talking about call option Jenny, baby
00:15:39You're never gonna find a man on there
00:15:42And you're never gonna date Puff Daddy. First of all, no one has said Puff Daddy since the 90s and second of all
00:15:48This isn't Puff Daddy
00:15:52Okay, well whatever daddy he's called he's weird-looking hey, well my guy has what five million tik-tok followers
00:15:59How many does yours have? Oh, no quick scroll
00:16:03412 who cares the Internet at large. Hey, at least I am I
00:16:2021 and dance for the age of 21
00:16:23Flip the funds up then I cut the Chevy truck by or what she want
00:16:27And you know, she showed me love then I roll it up then I roll it up
00:16:33I hate me shame
00:16:36Fuckers wanna train me. Oh, baby
00:16:39All these bitches trying to chain me and blame me motherfuckers wanna change me
00:16:53Let's see what happens see what happens at the end of the week, but it's all about the trend staying intact
00:17:03One of Marcos yo, what's a rat?
00:17:15Yo, I was wondering if I could get an advance on my pay I
00:17:20Can run it up the chain, but with all the cutbacks, that's unlikely
00:17:25Well, hey, you could do the employee tik-tok contest you do a lip-sync you intend labor hours. Yeah, man, totally
00:17:32That's dope. I was thinking savage
00:17:36Yeah, yeah sure hello, oh yo the Drake one with a little dirt
00:17:42That's a that's a great one too because I know you love a little dark
00:17:47I'm gonna do make a stallion for sure for sure for sure. I'm a savage
00:17:51classy bougie ratchet
00:17:54sassy moody nasty
00:17:56Okay, mask mask
00:17:59I'm sorry
00:18:01Acting stupid what was hanging what was hanging? I'm a savage Wow a plus man. You're you're a shoo-in with me
00:18:08So yo, you think so for real though?
00:18:12That's sweet, bro
00:18:14Tell a virus
00:18:16Damn, it's like Christmas came early
00:18:19I'm pulling for it. Thanks, man
00:18:28I'm the hood Mona Lisa break a nigga in the pieces had the extra cheesy niggas on my circle like a pizza
00:18:34I'm way too exclusive. I don't shop. Oh, it's the booty
00:19:01First cheers cheers everybody. I mean look
00:19:05I know we still got a lot of bear takes out there
00:19:07But as I dive deeper and deeper into this thing, it's looking increasingly compelling to me
00:19:10And then you got the huge short interest now. I'm not betting on a short squeeze, right?
00:19:14I've been saying that the whole time you guys have been talking about a thesis grounded the fundamentals by my but today
00:19:18I mean today, I mean, I'm just starting to feel a little squeezy, right?
00:19:23Okay, all right, all right, I need a drink I need a drink
00:19:28Now a lot of you are accusing me of talking a big game but
00:20:09Yay, there you go
00:20:14Sorry quick tiny break
00:20:17Hmm gotta love those tendies sweet sweet goodies
00:20:22Speaking of tendies
00:20:24Look at this. Look at this
00:20:28Go from four to six to seven now
00:20:34Wall Street must be seeing this right or are we just screaming into the void?
00:20:39Hello, mr. Market. We got tendies, too. We got tendies, too
00:20:47Maybe we are they never saw the like nine billion resumes I sent from 2016 to 2019
00:20:53Or in 2009 right after I graduated college, I guess they were busy with that old market crash thing then
00:22:05You said two shots
00:22:12Did someone start the timer just get in there, okay
00:22:23Hi, hi
00:22:28How are you
00:22:30You shut the fuck up
00:22:34So, what'd you do today?
00:22:36Well, I attended a zoom seminar
00:22:40During which I watched two hours of tick-tock. Oh
00:22:47I am purchased three shares of stock. Okay, stop game. Stop. Oh
00:23:06I'm not sold on that. It's doubled since summer and the more people who buy in the higher go
00:23:14sounds like the literal definition of
00:23:42Sorry, I have terrible allergies and a killer headache
00:23:4957 billion
00:24:02I'm telling you. This is one major. I got the guillotines. You're obsessed with the man is an asshole
00:24:08He stole five analysts from me all mediocre, by the way. Oh
00:24:13And two paintings what paintings?
00:24:19Last year
00:24:21Just admit it you're just bitter he stole those analysts you seen Citadel's projected revenue
00:24:28$7,000,000 that's a double last year
00:24:31Hoovering up all the stimulus checks they go straight from the retail traders right into Kenny boys pockets
00:24:37The man just gets away with murder. Look at what I just sent you
00:24:49Is this a video of a man drinking his own urine because a stock went up number one post on the site
00:24:54Where did you get this my analyst sent it to me?
00:24:57They call themselves
00:24:59Apes and our words
00:25:03Remarkably self-aware they've hooked into GameStop for whatever reason they think it's funny. It's I think it's funny
00:25:09I think they think it's a good investment retail traders always lose
00:25:13We've actually been short GameStop since 2014 the company is a complete disaster
00:25:17They've had six CEOs in two years
00:25:21I guess these guys are ignoring obvious secular market trends or they're
00:25:25The stupidest people on earth you're shorting more right now, aren't you?
00:25:30600,000 shares, maybe
00:25:34Happy to take it
00:25:37Happy to take it
00:25:47Listen up retards
00:25:49Melvin capital has declared war on GME by shorting the stock even more
00:25:54This is our call to activate diamond hands my fellow warriors
00:25:58We will not let the gay bears defeat us. We are on a mission to the fucking moon
00:26:03This is one that is bigger than your personal games more than just 10 days for a new Lambo
00:26:09This is our chance to rise up together to stick it to the big man
00:26:14Squeezing Melvin by the fucking balls with the collective power of diamond-handling
00:26:19Wall Street bets I thought were a bunch of idiots on money in a stock because they thought it was funny
00:26:26Now I see what Wall Street bets really is
00:26:29This is one of those rare moments
00:26:31Wall Street
00:26:35There's very little the rich can do to stop us go game stop to stop the game
00:26:44Grab your peanuts and get the fucking retard
00:26:49What up everybody Merry Christmas Happy New Year's Happy Holidays
00:26:582020 it's been a very rough year for my family too. So this GameStop news has been a bit of a bright spot
00:27:04Look at this. I mean where it's a it's a five bagger from where it was over the summer. You don't often see
00:27:13Theseus play out like this. So we gotta we can't take it for granted, right? We got to appreciate it
00:27:18We got to thank you Santa, right?
00:27:22I wanted to say cheers all of you. You're why I'm here in the first place
00:27:28It's fun to talk about I mean I figure if I worked at a hedge fund
00:27:33I'd compare notes with my colleagues, but I don't I'm stuck at home like you guys so
00:27:37I believe in this stock and I believe in this community
00:27:43I'll be honest. It's been kind of a shitty year
00:27:50For a lot of people a lot of people lost people the past 12 months I did too my sister Sarah
00:28:05Don't talk about it much
00:28:09But it felt right to tell you
00:28:11We've been through so much together. You've made me feel a part of something something big
00:28:17So Merry Christmas
00:28:54Like your car
00:28:5995 yes, sadly, it's a gas guzzler. Yeah. Yeah this one, too
00:29:06But she's such a beauty. I couldn't stand a trader
00:29:1196 Honda Accord
00:29:132003 not quite a classic
00:29:23It's kind of weird to talk to someone and see their whole face, right
00:29:28It's been so long. I
00:29:30work at a hospital
00:29:32You could probably tell
00:29:34Essential worker. Thank you for everything you do. Oh, you're very welcome
00:29:52Have a good night
00:29:56Safe travels
00:30:15Remember when you were just making fun of me and now you're really obsessed. No, I don't recall
00:30:20How much are you up?
00:30:22948 it's not get the little it was like 2,000 before Christmas
00:30:27Maybe you should sell
00:30:31It's not about the money. The stock market is not about the money. Oh, you just got to read some of the stuff on here
00:30:37Never understood when my dad was so pissed off about this whole thing. But now I do I
00:30:44Told you about a store, right?
00:30:48shopko I
00:30:49was like this like
00:30:51big chain in our area
00:30:54My dad he worked his way all the way up from bag boy the general manager
00:30:59Then one of these Wall Street funds came in and bought it and vampire sucked all the money out of it and then declared bankruptcy
00:31:11He lost his pension everything
00:31:15So I had to work at pick and fucking save until the day died and now that's why I'm up to my ass and dead
00:31:21And these fuckers are trying to do the same thing to game stuff
00:31:29Fuck them all
00:31:54Look at this
00:31:55This guy wants to cash out me a hundred dollars to send him a selfie or 500 if I live chat him from a bubble bath
00:32:02Yes, yes, we should do it. What? Yes, we do it and then put the money in the game stop
00:32:09Who am I talking to right now bitch? Let's go get it
00:32:33Don't charge commission on their trades
00:32:36How do you make money?
00:32:39the idea for Robin Hood
00:32:41Really came out of the Occupy Wall Street movement all those people with no way of getting in. Is that what Occupy was about? I
00:32:49Mean were they trying to get in there? So we said it's not enough to occupy. We need to democratize Wall Street
00:32:56I'm not sure if you know this but Bajor and I are both immigrants
00:32:58I was born in Bulgaria and Bajor's parents immigrated from India to the Deep South
00:33:03Can you imagine growing up in rural Virginia with a name like Bajor for fulcrum our bot?
00:33:10We create a commission free trading so that anyone can get in the game. You don't even need a bank account
00:33:15People have really responded
00:33:17We added five million users in the last six months for a total of close to 20 at this point million
00:33:24So you're one of these tech companies that's exploded growth-wise, but doesn't make any money
00:33:28We make money, but how if you don't charge commission from interest on people's accounts, but your users are mostly young
00:33:35So how much money can they really be keeping in there? There's also payment for order flow. What's that?
00:33:40We prefer the term a stock order routing when you buy or sell stock on our app
00:33:45We send your order to market makers who process the order they pay us a tiny rebate on every trade tiny
00:33:51But it adds up. We should really get back to how we started our come what market maker
00:33:55Do you work with a few Citadel securities mostly? I'm so Ken Griffin's firm. Isn't that a hedge fund?
00:34:00Well, Ken Griffin's hedge fund is called Citadel, but Citadel securities is a completely different company also owned by Ken Griffin
00:34:09All right
00:34:11We weren't gonna do this, but we'll give you a scoop
00:34:15Off the record for now
00:34:19We're looking at IPO soon
00:34:23Damn okay
00:34:27It's big. Yeah
00:35:15Need to concentrate
00:35:17Long haul for 40 years. I don't need to concentrate fine. I need to concentrate. What do you need to concentrate about?
00:35:25What thought they were veering over into our lane? Nobody was fearing Elaine. It's okay
00:35:34You talked to any of the girls at the clinic a few of them have called
00:35:40Hmm I miss it
00:35:43Boys never retire
00:35:45Keith never retire
00:35:48Kevin if you ever get a job never retire have a job. Yeah, you still live with mom dad
00:35:53Oh, you're some big professional now cuz you're fucking King dork on YouTube. It's one of many dorks
00:35:59Sassel thinks he's Jimmy Buffett now Warren Buffett
00:36:02Warren Buffett see you're not either of the Buffetts
00:36:10Your balls
00:36:19Stop it
00:36:24Door dash it's not a job
00:36:27Mass mutual it's a job a job. It's got business. Come on. That's it's a job
00:36:30Okay, I'm a first responder and second of all ma nobody uses business cards anymore
00:36:36The part of you
00:36:39Get a room
00:37:00Take your time I'll be in the car
00:37:50It has been dragging on honestly, I don't know when we're gonna be able to start demo
00:37:54He's local ordinances are a nightmare. My heart bleeds for you having to borrow a tennis court
00:37:59Borrower a slave to the lender that Buffett. It's the Bible Proverbs
00:38:04My grandpa Melvin used to say when he was starting his convenience store. He refused to borrow $1
00:38:08It was a point of pride. Oh, yes, your humble beginnings grandpa Melvin capital now with 16 billion under management
00:38:16Better than Citadel you sound like you're preparing for war
00:38:18I'm a man of the people you rented out a resort relocated your entire firm here
00:38:23So you could stay open during lockdown says the man who flew his whole firm down private just for a party
00:38:28And anyway, what kind of company shuts down just because the government tells them to all the ones in your short portfolio and yours
00:38:35Oh except for one actually
00:38:37Which one GameStop?
00:38:40How they sell computer mouses mice and they claim it makes them an essential business
00:38:45That is the smartest dumbest thing I've ever I know it's actually a fun one. The revenues in the toilet
00:38:51632 million net loss last year. They'd be better off just burning the whole company down the stock
00:38:57It has been volatile. It's been up my backs retail traders
00:39:05Yeah, no stay up though, all right, bro
00:39:24Hey Marcos
00:39:26Yes, Bradley
00:39:30Love how you engage for that customer, but we really want to close those pre-owned sales the margins more than double
00:39:35Oh shit double. Yeah, you didn't do any of the five prongs dude pre-orders reward card subscriptions use sales new sales trade-ins
00:39:42Yeah, I mean when I was a six-year-old gamer all I wanted was a reward card subscription $5 cash back monthly 20 points for every
00:39:48dollar spent
00:39:50Don't get me started a lot of really smart people in corporate put this plan together
00:39:53Yeah, but any of them ever played a video game. It doesn't matter Marcos because they own our asses
00:40:00They don't know my ass
00:40:02They do and they always will
00:40:10Hey Bradley
00:40:15You ever heard of a short squeeze
00:40:25Is that a sexual thing
00:40:33Here's what's going on late last year
00:40:35Hedge funds started shorting stock in the retail store GameStop
00:40:40Meaning they had bet against it and needed it to drop in price for their investments to be successful now
00:40:46Unfortunately for the hedge funds small investors started buying the stock led by something called Wall Street bets a popular
00:40:54Juvenile foul-mouthed reddit page and when Wall Street bets noticed that hedge funds had taken a large short position in GameStop stock
00:41:03They decided to punish the Wall Street big boys and launched a coordinated buying spree
00:41:08The revolutionaries on reddit are spanking Wall Street's ass GameStop shares absolutely going nuts
00:41:14I think it was up over 70% at one point
00:41:18massive short squeeze
00:41:19Closing there with a gain of 51% after traders on message board
00:41:33Geez just look at this shit
00:41:36A 90% increase in one day in one fucking day
00:41:45Okay now if you've been watching this price action
00:41:48This is what I'm talking about
00:41:49I mean you could really feel that panic from Wall Street right when they started to start to feel a little squeeze
00:41:52You're starting to really feel a little squeeze.
00:41:55Oh, I need a drink.
00:41:56I need a drink.
00:41:57I know we all drink in the night.
00:41:58We fucking did it.
00:42:00We started from the bottom and now we're here.
00:42:04Let's raise a glass.
00:42:06To a great company that's undervalued.
00:42:10Soon may the 10 of me come.
00:42:11Show me the 10 of me.
00:42:12Show me the 10 of these.
00:42:14I got them right here.
00:42:15Show me the 10 of these.
00:42:16I just gotta, I just gotta.
00:42:19I just gotta do it.
00:42:23♪ Ain't no way that I would do anything for you. ♪
00:42:2911 fucking million dollars.
00:42:31What the fuck?
00:42:32Oh, language, the baby's here.
00:42:34What are you gonna do?
00:42:35Get a Ferrari?
00:42:36A Lambo?
00:42:37Caroline, you're gonna ask for a big diamond, right?
00:42:39I have a diamond.
00:42:40Keith, you get a fucking diamond.
00:42:41If I were you, I'd look like DJ Khaled right now.
00:42:43Kev, it's not real.
00:42:45I mean, it's real, but it's just paper.
00:42:47Just on paper?
00:42:48You're gonna sell, right?
00:42:51I mean, I don't know.
00:42:55We haven't talked about it.
00:42:56What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:42:58I'm riding mom's bike every day to Dorchester
00:43:00to drop off cheeseburgers,
00:43:01because you won't let me use your fucking car
00:43:02and you're Mr. Oh, I won't sell and take millions of dollars.
00:43:05Hey, well, what you do with your life is your choice.
00:43:07You think I wanted to get laid off from Dick's
00:43:08during a global pandemic?
00:43:10I love those sneakers, man.
00:43:11I love that store.
00:43:12I love Dick's.
00:43:13Mom's bike don't even have keys.
00:43:14We don't even know if it's reached the top.
00:43:16The stock, I don't know, jumped like 23% yesterday.
00:43:19We doubled from Friday's close.
00:43:21But he's right.
00:43:21I mean, $11 million is a lot of fucking dough.
00:43:23Thank you.
00:43:24Okay, yes, but since Ryan Cohen joined the board,
00:43:28this fucking guy got a two billion market cap.
00:43:30I mean, yeah, but that's not what I'm seeing.
00:43:33That's not what I'm seeing, Kev.
00:43:36Kev, you there?
00:43:40Hey, hang on.
00:43:50Fuck, I think cold.
00:43:55Girl, you gotta sell.
00:43:56I'm not selling.
00:43:58How much are you up?
00:43:59$15,000 and some change.
00:44:01Hey, hey, baby girl, what the fuck?
00:44:06You need to get up while you can.
00:44:08Don't be an idiot.
00:44:09Remember Redhead back up?
00:44:11He's worth $11 million and he's not selling.
00:44:14No fucking way.
00:44:15Yes, he is.
00:44:16He's worth $11 million and he's not selling.
00:44:19Yes, fucking way.
00:44:20This is what I'm telling you.
00:44:21Diamond hands.
00:44:23Diamond hands.
00:44:25You hold the line no matter what the market does,
00:44:27no matter what Wall Street says.
00:44:28What happens when everyone else sells first
00:44:30and before you get out, you've lost all your money?
00:44:33Are there any volunteers?
00:44:37We're gonna hold the line.
00:44:38Come on.
00:44:39Someone has to go first.
00:44:40Okay, yeah, I'll do it.
00:44:47Here we go, everyone.
00:44:48The first COVID vaccine at Pittsburgh Presbyterian.
00:44:53Fuck, fuck, fuck.
00:44:55Guys, we need your help.
00:44:57What should we do?
00:44:59So listen, my girl bought in under 20
00:45:01and now it is over 60.
00:45:04So like, should she sell?
00:45:06On the one hand, she has principles.
00:45:09On the other, she has 100K in student debt.
00:45:12One way that you can think about the comparison
00:45:14between Marxism and the military tradition
00:45:17is that they both have a micro story and a macro story.
00:45:21When you think of utilitarian tradition.
00:45:23The only thing that would convince her to sell
00:45:26is if Roaring Kitty sold.
00:45:29So, where my pussy at?
00:45:32You have to have a micro story,
00:45:33a thread of principles,
00:45:35or else this individual action will go.
00:45:39Where my pussy at?
00:45:40Where my pussy at?
00:45:42Where my pussy at?
00:45:43Where my pussy at?
00:45:47I'm so sorry.
00:45:48Hey, hey, where my pussy at?
00:45:52Where is my pussy at?
00:45:53It's not in here.
00:46:18Wait, listen, hold on.
00:46:21Future generations will look back
00:46:23and say good men stood here.
00:46:25Good men fought and died on this ground
00:46:28as they point to a trade and view daily chart
00:46:30of GME zoomed in on January.
00:46:33Since the spawn of the stonk market,
00:46:35two classes of people have been pitted against each other.
00:46:37Eternal enemies forever forced and baited to combat.
00:46:41Lions and hyenas.
00:46:42These lions, these Wall Street hedge funds have it all.
00:46:46Billions of dollars, bailouts, reckless trades,
00:46:49these dirty fucking criminal bastards.
00:46:52Yeah, these fucking motherfuckers.
00:46:56And then there's us, the working men, the average Joe.
00:47:02What do we have?
00:47:03What the fuck do we have?
00:47:06They literally call us dumb money.
00:47:08These lions, these hedge fund guys
00:47:10are the ones with silver spoons in their mouths.
00:47:12The top 1% of the 1%.
00:47:14They have massive bank accounts,
00:47:15eat medium rare grade A Wagyu steak.
00:47:18What the fuck is that?
00:47:19That sounds delicious.
00:47:20With truffle shavings for lunch?
00:47:22They frequent the finest strip clubs.
00:47:24They have blowin' escorts on their yacht parties.
00:47:26Why do we hate these guys?
00:47:28Then you know what they will tell these escorts?
00:47:30What's an escort?
00:47:31Stop listening.
00:47:32When the smoke and hot blonde asks them,
00:47:34like how do you have so much money?
00:47:38You know what they say?
00:47:38They say, dumb money, babe, dumb money.
00:47:45Something is burning.
00:47:47Oh, damn it.
00:47:51You said shit.
00:48:01Lads, the GME trade is about class warfare.
00:48:04Plain and simple.
00:48:06We may be hyenas, yes, but guess what?
00:48:09Put enough of us together, we can destroy a lion.
00:48:13It's on, motherfuckers.
00:48:19Oh, we coming for y'all.
00:48:21Y'all better get ready.
00:48:22We fucking coming for you.
00:48:24That is some nerdy shit, man.
00:48:27My brother is a fucking nerd.
00:48:43You're counting down from five
00:48:44and then I'm coming back in there
00:48:46and I don't think you want that.
00:48:49Five, four.
00:48:52Three, two.
00:48:55Thank you.
00:48:57How was your day?
00:48:59It's so hard to keep them focused on Zoom school.
00:49:01They're just not into it.
00:49:04How was your day?
00:49:09You're not worried about the short squeeze thing?
00:49:12The down will break next week.
00:49:14A few of them will decide it's gone high enough.
00:49:16They'll cash out, the rest will follow.
00:49:18Hopefully it'll come crashing down.
00:49:20I can't think of the last short squeeze
00:49:22that actually worked.
00:49:24Ackman and Herbalife.
00:49:26Before that, Piggly Wiggly.
00:49:28Piggly Wiggly.
00:49:29Yeah, 1923, a bear cartel
00:49:31was shorting the Piggly Wiggly grocery store.
00:49:34Founder, he takes out a loan
00:49:36for what would be $150 million today.
00:49:39He buys back almost all the stock, like 99% of the stock.
00:49:41The price of the stock goes up 50%.
00:49:44How much is GameStop up?
00:49:45Then, the exchange, they halt trading on the stock
00:49:48so the short sellers can cover their positions.
00:49:51Is that legal?
00:49:52The founder had to declare bankruptcy,
00:49:54so it was all fine in the end.
00:49:58And you knew all that, or you looked it up?
00:50:01Every fund manager knows that story.
00:50:07You looked it up.
00:50:08Double-check some numbers, maybe.
00:50:20Oh, do you see what's going on at GME?
00:50:23There's more of these idiots?
00:50:24A lot more.
00:50:25They won't hold much longer.
00:50:26Oh, Gabe, honey, they're holding.
00:50:29It just crossed 100.
00:50:35Where are you?
00:50:37You should probably dial in.
00:50:39Yeah, be on in one second.
00:50:40GameStop, extraordinary volatility today.
00:50:43You know, we might wanna make this the stock of the day
00:50:46now that it's gaining 103%.
00:50:48That is volatility.
00:50:49I will tell you, I've never seen anything like it.
00:50:52I'm concerned about it.
00:50:54I'm calling it the ultimate short squeeze.
00:50:56How much money is being made?
00:50:57Holy fucking shit.
00:50:59GameStop, GameStop, GameStop, GameStop, GameStop, GameStop.
00:51:02GameStop, GameStop, GameStop, GameStop, GameStop, GameStop.
00:51:05GameStop, no shares, not stocks.
00:51:07Holy fucking shit.
00:51:09130% today in bullish retail traders.
00:51:12Holy fucking shit.
00:51:13Yo, what is this?
00:51:16Holy shit.
00:51:17If you look at the chart for the month, it's up 220%.
00:51:21Oh, there, yeah.
00:51:23It's crazy.
00:51:24Holy fucking shit.
00:51:25Holy fucking shit.
00:51:26The fact that if you go short
00:51:27in some of these elaborate options trades,
00:51:30you can lose money to infinity.
00:51:32GameStop now 123 and change, another record high.
00:51:36Holy fucking shit.
00:51:37Completely disconnected from the fundamentals
00:51:39and this is very much being driven by retail investors,
00:51:42many of them trading on Robinhood.
00:51:44When the music stops, somebody is gonna be left without a seat.
00:51:46This is for casino money.
00:51:49We're literally putting the game in GameStop.
00:51:50GameStop is the craziest I think I've ever seen.
00:51:53True investors never heard of Reddit a few years ago,
00:51:56but for that to drive a short squeeze.
00:51:58It is Wall Street Bets.
00:51:59It's worth going to the site
00:52:01because it's incredibly compelling.
00:52:03You may think it's fraught,
00:52:04but they're using arguments that they think
00:52:06are holed up under scrutiny.
00:52:08I just like the stock.
00:52:09I can't look.
00:52:10I can't look, I can't look.
00:52:11It's up another 4%.
00:52:12I'm gonna have a fucking heart attack.
00:52:14Should we sell and betray your boyfriend?
00:52:15Absolutely not, no.
00:52:17If the stock's at 581% pre-market.
00:52:18Well, how much they are being very specific
00:52:21to break the shorts.
00:52:22I mean, what's going on at GameStop right now
00:52:24conceivably could take a couple of firms out,
00:52:26hedge funds, if they were stupid enough to be short.
00:52:29Babe, how much did we make today?
00:52:32Five million.
00:52:34And yesterday?
00:52:35Four million.
00:52:43We're like really fucking rich.
00:52:52How much did we lose today?
00:52:56A billion.
00:53:00And yesterday?
00:53:02A billion.
00:53:08The news to bring you right now
00:53:09is that Melvin Capital Management,
00:53:11this is the hedge fund that had shorted this company
00:53:15that had effectively been attacked by an army of investors
00:53:19trying to push up and press up the stock of GameStop.
00:53:24They've taken a rather huge loss.
00:53:26Sorry, if you could just put your head up for a sec.
00:53:31How long have you been down here?
00:53:33A few months.
00:53:35You like the weather?
00:53:39Heat is nice.
00:53:40Humidity, not as much.
00:53:42I can see that.
00:53:45All right, I think you're good to go.
00:53:55All right, man, I'll call you back.
00:53:58Hey, man.
00:54:00It's good to connect.
00:54:01You too, it's good to connect.
00:54:02Let's get real, man.
00:54:03You've got the best depths I've ever seen.
00:54:05What's your name?
00:54:08And what was your name?
00:54:09My name's Robert.
00:54:10And your son's?
00:54:11Everybody's James.
00:54:12Okay, I'll see you at one, okay?
00:54:14Yeah, see you at one.
00:54:16It's good to connect.
00:54:17You too, great to be here.
00:54:19Glad you are.
00:54:19Listen, I want to get right to it.
00:54:21From what I'm hearing, you guys are bankrupt.
00:54:26No, what?
00:54:27Because the word on the street is that you're drowning.
00:54:31No, that's crazy.
00:54:33We're doing great.
00:54:34You're on the record with that?
00:54:37All right, man.
00:54:37Well, then we're going to get the live feed up right now,
00:54:40and then we're going to get to you right
00:54:41after this next advertising break.
00:54:42Perfect, great.
00:54:43Yes, can't wait.
00:54:46All right, one more spot, and then you're going to be up.
00:54:49I really do think this is the right time
00:54:51for you to communicate.
00:54:52Great, yes.
00:54:54Address it all head on.
00:54:55It's going to be good.
00:54:59Gabe, we're on in 10 seconds.
00:55:00I can't do this.
00:55:01I'm sorry.
00:55:02Gabe, seriously.
00:55:03I'm terribly sorry.
00:55:04Seriously, come on.
00:55:05We're going on right now.
00:55:06Good to see you.
00:55:06I thought you'd be here.
00:55:16What's the damage?
00:55:46Let me guess.
00:55:47You need cash.
00:55:48You didn't call Ken first, did you?
00:55:50He had Phillips reach out.
00:55:52How much did he offer?
00:55:55I haven't called him back yet.
00:55:56Well, how much do you need?
00:55:57You know what?
00:55:58Don't answer that.
00:55:59The number doesn't matter.
00:56:00Whatever it is, I'd love to buy in.
00:56:02Tell Ken to fill in the rest.
00:56:05Hey, Ken.
00:56:08Um, so I might need, uh, a new investor.
00:56:14Consider it done.
00:56:15Just keep moving forward.
00:56:17Don't think about what Grandpa Melvin used to say.
00:56:23Thank you.
00:56:24Oh, Citadel.
00:56:25I'm a big fan.
00:56:26I'm a big fan.
00:56:27I'm a big fan.
00:56:28I'm a big fan.
00:56:29I'm a big fan.
00:56:30I'm a big fan.
00:56:31I'm a big fan.
00:56:32I'm a big fan.
00:56:33I'm a big fan.
00:56:34Citadel and Point 72 have infused three billion dollars into Melvin Capital to try to-
00:56:42Another goddamn bailout.
00:56:43Can you believe this crap?
00:56:44Nobody bailed me out when Richard left me alone with two toddlers, a mortgage, a shit
00:56:50car that never works.
00:56:51We can't say shit, but we can.
00:56:52It's just so damn unfair.
00:56:53And you know it.
00:56:54All we've done for the last year is work our asses off helping people.
00:57:00And all we've gotten is one $600 check.
00:57:02This idiot Fs up just about as bad as anyone can F and his friends come running in with three billion dollars.
00:57:08That's why I keep telling you, you're never gonna win.
00:57:10Just take the money and do something nice. Pay off your mortgage, get that one braces.
00:57:15Look who's still holding.
00:57:18If he's in, I'm in.
00:57:20Yeah, he's still gonna need braces.
00:57:22Your teeth are perfect.
00:57:23So what, the stock's up $150? How much higher is it gonna go?
00:57:26We control the price now, not Wall Street. And no one on there is selling.
00:57:31Ugh, you're all so delusional.
00:57:33Maybe, but look at what we've managed to do with these hedge funds.
00:57:36If we keep driving up the price, maybe we'll scare more of these guys into closing out their shorts
00:57:41and then all of that bailout money becomes ours.
00:57:44Wait, your screen name is Stonk Mom?
00:57:53Help your mother.
00:57:54Why me and not Keith?
00:57:55Just shut up and do it, okay?
00:57:56Yeah, potato, potato.
00:57:57You're all rich now?
00:57:58It's the 23 million on paper, but I won't sell.
00:58:01Loser says what?
00:58:03Kevin, let Keith talk.
00:58:08Tell us what?
00:58:11Oh, uh, I was waiting to tell you in person, but the stock we bet on, GameStop, is up.
00:58:17Ah, good.
00:58:19How much up?
00:58:20He's up 23 million, Pop.
00:58:22You're an asshole. Don't kid us.
00:58:24Uh, it's real.
00:58:26Yeah, it's real. And he's refusing to sell.
00:58:30What is going on?
00:58:32You're pulling our leg.
00:58:33No, your son's a huge internet celebrity now.
00:58:35Millions of people, including Stonk Mom, thinks he's some, like, I don't know, investment genius.
00:58:39No, he is a genius.
00:58:40No, he's not.
00:58:42You're up 23 million.
00:58:44And you're not selling.
00:58:48Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
00:58:49What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:58:50Do you even know how much 23 million dollars is?
00:58:52And you're just gonna let it ride?
00:58:54What's the matter with you?
00:58:55I know what I'm doing.
00:58:56But why aren't you selling?
00:58:57What? Wait.
00:58:58Is this illegal? Are you in trouble?
00:59:00No, no, he's not in trouble.
00:59:01It's totally legal.
00:59:02He's posting his balance sheet on the internet.
00:59:04It's fund managers.
00:59:05They go on CNBC all the time to pump up the stock.
00:59:07All I do is post my balance sheet on Wall Street Bets after market close.
00:59:11You post your balance sheet?
00:59:13Yeah, this same idiot who left a fresh pair of Nikes out in the bleachers for just anyone to take.
00:59:17So you admit they were stolen?
00:59:18I admit you're a fucking moron.
00:59:19At least I won the race.
00:59:20What's the point of winning the race if you let some dipshit steal the prize?
00:59:23You would've broke a fork if you had the Zoom system.
00:59:24Well, four minute mileage isn't everything, Kevin.
00:59:26Maybe we should get in touch with Briggsy, you know?
00:59:28He works in finance.
00:59:29You think Briggsy knows more about this than Keith does?
00:59:32Well, can you talk about why you're putting your stocks in the Wall Street Journal?
00:59:35Wall Street Bets.
00:59:36What if somebody tries to rob you? Kidnap the baby?
00:59:38Who wants to kidnap the baby?
00:59:39Nobody wants that baby.
00:59:40I'm just saying that if we're going to talk to somebody, you need to talk to Briggsy.
00:59:43Yes, honey.
00:59:44This is the point of millions.
00:59:46You guys, Keith has literally poured his heart and his soul into this for the past year.
00:59:50He knows what he's doing.
00:59:51You know it's been a tough time, right?
01:00:03You should still sell.
01:00:07I think you should sell.
01:00:11Now, you periodic sell.
01:00:12I just fucked the principle of the whole thing.
01:00:14I don't like it any more than you do.
01:00:17I just fucked the principle of the whole thing.
01:00:19I don't like it any more than you do.
01:00:36You really don't think that he's fucking selling?
01:00:45Kids are with their father for a few days, so I'm going to Florida.
01:00:48You finally fucking sold.
01:00:50Halla fucking Luja.
01:00:51No, I'm putting it on my visa.
01:00:53You shouldn't, Nay.
01:00:54You're worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock and you're a mess at credit card debt.
01:00:58You really are out of your mind.
01:01:00No, babe.
01:01:01I am all in, diamond hand.
01:01:04Did you know that Gabe Plotkin gave an interview
01:01:06where he's been getting death threats and anti-Semitic messages from
01:01:09these WSB guys?
01:01:10I lost ten comments.
01:01:11There's always bad apples,
01:01:13and the moderator's deleted it right away.
01:01:14You're just gonna ride this thing till zero?
01:01:16No. I'm buying call options.
01:01:18They could go to 600 by tomorrow.
01:01:20The kid is never getting braces.
01:01:30There's 8 million people in there,
01:01:31and they all hold it.
01:01:32It's only gonna go up.
01:01:34That's a cheat, DeMarco.
01:01:35But you treat it like real life.
01:01:43This is real.
01:01:44Oh, my God.
01:01:45Oh, man.
01:01:46Ha, ha.
01:01:488 million people is real.
01:01:52Ocho millones ni saben deletrear.
01:01:55Get it.
01:01:56It's a joke.
01:01:57Muchita sin gracia.
01:01:58It's not funny.
01:02:06I got $175,000 in stock right now.
01:02:09Okay, kid.
01:02:10Like serious money.
01:02:11Like I can get you a house
01:02:12and get you out of here kind of money.
01:02:19I bought call options for cheap,
01:02:22and they hit.
01:02:23So now you're gonna sell?
01:02:25No, no. I'm gonna buy more.
01:02:29When they hit, I'm gonna buy you a mansion.
01:02:31It's gonna be crazy.
01:02:39Ten cuidado.
01:02:40No te vuelvas adicto, mijo.
01:02:42Esto puede ser como una droga.
01:02:51Some breaking news right now
01:02:53on what has turned into the soap opera
01:02:56and saga of the markets right now,
01:02:58and that is the story of GameStop.
01:03:00A month ago today,
01:03:01it was trading at about 20 bucks per share.
01:03:03Two days ago, it was under $80.
01:03:05Today, nearly $350 a share.
01:03:08The GameStop stock frenzy
01:03:09even now has the attention of the White House.
01:03:12Our economic team,
01:03:13including Secretary Yellen and others,
01:03:14are monitoring the situation.
01:03:16You're witnessing the French Revolution of Finance.
01:03:18There's a rebellion aspect to it.
01:03:20There's an anti-establishment aspect to it.
01:03:22I don't know if Wall Street's ever seen it like this.
01:03:25It's generational.
01:03:26It's like generational injustices.
01:03:27This is like battle.
01:03:29Poor guys versus rich guys.
01:03:31And poor guys are winning right now.
01:03:34Fucking hold.
01:03:35If you're new here and you're trying to make a profit,
01:03:36fuck off.
01:03:37Stop what you're doing and listen up.
01:03:38I own GameStop on Robinhood,
01:03:39and I am not selling.
01:03:42All you need to do is hold.
01:03:43Keep fucking holding.
01:03:44June the Kingy Man
01:03:46comes to set our Rockets afire.
01:03:48See, this right here is the human being
01:03:50who's largely responsible
01:03:51for all this GameStop stuff.
01:03:53Just a pure specimen.
01:03:56A godlike, undefeatable creature.
01:04:00This is what excellence looks like.
01:04:03I just let him stop.
01:04:04Yesterday, he posted this,
01:04:06and he's in profit.
01:04:07Thanks for it.
01:04:09Forty-seven million.
01:04:13What the fuck is happening?
01:04:19Hey, did you charge my browser?
01:04:24Bro, what the fuck?
01:04:25What the fuck?
01:04:26I followed you to the industry.
01:04:28What the fuck is going on?
01:04:32I can't get it to load.
01:04:46They shut down Wall Street bets.
01:04:49Hateful and discriminatory content.
01:04:51That stuff has always been on there.
01:04:58That's weird.
01:05:01It's like a trap.
01:05:04It's like they're trying to stop people
01:05:06from talking to each other.
01:05:15Wait, are you gonna get that?
01:05:23Uh, yes.
01:05:24I am, uh...
01:05:26I am a Roaring Kitty.
01:05:28F-ing value?
01:05:31Uh, no, but...
01:05:37Oh, okay.
01:05:38Uh, sir, I just wanted to say
01:05:40how grateful I am for this job
01:05:41and how much it means to me and my family,
01:05:43and I would never let a hobby turn to this.
01:05:48I understand.
01:05:56There's a mass mutual there.
01:05:57Getting calls from reporters
01:05:59concerned about my outside activities.
01:06:01Was all this against the rules?
01:06:03I wasn't.
01:06:04Maybe now it is.
01:06:10Well, what was that call?
01:06:15What, are you gonna lose your job?
01:06:16It's fine.
01:06:18They gave me a choice.
01:06:19Between what?
01:06:20Between your job and Roaring Kitty?
01:06:22Uh, resign or I'm fired.
01:06:25That's what he just said.
01:06:27I got it.
01:06:30Fuck it.
01:06:31Wall Street Bets is down
01:06:32and I can't see Roaring Kitty's balance sheet.
01:06:34I don't know what to do.
01:06:35This could be the sell-off.
01:06:37I really don't want to do that.
01:06:39Well, me neither,
01:06:40but you can't let it go to zero.
01:06:43It's 150 grand.
01:06:44You need that money.
01:06:45And nobody's gonna hold it
01:06:46if they can't see what he's doing.
01:06:50Close your eyes on the count of three.
01:07:04Your phone's ringing.
01:07:05What's this about?
01:07:07Your phone's ringing.
01:07:09Oh, Robin Hood.
01:07:12It's an app.
01:07:13It's Mommy's phone.
01:07:14Yeah, no, your phone is ringing.
01:07:23Slow down, Norman.
01:07:24What did you say?
01:07:25The NSCC just sent us a file.
01:07:27They want a deposit of three billion
01:07:29to clear all the trades coming in.
01:07:33Wait, who?
01:07:34They're a subsidiary of the DTCC
01:07:36and they're requesting three billion.
01:07:41Sorry, it's a little loud in here.
01:07:43I thought you just said three billion.
01:07:45I did.
01:07:47But we don't have three billion, Norm.
01:07:49That's correct.
01:07:50We've only ever raised two billion
01:07:52in the history of the company.
01:07:54Holy fuck.
01:07:55What if we don't pay?
01:07:56They shut us down.
01:07:59The IPO?
01:08:00Like everything.
01:08:01Who reckoned Dan and I are going to jump on a call
01:08:03with Citadel at nine?
01:08:08Maybe this would be a good time for me
01:08:10to chat with Ken Griffin.
01:08:13We'll mention that.
01:08:15I can't sleep.
01:08:17Me neither.
01:08:18I just feel sick.
01:08:21We'll buy it back first thing.
01:08:24Please shut up.
01:08:40What the fuck?
01:08:45What the fuck?
01:08:47What the fuck?
01:08:48Okay, let me try.
01:08:50Is it frozen?
01:08:57They cut off the buy option.
01:09:00That's fucking criminal.
01:09:01I can't hear you, Baju.
01:09:02What the fuck did you do?
01:09:03Calm down.
01:09:04Me calm down?
01:09:05You shut down trading on GameStop.
01:09:07Not all trading.
01:09:08Norm worked it out.
01:09:09The DTCC agreed to lower the deposit
01:09:11to 700 million if we shut off buying,
01:09:13and that's what I did.
01:09:15The Depository Trade Commission?
01:09:17They're like one degree away from Dan Griffin.
01:09:19One more time, Baju.
01:09:21What for?
01:09:25It's not going to be okay.
01:09:26You need to fix this.
01:09:28It's okay.
01:09:30I did fix it, Baju.
01:09:33We've been watching shares of GameStop all day long.
01:09:36After hitting a staggering high of $483,
01:09:40their shares are now down to about 140.
01:09:43Now the best we can tell is the Robinhood app,
01:09:46that seems to have triggered what really has become
01:09:48a panic sell-off in this name.
01:09:50And so if you're a retail investor,
01:09:52or a Reddit user,
01:09:54and you've held,
01:09:55well, you are feeling serious pain right now.
01:10:02Now the criticism centered on Robinhood
01:10:04for abandoning their followers here
01:10:06in favor of helping those
01:10:08who have shorted all these stocks in the first place.
01:10:10I don't particularly like the move on Robinhood today.
01:10:12I'm talking to people this morning that say,
01:10:14okay, that is anti-capitalism.
01:10:16You can't do that.
01:10:18There's been some controversy about Citadel
01:10:20and some vague accusations
01:10:22that somehow Citadel may have been involved
01:10:24in Robinhood's decision, Wilf,
01:10:26to stop or restrict trading in GameStop and other shorts.
01:10:29Who is that from?
01:10:30The Tendy Man.
01:10:35Come back inside.
01:10:36Diamond fucking hand.
01:10:40We all know how I feel about him.
01:10:42I think he's a rat and a liar.
01:10:44Okay, Vlad, you know everybody here
01:10:46is watching this hates your guts, right?
01:10:49Thank you, Dave.
01:10:51That's what I hear,
01:10:53but I'm a really big fan of your show
01:10:56and hopefully I can answer some of your questions.
01:10:58Vlad, can you hear us?
01:10:59Vlad the Stock Impaler.
01:11:00Yes, I'm here.
01:11:02Spill the beans, man.
01:11:03What happened last week?
01:11:04Why can't people buy GameStop shares?
01:11:07The people demand an answer.
01:11:09To give you some background,
01:11:11I'm chief executive of Robinhood.
01:11:13Yeah, we know.
01:11:14And I just want to say we had no liquidity problems.
01:11:17Did something maybe shady go down here?
01:11:19Seems weird that you'd get a sudden $10 billion demand.
01:11:21$3 billion.
01:11:22Okay, $3 billion just suddenly out of nowhere.
01:11:25Well, I wouldn't impute any shadiness to any of this.
01:11:29I don't have the full context
01:11:31as to what was going on with the NSCC
01:11:34to make these calculations.
01:11:37To what degree are you beholden to Citadel?
01:11:39I mean, basically, if Citadel's unhappy,
01:11:42then what happens?
01:11:43Is anyone holding you hostage right now?
01:11:48There's just no rational explanation
01:11:50on why they would do what they did
01:11:52without outside pressure, interference,
01:11:54and they basically cratered the stock on purpose.
01:11:57So I just don't believe anything that guy says.
01:12:00I want to take a cold shower after seeing it.
01:12:02Robinhood is facing lawsuits.
01:12:04We know that.
01:12:05After halting trades,
01:12:06they are accused of rigging the markets.
01:12:09When the big guys,
01:12:10including one of your main investors in your company,
01:12:12started to lose,
01:12:13you shut down the game to starve the little guys.
01:12:16They're robbing from the port.
01:12:17They're giving back to the rich.
01:12:19They're robbing from the hood.
01:12:22I want to be 100% clear.
01:12:25This decision to restrict trading
01:12:27was not made on the direction of Citadel
01:12:30or any market maker.
01:12:33Fuck this guy.
01:12:35This guy is just an obfuscating piece of shit.
01:12:39There's only one man I want to hear from right now,
01:12:41and Wall Street Bets is down,
01:12:42so it's crickets.
01:12:44Wall Street's out here.
01:12:46Say it with me.
01:12:48Where my pussy at?
01:12:50Kill! Kill! Kill!
01:12:53Kill! Kill! Kill!
01:12:55Kill! Kill! Kill!
01:12:57Please! Please!
01:12:59I'm sorry. This is, like, my house.
01:13:01Uh, you want my autograph?
01:13:04You've been served.
01:13:06Are you gonna sell?
01:13:08Hey! To the moon, baby!
01:13:10To the moon!
01:13:12To the moon!
01:13:16Uh, sorry to interrupt.
01:13:18We need to talk about the GameStop situation.
01:13:20I thought McCain was handling it.
01:13:22So did we, but the committee specifically requested you, sir.
01:13:25If they want specifics, they can have McCain.
01:13:27It's not a choice, unfortunately.
01:13:39A congressional subpoena.
01:13:41I never did anything illegal.
01:13:43And I always had disclaimers.
01:13:45Why would you have disclaimers if you weren't worried?
01:13:48They're standard practice, Caroline.
01:13:49Everyone has them.
01:14:00The answer is not in your computer.
01:14:03There's a dozen reporters on our lawn.
01:14:05You have to testify before Congress.
01:14:07The game has changed.
01:14:08I know. I hear you.
01:14:10I don't think you do.
01:14:17Oh, my God. We're...
01:14:20We're gonna go to my mother's.
01:14:22No, she has terrible Wi-Fi.
01:14:24I'm not talking about you.
01:14:26I'm talking about me and her.
01:14:28You need to figure this out.
01:14:41Where are you going?
01:14:43The track.
01:14:44You were just on the track.
01:14:45I'm going again.
01:14:57Can I interest you in some champagne or a mimosa?
01:14:59Is it free?
01:15:00It is when you set up here.
01:15:01I don't have the last time for everything.
01:15:03Oh, you'll be back.
01:15:05I had half a million in stocks last week,
01:15:07but Wall Street cheated.
01:15:09Surprise, surprise.
01:15:12I could have cashed out.
01:15:14I could have paid my mortgage.
01:15:16I could have bought my kid braces, got a new car.
01:15:19Honey, I'm gonna get you something stronger.
01:15:21Thank you.
01:15:22You're welcome.
01:15:28Meow. Kitty.
01:15:30You know you can't just eat other people's food.
01:15:32They do reviews, right?
01:15:34Very funny.
01:15:36What's this?
01:15:37Look, they were on sale, all right,
01:15:39before you get all emotional.
01:15:40Holy shit.
01:15:41You fucking softy.
01:15:42Who put you up to this?
01:15:43Carol? Mom?
01:15:44No, Dad.
01:15:45Called me in tears.
01:15:46Said my big brother needed some moral support.
01:15:48Fuck off.
01:15:49I can't.
01:15:50Come on, man.
01:15:51Will you at least try them on, please?
01:15:52Try them.
01:15:53Come on.
01:15:54You're the richest man in Brockton.
01:15:55You dress like an asshole.
01:15:56I lost 15 million yesterday and another 15 the day before that.
01:15:59You're still the richest man in Brockton.
01:16:01Like, by far.
01:16:02Bro, you got rich dudes?
01:16:05I got rich dudes pissing in their pants right now.
01:16:07I mean, come on, man.
01:16:08How many people in Brockton and I could say that?
01:16:10This has gone crazy.
01:16:11I got reporters hounding me outside my house.
01:16:14Yeah, man, me too.
01:16:15They're coming after you.
01:16:17You didn't talk to them, did you?
01:16:19What do I look like?
01:16:20I said no.
01:16:21I said give me 50 grand, maybe.
01:16:23Tell me you're kidding.
01:16:24Well, if you give me 20,
01:16:25then maybe we won't have to deal with this shit.
01:16:26What the fuck is wrong with you?
01:16:29I've just been subpoenaed by Congress, man.
01:16:31I do not have time for your bullshit.
01:16:33Come off it, man!
01:16:34Seriously, asshole!
01:16:37It was a joke!
01:16:45I know.
01:16:55We never used to fight this much.
01:17:00I'm sorry.
01:17:01I miss her.
01:17:02Me too.
01:17:03She kept your ego in check.
01:17:05The whole fucking world kept my ego in check.
01:17:08What the fuck are you going to tell Congress, Keith, huh?
01:17:12Beg him not to send me to prison.
01:17:18Hey, do you remember back at Stonehill
01:17:21when they dared me to run that mile naked?
01:17:23Yeah, there was a crazy storm that night, you dumb shit.
01:17:26Fuck you, man.
01:17:27That was dope, man.
01:17:28I'm a legend over there.
01:17:29Everybody remembers that.
01:17:31Me too, man.
01:17:32You don't think people remember your four-minute, three-second mile?
01:17:34Oh, what is this, a pep talk?
01:17:36Motherfucker, stop hiding.
01:17:37Seriously, okay?
01:17:39Stop being all meek and shit and running away.
01:17:41What, you want me to run through lightning with my dick out?
01:17:46Exactly that.
01:17:48Run through lightning with your dick out.
01:17:49Fuck it.
01:17:58You didn't go to your mom's?
01:18:02You took the car.
01:18:05How was the run?
01:18:06Did it clear your head?
01:18:08Kev found me and brought me these.
01:18:11You guys talked?
01:18:13He told me to run naked.
01:18:16You ran naked?
01:18:18It's a metaphor.
01:18:19He's saying I got to take this thing head on.
01:18:25I kind of like to see you run naked.
01:18:30By the way, uh, Wall Street Bets is back up.
01:18:34The motherfucker held.
01:18:36Holy shit.
01:18:38He lost 30 million and he's still fucking held.
01:18:44Robinhood's back up.
01:18:46We got to get back in.
01:18:48Where's his stock at right now?
01:18:50I don't know.
01:18:52Where's his stock at right now?
01:18:56Are you sure?
01:18:57That's like all of the money that we made back into the stock.
01:19:05You can't let them get away with this.
01:19:08Fuck them.
01:19:10If he's in, I'm in.
01:19:12If he's in, I'm in.
01:19:25The frenzy continues with retail investors bidding back up GameStop.
01:19:30Meme stock mania is back.
01:19:3280% as those message board traders simply send it higher.
01:19:35Stock volatility continuing it looks like this morning once again.
01:19:38GameStop involved in ongoing battle between retail investors and short sellers.
01:19:43We have a lot more on this story.
01:19:44Robinhood, Reddit, Citadel and Melvin Capital along with Keith Gill,
01:19:49better known as Roaring Kitty on social media will be in the hot seat.
01:19:59I'm here testifying today far removed from my background.
01:20:02I grew up in a middle class family in Portland, Maine.
01:20:05My dad was a grocery store executive.
01:20:07Maybe leave that part out.
01:20:09The part about my dad?
01:20:11The executive part.
01:20:12Okay, okay.
01:20:15I went to a public high school.
01:20:17I studied hard and got into Northwestern.
01:20:20Did you say a good college?
01:20:22I can't say I went to Northwestern.
01:20:24To Elite.
01:20:25Northwestern's too.
01:20:31Upon graduation, I did not have a job.
01:20:33Today, I'm married with four children.
01:20:36Gabe, where do you plan on doing your testimony?
01:20:41In front of your wine collection?
01:20:44I mean, this is...
01:20:45I don't have that big a wine collection.
01:20:47Yeah, it's huge.
01:20:48Did your wrist seem to be on the bottom?
01:20:51Maybe the center goes all the time.
01:20:54Around you.
01:20:55Maybe here would be nice.
01:21:00Too many windows.
01:21:01Oh, it's very bright.
01:21:03Yeah, ocean front's not a great idea.
01:21:06Yeah, I hadn't thought of that.
01:21:08Yeah, downstairs there's more.
01:21:11Holy shit.
01:21:12Yo, Rui, our boy's on the news.
01:21:41...the potential of prosecution.
01:21:43Fundamentals are based on three things.
01:21:45One, the digital risks are overblown.
01:21:48Two, the negative sentiment is overdone.
01:21:50And three...
01:21:56Come on, shut up.
01:21:59You guys, you guys, stop.
01:22:01Stop, let's keep going.
01:22:02Alright, let's go.
01:22:03You're right, this is serious.
01:22:04You can go to jail forever.
01:22:05A long time.
01:22:06A long, long time.
01:22:07Alright, here we go.
01:22:08Back of the game.
01:22:09Mr. Gill.
01:22:10Mr. Gill, may I call you Mr. Gill, sir?
01:22:12It's my name.
01:22:13Why the fuck wouldn't you be able to call him Mr. Gill?
01:22:14What were your intentions with the YouTube videos
01:22:17and your social media posts on GameStop?
01:22:19Thank you, Congresswoman.
01:22:20You're welcome.
01:22:21I developed a theory that the company was undervalued
01:22:23despite the significant short interest.
01:22:25Oh, so you were aware of the short interest?
01:22:27It is public knowledge.
01:22:28You could see it in the SEC file.
01:22:30And it was your goal to break these shorts, yes?
01:22:32To rally an online mob to artificially push
01:22:34the price of GameStop's soren?
01:22:36To the moon, as they say.
01:22:38Isn't that correct, Mr. Gill?
01:22:39Objection, objection.
01:22:40You lead in the witness.
01:22:41Kev, I yield my time for the chair.
01:22:43You were hoping for the short squeeze, weren't you, Mr. Gill?
01:22:46Short squeeze, bastard.
01:22:47The short squeeze was a marginal point of the thesis.
01:22:49And why'd you talk about it in your videos all the time?
01:22:51You did talk about it in your videos.
01:22:52You talked about it a lot.
01:22:54You were talking about the squeeze.
01:22:55You were like, it's just a little squeeze.
01:22:57And you were really asking us to believe
01:22:58that you weren't a leader to all these retail traders?
01:23:00You're fucked, buddy.
01:23:01My point of view.
01:23:02Yes or no?
01:23:03Yes or no?
01:23:04Yes or no?
01:23:05You are admitting it?
01:23:06Yes or no?
01:23:08Remember you?
01:23:09You're a machine bottle of shit.
01:23:12I'm running with my dick out.
01:23:15Okay, why don't you just say that, okay?
01:23:17I'll stop.
01:23:19All right.
01:23:20Mr. Gill, what exactly about the fundamentals
01:23:24led you to build this bull cake?
01:23:26The fuck's with the voice?
01:23:27I don't know.
01:23:28I was trying to do AOC, but it was flat.
01:23:29I don't even think she's on the panel.
01:23:31You shut the fuck up, Breezy.
01:23:32I'll slap the shit out of you.
01:23:33Is she on the panel?
01:23:34You want to slap me?
01:23:35Yeah, let's go.
01:23:36You ready to go?
01:23:37Let's go.
01:23:38I've been waiting for this, dog.
01:23:55Come here.
01:24:05You're gonna be great.
01:24:08If it goes bad, it's gonna be real bad.
01:24:11Don't let it go bad.
01:24:13This hearing will go first in a series of hearings
01:24:16by the committee to examine the recent market volatility
01:24:20involving GameStop.
01:24:22I want to know how each of the witnesses here today
01:24:26contributed to the historic trading events in January.
01:24:32This recent market volatility has put a national spotlight
01:24:37on institutional practices by Wall Street firms,
01:24:41and they have demonstrated the enormous potential power
01:24:45of social media in our markets.
01:24:48We will hear firsthand from the witnesses
01:24:50regarding these events.
01:24:52The hearing will be an opportunity for this committee
01:24:55to get the facts about the role each of the witnesses
01:24:59represent played in the events we are examining today.
01:25:04Mr. Griffin, if I could just ask you the first question.
01:25:06Of course.
01:25:07How many people are in the room with you?
01:25:10That's your question.
01:25:11If you could just count how many people are in the room with you.
01:25:18There are five people, including myself, in this room.
01:25:21Did anyone in your organization since January 1st
01:25:24contact Robin Hood?
01:25:25We, of course, talk to Robin Hood routinely
01:25:28in the ordinary course of business.
01:25:30We manage a substantial portion of their order.
01:25:32But did you talk to them about restricting or doing anything
01:25:36to prevent people from buying GameStop?
01:25:39I want to be perfectly clear.
01:25:42We had no role in Robin Hood's decision
01:25:45to limit trading in GameStop.
01:25:47Fuck you, Ken Griffin.
01:25:48So if we depose everyone in your organization,
01:25:50we will find that?
01:25:52That is correct.
01:25:53It's like a Disney Channel villain.
01:25:56Mr. Plotkin, do you believe that there is
01:25:58manipulation, distrust, and overall inequality
01:26:02with American finance?
01:26:03My focus is on my company, Melvin.
01:26:08You're on mute, Dick.
01:26:10I'm sorry, you're on mute.
01:26:17In my area of expertise.
01:26:19You're still on mute.
01:26:20I haven't been able to hear a word you said.
01:26:23Mr. Tenev, would you be willing to commit today
01:26:25to volunteering to pass on the proceeds of the payment
01:26:28for order flow to Robin Hood customers?
01:26:31Congresswoman, I appreciate that question.
01:26:33When the statement you referred to was made,
01:26:35it was before Robin Hood forced the entire industry
01:26:38to drop commissions and replicate our...
01:26:40I should take that as a no.
01:26:41You're not willing to pass on the proceeds
01:26:43of payment for order flow to your customers?
01:26:45When the other brokers dropped...
01:26:46I'm just talking about today.
01:26:48I don't want to be rude.
01:26:49I just have limited time.
01:26:50But if removing the revenues that you make
01:26:52from a payment for order flow
01:26:54would cause the removal of free commissions,
01:26:57doesn't that mean that trading on Robin Hood
01:26:59isn't actually free to begin with?
01:27:01Good question.
01:27:09Thank you very much, Mr. Gill.
01:27:11You are now recognized for five minutes
01:27:14to present your oral testimony.
01:27:20Thank you.
01:27:29Thank you, members of the committee.
01:27:34I am happy to discuss my purchase of GameStop shares
01:27:38and my discussions of their fair value on social media.
01:27:42But before I do that, a few things I am not.
01:27:47I am not a cat.
01:27:49What did he say?
01:27:51It's like a kiddie thing.
01:27:54I do not have clients,
01:27:56and I do not provide personalized investment advice
01:27:59for fees or commissions.
01:28:01I grew up in Brockton, Mass.
01:28:03My family was not wealthy.
01:28:05My father was a truck driver
01:28:07and my mom a registered nurse.
01:28:09I was one of three kids
01:28:11and the first in my family to earn a four-year college degree
01:28:14when I graduated from Stonehill College in 2009.
01:28:18That was not a good time to be looking for a job.
01:28:21From 2010 to 2017,
01:28:23there were significant periods when I was unemployed.
01:28:26I took an interest in the stock market.
01:28:29And even though I had very little money,
01:28:31I used those times to educate myself
01:28:34and learn more about investing.
01:28:36Mr. Gill, I find it hard to believe
01:28:38that you predicted everything that happened to GameStop
01:28:41with no inside information.
01:28:43I didn't predict it.
01:28:45I honestly couldn't explain everything that happened in January.
01:28:48I've seen your videos.
01:28:50You honestly couldn't recount to the committee
01:28:52what caused every single up and down of the stock in January?
01:28:57I think you could.
01:28:59I did follow the stock very closely,
01:29:03but threshold lists, order flows, halting purchases,
01:29:06according to the press, these all had a material impact on the stock.
01:29:09Here's the thing, I have a bit of experience with this stuff,
01:29:12and even I barely understand these matters.
01:29:14I'm seeing how little we all know about the inner workings of the market,
01:29:17which is why I'm glad this committee is examining what happened,
01:29:20particularly with the exorbitant short interest,
01:29:23as well as any potentially manipulative shorting practices
01:29:26and brokers' reported failures to timely deliver shares and settle trades.
01:29:33A lot of people feel the system is broken.
01:29:35The whole idea of the stock market is to be like kind of a fair playing field
01:29:39where if you're smart,
01:29:41with a little luck, you can make your fortune.
01:29:44But if it ever was that, it's certainly not anymore.
01:29:47The big firms have such a big advantage
01:29:49in terms of technology and information and just sheer wealth,
01:29:52there's no hope for the little guy anymore.
01:29:55Or there was no hope.
01:29:57Maybe now there is.
01:30:02And as for me, I like the stock.
01:30:06I hate stuff like that.
01:30:08I don't plan on selling anytime soon.
01:30:10Hold it. Hold it.
01:30:12Diamond hands, baby.
01:30:14Atta boy.
01:30:16What a nerd.
01:30:18Thank you.
01:30:27That was good, I think.
01:30:31Yesterday's Reddit hearing in Congress
01:30:33brought together some of the power players
01:30:35behind the January trading frenzy.
01:30:37Maxine Waters did say that there will be additional hearings on this.
01:30:41That there will be two more to follow.
01:30:44Whether it's markets or social media,
01:30:47or I'll just call it media because that's what it is now,
01:30:49do you think any new regulation gets done?
01:30:51What's clear is that we're in the Wild West
01:30:53and that there is so much activity that's going on on these online forums.
01:30:56And we've seen in the last month, in the last six weeks,
01:30:59how much force day traders and mass can bring to the market
01:31:02and actually affect it.
01:31:03They used to just make some noise around the edges.
01:31:05Now they can actually move markets and move security.
01:31:33Cheers, everyone.
01:31:48You're a fucking gangster.
01:32:18Hey man, I noticed you've been selling a lot of new games
01:32:21and I just want to remind you again
01:32:22that we really want to be pushing customers
01:32:24towards the higher margin premium games.
01:32:27I'm not going to do that.
01:32:30Excuse me?
01:32:31Oh, and in fact, I'm not gonna do any of that circle-life bullshit or your TikTok dance contest.
01:32:35You're quitting then?
01:32:39Nah, I mean, I thought about it, but...
01:32:42Like, yo, I love it here.
01:32:44So, I think I'm gonna stay.
01:32:45Well, you're awfully smug for a kid who lost all his money buying stock.
01:32:49What'd you say it was going to? A thousand?
01:32:53I'm also not gonna work at the Ascar-DiBarni Award.
01:32:57You're fired!
01:32:59No, I'm not.
01:33:01You gotta get that approved by, like, seven levels of people, yo.
01:33:04Thanks to the geniuses who put that together, right?
01:33:06The ones who used to own my ass.
01:33:09You sold?
01:33:13Right at the tippy-tippy top.
01:33:16And I'm holding the other half for the long haul.
01:33:19Cause I'm a savage.
01:33:21Classy, bougie, ratchet.
01:33:24Sassy, moody, nasty.
01:33:27Acting stupid, what's happening?
01:33:29I'm a savage.
01:33:31Classy, bougie, ratchet.
01:33:34Sassy, moody, nasty.
01:33:37Acting stupid, what's happening?
01:33:39Bitch, what's happening?
01:33:41I'm a savage.
01:33:42Classy, bougie, ratchet.
01:33:45Sassy, moody, nasty.
01:33:48Acting stupid, what's happening?
01:33:50Bitch, what's happening?
01:33:52Eat me and record it, but your edge up all I'm showing.
01:33:55I keep my niggas private, so his AP all I'm showing.
01:33:58Beefing with you bitches, really getting kinda boring.
01:34:00If it ain't about the money, then you know I'm gonna ignore it.
01:34:03I'm the shit.
01:34:04I need a mouth to clean the floor, it's too much drip.
01:34:07I keep an eye, I keep a watch, I keep a whip.
01:34:09Fuck yeah.
01:34:11I am here testifying today far removed from my background.
01:34:14I grew up in a middle-class family in Portland, Maine.
01:34:16I went to a public high school.
01:34:18I studied hard and got into a good college.
01:34:20Upon graduation, I did not have a job.
01:34:22Acting stupid, what's happening?
01:34:24Bitch, what's happening?
01:34:26When the statement you refer to was made, I believe 2015 or 2016,
01:34:32it was before Robinhood forced the entire industry to drop commissions.
01:34:37I should take that as a no.
01:34:38You're not willing to pass on the proceeds of paying for order flow to your customers?
01:34:42That body right, but you know this pussy back.
01:34:44I drop a picture, now these bitches feel attacked.
01:34:47Don't let that nigga gas you up and get you whacked.
01:34:50I make a call and get that pussy next to me.
01:34:52I talk to them about restricting or doing anything to prevent people from buying,
01:34:57not selling, but buying fucking GameStop.
01:35:00Let me be perfectly clear.
01:35:03Absolutely not.
01:35:23As for me, I like the stock.
01:35:28Hurry up, dick. It's cold.
01:35:30I can't believe you're my brother.
01:35:32You look like a fucking ninja turtle.
01:35:36You said?
01:35:37Fuck you.
01:35:40Come on, KD!
01:35:53I'm gonna fight them off.
01:35:57I said the nation army couldn't hold me back.
01:36:01They're gonna rip it off.
01:36:05Taking their time right behind my back.
01:36:09And the message coming from my eyes is leave it alone.
01:36:53Don't wanna hear about it.
01:36:57Every single one's got a story to tell.
01:37:01Everyone knows about it.
01:37:05From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell.
01:37:09And if I catch you coming back my way, I'm gonna serve it to you.
01:37:16And that ain't what you want to hear, but that's what I'll do.
01:37:24And the feeling coming from my bones says find a home.
01:37:46And the feeling coming from my bones says find a home.
01:37:52And the feeling coming from my bones says find a home.
01:37:58And the feeling coming from my bones says find a home.
01:38:16I'm going to Wichita.
01:38:20Far from this opera forevermore.
01:38:25I'm gonna work the straw.
01:38:28Make the sweat drip out of every pore.
01:38:33And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding right before the Lord.
01:38:39And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding right before the Lord.
01:38:45All the words are gonna bleed from me, and I won't think no more.
01:38:53And the stains coming from my blood tell me go back home.
01:40:09I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out
01:40:19I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out
01:40:35I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I
01:41:05think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out,
01:41:35I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out
01:42:05I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out, I think I'm out
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01:45:23I think I'm out
01:45:25I think I'm out
