Film Indonesia yang dirilis pada tahun 1983 ini menceritakan tentang Seorang pengusaha muda bekerja sama dengan fotografer, berkali-kali menjebak gadis-gadis model, memperkosanya dan mengirimkannya ke luar Jawa. Sebagian gadis yang lolos kemudian membentuk kesatuan bernama Srigala-Srigala Betina, dengan niat membalas dendam. Kegiatan kelompok ini tercium oleh yang berwajib. Maka ketika kelompok betina ini mengobrak-abrik sindikat pengusaha kotor itu, sebagian mereka terpaksa ditangkap. Mengetahui situasi yang semakin tidak aman, pengusaha muda itu memindahkan sementara usahanya ke Palembang. Berkat bantuan dari seorang Tekab, yang kebetulan pacar dari pimpinan kelompok betina itu, sindikat kotor itu berhasil ditumpas.
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Film pendekTranskrip
00:00This is the beginning of a story about the life of a woman who wants to let go of all the mental pressures she's been through and is not satisfied with her life.
01:00Teja! Teja!
02:03Come with me.
02:06Come on.
02:10Come on. I'll take you home.
02:14Don't be afraid.
02:16Come on.
02:18Come on.
02:20What's wrong with you?
02:34Why aren't you happy with them?
02:37I'm not. It's nothing.
02:43What's stopping you?
02:51What's wrong with you?
02:55I remember my past.
03:00I can't forget it.
03:04That's enough, Narti.
03:09Don't cry about your past.
03:15Think about your future.
03:22I don't think I have a future.
03:29I'm just like you.
03:32But I don't choose the path of regret like you.
03:36Look at me now.
03:38Look at them over there. They can be happy.
03:41But that doesn't mean I don't have a bitter past.
03:47I'm sure one day I'll find it.
03:51Because I remember the ring she was wearing.
03:54It was red.
03:57A red ring.
04:04But now you've realized.
04:09Can't you forgive me?
04:13Does this woman mean nothing to you anymore?
04:25What's going on?
04:28What's going on?
04:31Let me go!
04:33Let me go!
04:41Let me go!
05:03Hello, good evening.
05:05Good evening. Hello?