Alain und Diane sind in Adieu Chérie - Trennung auf Französisch seit 30 Jahren zusammen. Klar, dass da die Leidenschaft zwischen der Redakteurin und dem Pianisten nicht mehr brodelt wie am ersten Tag. Aber dass Alain ihr eine Affäre mit ihrem Chef Stéphane unterstellt und sie urplötzlich verlässt, hat Diane dann doch nicht erwartet. Vorsichtig nutzt sie ihre neue Freiheit, um die unterstellte Liebelei wahr werden zu lassen, während Alain ebenfalls mit einer anderen, der jüngeren Agathe, anbandelt. Mit der Scheidung wäre unter der ganzen Misere endlich ein Schlussstrich gezogen, doch dann bringen zwei Schwangerschaften alle Neuanfänge durcheinander.
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Mehr dazu:
00:00To the eternal youth of the woman I love.
00:0225 years in the business, you're asking for one thing.
00:04To the love of my life.
00:06Listen, go get the cake when we're done.
00:10A feeling of warmth?
00:12You've gained a bit of weight.
00:14Well, that's great, you have no symptoms of menopause.
00:21I'm telling you, she doesn't have a lover. Stop it.
00:23Your lover is Stéphane, question mark.
00:24There's a doubt.
00:25Really, I'm not with this man.
00:26It was a game.
00:27Are you in love with me?
00:29We've been together for 30 years.
00:31We're not lovers, it's not...
00:34We're what?
00:35We're a couple.
00:37We're breaking up.
00:39I love you, so I'm acting.
00:42We have to make fun of each other.
00:43We're afraid of getting lost.
00:44It's dangerous, Alain.
00:45I know.
00:46You have to do a papillote.
00:47It's 50 years old.
00:48New start, new garage.
00:51Now you're having fun, you like it, you keep it.
00:53You don't like it, you throw it away.
00:54Tiff, tiff, tiff, tiff, tiff.
00:56Oh, shame, I'm stuck.
00:58Because he's laughing, you think?
00:59When he finds out, he'll be shocked.
01:01Alain, the artist, the handsome guy.
01:02No belly, all his hair.
01:04I'm enjoying myself.
01:04You came to eat.
01:07Mom, it's your life that you've decided to take in hand.
01:09And we don't care that Machine is 35 years old.
01:12She's 35 years old!
01:13Are you sure about that?
01:16First date, always at the girl's.
01:17That way, you'll get rid of her and go home.
01:24Are you kidding me?
01:26Thierry, you're not going to leave me like this!
01:29Sorry, I didn't understand your request.