Aero-TV: AERO-REALITIES -- One On One With Jack Pelton

  • 15 years ago
Jack Pelton Has A Fascinating Conversation With Aero-TV Continuing with yesterday's coverage of Jack Pelton's speech to the AEA 2009 Tradeshow and Convention, we're pleased to present a more in-depth, one-on-one interview with Pelton, later that day. Jack talked about everything... the Piston line, SkyCatcher, Columbus, Citation updates and upgrades... but it was his campaign to restore some truth and respect to the perception of the aviation world that really animated the man. The Cessna campaign to fight the anti-aviation hysteria around the nation that has the rest of aviation applauding Pelton. Regardless of how you feel about corporate America right now, in this age of federal (taxpayer-funded) bailouts and billions of dollars allocated for "stimulus" funding...
