• last year


00:00Hey guys, really quick video for the Odd Stuff in Japan playlist.
00:04So the name of this company is Benny, and Benny means convenient or useful.
00:10So Benny, total convenience service, will always say yes.
00:14And then a whole bunch of Japanglish there.
00:17If you've got some free time today with nothing to do, you might want to read that.
00:22Lots of random Japanglish that absolutely nobody would read or understand for sure.
00:27But more entertaining, I found, was their building.
00:31So they've got all these pictures up here of these clones.
00:34So they must have cloned these tradesmen that will have all different skills.
00:42So or they just have one employee who works very hard and wears a dress shirt and tie
00:50to do gardening and cleaning and everything else that they do.
00:55What he's doing there, I know what he's doing there because I've done that lots of
00:58That's cleaning the air vent above the stove, which is a filthy, oily, disgusting job, which
01:04I've never done in a dress shirt with a tie.
01:08So is that one clone who has massive skills, or is that one guy who works really hard?
01:14Anyway, that was that.
01:17More videos coming soon.