جہاد اکبر ضمیر کی آواز#Allama Jan Ali kazmi

  • 2 months ago
جہاد اکبر ضمیر کی آواز
#allama Jan Ali kazmi
00:00Both have different qualities
00:04Who gets pleasure in Salah?
00:06The soul
00:08And who gets pleasure in listening to songs?
00:11The soul
00:13In watching movies
00:15In committing adultery
00:16In gambling
00:17In drinking
00:18Who gets pleasure?
00:20The soul
00:23But the soul suffers more
00:27Killing is a grave sin
00:30The soul yearns
00:32That you have killed an innocent human being
00:35But if a human being
00:38Does not listen to the voice of the soul
00:41Then slowly the soul weakens
00:44Its voice weakens
00:46Then a stage arises
00:48When the voice of the soul is suppressed
00:50The sin is committed by the human being
00:52But the voice is not heard
00:54From this sin we get pleasure
00:56Like the person
00:58If you read history
01:00The first time someone killed
01:02He said I could not sleep the whole night
01:04That I became a murderer of a human being
01:06I became hell
01:08I killed a human being
01:10I could not sleep the whole night
01:12Some people cannot sleep many nights
01:14But then they killed again
01:16Now the pain is reduced
01:18The third time
01:19Now the voice of decency
01:20The inner voice
01:21The voice of conscience is suppressed
01:22The fourth time they killed
01:23The inner voice is suppressed
01:24The fifth and sixth
01:25Now the professional killers
01:28They say now the voice is suppressed
01:31But we get pleasure
01:33This is against the nature
01:35Allah has given mercy to the human nature
01:38But when a human being commits a sin
01:40Then what happens?
01:41The human nature is suppressed
01:43The voice of decency is suppressed
01:45And the Quran says
01:47When the voice of conscience is suppressed
01:50You get pleasure from the sin
01:52And you do not feel shame
01:54You do not feel pain
01:55If this is your stage
01:57Then the Quran says
01:59Then you are not a human being
02:01But an animal
02:03You have lost your humanity
02:06That in the face of sin
02:08You should feel pain
02:10But instead you get pleasure
02:12You get pleasure
02:13Meaning your voice of decency is suppressed
02:16Your voice of humanity is suppressed
02:18Your soul is dead
02:19Dear viewers
02:20When a thousand times
02:22A hundred times
02:23Two thousand times
02:24When we commit a sin
02:26The result is
02:27The pain that the soul gets because of that sin
02:30It is also suppressed
02:32The voice is also suppressed
02:34Now they dare to commit the sin
02:36They get pleasure
02:37But if a human being is alive
02:39His soul is alive
02:40Then the sin is very severe
02:42The sin is very dangerous
02:44The soul gets a lot of pain from the sin
02:46For example
02:47We are the followers of that innocent Imam
02:50Allah Akbar
02:51I am talking about such an Imam
02:53Who spent fourteen years in prison
02:58But he was such an Imam
02:59That even after being in prison
03:01He was training thousands of people
03:04Now a believer
03:06A believer became an officer in prison
03:10He became a jailer in prison
03:12He saw that the prison of the Imam is very dangerous
03:14Very dangerous
03:15It was such a prison
03:16That the Imam could not even stand
03:18The oppressors had arrows
03:20They had swords
03:21And the Imam could not even lay down with his feet straight
03:24Now imagine
03:25How hard this prison was
03:28The Imam was in a state of soul
03:30He could neither straighten his feet
03:31Nor could he stand
03:32When a believer came to the jailer
03:34He said, I will not tolerate it
03:36Even if the judge kills me
03:38Even if the judge puts me in prison
03:40But how can I see the son of the Prophet
03:42And the son of Zahra in this state
03:44How can I see him?
03:45He brought him from there
03:46Brought him to his bungalow, his house
03:48Gave him a comfortable bed
03:49Gave him a comfortable room
03:51Gave him a servant
03:52Gave him a servant
03:53He said, Maulana, I am helpless
03:54But I cannot see you in this state
03:56The Imam only spent one night
03:58He said, in this house of yours
04:00In your comfortable bed
04:02In your comfortable room
04:04I am not in more pain than being in prison
04:09This believer was astonished
04:11That Maulana, a servant has insulted you
04:13Someone has said something wrong
04:15Someone has insulted you
04:17Maulana, the prison is so dangerous
04:19That you cannot see the sun
04:20And the prison is so dangerous
04:22That you cannot stand
04:23You cannot sleep with your feet straight
04:26Here is a soft bed
04:28Here is all kinds of comfort
04:30There is good food
04:31There you do not even get the right food
04:33The Imam said, yes
04:35Obviously, in that prison
04:37My body was in pain
04:39But this comfort
04:41My soul is in pain in your house
04:44And we can bear the pain of the body
04:47But we cannot bear the pain of the soul
04:51Because the soul is eternal
04:53The body is temporary
04:54The soul is eternal
04:56Our existence is in the soul
04:58He was astonished and said
05:00O my master, O my Imam
05:02What spiritual pain did you have in my house?
05:04He said, your neighbour
05:07Your neighbour
05:09He kept on playing music all night
05:11He kept on listening to music all night
05:13The song is a song
05:15He plays the song
05:16He plays the music
05:17The Imam says
05:19The sound of his music
05:21And the sound of his songs
05:23When I was listening at night
05:25My soul was in more pain than that
05:28When the oppressors used to beat me in the prison
05:31I did not have the same pain
05:33As the pain in your house
05:36Now you have seen
05:39Where we are standing
05:41If we are enjoying the music
05:45Because we have been listening to it since childhood
05:47The feeling is over
05:49That is, the soul has become dead for this sin
