Intriguing Space Facts That Will Warp Your Reality

  • 3 months ago
Dive into intriguing space facts that will completely warp your reality! From astonishing discoveries to mind-bending truths, get ready for a cosmic journey that will leave you amazed and awestruck. Don't miss out!
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00:00:00A sound from space? When up there in space, no one can hear you talk, laugh, or scream.
00:00:07Or at least that's how the saying goes. People can't hear anything in space, due
00:00:12to its condition. Still, if you have the right conditions, like the hot gas that surrounds
00:00:17the black hole located at the center of Perseus, space can be quite noisy.
00:00:24That's the galaxy cluster 250 million light years away from us.
00:00:29Researchers caught an actual sound of space. Waves rippling through the plasma gas in Perseus.
00:00:36They first realized black holes generate acoustic signals in 2003. But this is the first time
00:00:42they brought these signals to the human ear. And wow, this sounds terrifying.
00:00:48Canyons filled with liquid on Titan. Almost a decade ago, NASA spacecraft discovered
00:00:54deep canyons on one of Saturn's moons, Titan. They're about a half mile wide and they
00:01:00kinda look like the Grand Canyon, but they're filled with liquid hydrocarbon. This was the
00:01:05first time we came upon evidence of canyons and channels filled with liquid on Titan.
00:01:12Our solar system is full of small particles and bigger rocks that circle the sun, the
00:01:17same way as planets. Sometimes it happens, some of them change trajectory, which is why
00:01:22falling pieces of debris strike the planets. Most of the meteorites and comets originate
00:01:28in our solar system. Some from the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, while others
00:01:34come from the Kuiper belt that's located beyond the orbit of Neptune.
00:01:39But five years ago, scientists found something unusual. A red, elongated floating space rock
00:01:46called Oumuamua. It could be more than 3,000 feet long, but its size still wasn't the
00:01:52most impressive part. It was the first interstellar object we saw passing through our solar system.
00:01:59It means it formed and came outside of it. It was traveling way faster than asteroids
00:02:06and comets from within our solar system. No one knows where this weird object came from.
00:02:12Many many years ago, when it started its journey and sailed away from its parent planetary
00:02:17system, the stars weren't in the same position as they are today. So it's hard to pinpoint
00:02:22where Oumuamua ran away from. The rock could have been on its journey for billions of years.
00:02:30Solar Termination Events Our sun is not just a flaming ball of gas
00:02:35we see in the sky. It's actually a pretty complex network of towering plasma fountains,
00:02:41magnetic fields, and blobs of unusual matter 500 times bigger than our own planet. And
00:02:47then, there are solar termination events. When it comes to its activity, our sun goes
00:02:53through a natural cycle of troughs and peaks. Approximately every 11 years comes the time
00:03:00when the sun is more active than in other periods of the process. As the cycle goes
00:03:05to the end, there are fewer emissions and sunspots. That's because magnetic fields
00:03:11are weakened at that point, and they collide along the sun's equator. This results in
00:03:16enormous tsunamis of plasma. They pass across the solar surface for weeks. These are the
00:03:23most powerful storms in our solar system. They twist, snap, and lash out into space
00:03:29and seriously affect our power grid. As they wake, large spots start to form on the sun,
00:03:36close to strong magnetic field lines. Usually, that's when the cycle begins all over again.
00:03:43No one still knows why exactly they form. Also, we're not sure if this only happens
00:03:49at the end of the cycle, and knowing more about this could help us prepare for raging
00:03:54solar storms better.
00:03:57Tsunamis on Mars. It appears the shorelines under the Martian surface formed because of
00:04:03two enormous tsunamis. Mars has something that's probably the longest landslide in
00:04:09our entire solar system. The rocks rolled down the mountain probably billions of years
00:04:14ago. They fell into the water and caused a gigantic wave that rushed across the Martian
00:04:20landscape. As the tsunami was getting bigger, the rocks scraped all along the solid ground
00:04:27beneath them, and these sandy waves left their prints on the shoreline, not so close to Olympus
00:04:33Mons. That means it's possible the waves traveled a couple of hundred miles. This supports
00:04:40the theory that Mars once had an ocean, hidden below its dry desert surface.
00:04:46Sure, Oumuamua was cool because it was the first object we've seen coming from outside
00:04:51of our solar system. It's past us now, so it's not possible to study it anymore. But
00:04:57something else came from outside our solar system after Oumuamua. A comet called Borisov.
00:05:06It came with a tail over a hundred thousand miles long.
00:05:11Teams got the first images of Borisov in 2019. A bright white glow was surrounding
00:05:17it. And that was one of the first signs where scientists realized this comet wasn't from
00:05:22our solar system. They tried to collect as much information as possible because they
00:05:28remembered how quickly Oumuamua got away. Borisov came from a freezing place, as cold
00:05:35as the Kuiper belt. One theory says it may have originated around a red dwarf, which
00:05:41is the most common type of star in our galaxy, the Milky Way. But unfortunately, Borisov
00:05:47was also very fast. So fast that they only managed to see it a couple of weeks before
00:05:53it passed by our planet. By now, it's almost out of our solar system.
00:06:00Finding new planets is always such a thrill. Just like it was in 2017, when a group of
00:06:05researchers discovered Super Earth. It's an exoplanet, which means it orbits a star
00:06:11outside of our solar system. This one has a mass almost three times that of our planet.
00:06:17And it's only 21 light years away. It orbits M dwarf star, and it manages to make a full
00:06:24circle in only two weeks. So that's how long the year is on this planet. It's closer to
00:06:30its star than Mercury is to our sun. But M dwarf stars are cooler than our sun, so it's
00:06:37possible this planet still has water. Super Earth is generally a term for planets
00:06:43that are lighter than ice giants such as Uranus and Neptune, yet more massive than Earth.
00:06:49They can be made of rock, gas, or even a combination of both. The one they discovered in 2017 is
00:06:57especially interesting because this type of planet can also hold some form of life.
00:07:03Leroy Chao is an astronaut who commanded the International Space Station back in 2005.
00:07:10This one time, during his final spacewalk, some pretty unusual lights caught his eye.
00:07:16It looked like five lights flying near him. They were in the shape of a pyramid since
00:07:20one light was a bit further ahead. Chao immediately called one of the crew members
00:07:26who was also out there at the same time, taking a spacewalk. He asked his colleague
00:07:31if he saw the flying objects, but apparently he didn't. Researchers were intrigued by
00:07:36this story, so they examined satellite images to see if that was the thing Chao saw. One
00:07:42of the options was that Chao had seen fishing boats off the coast of South America. With
00:07:47bright lights, they wanted to attract squid. But since it was twilight time, the rotation
00:07:53of our planet may have made them appear to fly by.
00:07:58Neutron stars slamming into each other. After a massive star comes to its end in a strong
00:08:03supernova explosion, its core falls apart. Then it forms the densest form of matter we
00:08:09know about in the whole universe, called a neutron star. In only a couple of the first
00:08:15few seconds after a regular star begins transforming into a neutron star, the energy there is equal
00:08:22to the total amount of light all stars in the universe emit, at least the part we can
00:08:27observe, which is still a lot. It's hard to determine their real size, but picture
00:08:32it this way, the length of Manhattan with 1.5 times the mass of the sun. If a star here
00:08:39were any denser, it would just collapse and form a black hole. Scientists captured two
00:08:45of these stars colliding a couple of years ago, and such impacts are extremely powerful.
00:08:51They create gravitational waves that lead to a ripple in space-time, but they produce
00:08:56heavy elements like platinum and gold.
00:09:00No one will hear your cry in space, or something like that. We've all heard this famous chilling
00:09:05phrase, and it's actually true. Space, for the most part, consists of a giant nothingness.
00:09:11There's a lot of, you know, space in space. But this doesn't mean there are no sounds
00:09:16in space. In fact, there are plenty of them. And some of them can even make you shiver.
00:09:21Let's take a look at the scariest space sounds.
00:09:25First of all, how are cosmic sounds even recorded? Sound is just the vibration of molecules.
00:09:31When you scream, you make the molecules push each other furiously until they reach the
00:09:35ear of the person you're yelling at. Then these vibrations get transmitted to the brain,
00:09:40and we recognize them as something that you might need to apologize for. In other words,
00:09:46to hear something, we need molecules. And that's where things get complicated. There
00:09:51aren't any of them in space. The entire universe almost completely consists of a vacuum. No,
00:09:57not a hoover. Absolute nothingness. However, the wizards from NASA still record space sounds
00:10:03somehow. So how do they do it? The thing is, there are some types of waves that don't care
00:10:08about molecules. We regular folk can't perceive them without some special devices. These waves
00:10:14include, for example, radio waves. We'll need a radio or something like that to recognize
00:10:20them. And that's exactly what NASA's satellites do. They catch random radio waves. Thanks
00:10:25to their heroism, we can find out how different cosmic bodies sound. These satellites record
00:10:31a variety of waves, fluctuations of plasmas, magnetic fields, and other, you know, stuff.
00:10:37And then scientists from NASA transform all this into normal soundtracks. And some of
00:10:43them sound quite frightening, to put it mildly. Let's take our magnetic field, for example.
00:10:49It surrounds our planet like an invisible shield, protecting us from all sorts of nasties,
00:10:54like radiation and solar winds. At the same time, we can neither see it, feel it, nor
00:11:00hear. Oops. Well, the last one is outdated. Scientists from the Technical University of
00:11:05Denmark took magnetic waves recorded by the ESSA swarm satellite, they converted them
00:11:10into an audio track, and got a pretty creepy result. Now, to be honest, it sounds more
00:11:19like an eerie entity stalking you in the middle of the night. And if you remember the maps
00:11:24of Earth's magnetic field, it starts to feel like a spider crawling nearby. Eww.
00:11:30And this isn't the first strange sound that we caught on Earth. Recently, we caught another
00:11:35weird radio emission from space. Scientists found out that the repeating signal came from
00:11:40somewhere very far away, like billions of light-years away from us. Such fast radio
00:11:45bursts usually lasted no longer than a few milliseconds, but this one was unique. It
00:11:50lasted about 3 seconds, basically thousands of times longer than usual. And at the same
00:11:56time, the signal was very precise, so much so that scientists even compared it to a heartbeat.
00:12:04Scientists believe that this signal is caused by pulsars, or neutron stars. One time, Nikola
00:12:09Tesla caught something similar. But unfortunately, at that time, we didn't know about such things
00:12:15as pulsars, so Tesla was sure that he had caught a message from some extraterrestrial
00:12:20light. It's a pity that the truth turned out to be much more boring.
00:12:25But let's move on from the Earth to the Moon. In 1969, the astronauts of the Apollo 10 mission,
00:12:31the spacecraft that made the final test flight to the Moon, flew past its surface. And then
00:12:36they caught some strange signals coming from the dark side of the Moon, the side that we
00:12:41never see because the Moon is tidally locked to us. The sound was so weird that the astronauts
00:12:47weren't even sure whether to report it to NASA. They were afraid they wouldn't be taken
00:12:52seriously, and maybe even not allowed to participate in the next space missions. Here's what it
00:12:57sounded like. But according to NASA, it's not some creepy extraterrestrial music at
00:13:06all. These may just be some radio waves that affected each other because of their proximity.
00:13:12Although the astronauts who heard it for the first time probably felt a little creeped
00:13:16out. Let's move to the other planets. Now, 40 years
00:13:20ago, scientists actively explored the surface of Venus. They sent as many as 10 probes there,
00:13:25which were supposed to capture audio and video shooting from the surface. Now we know what
00:13:30Venus, which could easily destroy us at any attempt to even get close to it, sounds like.
00:13:39Horrifying. And you wouldn't expect anything else from the most dangerous planet in the
00:13:44Solar System. Unfortunately, Venus is even more toxic than the average Twitter user.
00:13:50So, these probes didn't last too long. They heroically arrived on a planet and soon broke
00:13:55down. Next one is Jupiter. This space giant, which is 11 times larger than the Earth,
00:14:02never fails to scare us. One of NASA's probes, Juno, flies around Jupiter every few weeks.
00:14:08The probe is moving at a tremendous speed, 130,000 miles per hour. One day, Juno caught
00:14:15one of the strongest invisible signals it had ever encountered. This was the point at which
00:14:20the mad solar wind came into conflict with the magnetic field of Jupiter. It kinda sounded like
00:14:26a cosmic boom. The original sound lasted 2 hours, but it was compressed to a few seconds. It
00:14:33actually sounds more like a collision of a sea wave and a rock. But here, in terms of horror,
00:14:39Jupiter surprisingly loses to one of its small moons, Ganymede. In 2021, the Galileo space probe
00:14:47flew past Ganymede, and during its flight, it received a rather strange recording.
00:14:57These sounds are satellite radiation, and it's unclear whether it sounds like a cozy,
00:15:02sunny day in the jungle, or like thousands of bats waiting for you in the night.
00:15:08Next one is Saturn. This signal was caught by the Cassini-Huygens Automatic Interplanetary Station,
00:15:14which was launched into space in 1997. When flying past Saturn, Cassini recorded a pretty
00:15:20scary sound. This terrifying cry of thousands of souls is actually just some radio waves. They
00:15:28aren't too different from what the auroras emit on Earth. A little later, Cassini received another
00:15:34recording. The sounds made by lightning and thunderstorms on Saturn. They sound pretty
00:15:39interesting too. More like popping corn or a Geiger counter, right? But that's just because
00:15:47these lightning strikes have a crazy frequency. Moving on from the solar system to outer space.
00:15:53The famous Voyager 1 was launched back in 1977, and continues to send us data even 40 years after
00:16:00its launch. In 2012, it left the solar system and entered interstellar space. And then, while
00:16:08abandoning its home, Voyager 1 detected the sound of plasma waves. The original recording
00:16:13lasted 7 months, but fortunately, scientists felt sorry for us and reduced it to 12 seconds.
00:16:21It isn't really eerie, but it's still kind of unsettling. And although it feels like nothing
00:16:27can beat Saturn's horrors, let's end this tournament with one of the scariest objects
00:16:32in the universe – a black hole. This sound was recorded by the Chandra Space Telescope.
00:16:38While studying a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Perseus, they discovered something
00:16:43strange. Some undulating movements appear from the center of the cluster. They spread out in
00:16:49all directions, like circles on the water. Scientists have suggested that this was caused
00:16:55by a supermassive black hole. The thing is, black holes don't always devour space objects entirely.
00:17:02Sometimes, they kind of spit them out. This causes vibrations of gases, which we can convert
00:17:08into soundtracks. What's interesting is that the oscillation of each such wave actually
00:17:14lasts about 10 million years. You're just listening to a very accelerated recording.
00:17:19Scientists have reduced the delay between oscillations by about 144 quadrillion times.
00:17:26So, let's check it out. This is probably the eeriest sound from the whole list.
00:17:32Nothing too loud or wild, but there's something dark and disturbing about it.
00:17:37Now, those were the scariest space sounds captured by NASA. To be fair, most of them
00:17:42sounded creepy simply because they're radio waves, but it's still fun to get spooked sometimes.
00:17:48When you look at photos taken from spaceships or the International Space Station that show
00:17:53sunlit objects like Earth or the Moon, something seems wrong. Space looks too empty. No magical
00:18:01scenery of a nighttime sky full of stars. It would be incredibly boring to go stargazing in space,
00:18:07since the sky is always dark. During the daytime, the sky on our home planet is blue
00:18:13because of the diffusion of light. It happens when sunlight goes through the atmosphere.
00:18:18But if you were on the Moon or somewhere else in space, there would be no atmosphere to spread
00:18:22this light around. That's why the sky there would always appear black. But it doesn't mean less
00:18:29bright out there. If you were looking out the window of the space station, you'd see just as
00:18:34much direct sunlight as you would gazing out of your apartment window during a cloudless day.
00:18:39Maybe even more. When taking a picture on a sunny day, you'll probably use a short exposure,
00:18:45together with the narrow aperture setting on your camera. This way, just a short burst of
00:18:50light will get in. That's similar to how our pupils contract in sunlight so that they don't
00:18:55have to deal with too much light. And since it's just as bright up there in space, the process is
00:19:00the same when you take pictures of sunlit objects there. Using short exposure, you can get good,
00:19:06bright pictures of Earth or the surface of the Moon. But it also means there will be no stars
00:19:11in the picture. Even up there, stars are relatively dim. They don't emit enough light to show up in
00:19:17photos taken with such settings. Our home planet has a blue sky that slowly transforms into a
00:19:24beautiful orange-red palette at dusk and dawn. But if you ever get a chance to watch a sunset on Mars,
00:19:31you should expect the opposite, an orange-brown daytime sky that gets a bluish tint at sunset.
00:19:37First of all, Mars is farther away from the Sun than our planet. So, when you're looking at the
00:19:42Sun from the Martian surface, of course, it looks fainter and smaller. And not just that,
00:19:48the Sun observed from Mars is just a bluish-white dot surrounded by a blue halo.
00:19:53The thin atmosphere of the red planet contains large dust particles. They create an effect
00:19:58called Mie scattering. It occurs when the diameter of particles in the atmosphere is almost the same
00:20:03as the wavelength of the scattered light. This effect filters out the red light from the Sun's
00:20:08rays. So, only the blue light would reach your eyes on Mars.
00:20:14How come Earth doesn't have rings? All gas giants in our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
00:20:21and Neptune have such rings, whereas the rocky planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars don't.
00:20:28There are two theories about how rings can appear around a planet. They might be just some material
00:20:34left from the times when the planet was forming. Or they may be the remains of a moon that got
00:20:38destroyed by a collision with some space body, or torn apart by the strong gravitational pull
00:20:43of its parent planet. The gas giants formed in the outer regions of our solar system,
00:20:48while all the rocky planets are in the inner part. So, maybe the inner planets were more
00:20:53protected from potential collisions that could have formed their rings.
00:20:57There are also more moons in the outer regions of our solar system, which could be another reason
00:21:02why the planets there have rings. Also, bigger planets have stronger gravity. It means that they
00:21:09can keep their rings stable after they form. Some experts believe Earth used to have a ring
00:21:14system a long time ago. A Mars-sized object might have collided with our home planet,
00:21:20which probably created a dense ring of debris around it. Some scientists think that this
00:21:25debris formed not a ring, but what we know today as the moon.
00:21:31There's probably a giant planet lurking at the edge of the solar system,
00:21:35far beyond Neptune. Scientists call this mysterious hypothetical world Planet 9.
00:21:41If it does exist, it's probably similar to Uranus or Neptune, and 10 times more massive than our
00:21:47home planet. It's likely to circle around the Sun, but in the outer reaches of the solar system,
00:21:52about 20 times farther than Neptune. Another interesting theory says that Planet 9 could
00:21:59actually be a black hole the size of a grapefruit that warps space in a similar way a large planet
00:22:04would. Even though we once thought it was a rare substance in space, water exists all over our
00:22:12solar system. For example, you can often find it in asteroids and comets. It's also in craters on
00:22:19the moon and Mercury. We still don't know if there's enough water to support potential human
00:22:24colonies if we decide to move there, but some amount of water is definitely present there.
00:22:30Mars has water at its poles too. It's mostly hidden in the layers of ice and probably under
00:22:36the planet's dusty surface. Europa, Jupiter's moon, has some water too. This is the most likely
00:22:42candidate we know about to host life outside Earth. There's probably a whole ocean of liquid
00:22:48water under its frozen surface. It might actually contain twice as much water as all of Earth's
00:22:53oceans combined. Neptune is unexpectedly warm, even though it's 30 times as far from the Sun
00:23:01as our planet and receives less sunlight and heat. But it still radiates way more heat than it gets.
00:23:07It also has way more activity in its atmosphere than you'd suspect, especially if you compare
00:23:12it to its neighbor, Uranus. Both of these planets emit the same amount of heat, even though Uranus
00:23:19is much closer to the Sun. No one knows why. Neptune has extremely strong winds that can reach
00:23:25a speed of up to 1,500 miles per hour. Can they produce this heat? Or maybe it's because of the
00:23:32planet's core or its gravitational force? There's a monster black hole hurtling through space at a
00:23:39speed of 5 million miles per hour. Scientists located it with the Hubble Space Telescope.
00:23:45They believe it weighs as much as a billion suns. It was supposed to stay put in the center of its
00:23:50home galaxy, but some gravitational forces are pushing it around. At one point, this black hole
00:23:57is going to break free from its galaxy and continue roaming the universe. Luckily, it's still 8 billion
00:24:03years away from us. Solar storms are so powerful that they could leave us in complete darkness.
00:24:10Back in July 2012, the strongest solar storm in over 150 years narrowly missed Earth.
00:24:17Coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, are large bubbles of ionized gas. They tore through our orbit back
00:24:25then. If they had caught our planet in the crosshairs, we would have literally been in the
00:24:30firing line. We'd have faced solar matter hurtling towards Earth, damaging computers, and causing
00:24:35power outages that would have lasted for months. A surprise solar storm hit us on June 25, 2022.
00:24:43One photographer even managed to capture stunning bright auroras that flashed across the dawn sky
00:24:48in Calgary, Canada, and lasted for five minutes. They were caused by the storm.
00:24:54Vampire stars are a real thing. They're part of a binary star, and they can literally drain the life
00:25:00out of the other star in the system. They do it to keep burning for a longer time. It works like
00:25:06this. A smaller star with a lower mass steals its sibling's hydrogen fuel to increase its own mass.
00:25:13This vampire star then becomes hotter. Plus, its color changes to striking blue. This way,
00:25:20it looks much younger. How sneaky! The color of the universe is dubbed cosmic latte. The light
00:25:28coming from our galaxies and stars within them, as well as clouds of gas and dust in the observable
00:25:33universe, have a specific color. It's an ivory tint, pretty close to white. The universe is beige
00:25:41because there are a bit more areas that produce green, yellow, and red light than those that emit
00:25:46blue. Our Sun is an average-sized star, and still, it could fit 1,300,000 Earths. The star
00:25:57is also 333,000 times as heavy as our planet. NASA has translated radio waves created by planets'
00:26:06atmospheres into audible sounds. That's how astronomers found out that Neptune sounds like
00:26:11ocean waves, Jupiter like being underwater, and Saturn's voice resembles background music to a
00:26:19horror movie. Here on Earth, it's bebop jazz. Now I made that up. The Sun's surface is scorching hot,
00:26:27but a bolt of lightning is 5 times hotter. Earth gets struck by 100 lightning bolts every second,
00:26:35which results in 8 million lightning strikes a day and around 3 billion a year. Shocking.
00:26:43If you manage to go to the Moon one day and see fresh footprints, that doesn't mean there's
00:26:48someone else there with you. Footprints or similar marks can last for a million years over there.
00:26:55Because the Moon doesn't have an atmosphere. There are no winds, not even a breeze,
00:27:00that can slowly erase those footprints. Astronomers have found the largest hole we've
00:27:06ever seen in the Universe. It's the giant void that spreads a billion light-years across.
00:27:13They found it accidentally. One of the research team members was a little bored
00:27:17and wanted to check how things are going in the direction of the cold spot.
00:27:21That's an anomaly in the Cosmic Microwave Background Map, or CMB for short. It's a
00:27:27faint glow of light that falls on our planet from different directions and fills the Universe.
00:27:32It's been streaming through space for almost 14 billion years
00:27:36as the afterglow that occurred after the Big Bang.
00:27:41So, you fall right into the heart of the black hole and prepare for a sad end. Well,
00:27:46you don't have to. Falling into a black hole won't necessarily destroy you or your spaceship.
00:27:53You have to choose a bigger black hole to survive.
00:27:57If you fall into a small black hole, its event horizon is too narrow,
00:28:01and the gravity increases every inch down. So, if you extend your arm forward, the gravity on
00:28:07your fingers is much stronger than on your elbow. This will make your hand lengthen,
00:28:11and you'll feel some discomfort. Rather significant, to be honest.
00:28:16Things change if you fall into a supermassive black hole, like the ones in the center of
00:28:21galaxies. They can be millions of times heavier than the Sun. Their event horizon is wide,
00:28:27and the gravity doesn't change as quickly. So, the force you'll feel at your heels and at the
00:28:32top of your head will be about the same, and you can go all the way to the heart of the black hole.
00:28:38This myth is busted. If you watch a very touching movie in space and start crying,
00:28:45your tears won't run down. They will gather around the eyeballs. Your eyes will get too
00:28:51dry so you'll feel like they're burning. Any exposed liquid on your body will vaporize,
00:28:57including the surfaces of your tongue. Speaking of burning, that's one thing fire can't do in space.
00:29:03Fire can spread when there's a flow of oxygen, and since there's not any in space, well…
00:29:10Once they explode, stars aren't supposed to come back to life.
00:29:14But some of the stars somehow have survived the Great Supernova Explosion.
00:29:19Such zombie stars are pretty rare. Scientists found a really big one called LP40365.
00:29:27It's a partially burnt white dwarf. A white dwarf is a star that burned up all of the hydrogen,
00:29:33and that hydrogen was previously its nuclear fuel. In this case, the final explosion was
00:29:40maybe weaker than it usually is, not powerful enough to destroy the entire star. It's like a
00:29:46star wanted to explode but didn't make it, which is why part of the matter still survived.
00:29:53If you ever go into space, don't take off your spacesuit unless you're on a spaceship.
00:29:58Air in your lungs would expand, as well as the oxygen in the rest of your body.
00:30:03You'd be like a balloon, twice your regular size. Good news, the skin is elastic enough
00:30:09to hold you together, which means you wouldn't explode. Small comfort.
00:30:14When something goes into a black hole, it changes shape and gets stretched out just like spaghetti.
00:30:20This happens because gravitational force is trying to stretch an object in one direction,
00:30:25but at the same time squeeze it into another, like a pasta paradox. Speaking of, a black hole
00:30:32that's as big as a single atom has the mass of a really big mountain. There's one at the
00:30:38center of the Milky Way called Sagittarius A. It has a mass like for a billion suns,
00:30:45but luckily it's far away from us. If you made a big boom on an asteroid,
00:30:51you'd never be able to hear its loud sound. Yes, we often hear the sound of spaceships and battles
00:30:57in space in the movies, but that's just a myth. Sound is a wave that spreads because of the
00:31:03vibrations of molecules. A person claps a few feet away from you, the sound wave begins to
00:31:09push the first air molecule next to the clap, then the second, third, and so on, until the wave
00:31:15reaches your ear. So, to spread sound, we need molecules like air or water. In our atmosphere,
00:31:22sound waves spread out just fine, but space is a vacuum, so it's nothing here. You can clap
00:31:29your hands loudly there, but there just won't be any molecules that can vibrate and carry that
00:31:34sound. So, to carry on a conversation, you'd either need a radio or really good lip-reading skills.
00:31:42Meteoroids orbit the Sun, while the majority of human-made debris orbits our planet.
00:31:48For example, we launched almost 9,000 spacecraft around the world from satellites to rocket
00:31:54ships. Even the tiniest pieces can damage a spacecraft at such high speeds.
00:32:00Galaxies, planets, comets, asteroids, stars, space bodies are things we can actually see in space,
00:32:07but they make up less than 5% of the total universe. Dark matter, one of the biggest
00:32:13mysteries in space, is the name we use for all the mass in the universe that's still invisible to us,
00:32:20and there's a lot of it. It may even make 25% of the universe. Dark energy makes the other
00:32:2670% of the universe. Hmm, that adds up to 100, right? Now, let's look at the Moon. It always
00:32:34looks at us with one side. This means the Moon has a dark side, and the Sun's rays never get there.
00:32:41Well, that's a myth. The whole point is that the Moon is gravitationally locked to the Earth.
00:32:47There are days and nights there too. It's just that this rotation is perfectly aligned with the
00:32:52rotation of the Earth. So, whenever you look at the Moon, you only see one side. Although there
00:32:58are days when the Sun shines there too, so it's not the dark side, it's the far side. And we even
00:33:05have pictures of this place. And there's one of the biggest craters in our entire solar system,
00:33:10the South Pole-Aitken Basin. It's as wide as two states of Texas. Yeehaw!
00:33:17One myth that turned out to be untrue is that people have never actually been on the Moon.
00:33:23This is the original space suit of the first astronauts who were there. Look at the sole
00:33:28of the shoe. Some people claim there's no way they could've left footprints like this there.
00:33:33Actually, they could. On the Moon, the astronauts wore extra boots over their suits,
00:33:38and their soles matched the footprints on the Moon perfectly.
00:33:42Now, the astronauts didn't need them when they left the Moon and tossed them when the Moon walk
00:33:47was over. They left a lot of stuff there too. They even tossed the armrests of the seats in
00:33:53the lunar module to reduce the weight. Now, counting all the Apollo lunar missions,
00:33:58the total weight of rubbish on the Moon is approximately 187 tons, including several
00:34:04lunar rovers, spacecraft debris, six lunar modules, and all the experiments left behind.
00:34:10That's like three Boeing 737s. Another myth about the Sun is that it's yellow.
00:34:16Let's send you into space for this one. You look out the window, and… it's white!
00:34:21The Sun only appears yellow to us through the filter of our atmosphere. The composition of
00:34:26the air and its thickness just distorts the light of the star. But stars do come in different colors.
00:34:33Cooler stars have bright orange and red colors. These are usually very old stars,
00:34:38older than our Sun. But young and very hot stars are bright blue.
00:34:43The Sun is about in the middle of this spectrum.
00:34:47Oh, one more myth about asteroids. We need to fly a little farther than Mars' orbit.
00:34:52Whoa, we're in an asteroid belt, and we constantly have to dodge giant rocks and blocks of ice.
00:34:59We got in some dense asteroid clouds. Not true.
00:35:03The fact is that space is huge, and the distances are incredible. All the rocks and debris in the
00:35:09asteroid belt are only 4% of the weight of the Moon, so there really aren't that many of them
00:35:16there. To understand the dimension of the emptiness in space, look at the collision
00:35:21of two galaxies. There are billions of stars in each of them. If we mix them up, it's unlikely
00:35:27there will be any collisions even here. It's normal for planets to be a bit tilted
00:35:35on the side. The Earth is tilted at a 23-degree angle. That's why we have seasons. It's summer
00:35:41when the part of the world where you are leans closer to the Sun. It works the opposite way,
00:35:46too. It's winter when you lean away from it. But Uranus is tilted more than normal. It lies
00:35:51at a 98-degree angle, which has a huge effect on its seasons. Each season on Uranus takes 21 years
00:35:58to play out. Something to think about the next time we complain that winter lasts forever.
00:36:05Here on Earth, we measure distances in minutes and hours, maybe even days. It takes 10 minutes
00:36:10to walk to your best friend's house, or 15 minutes to drive to your favorite cafe.
00:36:15But in space, it's different. It's vast, which means we measure how long it takes to get to a
00:36:20certain point in years, or in most cases, light-years. So, if you want to walk to the
00:36:26Moon one day, that would take you 9 years to span the 239,000 miles. Perhaps you'd like to take a
00:36:32ride to the nearby star, Proxima Centauri. Maybe if you kept the pedal to the metal at a constant
00:36:38speed of 70 mph, you'd get there in about 356 billion hours, or around 40.5 million years.
00:36:46Trust me, after the first 20 million years, you'd be second-guessing yourself as to why
00:36:51go there in the first place. Mars contains the biggest valley,
00:36:54Valles Marineris, we've discovered so far. It's a pretty impressive system of canyons,
00:37:002,500 miles long. That's five times longer than the Grand Canyon. Researchers first spotted it
00:37:06back in the 1970s. A bank of volcanoes located on the other side of the canyon ridge probably
00:37:12helped form this valley. We haven't discovered a planet completely made of diamonds yet,
00:37:17but on some planets, it actually rains diamonds. On Jupiter and Saturn, gas giants of our solar
00:37:23system, lightning storms turn abundant methane into soot, which we also know as carbon. The
00:37:30soot falls and transforms into graphite. Further graphite transforms into diamonds with a diameter
00:37:36of about 0.4 inches. Now, before you start figuring out how to book a diamond-collecting
00:37:41field trip, know that these diamonds don't last. After they enter the planet's core, they melt.
00:37:47Ever notice how when you're stargazing two nights in a row at the same time, let's say 9pm,
00:37:52the stars stay in the same place, but the Moon doesn't? Well, there are two reasons for that.
00:37:58First, it depends on what time you go stargazing. For instance, if you go outside at 8pm,
00:38:04and tomorrow you look for it at 11pm, you'll see the Moon in two pretty different places.
00:38:09In this case, even the stars take different places in the sky
00:38:13since our planet is spinning. As you know, it takes 24 hours for it to make one full circle.
00:38:18That means, from our point of view, it seems like both the sky and everything up there is just
00:38:23moving around us one time per 24 hours. In the same way, the Sun changes its position,
00:38:29rising and setting every day. So, if you went outside two nights in a row at the same hour,
00:38:35in most cases, you'll have to wait for an extra half hour or more until the Moon gets back to the
00:38:40same position as the night before. The stars are pretty much standing still. It seems like they're
00:38:45moving, but that's because the Earth is spinning. But the Moon is actually moving around our planet
00:38:51and goes through different phases. For example, a new Moon is when it's completely dark in the sky.
00:38:56A full Moon is when its day side is facing the Earth. It takes approximately a month for it to
00:39:02finish one circle around the Earth. Maybe you'd be luckier on a diamond-collecting expedition on
00:39:07this next planet, 40 million light-years away from Earth. Scientists used to call it a super-Earth.
00:39:13Now, a super-Earth is generally a planet way bigger than ours. This planet, for example,
00:39:18is double the Earth's size. It's so close to its star that it makes a full circle around it in less
00:39:24than 18 hours, which means a year there is pretty short. Since it's so close to its star, its
00:39:30temperature goes up a whopping 4,900 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of the heat, in combination
00:39:37with the planet's density, scientists have the theory that its core is made of carbon in the
00:39:42form of graphite and diamonds. Over 10 years ago, astronomers discovered a huge water vapor cloud.
00:39:49It was 12 billion light-years from our home planet. That cloud is the biggest source of water we know
00:39:54of. It's also the oldest, dating back to when the Universe was only 1.6 billion years old.
00:40:00Now, it's 13.8 billion years old. Man, if only I had started a savings account 12 billion years ago!
00:40:08With compound interest, I'd have made quite a pile of cash by now, but I wasn't around then.
00:40:13Anyway, this cloud is so large it holds 140 trillion times the amount of water in all the
00:40:20oceans on our planet. This cloud kind of feeds a black hole. It may also contain enough gases,
00:40:26such as carbon monoxide, to encourage the black hole to grow 6 times bigger than it is at the
00:40:32moment. The average temperature of our planet is about 57 degrees Fahrenheit, and the highest
00:40:37temperature ever measured was 134 degrees. Sound too hot? Well, on Venus, it can go up to 900
00:40:45degrees, which makes it the hottest planet in our Solar System. It's not hot enough to melt
00:40:50steel, though. It would need to be higher by 2,500 degrees to get there. But it's hot enough
00:40:56to melt lead. And it's way too hot to sustain life, at least not in any form that we know.
00:41:02Venus is not even the closest to the Sun, it's Mercury. But it has a super-thick atmosphere that
00:41:07traps greenhouse gases. It's like you covering yourself with a pretty thick blanket in the
00:41:12middle of the summer. Now, we're used to seeing volcanoes spewing hot molten lava. After all,
00:41:18that's what they mostly do on Earth. But in space, volcanoes tend to spew methane, water, or ammonia.
00:41:25And these materials freeze as they erupt and eventually transform into frozen vapor and
00:41:30something called volcanic snow. I'm talking about cryovolcanoes here. You can find them on Jupiter's
00:41:37moons Io and Europa, Saturn's moon Titan, and Pluto. These volcanoes are especially active on
00:41:43Io, which has hundreds of vents. NASA vehicles have even captured some of these erupting in real
00:41:49time. Plumes of frozen vapor coming out of them extended for about 250 miles. Hey, by the way,
00:41:56they just discovered another moon around Jupiter that might actually be good for farming someday.
00:42:02It's named EIEIO. Now, what exactly happens to the light after it disappears inside of a black
00:42:09hole? Well, photon is a particle of light. The event horizon is the boundary of a black hole.
00:42:16When something, say, a photon, crosses the line and enters those boundaries, it can't escape
00:42:21anymore. But it doesn't mean a black hole destroyed it. It pulls the photon in rapidly towards its
00:42:27center where an enormous mass is packed into an infinitely small space. But we're not sure what
00:42:33happens to photons in such extreme conditions. It's still one of the biggest mysteries. Does a
00:42:38black hole destroy the light or not? Saturn has 82 moons we know about, 53 confirmed and 29 more
00:42:46that are still on the waiting list to be confirmed as actual moons before they get their official
00:42:51names. And one of the coolest moons might be a 914-mile-wide hunk of rock called Aeapetus.
00:42:59It's dark on one side and bright on the other. Its lighter half is 20 times more reflective than
00:43:04the other one. As it turned out, the bright side is ice. The dark side is a bit more complicated.
00:43:10One theory says it's dark because of particles coming from another moon, the one named Phoebe.
00:43:16Another theory says it could be because of heat. Since the moon is rotating really slowly,
00:43:21its dark material is absorbing heat, which makes it even darker.
00:43:26Now, how big do you think a black hole can become? In theory, we can't find an upper limit to its
00:43:31mass. But astronomers believe the ultra-massive black holes, or UMBHs, located in the cores of
00:43:38certain galaxies are mostly up to 10 billion solar masses big. Recently, they even discovered
00:43:44these UMBHs physically can't grow much more than this because, in that case, they would start to
00:43:50disrupt the accretion disks that feed them. That way, they would kind of stuff the source of new
00:43:56material. Most people picture the universe as somewhere between aquamarine and pale turquoise.
00:44:02Even some researchers thought that was the case. They managed to determine the cosmic color by
00:44:06combining light from more than 200,000 galaxies within 2 billion light-years of our planet.
00:44:12But the real color is actually closer to beige. Researchers got it all wrong because there was a
00:44:18bug in the software. No, really? It converted the cosmic spectrum into the color our eyes would see
00:44:25if we were exposed to it. The team defined this color as a cosmic latte.
00:44:30Ooh, make that a double-shot low-fat large to go, please!
00:44:44On August 20, 1977, the most ambitious space mission took off from Earth. The main goal of
00:44:51Voyager 2 was to study the outer Solar System up close. It became possible because of a rare
00:44:57alignment of planets. Voyager 2 was supposed to study all the gas giants of the Solar System –
00:45:03Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Astronomers also hoped it would be able to find and explore
00:45:09the edge of the Solar System. Since Voyager 2 was built for interstellar travel, the probe was
00:45:14equipped with a large 12-foot-wide antenna. It allowed the spaceship to send the data it gathered
00:45:19back to Earth. During its journey, the space probe discovered a 14th moon of Jupiter. Voyager
00:45:262 was the only spaceship to study all 4 giant planets from up close. It was the first human-made
00:45:32object to fly past Uranus, where it found 2 new rings and 10 new moons. Voyager 2 also flew by
00:45:39Neptune and noticed its great dark spot. That's a colossal spinning storm in the planet's southern
00:45:44hemisphere. The storm is the size of Earth and moves at a speed of 1,500 mph. These winds are
00:45:51the strongest ever recorded on any planet of the Solar System. In the history of space exploration,
00:45:57only 5 spacecraft have managed to leave the gravitational pull of the Solar System.
00:46:02Those were Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, and New Horizons. People launch thousands of
00:46:09objects into space. These objects easily overcome Earth's gravity. But the Sun is around 300,000
00:46:16times as massive as our home planet. That's why its gravitational pull is way more difficult to
00:46:21find. Even more impressively, Voyager 2 is the second human-made object in history to reach
00:46:28the space between stars after passing through the heliosphere. That's a bubble of magnetic
00:46:33fields and particles produced by the Sun and protecting the Solar System. Two years after
00:46:39its launch, Voyager 2 started transmitting the first images of Jupiter. The space probe provided
00:46:44scientists with much-needed information about Io and Europa, some of the largest of Jupiter's moons.
00:46:50Then the space mission passed by the gas giant itself. The distance between the spacecraft and
00:46:55the planet was around 400,000 miles. That's when the probe noticed some changes in the shape and
00:47:01color of the great red spot. It's an enormous, long-lived storm system, like a hurricane on Earth,
00:47:07but much, much larger. Two years later, Voyager 2 reached Saturn. It discovered spokes and kinks
00:47:14in some of the planet's rings. While the spacecraft was flying behind and up past the gas giant,
00:47:20it passed through the plane of Saturn's rings. At that time, Voyager's speed was around 8 miles
00:47:25per second. For several minutes, the probe was hit by thousands of micron-sized grains of dust.
00:47:31This kept shifting the probe's direction, and its control jets had to fire many times to stabilize
00:47:36the vehicle. After Voyager 2 explored Uranus and Neptune, it headed out of the solar system.
00:47:44Its instruments were put in low power to save energy. In August 2007, the spacecraft passed
00:47:50the terminal shock. It's the boundary marking the outer limit of the Sun's influence. Here,
00:47:56the solar wind slows down. In the summer of 2013, the probe reached interstellar space.
00:48:03Now, when it comes to sending and receiving signals in space, there are three factors you
00:48:08should keep in mind – distance, power, and time. The farther away a spacecraft is, the farther a
00:48:15signal has to travel before it reaches it, and the longer it takes for the signal to catch up
00:48:19with the spacecraft. And when it finally gets there, it's extremely weak. Another problem is
00:48:25that once the spacecraft is launched, it can't be upgraded. It's literally stuck with the technology
00:48:31it was outfitted with. Plus, such spaceships as Voyager 2 are powered by radioactive fuel. When
00:48:37special material radioactively decays, it releases heat that gets converted into electricity.
00:48:43Unfortunately, the more material decays away, the less power the spacecraft has for receiving and
00:48:49transmitting radio signals. Despite this issue, we haven't lost the connection with Voyager 1 and 2.
00:48:56That's because new and more powerful technologies appear on Earth. Signals people send can reach
00:49:01much farther than before. That's why it was possible to stay in touch with Voyager 2,
00:49:06which entered interstellar space in 2018 and has already traveled almost 12 billion miles
00:49:12away from Earth. But in March 2020, the main piece of equipment that allowed scientists to
00:49:17exchange signals with the spaceship was switched off. After the communication with the spacecraft
00:49:23stopped, NASA spent around 11 months upgrading its deep space network and installing new hardware.
00:49:29The DSN is an international array of huge radio antennas that help astronomers on Earth
00:49:35communicate with interplanetary missions. These antennas are located in California,
00:49:40Madrid, and Canberra. The one used to keep in touch with Voyager 2 is a 230-foot-wide dish
00:49:46in Canberra. This is the only equipment that can send commands that can reach the probe.
00:49:51This antenna, known as DSS-43, started operating in 1972, 5 years before Voyager 2 and 1 were
00:49:59launched. At that time, it was only 210 feet across. Since then, the dish has received a
00:50:05lot of repairs and upgrades, but these 11 months were the longest the antenna was offline.
00:50:11In October 2020, the antenna was finally ready for a trial after all the upgrades and repairs.
00:50:17The mission operators sent a set of commands to Voyager 2, and after many months of radio silence,
00:50:23the spacecraft returned the signal. The probe confirmed it had heard the call. After that,
00:50:29the spacecraft carried out the commands. While the dish was offline, the mission
00:50:34operators could actually receive scientific data and health updates from Voyager 2.
00:50:39Astronomers kept getting data from interstellar space, the region outside the Sun's heliosphere.
00:50:45But they couldn't send any commands to the probe, since it had traveled too far away from Earth.
00:50:50The upgraded antenna received two new radio transmitters, and it was done just in time.
00:50:56One of the transmitters, that was used to communicate with Voyager 2,
00:50:59hadn't been replaced in almost 50 years. The antenna also got new cooling and heating equipment
00:51:05and other electronics necessary to support the advanced transmitters.
00:51:10Now, a curious thing about the Deep Space Network is that its radio antennas are positioned in a
00:51:15very precise way. They're spaced equally around the globe. This way, almost any spacecraft can
00:51:21stay in touch with at least one facility at all times. But Voyager 2 is an exception. In 1989,
00:51:28it made a close flyby of Triton, Neptune's moon. It was the only close encounter people had with
00:51:34the 8th planet of the Solar System and its moon. By the way, Triton is the largest known object
00:51:40that is believed to be born in the Kuiper Belt. That's a donut-shaped ring around the Sun full
00:51:45of icy objects. Voyager 2 discovered Neptune's ring system and its tiny inner moons.
00:51:51The probe also gathered a lot of amazing information about Triton.
00:51:55For example, it became clear that the moon is covered in cryovolcanoes. Instead of spewing
00:52:01molten rock, these volcanoes spit ice consisting of water, ammonia, and methane. When the New
00:52:07Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto more than 25 years later, it discovered the same phenomenon
00:52:13on the dwarf planet. Anyway, to make this detour, Voyager 2 had to travel over the gas giant's
00:52:20North Pole. But this changed the probe's trajectory, deflecting it southward relative to the
00:52:25planes of the planets. Since then, Voyager 2 has been moving in that direction. And now,
00:52:31the spacecraft is so far away that it's out of reach of the radio antennas in the Northern
00:52:35Hemisphere, those in Madrid and California. This makes DSS-43, which is located in the Southern
00:52:42Hemisphere, the only dish powerful enough in broadcasting just the right frequency to send
00:52:47commands to Voyager 2. Voyager 1, the probe's faster-traveling twin, didn't change its trajectory.
00:52:54After passing by Saturn, it took a different path. That's why now it can easily communicate
00:52:59with the two facilities in the Northern Hemisphere. The upgrade the Canberra Deep
00:53:04Space Communication Complex has gone through can also benefit other space missions. For example,
00:53:10the Mars Perseverance rover that landed on the Red Planet on February 18, 2021.
00:53:16The dish will also be crucial for exploring other planets and the Moon.
00:53:20Venus most likely used to be covered with oceans, from 30 to 1,000 feet deep. Also,
00:53:30some water was locked in the soil of the planet. On top of that, Venus had stable temperatures of
00:53:3568 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit, which, you have to admit, was quite pleasant and not that different
00:53:42from the temperatures on Earth nowadays. So, what I'm getting at is that for 3 billion years,
00:53:47right until something irrevocable happened 700 million years ago,
00:53:51Venus could've been habitable. But now, it's not.
00:53:56The Moon is the second brightest object in our sky. At the same time, among other astronomical
00:54:02bodies, it's one of the dimmest and least reflective. Our natural satellite only seems
00:54:07bright because it's so close to Earth. For comparison, our planet looks much brighter
00:54:12when you look at it from space. It's because clouds, ice, and snow reflect way more light
00:54:17than most types of rock. Triton, Neptune's moon, has all its surface covered with several layers
00:54:23of ice. If this satellite replaced our current moon, the night sky would get 7 times brighter.
00:54:31Neutron stars are some of the smallest, yet most massive objects in space.
00:54:36They're usually about 12 miles in diameter, but are several times heavier than the Sun.
00:54:41Oh, and they also spin about 600 times per second, far faster than your average figure skater.
00:54:49Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar System. It has one-eighth the average Earth's
00:54:55density. And still, because of its large volume, the planet is 95 times more massive than Earth.
00:55:02A transient lunar phenomenon is one of the most enigmatic things happening on the Moon.
00:55:07It's a short-lived light, color, or some other change on the satellite's surface.
00:55:12Most commonly, it's random flashes of light. Astronomers have been observing this phenomenon
00:55:18since the 1950s. They've noticed that the flashes occur randomly. Sometimes,
00:55:23they can happen several times a week. After that, they disappear for several months. Some of them
00:55:28don't last longer than a couple of minutes, but there have been those that continued for hours.
00:55:34The year was 1969, one day before Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. One of the mission participants
00:55:41noticed that one part of the lunar surface was more illuminated than the surrounding landscape.
00:55:46It looked as if that area had a kind of fluorescence to it. Unfortunately,
00:55:51it's still unclear if this phenomenon was connected with the mysterious lunar flashes.
00:55:56Trash isn't just a problem in Earth's oceans, cities, and forests. There is a thing called
00:56:01space junk, which is any human-made object that's been left in space and now serves no purpose.
00:56:07There's also natural debris from meteoroids and other cosmic objects.
00:56:11There are currently over 500,000 pieces of space debris orbiting the Earth at speeds high enough
00:56:17to cause significant damage if they were to collide with a spacecraft or satellite. NASA does
00:56:23its best to track every single object to ensure that missions outside Earth can reach their
00:56:28destination safely. Our Sun is insanely massive. Want some proof? 99.86% of all the mass in the
00:56:37Solar System is the mass of the Sun, in particular the hydrogen and helium it's made of. The remaining
00:56:440.14% is mostly the mass of the Solar System's 8 planets. The Sun's temperature is hotter than
00:56:51the surface of a star. The surface temperature reaches 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, but the upper
00:56:56atmosphere heats up to millions of degrees. If someone could dig a tunnel straight into the
00:57:02center of the planet and out the opposite side, and you were adventurous enough to jump into it,
00:57:08it would take you 42 minutes to fall to the other side. You'd speed up as you fell,
00:57:14reaching maximum speed by the time you reached Earth's core. After the halfway point, you would
00:57:19then fall upwards, getting slower and slower. By the time you reached the opposite surface,
00:57:25your speed would be back to zero. Unless you managed to climb out of the hole,
00:57:29you'd immediately start falling again, back down, or up, to the other side of the planet.
00:57:35This trip would go on forever, all thanks to the weird effects of gravity.
00:57:39Hey, might be a fun way to spend an afternoon!
00:57:43There might be more metals, for example, titanium or iron, in lunar craters than astronomers used
00:57:50to think. The main problem with this finding? It contradicts the main theory about how the
00:57:55Moon was formed. That theory says that Earth's natural satellite was spun off from our planet
00:58:00after a collision with a massive space object. But then, why does Earth's metal-poor crust
00:58:07have much less iron oxide than the Moon's? It might mean the Moon was formed from the material
00:58:13lying much deeper inside our planet. Or these metals could've appeared when the molten lunar
00:58:18surface was slowly cooling down. Or maybe, as they've been saying for centuries, it's made of
00:58:23green cheese. Earth could've been purple before it turned blue and green. One scientist has a theory
00:58:31that a substance existed in ancient microbes before chlorophyll, that thing that makes plants
00:58:37green, evolved on Earth. This substance reflected sunlight in red and violet colors, which combined
00:58:43to make purple. If true, the young Earth may have been teeming with strange purple-colored
00:58:48critters before all the green stuff appeared. The highest mountain in the Solar System is
00:58:54Olympus Mons on Mars. It's three times as high as Mount Everest, the Earth's highest mountain
00:59:00above sea level. If you were standing on top of Olympus Mons, you wouldn't understand you
00:59:05were standing on a mountain. Its slopes would be hidden by the planet's curvature.
00:59:10Astronomers have found a massive reservoir of water in space, the largest ever detected. Too
00:59:17bad it's also the farthest, 12 billion light-years away from us. The water vapor cloud holds 140
00:59:23trillion times as much water as all the Earth's oceans combined. What are we supposed to do with
00:59:29that information? Venus spins at its own unhurried pace. A full rotation takes 243 Earth days,
00:59:37and it takes the planet a bit less than 225 Earth days to go all the way around the Sun.
00:59:43It means a day on Venus is longer than a year. There's very little seismic activity going on
00:59:49inside the moon. Yet many moonquakes, caused by our planet's gravitational pull, sometimes happen
00:59:55several miles below the surface. After that, tiny cracks and fissures appear in the satellite
01:00:01surface, and gases escape through them. Hey, they sometimes escape from me too!
01:00:08Mars is the last of the inner planets, which are also called terrestrial since they're made up of
01:00:13rocks and metals. The red planet has a core made mostly of iron, nickel, and sulfur. It's between
01:00:19900 and 1200 miles across. The core doesn't move. That's why Mars lacks a planet-wide magnetic
01:00:26field. The weak magnetic field it has is just 1,100% of the Earth's.
01:00:34When the planets in the Solar System were just starting to form, Earth didn't have a moon for
01:00:39the longest time. It took 100 million years for our natural satellite to appear. There are several
01:00:45theories as to how the moon came into existence, but the prevailing one is the fission theory.
01:00:51Did somebody go fishing and caught the moon? Actually, no. The fission theory proposes that
01:00:58the moon was formed when an object collided with Earth, sending particles flying about.
01:01:04Gravity pulled the particles together, and the moon was created. It eventually settled down on
01:01:09the Earth's ecliptic plane, which is the path that the moon orbits. So, looks like the green
01:01:14cheese is off the table now. The largest single living thing on Earth
01:01:20turns out to be a mushroom in Oregon. This enormous honey mushroom lives in Malheur National Forest
01:01:25and covers an area of 3.7 square miles. It could be as much as 8,500 years old.
01:01:32You could be forgiven for missing it, though, since most of it's hidden underground.
01:01:38When the roots of individual honey mushrooms meet, they can fuse together to become a single fungus.
01:01:44Which explains how this one got so big. If you could gather all that mushrooming stuff into one
01:01:50big ball, it could weigh as much as 35,000 tons. That's about as heavy as 200 grey whales. Hey,
01:01:58that's a whale of a mushroom. The largest asteroid in the Solar System is called Vesta,
01:02:04and it's so big that it's sometimes even called a dwarf planet. A trip to the nearest star,
01:02:10apart from the Sun, would take you 5 million years on a commercial airplane.
01:02:14That's what I call a long-haul flight. Space isn't supposed to be black. There
01:02:19are stars everywhere. Shouldn't they light up everything around? Well, you don't see
01:02:24stars wherever you look because some of them haven't existed long enough for their light to
01:02:29reach Earth. A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours, 14 minutes, and 24 seconds. But get this,
01:02:37the planet has a tilt of around 98 degrees. And that makes a season on the gas giant last 21
01:02:44Earth years. Some scientists believe that our planet used to have an additional satellite.
01:02:50According to their research, a small celestial body about 750 miles wide orbited Earth like
01:02:57a second moon. It most likely crashed into our main satellite later on. Such a collision could
01:03:03explain why the two sides of the moon look so different from each other,
01:03:07one being heavily cratered and rough. Or it could be the green cheese.
01:03:17At a distance of 640 light-years from the Sun, scientists discovered planet WASP-76b,
01:03:24where it rains iron. The planet is very close to its Sun and always turn to it in the same side.
01:03:30The term is tidally locked. The temperature on the sunny side is so high that metals melt and
01:03:36evaporate there. The other half of the planet is cool enough so that metals condense again and fall
01:03:42down as rain. Speaking of tidal locks, our Moon is the same way. There's no dark side to our satellite,
01:03:49it's just always turned to us with one side. When the Moon happens to be in between the Earth and
01:03:54the Sun, what we call its dark side becomes brightly lit. We just can't see it from our
01:04:00planet. Figures. A recent study claims that the Moon has a tail. And every month, it wraps around
01:04:07our planet like a scarf. A slender tail made up of millions of atoms of sodium follows Earth's
01:04:13natural satellite. And our planet regularly travels directly through it. Meteor strikes
01:04:19blast these sodium atoms out of the Moon's surface and further into space. You won't believe it,
01:04:24but the Moon seems to be shrinking. Earth's natural satellite is now 150 feet smaller than
01:04:30it used to be hundreds of millions of years ago. The reason for this phenomenon might be the cooling
01:04:37of the Moon's insides. It could also explain the quakes shaking the surface of our planet's natural
01:04:42satellite. Astronomers have recently found out that Mars is seismically active. Mars quakes occur
01:04:49there on a regular basis. For several days every month, the Moon remains between the Sun and our
01:04:55planet. That's when Earth's gravity picks up that sodium tail. Our planet drags it into a long stripe
01:05:01that wraps around its atmosphere. This lunar tail is totally harmless. It's also invisible to the
01:05:07human eye, 50 times dimmer than what you can perceive. But on those rare days, high-powered
01:05:14telescopes can spot its faint yellowish glow in the sky. The tail looks like a gleaming spot that's
01:05:20five times the Moon's full diameter. Turns out there are plenty of planets in the Universe,
01:05:26and even in the Milky Way galaxy, that have liquid or frozen water on them.
01:05:30The closest one is within our solar system. It's Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. Scientists are
01:05:36almost sure that, underneath its frozen surface, there's an actual ocean of water. But it's too
01:05:43soon to be hyped about possible life on such planets. Liquid water is only one of many things
01:05:48that have to come together for life to appear on a planet. A star in the galaxy GSN 069 is likely to
01:05:56turn into a planet the size of Jupiter in the next trillion years. It might happen because of the
01:06:01star's regular encounters with a black hole. First, astronomers noticed unusual X-ray bursts
01:06:07that were strangely bright. They went off every 9 hours. After studying this phenomenon for some
01:06:14time, the scientists realized it was a star moving in a unique orbit around a black hole.
01:06:20The dazzling flashes? It was the material getting slurped off the star's surface by the black hole.
01:06:26It turned out that over millions of years, the black hole had already transformed the red giant
01:06:31into a white dwarf. And the process isn't going to stop whatsoever. Astronomers have found some
01:06:37traces of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus. On our planet, this gas, colorless and flammable,
01:06:44is often found where microbes live. No wonder a new theory suggests that there might be life on
01:06:49Venus. But even if there was some life on the evening star, it could have only appeared in
01:06:55its atmosphere. Probably no living organism would be able to survive the planet's extreme
01:07:00environment. Venus's surface is extremely dry, there's no liquid water on the planet,
01:07:06and the pressure there is 90 times greater than that on Earth's surface. The temperatures often
01:07:11rise higher than 900 degrees. That's hot enough to melt some metals. As for vacations there,
01:07:17I'll pass. In fact, there's a place millions of light-years away where there's a whole floating
01:07:23space cloud made entirely of water. There's so much of it that we could fill all our oceans 140
01:07:30trillion times over. Slightly more than what we need. Water on Earth is actually a puzzle
01:07:36shrouded in mystery and covered with riddles. The most popular theory is that it was brought
01:07:41to our planet by icy comets and asteroids that left behind not only mighty craters,
01:07:46but the liquid substance thanks to which we can now thrive. But in space, there's a whole
01:07:52lot of organic matter, and under specific conditions, it could yield so much water,
01:07:57it would be enough to fill our oceans thousands of times over. Researchers conducted an experiment
01:08:03in which they heated this organic matter and obtained clear water and oil. If this is confirmed
01:08:09in future studies, it could mean that even oil appeared on Earth not only thanks to fossilized
01:08:14remains of living beings, but came from outer space as well. And yet, there might just be about
01:08:216 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone. The latest data has shown that
01:08:26every fifth Sun-like star can have at least one planet in its habitable zone. And not just any
01:08:32planet, mind you, it has a rocky core and surface, and it's of comparable size to the Earth. Being
01:08:39inside the habitable zone of its star, such a planet would have high chances of becoming home
01:08:44to living creatures, microbes at least. And if there are billions of these planets in our galaxy,
01:08:50you could safely say that at least one of them is not only habitable, but inhabited already.
01:08:56And now, multiply this by the number of galaxies in the Universe, also considering that many of
01:09:02them are much bigger than the Milky Way. This gives us billions upon billions of Sun-like stars
01:09:08and Earth-like planets, and some of them are surely more like ours than others. And get this,
01:09:14we might be able to walk upright because of supernova explosions. About 2.5 million years
01:09:19ago, a supernova sent cosmic rays to our planet. They triggered a series of electrical storms in
01:09:25the Earth's atmosphere, which turned into thunderstorms. Those, in turn, caused wildfires
01:09:31in Northeast Africa, where our earlier ancestors lived. Fires turned the forest area into a savanna,
01:09:37the atmospheric pressure changed, and our ancestors had to stand on two legs to survive.
01:09:43The biggest explosion since the Big Bang was registered in 2019.
01:09:47This happened in the Ophiuchus Cluster, which unites thousands of galaxies. According to
01:09:52scientists, the blast was equal to 20 billion billion, that's 18 zeros, megaton explosions
01:09:58happening once a millisecond for 240 million years. I'll have to trust that, my math is not
01:10:04that good. In 2019, NASA's InSight lander, whose goal was to study the interior of Mars,
01:10:11registered the first Mars quake ever. These quakes were coming fast, about two per day.
01:10:17Most of them were tiny, you wouldn't even feel them if they happened on our planet.
01:10:21So far, more than 300 Mars quakes have been detected. Those are the first quakes on any
01:10:26space body other than Earth and the Moon. Another mysterious phenomenon discovered
01:10:31by the mission was bizarre magnetic pulses. They occurred every midnight around the lander.
01:10:37It's still unclear what those pulses were. Maybe after midnight, they're going to let it all hang
01:10:42out. Or something. Pluto's atmosphere rises much higher above the surface of the dwarf planet than,
01:10:48let's say, Earth's. It also has more than 20 layers, all of them freezing cold and extremely
01:10:54condensed. Remember the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs on Earth? Hey, I wasn't around then.
01:10:59But who could forget? There might've been another space show that ended badly for at least 75% of
01:11:05all life on our planet in the past. Roughly 360 million years ago, a supernova explosion occurred
01:11:12about 65 light-years away from us, and the cosmic rays sent by it swept away the ozone layer of our
01:11:19pretty blue ball. Wow, tough neighborhood. Many people would like to fly into space.
01:11:28Zero gravity, a stunning view of Earth from one side, and the boundlessly frightening black area
01:11:33from the other. Yeah, it's all cool. But don't forget that this journey can turn into a nightmare.
01:11:40Lack of oxygen, floating in outer space, and staying in a spaceship for a long time without
01:11:45understanding when you can return home. This last thing happened to a Russian cosmonaut.
01:11:51His stay in space is one of the longest in the world. 33-year-old flight engineer Sergey Krikalev
01:11:58spent 311 days in zero gravity on the Mir space station. But that's not the most interesting part
01:12:04of this story. Sergey's long journey began on May 18th, 1991. That day, he boarded a transport ship
01:12:12and went into space to the Mir space station. On May 20th, the docking with the station was
01:12:17completed. There, together with another engineer, Sergey performed his space duties. They went on
01:12:23spacewalks several times, did repairs, took care of the station, and conducted scientific experiments.
01:12:29When you have company and a lot of work, living in space is not so hard. But things got worse
01:12:35on the day when Sergey was supposed to return home. According to the plan, the mission should
01:12:40have lasted for five months. A new astronaut was supposed to replace the old ones. The transport
01:12:46ship had finally docked with the station. But on October 10th, only one astronaut returned to Earth.
01:12:52Sergey was left alone at the Mir station. He continued to work as the sole flight engineer
01:12:57of the crew. The station couldn't remain empty. They had to send someone to replace Sergey.
01:13:02He wasn't ready for such a long stay in space. He hadn't trained for it. But there was no choice.
01:13:08He couldn't just leave the station. One month passed. They informed Sergey that he would return
01:13:14home soon. But something happened that no one expected. They contacted Sergey and said he
01:13:20couldn't return, since the country that promised to bring him home no longer existed. During this
01:13:25time, a big crisis began in Russia. The cosmonaut's return was impossible, since no one had the money
01:13:32for it. Just imagine Sergey's condition. You were hundreds of miles from home, in black outer space,
01:13:39completely alone, and have no idea how many days you have left to be there.
01:13:44The days passed slowly. Weeks, then a month passed. It would have been much easier if being in space
01:13:50was not harmful to your health. But in conditions of zero gravity, the human body takes serious
01:13:56damage. First, it's a weakening of the muscles. The body doesn't receive the necessary load it needs,
01:14:02and the muscles are constantly in a relaxed state, leading to dystrophy. Yes, astronauts do a set of
01:14:08exercises every day, but this is not enough to keep the body in shape. In addition to muscles,
01:14:14bones begin to weaken, and a person becomes weak. Even after six months of such a life,
01:14:20any astronaut needs a long time to get back into their previous shape after returning home. Also,
01:14:26there's a lot of radiation in space, which is dangerous for people. It comes from several
01:14:31sources at once. The main radiation comes from the Sun. On Earth, we're protected from it,
01:14:37thanks to the planet's magnetic field. Almost all radiation accumulates in the upper atmosphere
01:14:42and doesn't reach us. This accumulation of radiation in the atmosphere is also bad for
01:14:47astronauts. But the worst radiation is the galactic one. It comes from distant stars and galaxies,
01:14:54and has a powerful effect on all living things. Radiation provokes many unfavorable conditions
01:15:00and destroys the body at the cellular level. Now, all spaceships and the ISS are equipped
01:15:06with shields and coatings that reflect radiation. But still, it doesn't provide 100% protection.
01:15:13In space, the astronaut's immune system changes. There are no conditions under which immunity
01:15:19could improve. It seems that there's nothing wrong with the absence of many bacteria and microbes,
01:15:24but the body's defense is weakening. A person becomes more vulnerable to microbes that can
01:15:29be brought by another astronaut. You also have serious food restrictions. Food in tubes doesn't
01:15:35contain as many useful vitamins as it does in natural products. Without vitamins, the body
01:15:41weakens even more. And sometimes, astronauts have to go on spacewalks, which aren't easy.
01:15:48A spacesuit is a huge and uncomfortable outfit. It constrains your movements and puts pressure
01:15:54on your body. Work in space can last up to several hours. During this time, you sweat a lot. One of
01:16:01the suit's filters may be broken, and all the fluid released by your body can spread throughout
01:16:06the suit and reach your face. Your eyes may water. The drops could interfere with your vision.
01:16:12Thousands of dangers can await an astronaut during a mission in outer space. Imagine that you do some
01:16:18repairs and something goes wrong. The wrench jumps off the bolt and it flies out, for example. You
01:16:24try to catch it and unconsciously push off from the ship. You catch the bolt, but your body is
01:16:29already flying away. You have nothing to hold on to. But fortunately, you have a safety rope. Anyway,
01:16:36it can break off from your spacesuit because you attached it incorrectly. As soon as the rope
01:16:41breaks, your body changes the angle of flight. Now you're not just flying away. Your body is spinning
01:16:47at this moment. The Earth and black space flash in your eyes. So you get it. There are definitely
01:16:54risks, but nothing like that happened with Sergei. All astronauts spend many hours training to be
01:17:00ready for any troubles. They gain good physical shape and lose it during the mission. Add to this
01:17:06the psychological factor. Your body weakens. You don't breathe fresh air. You can't see your friends,
01:17:12and you don't have the opportunity to return home. A small layer of wall separates you from the cold
01:17:18vacuum of space. All this causes stress, which also weakens your immunity and harms your nervous
01:17:24system. Fortunately, astronauts also get through serious psychological training. They can maintain
01:17:30self-control in the most stressful situations. But when you're alone in space for more than six
01:17:36months and don't know when you'll return, you can get seriously nervous. Fortunately, Sergei didn't
01:17:42panic. He performed his daily duties, trained, and of course, missed home. A month later, he received
01:17:49the same response. We can't bring you back yet. The country is in a difficult situation. He felt
01:17:55worse every day. His strength was leaving him. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to survive. The most
01:18:01interesting thing is the station had a capsule developed to return to Earth, but Sergei didn't
01:18:07use it because no one would have served the station. Russia sold the station seats to other
01:18:12countries. Also, they hoped to sell Mir. This meant that Sergei had to keep the station working.
01:18:20Sergei's mission lasted twice as long as planned. As a result, he spent 10 months, or 311 days,
01:18:28in space and set a world record. During this time, he flew around the Earth about 5,000 times.
01:18:35Finally, he received the long-awaited message. He's coming home! Germany paid about 24 million
01:18:42dollars for a ticket to the station. They were going to replace the astronaut. Krikalev got
01:18:47into the capsule and flew to Earth. Many people were waiting for his return down there. The cosmonaut
01:18:53landed, and everyone rushed to help him. He looked very thin, sweaty, and exhausted. Four men helped
01:19:00him out of the capsule. They helped him stay on the ground, gave him a fur coat, and brought a
01:19:05bowl of broth. It seemed that such a flight would leave an imprint on his life forever. But the
01:19:11cosmonaut's mood was excellent. Two years later, he went into space again and became the first
01:19:17Russian cosmonaut to fly on a NASA shuttle. And two years later, he was one of the first to live
01:19:24on the ISS. In 2005, he made his sixth and last flight. He went to the ISS, where he spent about
01:19:32six months, after which he returned home on the lander. After this flight, he set a world record
01:19:39for the total duration of stay in space at 803 days. Only 10 years later, someone managed to
01:19:46break that record. But that's a different story. People stop their cars on the highway, get out of
01:19:53them, and lift their heads in wonder. In the cities, everyone takes to the streets. Balconies
01:19:59and rooftops of houses are full of people staring at the moon in shock. It's red. Some people scream
01:20:06that it's the end of the world. Some seek shelter. Indeed, the usual white moon now looks like it's
01:20:13been doused in red paint. There's no need to be afraid if you see such a thing. On the contrary,
01:20:19enjoy the view. Because you have witnessed a rare astronomical phenomenon. This is a total lunar
01:20:25eclipse. Here's the sun. It's in the center of our solar system. Mercury, Venus, and here's Earth
01:20:33and the moon. The Earth takes 365 days to orbit around the star. At the same time, the moon
01:20:39revolves around the Earth and completely orbits our planet in 27 days. The Earth creates a shadow
01:20:46zone, and sometimes the moon passes through it. The shadow is cone-shaped and gradually narrows.
01:20:52The moon is 238,000 miles away. That's like nine lengths of the equator. At this distance,
01:20:59the width of the shadow is about 2.6 times the width of the moon. When the moon is in this zone,
01:21:06direct sunlight doesn't reach it. That is, it should have disappeared. But instead, it becomes
01:21:13red. All because the sun's rays pass through the Earth's atmosphere. They scatter, and most of the
01:21:19blue light disappears. But the red and orange rays continue and hit the surface of the moon.
01:21:26Voila! You see a phenomenon called the blood moon. By the way, this curvature of light occurs
01:21:33at sunsets and dawns. The atmosphere scatters the blue light, and you see a red and orange sky.
01:21:40If you were standing on the surface of the moon during a total lunar eclipse,
01:21:44planet Earth would be exactly between you and the sun. So, you would be able to observe the
01:21:49solar eclipse. The surface of the Earth would become entirely dark for you. All you'd see
01:21:55would be the sun's corona illuminating the edges of the planet. The Earth from the surface of the
01:22:00moon is almost the same size as the moon from the surface of the Earth. Such a red eclipse of the
01:22:07moon is rare, because several factors must coincide. One of them is that the moon must be
01:22:13full. Usually, you can see two total lunar eclipses a year. In 2038, you'll be able to see four such
01:22:20eclipses. And the eclipse itself can last up to 108 minutes. But this is rare, and the last time
01:22:28such a long blood moon was seen was in 2000. Many years ago, people didn't know so many facts about
01:22:34our satellite, and the sight of a red moon frightened them. It was a bad sign and a harbinger
01:22:40of trouble. People who knew the schedule of eclipses could take advantage of it. For example,
01:22:46Christopher Columbus had an astronomical almanac and knew when the next lunar eclipse would occur.
01:22:53He frightened the inhabitants of the Caribbean islands when he predicted the red moon.
01:22:58Once upon a time, the moon used to be a red ball of lava. This was way back in time, 4.5 billion
01:23:05years ago. Now this is our solar system. It's full of dust and asteroids. They're constantly
01:23:11bumping into each other, playing space billiards. This is Earth. It's just beginning to cool off
01:23:17from the constant asteroid and comet impacts. But then, Theia appears on the horizon, a planet the
01:23:24size of Mars. It had a chaotic orbit and was approaching Earth in a spiral. A collision was
01:23:31inevitable, and at one point, one of the biggest crashes in our solar system occurred. Theia struck
01:23:37the Earth at an angle. It ripped out part of the Earth's crust and threw it into space. The Earth,
01:23:43in turn, absorbed part of the planet that rammed it. The debris from the collision circled the Earth
01:23:48for a long time. They were a kind of ring, almost like Saturn's. Debris in orbit collided and piled
01:23:55up around a common center of gravity. And that's how the Earth got the moon. There's a theory that
01:24:01this collision helped give birth to life on our planet. Theia hit the Earth at a perfect angle.
01:24:07If the crash had been head-on, both planets would likely have been destroyed in a massive explosion.
01:24:14If the impact had been tangential, then there wouldn't have been enough debris in Earth's orbit
01:24:19to form the moon. But we got the lucky ticket. The moon stabilized the Earth's rotation. The
01:24:25collision shattered the planet's solid crust and allowed oceans to form. Remember, water is the
01:24:31basis of life. When the cores of Earth and Theia merged, we got a powerful magnetosphere. This
01:24:38protects all living organisms from solar radiation. The moon, along with the sun, controls
01:24:44the tides. Its gravity seems to draw water to it from the Earth's surface. The sun does the same
01:24:50thing. That is, if we imagine the Earth as a ball of water, there would be two mountains, one on the
01:24:57moon's side and one on the sun's side. And as the moon moves around the Earth, this mountain of water
01:25:03moves with it. If you were in the open ocean with a tape measure, you would see that the
01:25:08moon is attracting water to itself by about four to six inches. The moon is gravitationally locked
01:25:15with the Earth. That's why it's always turned to us with one side, like Mercury and the sun. But
01:25:21the moon doesn't stand still. It's gradually moving away from our planet, about 1.5 inches a year.
01:25:28Not quickly, but in about 600 million years, it will have shrunk in our sky so much that we won't
01:25:34be able to see lunar eclipses anymore. Do you see this crater? It's Tycho. It's visible during a
01:25:40full moon because of these bright rays that extend thousands of miles from its epicenter.
01:25:45This is the youngest crater on the moon. Scientists say it appeared there due to a
01:25:50meteorite impact about 109 million years ago. At that time, dinosaurs were roaming the surface
01:25:56of our planet, and they may have seen the impact. It was most likely accompanied by a big explosion
01:26:03and looked like a salute in the night sky. Humanity loves to explore the moon. We've sent
01:26:09a bunch of missions there. A total of 12 people have set foot on the surface of the moon.
01:26:14The gravitational force there is six times less than on Earth. So if the average person on our
01:26:20planet weighed about 180 pounds, on the surface of the moon, the scales would only show 30 pounds,
01:26:26like the weight of an average dog. That's why the astronauts moved, jumped, and fell so strangely there.
01:26:34And you would be six times stronger on the surface of the moon. Here on Earth, the average person
01:26:39could lift about 130 pounds. But on the moon, you could raise a big motorcycle or a grizzly bear.
01:26:47The surface of the moon is covered with regolith. This is the lunar dust that covers the solid
01:26:52ground. Such dust is good at preserving footprints. Here's the most famous footprint, which gave birth
01:26:58to many crazy theories. Here's the footprint, and here's the shoe that left it. But the shoe is
01:27:05completely flat. This is explained simply. The astronauts wore extra boots for walking on the
01:27:11lunar surface. They have exactly the kind of sole that left these marks. In addition to the footprints,
01:27:17we left many fascinating objects on the moon. Several lunar rovers, a golf ball, flags, and
01:27:23human waste. There's also a lot of broken satellites and rocket parts. All in all, about 413,000
01:27:31pounds of human-made objects are there. That's the weight of three passenger planes or 31 adult
01:27:37elephants. In the future, we plan to resume missions to the moon. New landers will explore
01:27:43the surface of our satellite to find natural resources there. It's also a great place to test
01:27:48new rovers. We're even going to build something like the International Space Station in the moon's
01:27:53orbit, the Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway. It'll be a convenient platform for exploring our satellite
01:28:00and launching spacecraft into distant space. If you start from here, the spacecraft won't need
01:28:05to spend almost all its fuel to overcome the force of Earth's gravity. So, such a station would save
01:28:11fuel and money. Scientists hope that we'll be able to mine water from the moon's surface. It's been
01:28:18proven that there's ice there, mostly at the bottom of craters where the sunlight doesn't reach.
01:28:23Perhaps we'll send a rover there that can drill down a few feet into the surface, searching for
01:28:28water. Humanity already has the technology to build a full-fledged colony there. It would take up to
01:28:34three days to get there. We just need to get enough solar panels and building materials to the moon.
01:28:40There's no atmosphere on the moon, so potential lunar inhabitants would be defenseless against
01:28:45solar radiation. We would have to build houses underground to provide protection. Modern 3D
01:28:51printers will help make construction easy and fast. However, food and water supplies can only be
01:28:57maintained by constant supplies from Earth. The same goes for oxygen. Each rocket launch costs
01:29:03millions of dollars, so for now, colonization of the moon is in question. The moon could also become
01:29:10an object for space tourism. Imagine a spaceship launches from Earth. Three days on the road, and
01:29:16you're orbiting the moon. The lunar module undocks, and you land on the surface. You ride the rover,
01:29:23explore the craters, then return to the lander. The engines start. The lander returns you to orbit.
01:29:29You dock with the ship and return to Earth. Sounds like some pretty great plans for a week's vacation.
01:29:36Hey MythBusters! Today we're debunking some classic space myths.
01:29:40Hop on the next space shuttle, and let's get to the bottom of these tales once and for all.
01:29:47Picture this. You're floating weightlessly in space, sipping on a cup of delicious hot chocolate,
01:29:53when a peculiar thought pops into your head. Can you scream in outer space?
01:29:58And if yes, would anyone hear that scream?
01:30:11It's not that sounds don't exist, it's just that you can't hear them.
01:30:15There's no one better to clarify this myth than Chris Hadfield. He's been on a couple of space
01:30:21walks during his life as an astronaut, and once you're out there in the darkness of space,
01:30:27you can't hear anything. All you hear is silence. Complete silence. But hey, just around the corner
01:30:35is a massive ball of explosion, aka the sun. We just can't hear the explosions happening because
01:30:41there's no medium for sound to travel through. It would be quite uncomfortable for an astronaut
01:30:46though if they could hear all the noises going on in outer space. Now imagine you're zipping
01:30:53through space, feeling like a futuristic superhero, when a shooting star passes by your side. But wait,
01:31:00is it really a star? Unfortunately, shooting stars are not stars at all. They are small space rocks
01:31:07known as meteoroids, entering Earth's atmosphere and creating a stunning light show. Oh, and since
01:31:15we're debunking myths, let's head straight for another one. You've probably heard that meteors
01:31:21only crash into Earth on extremely rare occasions, like once every dinosaur extinguishing apocalypse.
01:31:28That's not true. Scientists estimate that about 48 tons of meteoritic material fall on Earth
01:31:35each day. But almost all of this material is vaporized in Earth's atmosphere. The bright
01:31:41trail we see in the night sky is what we popularly call a shooting star. Next time you make a wish
01:31:47upon a shooting star, remember you're actually hoping on a tiny piece of space debris. It's not
01:31:52so romantic after all. Can we or can we not fly into the stratosphere on air balloons? Apparently,
01:32:02we can. The Earth's stratosphere starts relatively close to the ground, about seven or eight miles up
01:32:08from the Earth's surface, but it continues a long way up. If you were to fly yourself all the way
01:32:14into the stratosphere with some type of air balloon, just make sure you have really good
01:32:19equipment at hand. You'll need a special suit and some breathing devices because air starts to get
01:32:25pretty thin the higher you get. Of course, if you do go all the way up, you need to get a picture
01:32:31of the Earth's curvature. So take a chest harness with you where you can put a special camera or
01:32:36something like that. And how about you live stream the whole thing? That would be a first!
01:32:43Imagine it's been 102 days since you left Earth. You've adapted well to life in outer space,
01:32:49but something weird is happening to your body. You're getting taller. How is that even possible?
01:32:56Don't stress about it, it's completely normal. The truth of the matter is, you're not getting
01:33:01taller. This is what happens to your body when it's not under the effect of gravity.
01:33:06Our body has natural space between vertebrae and joints. On Earth, this space is almost
01:33:13completely squeezed due to the force of gravity. But in space, your body gets some time off of
01:33:18the pushing force of gravity and begins to stretch more and more. So yes, astronauts can grow up to
01:33:253% taller when they're on long missions. And here's a curiosity. NASA has that all covered
01:33:31when they're tailor-making spacesuits, of course. This way, astronauts will always have extra space
01:33:37in their suits. Once astronauts are back on Earth, the anti-gravity effect will wear off.
01:33:43So maybe they'll spend a few days wearing capri pants before it fits perfectly on their bodies
01:33:47again. Never have I ever pictured an airplane door bursting open mid-flight and a bunch of
01:33:54passengers being sucked into the atmosphere like flying feathers. Well, I'm betting most of you
01:34:00have had similar thoughts when getting inside a plane. Now imagine if this were to happen
01:34:05in outer space. Common knowledge says that if an astronaut is sucked out of an airlock,
01:34:10this person would be burnt to a crisp. Brace yourselves, because this is not only true,
01:34:15but the reality of it is way worse. According to astronaut Chris Hadfield, this is what would
01:34:21happen. The part of your body in the shade of the sun would experience temperatures of negative
01:34:26418 degrees Fahrenheit, while the part of you getting sunlight would burn at around 480 degrees
01:34:34Fahrenheit. Your lungs would collapse, and your blood would start to boil like tea water. So,
01:34:41you would burn, freeze, lose your ability to breathe, and boil. Yikes! How many times have
01:34:49you heard that astronauts have to work out every second of every day, otherwise they'll pass out?
01:34:55This is a complete myth. Remember we talked about gravity earlier? Due to the lack of gravity in
01:35:01outer space, our bodies don't have to do any heavy work, our torsos don't have to sustain the weight
01:35:07of our heads, and we don't have to make any effort to move our legs because, essentially, there's no
01:35:13walking in outer space. Now, imagine living like that for six months, or even a year of your life.
01:35:21Your muscles could turn into jello. That's why astronauts work out. They'll strap themselves and
01:35:27run on a treadmill, or they'll do some weight lifting in a special machine. This way, their
01:35:33muscles won't feel the lack of gravity too much. They do need to keep hydrated though.
01:35:39You know what? If I was an astronaut, I'd ask NASA if I could take my super soft water flask up into
01:35:45space with me. You've probably heard that space smells like burnt steak or barbecue sauce. Now,
01:35:53as much as this sounds absurd, this myth is more true than it is false. Astronauts obviously can't
01:36:00smell space when they're in it because they can't take off their helmets. They usually smell it once
01:36:06a space vehicle docks and they open up a hatch. Apparently, what causes this smell is the presence
01:36:12of hydrocarbons that float around in space. Who would have thought, huh? Hey smart people, let me
01:36:19ask you a question. Do you really think that if astronauts fly at the speed of light, they won't
01:36:24age a single second? I knew you'd say no! Let's get a few things straight. First of all, we haven't
01:36:31figured out how to operate vehicles at the speed of light. This would require an immense amount of
01:36:37energy and we don't have the technology to do that. Second, even if we managed to send a human inside
01:36:43a spacecraft that traveled at the speed of light, this person would still age. They would age
01:36:49differently than the people who remained on Earth, that's a fact, but they would still age.
01:36:54Do you lot really think there's such a thing as immortality? Nah. If you've seen the first Avatar,
01:37:00then you certainly remember that humans only managed to get to Pandora because they traveled
01:37:05in cryosleep. In other words, they froze their bodies, put them in a cryo bed, and traveled for
01:37:11years without aging. Yes, this sounds amazing, but we still don't have the technology to do that.
01:37:17Our bodies are mainly made out of water, right? And when you freeze water, it expands. That's why
01:37:24you should never leave soda cans unattended in your freezer. Right now, if we froze a person's
01:37:29body, the water inside of it would expand, harming tissues and organs. So no, we can't cryosleep our
01:37:36way into interstellar travel. Not yet, at least. Here's a crazy thought. What would happen if an
01:37:44astronaut took a drone with him on one of their spacewalks? Unless it's a NASA-designed drone,
01:37:49maybe the thing would freeze and burn like humans would if they went into space without a suit.
01:37:55But hey, a person can dream, can't they?
01:38:03Houston, we've got good news. A group of select humans is being interviewed to hop on board the
01:38:07first commercial vacation to outer space. The space agency has given you a survey to answer.
01:38:13They want to know what you would pack on this space adventure. Depending on your answers,
01:38:17you just might be one of the chosen ones. Now how about we take a look at that list together?
01:38:25Pencils. I guess I never would have thought of that, but it makes sense. Legend has it that the
01:38:32U.S. spent millions of dollars trying to design a pen that worked in space. You know, since the
01:38:37lack of gravity is a huge, I mean, inescapable factor of life in outer space, pens don't work.
01:38:44The ink won't flow down as it does here on Earth. It turns out that pencils will do the trick.
01:38:49This way you can play word puzzles with the other space tourists, or even make some drawings of your
01:38:54adventure. You'd never forget to pack a toothbrush, of course. According to veteran astronauts,
01:39:00toothbrushes are so simple, yet their technology is enough for space. If you were to squeeze a
01:39:05water bottle inside a spacecraft, the molecules of water would float around in small bubbles.
01:39:10But if you wet your toothbrush, it naturally holds the water in it, keeping it moist to
01:39:14receive your toothpaste. Oh, I was going to say funny socks. Glad that you beat me to it.
01:39:20Here are two things. First, there's not a lot of walking that goes on in space.
01:39:25People don't tend to touch the ground too much up there. And second, space isn't the best place to
01:39:30showcase your fashion style. Astronauts tend to use special clothes while they're out there,
01:39:35and it will be no different for you as a space vacationer. So socks will keep your feet warm
01:39:39and fuzzy, but they'll also speak for your fashion interest. Maybe one day you'll wear a smiley face
01:39:45sock, while the other day you'll go for a Grinch-themed one. Of course, socks are pretty
01:39:49helpful on board an aircraft. They'll make you slide through stuff more easily.
01:39:53Next time I go to the convenience store, I'll remember to buy some wet wipes for your space
01:39:57travel. Experienced space travelers do love them. And it wasn't even NASA that invented them, huh?
01:40:03Since water is a no-go inside a spaceship, the best option is wet wipes. Better yet,
01:40:08if they're scented. Astronauts even use different kinds of wipes. They buy the disinfecting ones,
01:40:14and the ones to use on their bodies. Just make sure you know how to tell the difference between
01:40:17them when you're up there. There's a popular myth that says that NASA invented Velcro.
01:40:22But the truth is, we tend to think that everything that's used in space was invented by NASA for a
01:40:27very intelligent and specific purpose. It wasn't though. Velcro was invented for mundane reasons
01:40:33back in the 1950s by a Swiss company. They were adopted by space travelers because they work as
01:40:38anti-gravity props. They don't erase gravity, of course. But you can glue Velcros into daily stuff,
01:40:44and then hang them on the Velcro attached to the spaceship's walls. It's a very smart system.
01:40:49But best to take your own pair, right? If you're spending a long time in outer space,
01:40:54photographs from back home might come in handy. Choose them well though. Since the spacecraft
01:40:59isn't all that big, the rest of the people on board will know which pictures you decided to
01:41:03bring along. Best to keep that Harry Styles poster back in your earthly bedroom, right?
01:41:08Just bring real pictures of people that you know and love. Did I hear pizza?
01:41:14A huge part of traveling and exploring new places is being able to taste different flavors of food.
01:41:20In outer space, that's a bit more complicated. But hey, at least you can take some pizza with you.
01:41:26Well, actually, you'd have to have it delivered to you in a cargo ship.
01:41:30This way, ingredients would come fresh and ready to eat. It wouldn't be the first time that people
01:41:34in space tried eating earthling junk food. Some astronauts have even eaten crepes and hot dogs.
01:41:39Perhaps the best part of this pizza party would be that your food could float.
01:41:43Now isn't this a super nice way to enjoy some earth delicacies?
01:41:47Hmm, as much as I understand your desire to pack a toilet with you on this space trip,
01:41:51that's virtually impossible. I mean, I understand you. Some people are attached
01:41:55to the toilets in their homes. And a space toilet is far from the ideal experience.
01:42:00But NASA has been improving their toilet system. And it's the best it's been over the years.
01:42:05So that will have to do. Here's something I would take as well. A laptop. But what good
01:42:10would it do in outer space, you might ask? Apparently, there is internet all over the
01:42:15International Space Station. So even if you're not spending most of your trip docked at the ISS,
01:42:20you could enjoy some Netflix on the days you spend over there. There is internet all over
01:42:25the ISS apparently. Crazy, huh? And speaking of leisure, I love that you would take a yo-yo.
01:42:30I'm not sure how efficient it would be in space, since there's no gravity to bounce it back and
01:42:34forth. But it would be nice to see how a yo-yo reacts in a gravity free environment.
01:42:40Oh, I love jigsaw puzzles. This would definitely be on my list as well. Imagine trying to build a
01:42:45jigsaw puzzle that keeps floating in the air. Maybe you'll have to create a system to avoid
01:42:50the separate pieces floating aimlessly through the spacecraft. But imagine once you finish that
01:42:55turtle puzzle, it will look like it's swimming around the craft. You can't pack a window,
01:42:59but they sure are an important part of life in outer space. Let's keep in mind some of the rules
01:43:04of the trip. Each traveler will have the opportunity to do one spacewalk during their
01:43:09time in space. This is already huge. Consider yourself lucky. Some elite astronauts only get
01:43:18to do one spacewalk during their entire career. That is so because spacewalks are risky and
01:43:23require a lot of training. But you'll get your training once you're up there. The thing is,
01:43:27all other days you'll be stuck inside a floating tin can. So windows will come a long way.
01:43:35They'll help to remind you where you are. They'll give you some perspective of space and earth.
01:43:39Of course, you should take your camera. How else will you be able to register for this
01:43:43once in a lifetime experience? Just make sure it works inside an aircraft or the ISS and you're
01:43:49good to go. Hmm, coffee. Don't worry, you don't need to pack your own. Up until recently,
01:43:55astronauts had to rely solely on instantly brewed cups of coffee when they were in space.
01:44:00But you're lucky that coffee experts have already solved this issue.
01:44:03Nowadays, there's the ISSpresso machine. The machine itself is similar in size to an earthling
01:44:10espresso machine. But to drink it, space travelers have to use a zero gravity coffee cup together
01:44:15with a straw. If you try drinking it regularly, you wouldn't get hot coffee to hit you directly
01:44:20in your face. Instead, the coffee would be glued to the bottom of your cup. I have to say I really
01:44:26stand this invention. Last but not least, why not pack your guitar with you? I noticed you were
01:44:32missing a musical instrument. If this was a conventional flight, you might have to pay
01:44:36extra for luggage. But since it's all included, don't be shy and take your guitar. Astronauts
01:44:42such as Chris Hadfield take their musical instruments with them when they're in space.
01:44:46He even became famous for his version of Bowie's Space Oddity, up to the point that Bowie himself
01:44:51told him he lived Chris's version of it. It helps to pass the time, but it's also great for
01:44:56socializing. Can you imagine a pretend bonfire happening in the void of space? I can. And it
01:45:02looks super cool. Well, I think you're set to go. I'll personally call NASA and ask them to
01:45:07pick you as one of the lucky space travelers. See you in outer space, amigo. Have you heard
01:45:15about a diamond star that could put all the riches on earth to shame? Or how about twinkling stars
01:45:21with surfaces made of solid iron? So let's take a look at these weird stars and try to unravel
01:45:28their mysteries. There's a star in the Centaurus constellation that was nicknamed Lucy in the Sky
01:45:35with Diamonds. Yes, it was named after a Beatles song because it basically is a Beatles song.
01:45:42You see, the star was discovered to have a massive diamond at its core.
01:45:47Now, you may be wondering how big this diamond really is. Well, it's estimated to be about 10
01:45:53billion trillion trillion carats. That's a one followed by 34 zeros. To put that into perspective,
01:46:01the Hope Diamond, which is one of the largest diamonds on earth, is a measly 45.5 carats in
01:46:07comparison. Can you imagine the size of the ring you could make with this star diamond? And it's
01:46:13about the same mass as our sun. But don't get too excited about the prospect of owning this
01:46:20diamond just yet. Even if you were Jeff Bezos, you wouldn't be able to afford it. According to
01:46:26Ronald Winston, CEO of Harry Winston, Inc., the diamond is so big that it would likely depress
01:46:33the value of the market. So you'd have to settle for a much smaller diamond engagement ring.
01:46:38One interesting thing about the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds star is that it's incredibly dense.
01:46:44In fact, it has the mass of the sun crammed into an object only a third the diameter of earth.
01:46:50That's like trying to fit an elephant into a shoebox. And yet, despite its massive size,
01:46:57it's actually quite cool. With a core temperature of only about 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit,
01:47:04it's actually quite cool. With a core temperature of only about 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit,
01:47:09by comparison, the core temperature of our sun is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.
01:47:18Since the discovery of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, several other crystallized stars
01:47:23have been found, some with diamond hearts the size of earth. It just goes to show that the
01:47:28universe is full of surprises, and you never know what kind of treasures you might find out there
01:47:34in the vast expanse of space. And this isn't the only weird star we've discovered so far.
01:47:42There are many strange, unexplained things in outer space.
01:47:48For example, let's take Vega. Vega, also known as Alpha Lyrae, is a bright star located in the
01:47:55constellation Lyra. It's one of the brightest stars in the night sky, and is easily visible
01:48:01to the naked eye from most parts of the world. Now, Vega may look like a beautiful, bright star
01:48:09to us Northern Hemisphere folks, but little do we know, it's hiding a secret. It's actually
01:48:15quite squashed. You see, Vega's high spin rate causes it to bulge at the equator,
01:48:23kind of like a cosmic belly. It rotates once every 12.5 hours, which is pretty fast for a star,
01:48:30and it throws material out around its waistline. It's almost like the star is hula-hooping.
01:48:36This material is further from the center of the star, so it experiences less gravity,
01:48:42causing it to cool and darken, leading to a gravity darkening effect.
01:48:47So Vega is basically a cosmic fitness guru's worst nightmare. Although for us stargazers,
01:48:53it still looks round because we're looking at it from Earth's pole end. However, if we saw it from
01:49:00a different angle, we'd get a very different view, one that might make us wonder if Vega has been
01:49:06sneaking some cosmic donuts behind our backs. But while we might joke about its equatorial
01:49:13But while we might joke about its equatorial waistline, there's no denying that Vega is still
01:49:19one of the brightest and most fascinating stars in our galaxy.
01:49:25But if you want something actually bright, then how about a supernova?
01:49:32Supernovas are giant space booms that occur when stars reach the end of their life cycle.
01:49:39It's like the grand finale of a firework show, but on a cosmic scale.
01:49:43They release more energy in a few seconds than our sun will produce in its entire lifetime.
01:49:51And this is exactly what happened to the next star of our show. This celestial object with a
01:49:57weird name, IPFT-14HLS. But there's a catch. It isn't your average supernova. Even though this
01:50:06star made a blast in 2014 and started to fade away like usual, recently it made an unexpected
01:50:14comeback and brightened once more. Talk about a dramatic entrance. And if that wasn't enough,
01:50:22this thing continued to fade and brighten at least five times in total, which is a bit like a yo-yo.
01:50:29It's like the star just couldn't make up its mind about whether it wanted to stay bright
01:50:33or fade away into the abyss.
01:50:37Also, when scientists measured the supernova's spectrum,
01:50:41they found that it was evolving 10 times slower than other stars.
01:50:46Maybe it's a supernova that just wants to enjoy its golden years.
01:50:52All in all, this object is a real mystery.
01:50:55But this is not the only star suffering from the two-in-one syndrome. At first glance,
01:51:01MY Camelopardalis appears to be a fairly common star. But after a closer look,
01:51:08astronomers concluded it was actually two stars in one.
01:51:14These two stars are orbiting each other at over 600,000 miles per hour.
01:51:20It's a contact binary star system, which means that the stars are so close together
01:51:26that they share a common envelope. In other words,
01:51:30they're so close to each other that they're practically smooching.
01:51:35These celestial Romeo and Juliet are one of the most massive known binary stars out there.
01:51:41Each of them individually weighs in at a whopping 32 and 38 solar masses, respectively.
01:51:50Astronomers also think that they might be on the brink of a stellar merger,
01:51:54which means that one day they might just combine into one giant superstar.
01:52:00Wow, who knew space could be so romantic?
01:52:06Next, introducing another long name, HD 140283, also known as Methuselah's star.
01:52:14This little guy in the constellation Libra has been around for a while,
01:52:19and by a while, I mean a really long time.
01:52:22Actually, scientists used to think it was older than the universe itself.
01:52:29Just imagine if it turned out to be true. But eventually, they figured out that it's actually
01:52:35around 14.8 billion years old, a peer of our universe. That's still pretty impressive, though.
01:52:42This star is so old, it remembers when the Milky Way was just a baby galaxy.
01:52:49But despite all that, this star still has some life left in it.
01:52:54It's just starting to expand into a red giant,
01:52:57which is kind of like when you hit your 30s. Talk about aging well.
01:53:04But if all these things are somewhat comprehensible,
01:53:07then how about a star that was literally named WTF star by scientists?
01:53:13No, I'm not kidding. At least, it used to be.
01:53:16Now, it's called Tabby's star. It also has a more scientific name,
01:53:21but that one is a bit of a mouthful.
01:53:25But what's really bizarre about this star is its irregular dimming.
01:53:29For some reason, it doesn't glow like a normal star,
01:53:33but blinks as if someone turned on and off a flashlight.
01:53:37And it's not just a little dip, we're talking up to a 22% drop in light.
01:53:42So it's not because it sometimes gets blocked by a planet or something.
01:53:48Scientists have come up with all sorts of explanations for this strange behavior,
01:53:53from comets to dust to even an extraterrestrial megastructure.
01:53:58That's right, but before your imagination runs too wild,
01:54:01it's important to note that the most likely explanation is just plain old dust.
01:54:07Perhaps the star is surrounded by some kind of dust cloud,
01:54:10and sometimes it prevents us from seeing it clearly.
01:54:15Although this explanation is still not 100% confirmed,
01:54:19there are still plenty of mysteries surrounding Tabby's star.
01:54:23One thing's for sure, it may be a bit of an oddball, but that's what makes it so fascinating.
01:54:30So there you have it, folks.
01:54:32We're left in awe of the incredible diversity and strangeness of the cosmos.
01:54:37There's so much more to discover out there,
01:54:40so let's keep exploring and keep being amazed by the wonders of the universe.
01:54:45Wow, the James Webb Telescope has been fully deployed!
01:54:49If you're interested in astronomy or space,
01:54:51you've got to be excited about the James Webb Space Telescope.
01:54:54Here's why.
01:54:56For starters, it's huge.
01:54:57How huge?
01:54:58The primary mirror of the JWST is over 21 feet wide.
01:55:03The Hubble Space Telescope, the previous largest eye in space,
01:55:06has a mirror of about 7 feet, 10.5 inches.
01:55:09By comparison, if you placed the two telescopes side by side,
01:55:13it'd be like putting a horse next to an elephant, and elephants are enormous.
01:55:17There's a perfect reason why the Webb, as it's affectionately called, is massive.
01:55:22It has to be huge, because it's not an optical telescope
01:55:25in the traditional sense that most telescopes are.
01:55:28The JWST is an infrared telescope.
01:55:31It sees heat.
01:55:33Infrared light has a longer wavelength than visible light,
01:55:37so it needs a larger mirror to focus that light.
01:55:40So what do we have here with the James Webb Space Telescope?
01:55:43We have two never-before things going on.
01:55:47We have incredible technology and incredible science missions.
01:55:51Both the missions and the technology are out of this world cutting edge.
01:55:56The Webb is a classic example of engineering in the service of science.
01:56:00Because of its greater light-gathering power,
01:56:02the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to take images of things
01:56:06that we were never able to see before, but have always wanted to see.
01:56:10Things like exoplanets, and the first galaxies in the universe,
01:56:13and stars and planets forming inside nebulae.
01:56:17And you can bet that there'll be plenty of surprises, too.
01:56:20The James Webb Space Telescope has several technological tricks up its sleeve,
01:56:25which promise to provide its greatest scientific discoveries.
01:56:28The Webb has a coronagraph, and a very special coronagraph at that.
01:56:33The coronagraph is the tool that will allow the first real pictures of exoplanets.
01:56:39The coronagraph blocks out the bright pinpoint light of stars,
01:56:42which we already know have planets orbiting around them.
01:56:45Without the coronagraph, the starlight would make things too bright to see these planets,
01:56:50because planets are hundreds of thousands of times dimmer than the star.
01:56:53But with the coronagraph blocking the starlight, the exoplanets come into view.
01:56:58And the JWST coronagraph can block the light from up to 100 stars at once.
01:57:04We can expect a swarm of exoplanets.
01:57:07This brings us to the next high-tech gadget the JWST has up its sleeve,
01:57:11a no-slit spectrograph.
01:57:13Usually, an ordinary spectrograph will have a slit
01:57:16to allow a sliver of light to enter and be diffracted.
01:57:20Diffraction is the scattering of light to reveal the spectrum of the light's component wavelengths.
01:57:25But the James Webb Space Telescope's work is so sensitive
01:57:29that a sliver of light would overwhelm the optics.
01:57:32So a no-slit spectrograph was installed.
01:57:35The starlight gathered from the big mirror is sent into a fiber-optic cable
01:57:39to send only a single spot of light into the spectroscope.
01:57:43And that's where the grism takes over.
01:57:46Sir Isaac Newton used a prism to discover the spectrum of sunlight.
01:57:50Roy G. Biv, as you may recall.
01:57:52But the Webb uses a grism.
01:57:55That's a compound word, like smog, which is smoke and fog.
01:57:59A grism is a graded prism.
01:58:02That means it has itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny groups that diffract the spot of light
01:58:06the big mirror sends down the fiber-optic cable and into the spectrograph.
01:58:10The science of reading a spectrum of light is called spectroscopy.
01:58:15By analyzing the spectra of light from the exoplanets,
01:58:18the JWST will determine what gases are in the planet's atmospheres,
01:58:23as well as their density and even their temperature.
01:58:25It's an incredible advance in our knowledge.
01:58:28We'll be able to tell if a planet has oxygen or nitrogen or methane
01:58:32and other gases that may or may not indicate that the planet is habitable.
01:58:37Another Earth, perhaps.
01:58:39Presently, the JWST is parked in its permanent location.
01:58:44Unlike the Hubble Space Telescope, which orbits the Earth,
01:58:47the James Webb Space Telescope orbits the Sun.
01:58:50It orbits the Sun at one of the gravitational balance points
01:58:53between the Earth-Sun system.
01:58:55It just stays there without having to use much or any fuel to hold its position.
01:59:00So as the Earth orbits the Sun,
01:59:02the James Webb remains parked at a spot that is also orbiting the Sun.
01:59:07There are five gravitational balance points between the Earth and Sun.
01:59:11They are called Lagrange points.
01:59:13After their discoverer, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, in the 18th century,
01:59:17the Webb is parked at L2, the second of the five Lagrange points,
01:59:21which lies 932,000 miles out into space, way beyond the Moon.
01:59:27All this to observe a spot of infrared light.
01:59:30But first, the engineers must get, or acquire, that spot of light.
01:59:35To get a spot of infrared light,
01:59:37the 18 hexagonal mirrors had to be unfolded from their position
01:59:41inside the Ariane rocket that sent the Webb into space.
01:59:45Once the mirrors have unfolded,
01:59:46their positions must be adjusted to microscopic-level accuracy
01:59:50so that all 18 mirrors produce a single image.
01:59:54Several tiny motors are attached to each mirror segment to make these adjustments.
01:59:58These motors, which must be activated individually,
02:00:01will gradually pull the honeycomb-like mirror segments into alignment.
02:00:05It's a critical part of the mission and takes months to complete.
02:00:09To align the mirrors to produce a single spot of light,
02:00:12the James Webb Space Telescope can't be jiggling around.
02:00:15The telescope must be kept absolutely motionless,
02:00:18and that requires two other cutting-edge technologies,
02:00:21the sunshield and the cryocooler.
02:00:24In space, direct sunlight is very hot, and shadow is very cold.
02:00:30Therefore, the James Webb Space Telescope brought along its own high-tech sunshield.
02:00:35It's huge, too, as big as a tennis court huge.
02:00:38Comprised of five individual layers of Kapton film only a millimeter thick,
02:00:43each layer of the sunshield has to be remotely deployed individually
02:00:47using a system of eight motors and 139 actuators with thousands of parts.
02:00:53The purpose of the sunshield is to help the JWST stay cold.
02:00:57The colder, the better.
02:00:59And colder is what the cryocooler is for.
02:01:02Temperature can be measured three different ways.
02:01:04In degrees Fahrenheit, where water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212.
02:01:09In degrees Celsius, where water freezes at zero degrees and boils at 100 degrees.
02:01:14But neither of these thermometers have a starting point.
02:01:17So Lord Kelvin, in the 19th century, devised a third temperature scale,
02:01:22the Kelvin scale, which starts at absolute zero, the coldest temperature possible.
02:01:28The onboard cryocooler will cool the JWST to just seven degrees Kelvin,
02:01:34seven degrees above absolute zero.
02:01:37At this temperature, virtually all heat from motors is removed,
02:01:41and the telescope will be able to focus the light to a point without any noise,
02:01:45basically any motion interfering with the quality of the image.
02:01:49Finally, after all this incredible technology functions remotely as planned,
02:01:54we are almost ready to observe the infrared images from the giant,
02:01:57multi-segmented mirror of the James Webb Space Telescope.
02:02:01Almost ready.
02:02:03A telescope can collect all the light it wants,
02:02:05but in the end, it must also be able to detect what it's collected.
02:02:09If the light is not detected, it's not truly observed.
02:02:13Enter the piece de resistance, the infrared detectors.
02:02:17The Webb has 15 of them.
02:02:19The specially fabricated semiconductor material produces a slight electrical charge
02:02:23when struck by a photon of infrared light.
02:02:26The Webb's infrared detectors can produce a million pixel high-def image.
02:02:31A few of the detectors can produce a four million pixel image.
02:02:35They must be durable enough to last 10 to 20 years without warping or corrupting,
02:02:40all while working at seven degrees above absolute zero.
02:02:43In themselves, the infrared detectors on the JWST are an engineering marvel.
02:02:49But what are they going to take pictures of?
02:02:52Ah, the missions of the JWST.
02:02:55Well, they're cutting edge too.
02:02:5770 of the first 280 target observations are exoplanets.
02:03:01Is there another Earth?
02:03:03Which exoplanets seem habitable?
02:03:05The Webb telescope will provide detailed spectroscopic analysis
02:03:09of the atmospheres of thousands of known exoplanets.
02:03:12For the first time, we will see images of exoplanets as they appear in infrared light.
02:03:18Cosmology, the study of the universe, is perhaps the primary mission for the Webb.
02:03:23Galaxies receding away so fast that their light is stretched into the infrared
02:03:28will be a prime target for observation.
02:03:30Hundreds of hours of observations are necessary to collect the faint infrared light
02:03:35from these first galaxies formed after the Big Bang.
02:03:38The JWST will give us a picture of what the infant universe looked like.
02:03:43Astronomers will learn new information about the dark energy
02:03:46that is driving the expansion of the universe,
02:03:49and what role, if any, black holes play in the formation of galaxies.
02:03:54Star formation in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies
02:03:57is also part of the mission of the James Webb.
02:04:00By imaging hundreds of solar systems forming around newborn stars,
02:04:04astronomers will establish a definite history of solar system development.
02:04:08Now fact will replace theory,
02:04:10and a big step forward will be taken in our understanding of space.
02:04:15The James Webb Space Telescope is a bold endeavor
02:04:18that will mark an epoch time in scientific history.
