• 3 months ago


00:00Do you want me to do it? Are you serious? Oh my god, it doesn't work.
00:08Oh my god, is mine broken? This whole time I thought I was safe.
00:12Hey Vogue, it's Emma. Today I'm going to show you what is in my bag.
00:20I probably have 60 totes. There are way more totes but then I did like a purging of the
00:27totes which I really regret and I shouldn't have gotten rid of any of them but I did.
00:31So now um yeah we're talking like 60. I thought this one was pretty spectacular though. I'm
00:35gonna try to go again because I didn't get a sweatshirt at the concert. See you soon Zach
00:39Ryan. What is in the tote you ask? Well I always have a book with me because I'm usually traveling
00:45and I'm also compulsively early to wherever I'm going and my book club Bellatrist, our last pick
00:51was Weird Black Girls. It's short stories and it is absolutely amazing so I highly recommend that.
00:57My book club Bellatrist, I started with my best friend Kara seven years ago. We actually talked
01:02about it so long ago that it was before Instagram existed if you can imagine. So we were like should
01:08we start a blog or a tumblr? Of course now I feel like everybody has a book club which I love
01:13because the more people are reading the better but this is something that I've just been passionate
01:17about forever and we've turned it into a production company. Let's see what would you guys
01:21like to see next? Hmm my keys. I always have my keys on me and this is my son's first school photo.
01:27This photo just absolutely killed me because he never smiles for me and picture day he was really
01:33into. So he cannot leave the house without honey bear. It's uh this little like slumberkin stuffed
01:38animal. I noticed that after having a kid like you buy them all this like really amazing like special
01:44unique stuff and then whatever they get attached to is always so random but we've had to buy now
01:50four honey bears because honey bear um did get thrown into a river once. We were like throwing
01:55rocks into the river and he threw honey bear into the river um so I panicked and was then very
02:00grateful that I could order honey bear for overnight shipping. This brightens my day every
02:04time I see it. My son has honey bear and then I have my blankie that I carry around with me but
02:10I'm an adult so I call it an anxiety rag because that seems to be like a little more acceptable but
02:15this is just something that I just go like this when I have anxiety or when you know I'm just
02:21feeling anxious I guess. Where's the part? This is the twirling part that's like this all the time.
02:25It's a little weird but I like it. Kiko. This is my absolute favorite unlimited double touch
02:33lip gloss. I have really gotten into like a darker lip lately and especially for summer. I don't want
02:39to have to wear any makeup but I like to throw on a red lip to like you know spice up an outfit.
02:43This is my favorite. You got gloss on one side, color on one side, throw it in your bag. Absolutely love
02:50Evian spray. I'm obsessed with any kind of face mist especially when I'm at work and I have to
02:57wear makeup for 12 hours. I have to do misting in the day and everybody always wants a spritz.
03:02Whenever I pull this out like everyone in this room when we're done with this I will totally
03:07Evian mist you. Oh I'm very into flower essences lately. Alexis Smart. This one's Ganesh and it's
03:13for confidence. Four drops under your tongue four times a day. I feel like if it does something
03:18great and if it doesn't it's doing something in my mind so I love that too. Definitely gonna get
03:22more from her. M&M's. Duh. Have to have M&M's. Peanut M&M's the best. Love it. Great source of protein.
03:31I always need M&M's especially when I'm traveling on the plane or in a hotel.
03:34It's a must. Birdie. I'm new to this. My mom got it for me and my sister. Basically if you're in a
03:41bad situation you pull it and an alarm goes off very loud because yeah sometimes I'm walking alone
03:46at night and I'm a little scared so Birdie. I could pull it right now but you guys would freak
03:52it's so loud. Me and my sister carry these because of my mom. Thanks mom. All right what else we have?
03:55We have a phone but who cares about a phone? I'm so bored of my phone but there it is. Cards always.
04:01I'm in an ongoing gin competition with my boyfriend and so far I'm losing which I'm not
04:08happy about so I always have a deck of cards on me because I'm always trying to win at gin. Oh well
04:13this is stuck together. We have airpods obviously. This is my ninth pair of airpods because
04:22they don't want to stay with me. I'm so into country. I love country. I love Zach Bryan. I'm
04:28into Lana Del Rey. That's not country but I love Lana Del Rey and also when I'm driving I only
04:34listen to Seriously Sinatra is the station because I feel like it's the only thing that
04:41keeps me like calm and cool in traffic. It's just a little little Sinatra you know.
04:48And then this is because my bangs will not grow out so I have to clip them down sometimes when
04:54they're when they're not behaving so I should have two of those but I guess we lost the other
04:59one. Okay so we're done with the tote and now we are moving on to the purse. I'm a Ray-Ban girl.
05:04Always have been. Always will be. Love my Gucci wallet. I love yellow and I got this duty-free
05:11at the airport in Italy so I don't know why that makes me love it more but it does. Okay this I'm
05:16obsessed with. My sister introduced me to this because she's 23 and cool and like knows everything
05:22about social media and phones and so this goes on I mean of course because I have all this stuff
05:29on the back of my phone but if I take my case off and do this I can literally stick this anywhere
05:33and like FaceTime or take pictures or do videos so it's very handy. The Octobuddy. I've gotten
05:38this for like everyone I know and it's changed their life. There's that. Mostly what I want to
05:43keep from stuff I've worked on is clothing. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't take more from
05:48American Horror Story Coven but I did keep a pair of black Prada ankle boots that I still to this
05:55day love. I don't think I can walk in them anymore but I love them. Band-Aid, Toblerone, more candy
06:01that I sneak into the movie theater. I love Toblerone. I miss the Arclight because they used
06:05to sell Toblerone at the Arclight. I mean can't like one of the streamers buy it and then like
06:10they can like charge you more per month and you can go see movies for free in theaters? That would
06:14be fun. Thank you. Everyone behind us is going like this. Let's talk to somebody about that and
06:19then I have stamps. I always need stamps. I'm old school. I like sending postcards everywhere I go
06:24to my family but like even if I'm staying in a hotel like if I'm away from my son like I'll send
06:28a little postcard from the hotel. Like nothing gives me more joy than getting mail so I like to
06:33give that joy to other people because I feel like we don't get mail anymore unless it's like
06:36something we ordered. I'm a big scrapbooker so I love like tangible stuff and souvenirs and like
06:42concert tickets, movie tickets, postcards. I like anything analog because I just feel like
06:47everything disappears into the abyss of our phones and computers now. I try to keep that a little bit
06:52alive within my family and friend group. I have a couple more things. Mascara. I feel like I always
06:57need mascara so that's in here from Kiko. Eyedrops. I have dry eye. It's horrible and now I'm addicted
07:06to eyedrops. It's like a vicious cycle I've heard. I don't know. We don't need to get into it but yes
07:10eyedrops. Altoids duh. And then this. My friend. My little doll. I'm a doll collector um if you
07:19haven't been following that recently on my social media. My friend's daughter who's eight months old
07:25Stevie. Hi Stevie. She gave me this the other day and I actually forgot that I had put it in here
07:31so she accidentally came with me to New York. She's missing her arm but I feel like that's part
07:35of her charm you know. She might accidentally now be my traveling doll because she's made it to New
07:39York so she may as well just continue on with me to wherever I go next. If he doesn't have a name
07:43yet though we should name her. Doll names anyone? Little Stevie. Okay little Stevie. Little Stevie.
07:49There she is. I have a pen. I love this pen. This pen's actually caused an argument between my mom
07:55and I because she said it was hers and I knew it was mine and it's not a pen you like mistake.
08:00Like it's a weird looking pen. She was convinced it was hers. I was convinced it was mine and
08:04I love this pen and so I took it back. There's no way we bought the same pen that looks like this
08:09is there? So I only have one thing left in here like that's embarrassing and it's only because
08:14I just got off a plane. I have recently started sleeping with mouth tape and if you guys aren't
08:19doing it you should be because it's life-changing. I feel more refreshed when I wake up sleeping with
08:24mouth tape. I'm the girl on the plane with the mouth tape with my blankie with like under eye
08:28patches with like an eye mask like you don't want to see me on a plane. It's and and I'm not
08:33embarrassed no at all. Be who you want to be on the plane like as long as you're not bothering
08:37anybody you know. July 4th I have a movie coming out called Space Cadet on Amazon and it was one
08:43of those scripts that I read and just fell madly in love with and wanted it so badly. Like a year
08:49later I got a call that I got the part and I was like oh my god and it's uh written and directed
08:55by Liz Garcia who is amazing and I've wanted to work with her for like 10 years. It's very like
09:01Legally Blonde meets Private Benjamin kind of vibes about a party girl who accidentally fibs
09:08her way into NASA so I'm very very excited for everybody to see that. If I could take one person
09:16and fit them in my bag and bring them with me everywhere definitely my son but unfortunately
09:21my son will not sit still because he's a three-year-old boy and is faster than me and I
09:26cannot keep up with him but I would bring him everywhere if I could and if he would stop running
09:29away from me and then I mean I would bring my sister with me everywhere which I do she's
09:32actually here she's over there. My sister is also my BFF Grace and I always say to her I wish I could
09:37just put you in my suitcase and bring you everywhere with me. All right well that was everything that
09:41was in my bag slash tote. Thank you so much Vogue and I'll talk to you guys soon. Bye.
