Finding Love in Sisters (2024)

  • 2 months ago
قصة إسبيرانزا، وهي محامية تبدأ تظهر بعض الشقوق في حياتها المثالية. عندما تُتوفى والدتها، تعود إلى مدينة السيدات في أوريغون وتجتمع من جديد مع شقيقاتها.
00:00:30Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear SP, happy birthday to
00:00:53you, thank you, thank you everyone, thank you, it's so good to have you back, it feels
00:01:11like you were in Mexico forever, yes, it was so long here, oh, just a minute,
00:01:23these came for you, are they from Curtis? No idea what you're talking about, come on, birthday girl dish, fine then,
00:01:53well, while everyone is celebrating this morning, I wanted to let you know that the partners
00:02:08and I are so very impressed with the amazing job you did on the acquisitions deal down
00:02:13in Mexico City, we discussed it and we all agree, it's time to make you a junior partner,
00:02:21really? What do you say? Yes, yes, yes, of course, thank you, no thanks necessary, you've
00:02:30put the work in, you earned it, now we just need to get you up to speed on the merger
00:02:35by tomorrow morning, absolutely, whatever you need, very good, I'll have the file sent
00:02:40down to the discovery room, and one more thing, happy birthday kid, thank you mom,
00:03:08is there anything you need before I leave? What time is it? It's almost 7, oh my gosh,
00:03:33no, I'm good, thank you, okay, see you tomorrow, see you, hi Curtis, hey, you on your way?
00:03:49I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to meet you for dinner, what? Why? I know we planned
00:03:56this, but I have good news, I'm a junior partner, that's awesome, congratulations,
00:04:03yes, yes, thank you, they dropped a major case on me and I have so many files to go
00:04:11through, did you get my flowers? Of course, I received your flowers, they are beautiful,
00:04:17I miss you, I wanted to celebrate your birthday, I'm sorry, yeah, we talk later? Yeah, okay
00:04:40happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,
00:05:09happy birthday to you, thank you mom, I know, I made you cry, sorry, it's okay, I'm at the
00:05:20office, what? Why? Because they made me junior partner, that's great, I'm so happy for your
00:05:32big promotion, gracias mommy, mom, I'm 31 years old, shouldn't I be happier? Why don't you come
00:05:46home this weekend, mi amor, we miss you, I miss you, I would love to mommy, but there is no way
00:05:54I can leave right now, Ted and Faith are coming in from Portland and Cady's already here, maybe
00:06:01we could get the three of you on a birthday hike, I'm going to be working nights and weekends,
00:06:08bueno mi cielo, sisters, we'll be here when you have the time, mom, you sound tired, the renovations
00:06:17are just wearing me out a bit, that's all, well, don't try to do too much, okay, take your time,
00:06:25no, no, it's fine, I will get back for a hike one of these days,
00:06:30I promise, of course you will, te amo, espe, yo te amo mas, mami,
00:06:36you should tell her,
00:06:57I don't want her coming home and feeling guilty for me,
00:07:01you should tell your girls,
00:07:09I have to do this my own way,
00:07:19so sorry,
00:07:35so sorry, I wish I would have known, I know it hurts, but your mom lived a great life,
00:07:53come on,
00:08:21let's get you to the airport, okay
00:08:43maybe we should stop at a barber, what about being late?
00:08:48it's an emergency, Daniel, no one's gonna look at my hairs at your mom's funeral,
00:08:54you know what, you come, I'm gonna drive because, calm down, I can't, I can't, I can't calm down,
00:09:00Daniel, you look like a member of the bad rabbit, it's bad bunny, bad bunny, whatever,
00:09:08calm down, sweetheart, go away,
00:09:27I don't want to worry about you disappearing during abuela's funeral,
00:09:30got it,
00:09:34did you hear me?
00:09:37you get that grinning from your father, you sure didn't get that from me,
00:09:45what am I gonna do with you?
00:09:48maybe try leaving me alone,
00:09:49I'm so sorry about your mom, oh, I can still taste those turnovers, I miss her,
00:10:07thank you, Erica,
00:10:15we haven't had a chance to talk,
00:10:17I'm a little busy right now, let's talk later, here,
00:10:34good, right?
00:10:38just like mom's, and if it weren't at her funeral, I might say they were better,
00:10:47oh, it's been a long time, just since Christmas, try two Christmases ago,
00:10:55right, it's okay, we're together, that's what matters, I just wish mom was here too,
00:11:00I miss her so much, where is dad? did he make it down? Ted and I aren't together anymore,
00:11:11what? we separated a couple months ago, I'm so sorry, Faith, I had no idea,
00:11:17you don't exactly broadcast when your husband of 17 years leaves you for a 20-something next door,
00:11:25Mario's been a mess, we moved back here a couple weeks ago, I couldn't stay in Portland,
00:11:33it must be a big change for him, we're not talking that much right now,
00:11:39he's going through a rebellious phase, but I think he'll get over it,
00:11:44what? I know divorce lawyers and I have heard terrible things, custody can get pretty nasty,
00:11:52Faith, Ted and I discussed it together, he gets the girlfriend, I get Mario, I would just make
00:11:57sure that he's okay with that, he's old enough to have a say, legally speaking, thanks, but
00:12:04I already have an attorney, hello girls, dad, mom would love to see you together,
00:12:11I can't believe it hurts this much, it's been 10 years since we divorced,
00:12:20it's okay, dad, you had a great life together, we all did, remember that family trip we took
00:12:26to the coast when you and mom were setting up the tent and it blew into the ocean,
00:12:31you had to dive in, it was April, the water was freezing,
00:12:36we had to dry it over the fire and then it almost caught on fire,
00:12:44yeah, mom was the outdoorsy type, you know, when it came to the woods, I just followed orders and
00:12:50badly, what's going on here, here's our baby sister, girls,
00:12:57we were just talking about that camping trip to the coast, oh, when dad caught the tent on fire,
00:13:07almost caught it on fire, okay, you know what, I think mom was rooting for the fire,
00:13:15she loved nature so much, she probably just wanted us all to sleep out under the stars,
00:13:20she hated that I hated it, I really hated it, it wouldn't be that bad,
00:13:25Gaby, says the corporate lawyer, hey, I like nature too, sure you do,
00:13:32by the way, love the hiking boots, they must be great for those long trips to Starbucks,
00:13:37um, excuse me, I need to go to the restroom,
00:13:56must be perfect for those long treks to Starbucks,
00:14:12beautiful service, yeah, thank you, thank you, oh my gosh,
00:14:18I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone was out here, no, it's okay, no worries,
00:14:24I'm sorry again, you're in line and I'm blocking you, no, no, that's not it, I mean,
00:14:29yes, but, uh, you don't recognize me, do you, I'm Lewis Jones from debate team,
00:14:40legal lawyers, not so little anymore, filled out law during college, you sure did,
00:14:47look, I'm actually glad I ran into you, I've been handling your mom's legal affairs
00:14:52and there's a will reading tomorrow at the office, I want to make sure the whole family attends,
00:14:57oh, um, sure, sure, um, I will fly back tomorrow after lunch, can we meet in the morning,
00:15:06perfect, see you then,
00:15:11I still, oh, yes, yeah, yes, yes, all yours,
00:15:43and Mr. Jones will be with you all in just a minute, thank you, thank you, good morning,
00:15:47good morning, well, since Espe wanted us to meet so early, I thought I'd bring breakfast for
00:15:51everyone, oh, my God, you cannot get sandwiches like this in Seattle, oh, my God,
00:16:09have you ever thought about baking professionally, because, oh, my God, you are really good,
00:16:13good, stop, I'm serious, you could open up your own bakery,
00:16:20you could make a killing, Cuddy, maybe a fusion bakery, Cuban Americana,
00:16:27good morning, everyone, hey, good morning,
00:16:37your mom came to see me a short while back to write her last will and testament,
00:16:42now, I want to make it clear that she loved each one of you so very much,
00:16:58to my beloved daughters, Faith, Esperanza, and Karyden, and my ex-husband Victor,
00:17:07I wish for you all the love and happiness that this world can give,
00:17:12please know that I'll always be with you, wherever you are, whether you like it or not,
00:17:20it is my final wish that all my earthly possessions, my house, my car, my money,
00:17:26and, of course, my dear sweet dog, Wasabi, go to my middle daughter, Esperanza, me, her,
00:17:36on one condition, that she agrees to live in my house and sisters for a period of no less than one
00:17:42year, if Esperanza does not abide by my wishes, the house and everything in it will be sold,
00:17:49and the proceeds donated to the Nature Conservancy, what, what, what,
00:18:07it makes no sense, I know, I mean, I should get the house, I lived across the street from mom for 12
00:18:13years, I took care of her, mom took care of herself, don't be such a drama queen, anything,
00:18:17she took care of you, what about you, she paid for you to go to some swanky university, well,
00:18:22she bought you a house, well, what about Esperanza, she doesn't even live here, girls, please calm
00:18:28down, if anybody deserves the house, it's me, I'm the oldest, why do you want the house so badly,
00:18:32when did mom write the will, you know, maybe she was, clearly something wasn't right, mom died of
00:18:40cancer, she wasn't losing her mind, I don't know why she did this, doesn't mean we can't contest
00:18:45it, Espe, you have to admit it's pretty unfair, Espe, we should be splitting mom's things evenly,
00:18:50yeah, I mean, probably, oh, probably, probably, okay, probably, great, amazing, got it, got it,
00:19:01great, great, stop, great, you're being greedy, Espe, I am not, great,
00:19:15are you mad at me too, I'm not picking sides, you're gonna have to fix this between yourselves,
00:19:23they are right that mom should have split everything between us,
00:19:27why did you leave it all to me, you're asking me, Espe, if I had your mom figured out,
00:19:32we'd probably still be married, you know, Nina always had a way of doing things,
00:19:41I can't give you advice, but I can lay some facts on you, okay,
00:19:47mom and I, we paid for Cari and Daniel's house when they had Anna, we paid for Faith's wedding
00:19:54and her college, she did not get the scholarships that you did,
00:19:59but when you left, you didn't take a dime, you put yourself through college,
00:20:03through law school, heck, you made a life of your own in Seattle,
00:20:08maybe it was a way of mom to make things even, you know, maybe, what am I supposed to do then,
00:20:18I can't tell you what you should do, but let me tell you,
00:20:22don't think that you don't deserve this, okay,
00:20:33it's gonna be okay, we'll see, all right,
00:20:41we'll see,
00:20:47so is the family meeting over, or is it just halftime, I think it's over, final score,
00:21:06wow, it has been a morning, can we get a coffee somewhere, yeah, sure,
00:21:23Cari and Faith are so upset, things aren't great between us,
00:21:28and taking the house would make it worse,
00:21:31look, I know it's none of my business, but what happened with you three?
00:21:40We were very close until mom and dad divorced, when they split, we all did,
00:21:49Faith went to college and met Ted, Cari got into cheerleading, and when I graduated high school,
00:21:57I moved to Seattle, and never really looked back,
00:22:03you know, Nina was especially concerned about you being alone in Seattle,
00:22:10let me ask you something, is there any way we can get around the world,
00:22:16and I can split everything with my sisters, I'm afraid not, your mom made sure, either you take it,
00:22:26or it all goes away, for some reason, she really wanted this for you,
00:22:45what made you come back, honestly, I never saw myself back here, and then everything fell apart,
00:22:54the night I went to propose to my girlfriend, she dumped me in the middle of dinner,
00:23:00I was devastated, so I left, moved back in with my folks, got my life back together, and
00:23:08just ended up sticking around, I don't still live with my folks though, no judgment,
00:23:15enough about me, what are you thinking, I'm thinking I need to cancel my flight,
00:23:27I never imagined I would be in this situation and have to make a big decision,
00:23:33I need time to figure this out, all right then, I'll run you past my place to pick up wasabi,
00:23:41and then drop you both off at Nina's place, thanks,
00:24:03you know, I can't believe mom had a favorite, and even worse, it wasn't me,
00:24:08hmm, she must have had her reasons for choosing SP,
00:24:14oh wow, wow, so you're on her side now, no, I didn't say that, I didn't say that, do you,
00:24:22do you know how much the house is worth, because it's way more than ours, you know,
00:24:25this isn't right, could you please put the spoon down, or at least stop stress baking,
00:24:38so listen to me, honey, if it is about the money,
00:24:46I got us, my business doing great, we have plenty of money,
00:24:51you really don't have a clue, Daniel, do you, it's not all about the money,
00:25:08hmm, hi, wasabi, ah, I think she's happy to see you, I'm happy to see her, are you moving in,
00:25:25I don't know yet, but I'm staying here while I decide,
00:25:30I heard what happened, mom's been talking about it all day,
00:25:33hmm, I'm sure she has, um, want to help me unpack, okay,
00:25:40pretty messy in here from mom's renovation, uh-huh, come on, wasabi,
00:25:55hmm, you know, me, your mom and Tia Faith used to have slumber parties in Abuela Nina's room,
00:26:10can we have a slumber party? Sure, if I decide to stay,
00:26:14okay, look at this, oh my god, is that mommy's batacuana, let me take it, oh my god,
00:26:29it's so beautiful,
00:26:38wow, it's so pretty,
00:26:40it is a traditional dress from Cuba, where Abuela's family comes from, looks pretty old,
00:26:49you want it, really, I'm sure Abuela Nina will be okay with it,
00:26:55and you will look so pretty in it when you are a little older, thanks Tia, thanks Abuela,
00:27:02huh, Mario, we're up in mom's room,
00:27:22so you moved in already, how did you know I was here? Cati told me, I haven't made up my mind,
00:27:27huh, that's mommy's batacuana, yes, that was your Abuela's favorite dress to go dancing,
00:27:37and she always looks so beautiful, there was another one that I loved seeing her in,
00:27:42really, which one? Ana, hey darling, what's going on here? Is that a desert, it's just cake,
00:27:51mm-hmm, well, we are going through mom's closet, just like old times, want to join us? Okay,
00:28:21so what do you mean you're gonna stay for a while? I have to, it's my mom last wish,
00:28:32I need to stay in sisters for at least a year, you know I can work from here, if you're going
00:28:37to become a full partner, dialing in from sisters is not, I can fly out there whenever you need me,
00:28:43I know the world is changing, Espy, but this change might be too big, it's one year, not forever,
00:28:48fine, we'll try it, but only because it's you, I'm sorry about your mother, thanks, talk to you soon,
00:29:07I can't believe Bruno Bianco is my mom's constructor,
00:29:11I thought you would be a professional soccer player,
00:29:14no, they pay too much, sometimes it's always better at woodshop,
00:29:19your mom actually started on some renovations, you know, but bless her heart,
00:29:27replace the compressor in the AC, knock out a few walls, replace some electrical sockets,
00:29:33electrical outlets, and we paid mostly downstairs, I want to finish whatever she started,
00:29:40okay, I'll get on it, and what's your ETA for an old friend, an old friend who lets you copy
00:29:48her math homework, I'll get started tomorrow, really, that's amazing Bruno,
00:29:56hot tip for an old friend, you might save some money painting yourself,
00:30:01oh, I am known as the Van Gogh of sisters, well, I am the Van Gogh of Seattle,
00:30:10and I'm pretty sure I can handle it with a helper or two, fair, okay,
00:30:19okay, see you tomorrow,
00:30:41am I really getting paid for this, you are a lot cheaper than Bruno, what about Louis,
00:30:48I work for pizza, this is so cool, I'm gonna buy a new outfit for my friend's party,
00:30:56I'll even take you shopping, it's gonna be great having you next door,
00:31:01I'm going to like that too,
00:31:06I guess the paint goes on the house, got it,
00:31:11is Mario here, he didn't come home last night, oh my gosh, no, obviously, we'll help you look for
00:31:16him, where do you think he can be, if I knew I would have found him already, he doesn't talk to
00:31:20me, what about Three Creek campsite, kids used to go up there party when we were in high school,
00:31:27the big kids still go there, is Mario into party, I don't know, maybe, I can drive us up there,
00:31:34all right, and Daniel and I can check downtown, I'll call dad too, what about me,
00:31:39maybe you should stay home in case he comes back, hey dad,
00:31:43anything, no, did you get in touch with the SBA or anybody else, no, I haven't heard anything,
00:31:51um, we're going now, we're circling downtown, maybe you could check the high school,
00:31:57okay, I'm on it, okay, thanks dad,
00:32:08what's up, you see something, no,
00:32:13no, no, nothing,
00:32:42thanks for coming with me, your family's going through a lot right now without a missing Mario,
00:32:47happy to help, here we go,
00:32:55look, where do you see Mario, yes, there he is, there he is,
00:33:03not bad for a newbie, you just need to learn a few more chords, all right, show me what you got
00:33:08then, be cool, otherwise he will be embarrassed and he won't come back with us, be cool,
00:33:16right, right, you remember we're on the debate team, some of us have matured since then,
00:33:38we are just looking for our friend Mario, have you seen him, yo, Mario, you know these clowns,
00:33:46uh, yeah, yeah, Mario, you need to get home, um, your mom is freaking out, she's always freaking
00:33:58out, dragging me down here, being so overprotective, nagging me all the time, that's why I left,
00:34:06it is a hard time for everybody right now, Mario, I can understand a little for what you are going
00:34:12through, I can get it, but staying up, partying forever, come on, Mario, I can't stay with her,
00:34:23maybe I can talk to her, I'll just take her side, I'm not on anyone's side, I just want to help,
00:34:31look, I'm staying at Abuela's house, um, maybe if your mom is okay, you can stay with me a while,
00:34:43and that gives you some space,
00:34:51really, do we have a deal?
00:34:54do we have a deal?
00:34:58okay, deal, okay, yo, we're out, later, peace out, homies,
00:35:10keep walking, homie, what, that was cool, no, I thought that was cool,
00:35:24so, did you find him? yes, he's okay, thank God, where are you? um, we are at Three Creek Campsite,
00:35:38okay, I'll be right there to get him, about that, um, in order to get him to come back,
00:35:45we made a little deal, uh, please don't be mad, what, what deal? Mario needs some space,
00:35:50and I told him that he's welcome to stay with me, if it is okay with you, he's my son, Espe, I know,
00:35:56I know, the divorce has clearly been hard on, on you guys, and I'm not trying to interfere
00:36:02with your parenting, but it could be good for both of you, okay, okay, I guess it's not completely
00:36:10illogical, we'll keep an eye on him, fine, he can stay, but tell him I'm calling him tomorrow,
00:36:15I'm not happy about his little escape act, will do,
00:36:31oh my God, what is this?
00:36:32oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh my God, no,
00:36:48yep, it looks like you inherited a leeching pipe, why do I need to do to fix it?
00:36:55aren't you glad you got a plumber in the family, take advantage, though now and then,
00:37:02I might ask for something in return, name it, do you know what's eating Carrie lately?
00:37:11the losing mom has been hard on all of us, the will, well, yeah, but, but even before that,
00:37:19I don't know, she just, she just doesn't seem as happy as anymore,
00:37:24I do my best to give her everything she could ever want, but it doesn't seem enough for her,
00:37:30I know our marriage, the way we got together, anyway, it wasn't exactly a fairytale, but,
00:37:36what do you mean? I mean, you were high school sweethearts, the head cheerleader,
00:37:41star quarterback, it was a shotgun wedding, Espy, she was already two months along when we got married,
00:37:49didn't you know? listen, we don't have to talk about this stuff, I just figured, you know,
00:37:55sisters share everything, and maybe you could help me out, sorry,
00:38:00but I guess, I don't know my little sister as well as I thought, that makes two of us,
00:38:06I'll get to it right away, you are the best, at least someone thinks so,
00:38:17whoa, sick, I'm going to assume that means something good, I'm not your Tia Cari,
00:38:27but I'm doing my best, coffee? oh, with lots of milk and sugar? I knew you weren't so tough,
00:38:35thanks Tia Espy, for the food, for everything, I'll be the perfect guest,
00:38:40I promise, you won't even know I'm here, Mario, I want you here, as long as you don't disappear
00:38:46on me, three creek campsite is off limits, got it? got it, and you know, there is time for a party
00:38:56in high school, isn't it? believe me, I don't like partying anyway, just didn't know where else to go,
00:39:03are things really that bad? dad got the house and mom got me, that was their agreement,
00:39:10the thing is, I like it here in sisters and I already have a few friends, friends who don't party
00:39:17and sisters high has this cool music program and I want to learn guitar, wow, that's amazing Mario,
00:39:25but I can't stay here with mom nagging on me 24-7, what can I do to help?
00:39:33I thought you and Tia Cari were close with her, but I tried talking to her, but
00:39:38she doesn't seem like she wants to share anything with me, you know, maybe you could keep trying,
00:39:45I don't think she can deal with all this alone, you are a smart kid Mario, I know,
00:40:07I thought Mario would be with you, he's not ready yet, I should have gotten my hopes up,
00:40:16he barely spoke to me on the phone, he will come around Faith, can I come in?
00:40:27so here's some clothes for him, can I see it?
00:40:47how is it going though? yesterday was pretty intense, having to tell Ted that Mario ran away
00:40:54would have been a complete disaster, I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time Faith,
00:41:01on top of mom and everything, Mario is not making it easier, that boy's gonna give me a heart attack,
00:41:09why don't you try taking advantage of your free time now? Espe, I have to get a job,
00:41:15get out of this rental, find something permanent, I have to deal with Ted, the lawyers, of course,
00:41:22but getting some fresh air might be nice too, he'll take your mind off things,
00:41:27I don't think I have time for that right now, I'm just saying,
00:41:35just take a little time for yourself, take a breath, I think you will feel better,
00:41:44honestly the thought of having to do something for myself hasn't occurred to me,
00:41:49it's been so long since I've been on my own, I don't know what to do,
00:41:56Faith, it is okay if you don't have all the answers, I can't imagine what it's like to be
00:42:02in your shoes, but I know you're strong and you will get through this, okay?
00:42:09Do you remember how devastated we were when NSYNC broke up?
00:42:19And here we are, 20 years later, still in one piece, Faith, barely, but hey,
00:42:29I am here for you if you need anything or you need to talk, okay? A hug maybe?
00:42:36A hug maybe?
00:42:55How's it coming?
00:42:58Having the time of our lives.
00:43:01Looks like it.
00:43:03Yeah, right, I bought some Cuban sandwiches.
00:43:11You left your office just to bring us sandwiches?
00:43:15Oh, and I thought you might need some help.
00:43:20Okay, so let's get you to work, there's a brush over there.
00:43:32Are we really going to be doing this all day?
00:43:34Why not? We're getting paid.
00:43:37You're getting paid?
00:43:38And you are getting free room and bored, it's not that bad, come on,
00:43:44and you are into creative things, think of it like an art project.
00:43:51Yeah, a boring art project.
00:43:53Maybe if I put some music, it will be more fun, don't you think?
00:44:33I don't know.
00:44:55Not bad.
00:44:57Hey, some of the old gang was meeting at Sister Sister later, it's a salsa night, you in?
00:45:05We have two bars now.
00:45:08So call me in.
00:45:09Good, see you then.
00:45:11See you.
00:45:23Hello, Faith?
00:45:26Let's go shopping.
00:45:33This one.
00:45:35I don't think so.
00:45:36Oh, why not?
00:45:37It's too short.
00:45:38It's not short, I mean, look, it's not short.
00:45:40It's like a piñata.
00:45:41It's not a piñata, look.
00:45:45Okay, you want shiny? This one.
00:45:47Oh, no, no, no, no, I like it.
00:45:49No, I don't.
00:46:17Faith, come out, I want to see you.
00:46:19I can't believe I let you drag me here.
00:46:21I can't go out like this.
00:46:23This is not appropriate attire for the mother of a teenage boy.
00:46:25Faith, you are not a mother tonight, you're a woman, a single woman.
00:46:31Not helping.
00:46:37Faith, you look beautiful.
00:46:41I do not.
00:46:43Just look at yourself.
00:46:56Come on.
00:47:09Cut me.
00:47:11Oh, my God.
00:47:13That bad, huh?
00:47:15Stop it.
00:47:20You look gorgeous.
00:47:21Oh, Bruno said it's salsa night at Sister's Sister.
00:47:25You should come with us.
00:47:27I could use all the moral support I can get.
00:47:30Okay, I'll go, Daniel.
00:47:39Faith, you're getting hot.
00:47:53You guys are going to be lining up to dance salsa with you tonight.
00:47:56I am not ready for that yet.
00:47:58Oh, thanks.
00:48:00Oh, there's Bruno.
00:48:09There they are, the three beautiful sisters.
00:48:12My beautiful thing.
00:48:19You look amazing.
00:48:26Room for one more?
00:48:34This, this is Sister's most eligible bachelor.
00:48:39Oh, the first round was on them, but it was on Sister.
00:48:43Go, let's go.
00:48:47Sister's most eligible bachelor.
00:48:50Yeah, he's, uh, he's just messing around.
00:48:55You, you clean up for all.
00:48:59You're not to wet yourself.
00:49:03That's my job.
00:49:06Faith, would you like to dance?
00:51:33I read the transcript and I found some...
00:51:35What's going on there?
00:51:37World War III?
00:51:39I'm sorry, I'm having some work done at the house and I didn't think it would be so loud.
00:51:45Well, it's nice and quiet here at the office where you could be.
00:51:47I'll mute myself.
00:51:49No, forget it.
00:51:52Just email me your observations.
00:51:54We can talk tomorrow.
00:51:55Oh, my...
00:52:07What's going on in here?
00:52:13What's up?
00:52:15It's pretty loud.
00:52:16I was on a call.
00:52:17Oh, yeah, I wish I could swing this thing a little quieter,
00:52:21but it is the only way to open up this wall.
00:52:25I'm sorry, it's my own fault.
00:52:28Still learning to juggle Seattle with sisters.
00:52:32Yeah, not to mention Louis.
00:52:35What about Louis?
00:52:37Come on, we all saw you together last night.
00:52:40I mean, Faith, what's going on?
00:52:43Nothing, nothing.
00:52:44We were just friends.
00:52:46Friends, yeah.
00:52:47Friends don't salsa like that, all right?
00:52:49Admit it, you're crushing on them.
00:52:50It's fine.
00:52:51I'm a 31-year-old woman and I'm not crushing on anyone, okay?
00:52:56Okay, just keep telling yourself that.
00:52:58That's fine.
00:53:02Mom is driving me crazy!
00:53:04Dad called and she's all mad and telling me I have to come home.
00:53:09Look, you know what I do when I get upset, Mario?
00:53:14I use this.
00:53:16And, I mean, if it's okay with your tia here,
00:53:20maybe you can give it a try.
00:53:25Tia Espe?
00:53:28It's okay with me, as long as it's safe, okay?
00:53:33That's honor.
00:53:39Safety first.
00:53:41You two have fun.
00:53:42I'm getting far away from here.
00:53:49All right.
00:53:51Hold on tight.
00:53:53Hold on tight.
00:53:54It's heavy.
00:53:58You look ready.
00:54:11So, this is for the past two days, plus a little bonus.
00:54:18Thank you, Tia Espe.
00:54:21Are you sure you don't want me to help you?
00:54:23Nope, I know exactly what I'm getting.
00:54:25Ah, okay.
00:54:48Thank you.
00:54:57Thank you.
00:55:17Louis, are you following me?
00:55:23No, this is one of my clients.
00:55:26Oh, got it.
00:55:29Hey, Anna.
00:55:31Hey, Louis.
00:55:36Did you find what you were looking for?
00:55:38Yes, exactly.
00:55:40Oh, that's beautiful.
00:55:46Can I come over and cook you dinner one night?
00:55:49And paint, of course.
00:55:51Can you cook?
00:55:52I thought you were all about free pizza.
00:55:55Oh, I can make a pizza.
00:55:57Ah, that's very impressive, Louis.
00:56:01So, uh, it's a date?
00:56:06It is.
00:56:07All right, then.
00:56:10I mean, that's good.
00:56:11Are you guys going to be boyfriend and girlfriend?
00:56:13No, no, no.
00:56:14No, no, no.
00:56:16Yeah, yeah.
00:56:17Anyway, I better, uh...
00:56:18Oh, yes.
00:56:19Oh, my God.
00:56:20Me, too.
00:56:21I have to...
00:56:22All right.
00:56:24Okay, then.
00:56:25You should be his girlfriend.
00:56:27Aren't you too young to be thinking about that stuff?
00:56:30I'm almost 12, T.I.S.P.
00:56:32Oh, my God.
00:56:34Use your kid notes.
00:56:46Hey, Mom.
00:56:47Honey, how was shopping?
00:56:49What's going on?
00:56:51Well, Mrs. Garcia asked me to make some pastries
00:56:55for the church social hour.
00:56:57It's my first paid gig,
00:56:59so I really want to impress everyone.
00:57:02What's a gig?
00:57:03It just means I'm getting paid.
00:57:05Getting paid for what?
00:57:07What's all this?
00:57:08Mrs. Garcia said she's going to make some pastries
00:57:11for the church social hour.
00:57:13What's all this?
00:57:14Mrs. Garcia paid Mom to make pastries for the church.
00:57:18It's this.
00:57:20It's okay, Daniel.
00:57:21It's okay.
00:57:22I really wanted to.
00:57:23But why do you think we need extra money all of a sudden?
00:57:25Oh, no.
00:57:26Los pastelitos.
00:57:28I forgot to change the temperature for the last pizza.
00:57:31Oh, my gosh.
00:57:33Watch out.
00:57:34Watch out.
00:57:35Just because I took a job
00:57:36doesn't mean I'm threatening your macho manhood.
00:57:39Hey, what's up with you lately?
00:57:40Why won't you just talk to me?
00:57:42Can we talk when I'm not in the middle of baking?
00:57:44When are you not in the middle of baking?
00:57:47Daniel, leave me alone right now, please.
00:57:58Ana, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:57:59Come here.
00:58:00Come here, honey.
00:58:02I'm sorry, okay?
00:58:03I'm sorry that you keep seeing us argue.
00:58:06We're just going through a tough time.
00:58:08It's okay.
00:58:10It's not okay.
00:58:12Do you want to show me what you got?
00:58:14I'd love to see it.
00:58:26I am not moving back in with you.
00:58:28And I'm never going to
00:58:29if you keep trying to force me.
00:58:31You're a child.
00:58:32You belong with me.
00:58:33I am not a child.
00:58:34Mom, if you can't chill out,
00:58:36then I'm going to move back in with Dad.
00:58:38You really think he wants you to move in
00:58:40full-time with his girlfriend?
00:58:41I don't care.
00:58:42At least he treats me like an adult.
00:58:44Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:58:45Let's calm down, okay?
00:58:46Espe, butt out.
00:58:47You're the reason Mario's acting like such a brat.
00:58:50He's been here for hardly a week
00:58:51and you've already pushed him against me.
00:58:53I knew this was a mistake.
00:58:54Tia, Espe hasn't done anything
00:58:56except for listen to me,
00:58:57which is what you should be doing, Mom.
00:58:59We're leaving, now.
00:59:01What is the meaning of this?
00:59:04She told me she knew what she wanted.
00:59:06I thought it was okay.
00:59:07My 11-year-old cannot go parading around in this.
00:59:10It's completely inappropriate
00:59:11and it's up to an adult to know that.
00:59:13You don't know the first thing about kids, Espe.
00:59:15You know what?
00:59:16I don't think they should be spending so much time here.
00:59:18It was an honest mistake.
00:59:20It won't happen again.
00:59:21Tia, I know it won't happen again
00:59:22because Ana isn't allowed here anymore.
00:59:25Mario isn't either.
00:59:27You can't be serious.
00:59:28Face it, Espe.
00:59:29You shouldn't even be here.
00:59:31You think you can fix this with some silly night out?
00:59:33You stole our inheritance.
00:59:34I didn't take anything from you.
00:59:37I just did what Mom wanted.
00:59:39Everything would go to our charity
00:59:40if I didn't take this place.
00:59:41You could have contested the will.
00:59:43You already have a house.
00:59:44A whole life.
00:59:45I've lost everything.
00:59:47Why are you acting like this?
00:59:49I have been nothing but nice to you
00:59:51since I got here.
00:59:52Both of you.
00:59:53You're completely ignoring us.
00:59:54Our whole adult lives.
00:59:56It's been two years since you've been home, Espe.
00:59:58Two years.
01:00:00It's too little, too late.
01:00:01Face it.
01:00:02You do not belong here
01:00:03and you haven't for a very long time.
01:00:05Pack your things, Mario.
01:00:07But, Mom!
01:00:08I'll wait in the car.
01:00:29The wasabi.
01:00:41Hey, Curtis.
01:00:42What's up?
01:00:43Well, I'm just checking in.
01:00:45I haven't heard from you in quite a while.
01:00:48I wanted to make sure everything was okay
01:00:50and see when you're coming back.
01:00:53I'm sorry.
01:00:55Things are crazy here.
01:00:57It's kind of a long story.
01:01:02I'm sorry.
01:01:03I'm sorry.
01:01:04I'm sorry.
01:01:05I'm sorry.
01:01:07Okay, so what does that mean?
01:01:09I mean, how much longer do you think?
01:01:11I'm not sure.
01:01:14Seattle's not the same without...
01:01:17without you.
01:01:20I miss you, Espe.
01:01:23It won't be much longer.
01:01:25I'll let you know.
01:01:29Okay, well, I'll talk to you later.
01:01:38Wasabi, come on.
01:01:50I've made a big mistake.
01:01:53I shouldn't have taken the house.
01:01:57I told you how Mom and I helped your sisters, you know?
01:02:00I know.
01:02:01And what you said, it was logical.
01:02:04But logic doesn't mean much when it comes to family.
01:02:10Karen and Faith are so upset with me about the will,
01:02:14about a lot of things.
01:02:18They will be better without me around.
01:02:20Why can't you girls get along?
01:02:22You know, we used to have so much fun when you were little.
01:02:26¿Qué pasó, mija?
01:02:28¿Qué pasó, mija?
01:02:33Life just took us in different directions.
01:02:38It's never going to be the same.
01:02:40Especially with Mom gone.
01:02:45All of us back together was a nice dream.
01:02:49It's just...
01:02:51not meant to be.
01:02:55Is there something I can do to help?
01:02:57It's okay, Dad.
01:02:58You don't want to get in the middle of this. I get it.
01:03:02Te voy a extrañar, mi vida.
01:03:04And you are welcome in Seattle anytime, Dad.
01:03:27I love you.
01:03:57Ah, Miss Barbosa.
01:03:59Mr. Jones is on a call right now, but I can let him know that you're here.
01:04:02It's okay. Could you just give him this?
01:04:06Are you sure? I think he'll just be a few minutes.
01:04:08Don't trouble him.
01:04:10It's better this way.
01:04:12Thank you.
01:04:26Did someone come in? I thought I heard a voice.
01:04:28Yes, Espe Barbosa. She left you this.
01:04:47Dear Luis,
01:04:49You have been the best part of my visit home to sisters.
01:04:54But after giving it some serious thought,
01:04:56I have realized that's all it is.
01:04:59A visit.
01:05:01I'm flying back to Seattle tonight
01:05:03and giving up the house and all of Mom's stuff.
01:05:06Except sweet wasabi.
01:05:09Everything's in your hands.
01:05:11I'm going to miss you.
01:05:13Sweet wasabi.
01:05:15Everything's in your hands now.
01:05:18I wish we could have our date,
01:05:21but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
01:05:24Thanks for everything,
01:05:26your friend,
01:05:43Oh, sure.
01:05:44Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:05:46Dogs are allowed in the dining room.
01:05:49Are you okay for leaving the car?
01:05:50Of course not.
01:05:51She's in a new city.
01:05:52She should be with me.
01:05:54Fair enough.
01:05:55Not to mention she might destroy my posture.
01:05:57It's okay.
01:05:59Do you have any outdoor seating?
01:06:15Merci beaucoup.
01:06:23It's very...
01:06:27I know, right?
01:06:28It's just delicious.
01:06:29You know, I was actually a little worried there
01:06:32when you extended your stay.
01:06:35What happened exactly?
01:06:37It's complicated.
01:06:39I'd say...
01:06:42it's over and done with.
01:06:48Did you have any time to think about us?
01:06:50A little.
01:06:54I just think we make sense together, Espe.
01:06:58I mean, we've been on and off again for so long.
01:07:02I'm ready to stop playing games
01:07:04and make this real.
01:07:07I'm not ready yet.
01:07:12I like our relationship,
01:07:18is a big deal.
01:07:23Take all the time you need.
01:07:31How's that steak, Wasabi?
01:07:36It's so good.
01:07:48Okay, so you're gonna pick me up around noon tomorrow, right?
01:07:52Okay, uh, cool.
01:07:55Can't wait to see what Fran makes for my welcome home dinner.
01:07:59I didn't even know she could cook.
01:08:03See you tomorrow, Dad.
01:08:17Can I come in?
01:08:19I guess.
01:08:26You speak to your dad?
01:08:29He's coming tomorrow?
01:08:33You sure this is what you want?
01:08:36This is what I want.
01:08:38I like sisters.
01:08:40You're the problem.
01:08:43I know the divorce has been hard on you,
01:08:45but it's been hard on me, too.
01:08:48And this extra stress you're putting on me,
01:08:51it's making it worse for both of us.
01:08:53Who else can I turn to?
01:08:56You're the only family I have.
01:08:59What about Tia Espe?
01:09:01Tia Kadi?
01:09:03You know how I feel about Tia Espe.
01:09:05And Tia Kadi has problems of her own.
01:09:07They love you, Mom.
01:09:10And they want help.
01:09:13Our family is always there for us.
01:09:16That's what I learned from Tia Espe.
01:09:20And Abuela, too.
01:09:22Have I really been that bad?
01:09:25You're a good mom.
01:09:28You just need some help sometimes.
01:09:31We all do, right?
01:09:34That's what you always told me.
01:09:37It's okay to ask for help.
01:09:42Maybe I should treat you more like a grown-up.
01:09:44More often.
01:09:47You're smarter than you look, kid.
01:09:49Gee, thanks.
01:09:51I love you.
01:10:01Carol, we need to talk.
01:10:14Something's up between us.
01:10:17What am I doing wrong?
01:10:18I'm not upset with you.
01:10:20I'm upset with myself.
01:10:23For not following my dreams.
01:10:26I'm trying to give you the best life I can.
01:10:29I know. I know.
01:10:31And I appreciate everything you do for our family.
01:10:35But there are some things I want that you cannot give me.
01:10:41Like what?
01:10:42Mom dying so young made me realize.
01:10:46Just how short life really is.
01:10:51I got married and had a baby straight out of high school.
01:10:55And I never got to live on my own.
01:11:00I never got to live in a big city like Espe.
01:11:03Or got to be independent.
01:11:05I just...
01:11:07I don't want to be just a housewife anymore.
01:11:11So you're saying you don't want to be just a housewife?
01:11:15And what I think you're saying.
01:11:19The D word.
01:11:21A divorce?
01:11:23No, no, no, no, no.
01:11:25No, of course not. No.
01:11:27So what then?
01:11:29What do you want, Carrie?
01:11:32I want to open a bakery.
01:11:37A bakery? That's it?
01:11:40Yes, yes. That's it. That's it.
01:11:45Okay then.
01:11:46How can I help?
01:11:48You mean it?
01:11:50Of course, baby. Of course.
01:11:52Everyone knows you're the best baker in the whole town.
01:11:57It's just that you do so much.
01:11:59And I didn't want to ask for something else.
01:12:03We're partners.
01:12:05Let's do this.
01:12:06Let's do it together.
01:12:13I love you. I love you.
01:12:16Thank you.
01:12:21And your hair looks really nice today.
01:12:31There's someone at Abuela's house!
01:12:38There's someone at Abuela's house!
01:12:41What do you think it is?
01:12:43I'll go check it out.
01:12:44Wait. I'm coming with you.
01:12:47Daniel. We're partners.
01:13:00Stay a little back, babe. Please. Stay.
01:13:03Stay back.
01:13:11Open up!
01:13:16What's with the wrench?
01:13:18Dad, what are you doing here? You scared us half to death.
01:13:22Hey, guys.
01:13:24What's going on here?
01:13:25I wanted to help your sister.
01:13:27And since she wasn't able to finish when she left,
01:13:29I called Louis for the keys.
01:13:31And guess what?
01:13:32He volunteered to help.
01:13:34I just want to get it ready for the Nature Conservancy.
01:13:38Ah, okay.
01:13:41Ah, okay.
01:13:44Well, tomorrow's Saturday.
01:13:46Maybe Daniel and I can pitch in?
01:13:48Yeah, sure.
01:13:50Sure. Yeah, of course.
01:13:51And I get coffee, too.
01:13:53Of course.
01:13:54The more, the merrier.
01:14:59Good work today, kid.
01:15:01Nice to have you back in the office.
01:15:03Nice for me, anyway.
01:15:05What's that mean?
01:15:09I was impressed with the way you picked up and moved to Sisters.
01:15:13I thought you'd left the city behind for good.
01:15:17Yeah. Well, it didn't work out.
01:15:21Espy, we've known each other since your intern days.
01:15:24I watched you become a great lawyer, on track to becoming a full partner.
01:15:30But I have to admit, you've never seemed truly happy in Seattle.
01:15:35Life's tough in a big city.
01:15:38True. Very true.
01:15:42You know, I grew up in a small town, too.
01:15:44Tooele, Washington, out on the Idaho border.
01:15:48Loved it there. Just mountains and fresh air.
01:15:53But when I was just starting out,
01:15:55it wasn't an option to practice corporate law anywhere but the city, so I stayed.
01:16:00And I made a good life for myself.
01:16:03But if I was a young lawyer in today's world, well,
01:16:07I might not have made the same decisions.
01:16:13Not if my town didn't feel like home.
01:16:20Well, got dinner plans with the wife.
01:16:26Try not to burn the midnight oil, if you can help it.
01:16:29Thanks, Hov, for everything.
01:17:00Do you want to go to that new exhibit next week at the Henry?
01:17:03My brother's got extra tickets. It's this German artist post-post-modernism.
01:17:09Curtis, you are a great guy.
01:17:16You should be with someone who likes fancy restaurants, art galleries.
01:17:24Not a small-town girl like me.
01:17:29Well, I can't say I didn't see this coming. I just thought after all...
01:17:33I thought that, too, for a while.
01:17:37I hope we can still be friends.
01:17:42Of course.
01:17:48So, does this mean what I think it means?
01:17:50You're gonna give your sisters another go?
01:17:53I told Hov I'm going to finish my work from sisters.
01:17:59Oh, yeah.
01:18:02Well, I wish you all the best, sisters.
01:18:06You're in this hobby.
01:18:08Thank you, Curtis.
01:18:22Take care.
01:18:23You, too.
01:18:38Say goodbye to Seattle, Wasabi.
01:18:44We are here.
01:18:47It will open.
01:18:52Ah, finally here!
01:18:58Thank you.
01:19:20Thank you.
01:19:28Oh, my God.
01:19:31Who did all this?
01:19:41It's gorgeous.
01:19:54What is this?
01:19:58Oh, my God.
01:20:15You're back! Oh, my God!
01:20:22What happened here?
01:20:24You put in fridge doors.
01:20:26You like it?
01:20:27What is this?
01:20:31Oh, my God.
01:20:35Who did all this?
01:20:37We did.
01:20:38Well, you just made the snacks.
01:20:41I did some decorating, too.
01:20:43Come on, check it out.
01:20:45Yes, take a look.
01:20:46Okay, let's see.
01:20:58Carrie, it is amazing.
01:21:03And it's a good thing, too,
01:21:04because we're just setting up another kitchen.
01:21:08What do you mean?
01:21:09Mom's opening up a bakery.
01:21:11Well, nothing's decided yet,
01:21:13but we're looking to rent a place downtown,
01:21:15the old Sister's Deli.
01:21:17It's incredible! Congratulations, guys!
01:21:20Thank you.
01:21:23Is this real?
01:21:25Oh, my God.
01:21:27Oh, my God.
01:21:28My favorite baby.
01:21:30We were looking at a house down the street,
01:21:32and we saw Wasabi running in around the yard.
01:21:34A house?
01:21:35Well, our lease is almost up,
01:21:37and Mido's decided to stay in Sister's,
01:21:39at least during the school week.
01:21:41The rooms are really far apart,
01:21:43so I could see it working out.
01:21:46What are you doing back there, Esme?
01:21:48Well, I also decided to stay.
01:21:55Excellent choice.
01:21:58I can't apologize enough
01:22:00for all those nasty things I said.
01:22:02You really didn't deserve it.
01:22:04I'm sorry, too, Esme.
01:22:06And I'm so glad you're staying.
01:22:08Maybe we can start over.
01:22:11Can sisters start over?
01:22:13I think so.
01:22:15I'm willing to try if you are.
01:22:17Yes, yes.
01:22:18Oh, my God.
01:22:19I love you, girl.
01:22:20I love you, Mido.
01:22:21I love you so much.
01:22:25I love you, too.
01:22:31You know what?
01:22:33Your mother left me something, too.
01:22:36You three girls.
01:22:39You're my precious one,
01:22:41and I'm going to do better at showing it.
01:22:52Come on, everyone.
01:22:54We need some space.
01:22:55Come on.
01:23:02I didn't know if I should come see you.
01:23:05Esme, you don't owe me an explanation.
01:23:07You did what was best for you.
01:23:09I get it.
01:23:10That's just it.
01:23:11I didn't do what was best for me.
01:23:15I just got scared,
01:23:17confused a little.
01:23:20But now I know what is best for me,
01:23:23and I'm so sorry.
01:23:26I promise.
01:23:28I'm not going anywhere.
01:23:35No pizza.
01:23:36You don't do well with pizza.
01:23:39No pizza.
01:23:40No pizza.
01:23:43I really missed you.
01:23:48I don't want to miss you ever again.
01:23:53I love you.
01:24:17You really did good, dear.
01:24:23I love you.
01:24:54But first, for the record,
01:24:57I let you pick me.
01:25:00What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
01:25:08This was worth it.
01:25:23I love you.
01:25:24I love you.
01:25:25I love you.
01:25:26I love you.
01:25:27I love you.
01:25:28I love you.
01:25:29I love you.
01:25:30I love you.
01:25:31I love you.
01:25:32I love you.
01:25:33I love you.
01:25:34I love you.
01:25:35I love you.
01:25:36I love you.
01:25:37I love you.
01:25:38I love you.
01:25:39I love you.
01:25:40I love you.
01:25:41I love you.
01:25:42I love you.
01:25:43I love you.
01:25:44I love you.
01:25:45I love you.
01:25:46I love you.
01:25:47I love you.
01:25:48I love you.
01:25:49I love you.
01:25:50I love you.
01:25:51I love you.
01:25:52I love you.
01:25:53I love you.
01:25:54I love you.
01:25:55I love you.
01:25:56I love you.
01:25:57I love you.
01:25:58I love you.
01:25:59I love you.
01:26:00I love you.
01:26:01I love you.
01:26:02I love you.
01:26:03I love you.
01:26:04I love you.
01:26:05I love you.
01:26:06I love you.
01:26:07I love you.
01:26:08I love you.
01:26:09I love you.
01:26:10I love you.
01:26:11I love you.
01:26:12I love you.
01:26:13I love you.
01:26:14I love you.
01:26:15I love you.
01:26:16I love you.
01:26:17I love you.
01:26:18I love you.
01:26:19I love you.
01:26:20I love you.
01:26:21I love you.
01:26:22I love you.
01:26:23I love you.
01:26:24I love you.
01:26:25I love you.
01:26:26I love you.
01:26:27I love you.
01:26:28I love you.
01:26:29I love you.
01:26:30I love you.
01:26:31I love you.
01:26:32I love you.
01:26:33I love you.
01:26:34I love you.
01:26:35I love you.
01:26:36I love you.
01:26:37I love you.
01:26:38I love you.
01:26:39I love you.
01:26:40I love you.
01:26:41I love you.
01:26:42I love you.
01:26:43I love you.
01:26:44I love you.
01:26:45I love you.
01:26:46I love you.
01:26:47I love you.
01:26:48I love you.
01:26:49I love you.
01:26:50I love you.
01:26:51I love you.
01:26:52I love you.
01:26:53I love you.
01:26:54I love you.
01:26:55I love you.
01:26:56I love you.
01:26:57I love you.
01:26:58I love you.
01:26:59I love you.
01:27:00I love you.
01:27:01I love you.
01:27:02I love you.
01:27:03I love you.
01:27:04I love you.
01:27:05I love you.
01:27:06I love you.
01:27:07I love you.
01:27:08I love you.
01:27:09I love you.
01:27:10I love you.
01:27:11I love you.
01:27:12I love you.
01:27:13I love you.
01:27:14I love you.
01:27:15I love you.
01:27:16I love you.
01:27:17I love you.
01:27:18I love you.
01:27:19I love you.
01:27:20I love you.
01:27:21I love you.
01:27:22I love you.
01:27:23I love you.
01:27:24I love you.
01:27:25I love you.
01:27:26I love you.
01:27:27I love you.
01:27:28I love you.
01:27:29I love you.
01:27:30I love you.
01:27:31I love you.
01:27:32I love you.
01:27:33I love you.
01:27:34I love you.
01:27:35I love you.
01:27:36I love you.
01:27:37I love you.
01:27:38I love you.
01:27:39I love you.
01:27:40I love you.
01:27:41I love you.
01:27:42I love you.
01:27:43I love you.
01:27:44I love you.
01:27:45I love you.
01:27:46I love you.
01:27:47I love you.