霜降り明星のあてみなげ 2024年7月18日 灼熱の工房で風鈴作りに挑戦!器用な粗品が珍しく大苦戦!

  • 2 months ago
霜降り明星のあてみなげ 2024年7月18日 灼熱の工房で風鈴作りに挑戦!器用な粗品が珍しく大苦戦!


00:00Shibofuri Myojo's Atemina Game!
00:04Today, we came to Mishima.
00:07Mishima, right?
00:10You have a beard.
00:13Are you going to grow a beard?
00:16Did you notice?
00:18A hat and a beard.
00:20I think I'm going to grow a beard.
00:24My goal is Ito Hirobumi.
00:25Ito Hirobumi.
00:27I think it suits you.
00:28Thank you.
00:29It suits you.
00:31This time, it's a very wind-related project.
00:34Mishima wind forest, also known as Mishima's wind forest.
00:38I'm going to dig up the wind forest.
00:40Wind forest is famous in Mishima.
00:44This time, Shibofuri Myojo's two people will try to make a wind forest.
00:50Shibofuri Myojo's Atemina Game!
00:55Shibofuri Myojo's Atemina Game!
01:02Let's go to the origin of Mishima's wind forest, Nikko Toki-ten.
01:06I'm going to grow a beard.
01:08A young entertainer and a wind forest.
01:12It's cool.
01:16Shibofuri Myojo's Atemina Game!
01:19Shibofuri Myojo's Atemina Game!
01:24Now is the best time to make a wind forest.
01:27Let's go to the workshop on the second floor of the store.
01:32What is this place? It's scary.
01:36It's athletic from the first thing in the morning.
01:40Well, it's athletic.
01:41It's athletic.
01:42What is this place?
01:43Now is the best time to make a wind forest.
01:47I see.
01:51Let's go.
01:52Let's go.
01:54Where are you staying?
01:57Let's go.
01:58It's Melodious.
02:03Excuse me.
02:04This way, please.
02:07Nice to meet you.
02:08Nice to meet you.
02:09Welcome to the glass workshop of Mishima Wind Forest.
02:12The glass workshop.
02:13But this is my room.
02:16It's like an experience facility.
02:18It's very small.
02:19Are those stairs?
02:21Yes, they are.
02:23I wanted you to feel nervous.
02:27I was very nervous.
02:28I thought I might fall.
02:30That was the message.
02:34The owner, Mr. Sekine, makes about 1,500 Mishima Wind Forests by himself every year.
02:41In the workshop, a glass-melted kiln is used as the material for the wind forest.
02:47The temperature in the room is said to be over 40 degrees.
02:52I'm going to open the kiln now.
02:58It's a kiln.
03:02It's red.
03:05The melted glass is in here.
03:08Can you see it?
03:09Yes, I can.
03:11It's very muddy.
03:12It's about 1,250 degrees.
03:15The heat is gradually coming through.
03:17Please wear these gloves.
03:21Please hold this.
03:25What are you doing?
03:26I'm scared.
03:28What kind of body is this?
03:30What is this?
03:34Is this a glass liquid?
03:40How was it?
03:41How was it?
03:43It's very muddy.
03:44It's a soft glass.
03:45Yes, it is.
03:46Originally, it's a hard glass, but now it's melted at a high temperature, so it's very muddy.
03:54I'm going to play with this.
03:56It's dangerous.
03:57If I do this, I'll be in trouble.
04:00It's red.
04:01The raw material of Mishima Furin is mainly sand, which is also called limestone.
04:07By heating it at a temperature of over 1,200 degrees, it melts and turns into glass.
04:12What is Mishima Furin?
04:15Mishima Furin is a glass furin that I made as a hobby.
04:20Oh, it's your hobby?
04:21Yes, it is.
04:22It's not your first hobby?
04:24No, it's not.
04:27Yes, Mishima Furin is an original made more than 30 years ago by Mr. Sekine.
04:35He uses stones from Mishima and Izu Peninsula to make the material,
04:39and he climbs the mountain himself to collect it.
04:47Let's see how he makes it.
04:51First, he wraps the melted glass in a stick.
04:56Have you ever made a soap bubble?
04:58Yes, I have.
04:59Wow, it's coming.
05:01Oh, it's breathing.
05:03Yes, yes.
05:04It's turning.
05:05Wow, it's amazing.
05:06It's bulging.
05:07It's amazing.
05:10Wow, it's beautiful.
05:12I think it's in this state.
05:14Oh, it's hard.
05:15Yes, it hardens.
05:17It's fast.
05:18Before it hardens, he works on everything.
05:22I see.
05:23He doesn't put it in the dish.
05:24Do you put it in again?
05:26It's amazing.
05:27This time, I wrapped the glass to make the body of the Furin.
05:33It's soft now.
05:35It's amazing.
05:37What is this?
05:38It feels good.
05:39This sound.
05:40That's right.
05:42Normal Furin is made by blowing air once,
05:46but Mishima Furin is blown twice with the base part and the body part.
05:53Did you start this as a hobby?
05:55That's right.
05:56You shouldn't be obsessed with it.
06:00How long have you been doing this as a hobby?
06:02It's been 39 years this year.
06:04Wow, you've gone beyond the area of a hobby.
06:08Are you a specialty of Mishima?
06:10Wait a minute.
06:12I'm glad.
06:14I'm glad.
06:15I'm glad.
06:19I made it like this.
06:22Wow, what is this?
06:27It's like a water candy.
06:29Doesn't it pop?
06:31It doesn't pop.
06:33It's going to pop from now on.
06:37You're a funny guy.
06:39Here we go.
06:40I'm afraid of people who deal with thousands of degrees.
06:44Wow, what is this?
06:46The sound is amazing.
06:47It's a strange sound all of a sudden.
06:50When it's about the size of a fist, all you have to do is cool it down.
06:56The base and the body part are separated naturally,
06:59and it becomes the shape of the Furin that everyone knows.
07:03This creates a unique shape of Mishima Furin and plays a beautiful sound.
07:09Can you do this?
07:11This is difficult.
07:12Everyone came here to support Mishima Furin.
07:16Why don't you do it yourself?
07:18The distance of support is closer than I thought.
07:21I thought I'd support it with a little more encouragement.
07:23I'll do it.
07:24I'll do it, too.
07:28The two Shimofuris also challenged themselves to make Mishima Furin.
07:33First, from Soshina.
07:38It's hot.
07:40It looks hot.
07:41It's hot here, too.
07:43What happens if I suck it?
07:45The inside of the lung will be burned.
07:47Don't suck it.
07:48I'll never suck it.
07:50Don't suck it.
07:53I won't suck it.
07:57It's hot.
07:59Am I an amateur?
08:02I'll do it.
08:04It's on.
08:05Try it.
08:06It's on, right?
08:09Then I'll put it horizontally.
08:11Then I'll bring it.
08:12I'll blow it right away.
08:14I'll blow it right away.
08:21It's hot.
08:22It's good.
08:23It's suddenly hot.
08:25It's cool.
08:26What is this shape?
08:30It's very new.
08:31It's not new.
08:33It's a mushroom.
08:36It's already hardened.
08:38It's a beautiful mushroom.
08:40It's beautiful.
08:41You can sell it at Univer.
08:44At Mario's shop.
08:46How do I do it?
08:48What are you doing?
08:51What are you doing?
08:54What are you doing?
08:55It's broken.
08:56You're a Furin craftsman.
08:58Look at this.
08:59It's very thin.
09:02It's crispy.
09:03It's like a film.
09:04It's my fault.
09:05It's a Japanese art.
09:06No, no, no.
09:09It's supposed to be about the size of a 500-yen coin,
09:12but he blew a lot of air into it,
09:14so it swelled too much.
09:17This makes it fragile,
09:18so it can't be used as a Furin.
09:21Sensei, what didn't work?
09:23What didn't work was...
09:24What didn't work was...
09:25What didn't work was...
09:27The timing.
09:28The timing.
09:29The timing.
09:30When making glass,
09:31When making glass,
09:32you have to concentrate.
09:34You have to concentrate.
09:36You have to concentrate.
09:37You have to concentrate.
09:38Just do it.
09:40Manager Manashima's teaching is so genius that I can't?
09:43You're a genius.
09:44You're a genius.
09:45You're not good at it.
09:47That's the first one.
09:48That's the first one.
09:49Was that a hook-up?
09:50Was that a hook-up?
09:51Was that a hook-up?
09:52Was that a hook-up?
09:53Why did it become like that?
09:55The handle was facing down.
09:56I see.
09:57So the glass was slid up,
09:58So the glass was slid up,
09:59so the glass was slid up,
10:00and it went flat.
10:01and it went flat.
10:02So I had to lift it immediately after.
10:03You have to lift it up quickly.
10:05And when it comes out, you have to blow on it.
10:07That's scary.
10:09Next up is Seiya's challenge.
10:13Here I go.
10:15Am I going to be okay?
10:17I'm really scared.
10:19You can even cook.
10:21It's already on.
10:23Can you see it?
10:24Yes, I can see it.
10:26It's like honey.
10:27That's right.
10:29Blow, blow, blow.
10:31Is it a little late?
10:33It might be a little late.
10:34Lift it up more.
10:36Don't blow on it.
10:43I can't blow on it.
10:45That's scary.
10:46I can't blow on it.
10:47That's scary.
10:48It sounded like a bomb.
10:49It sounded good, didn't it?
10:51You're a wind chime pervert.
10:53That was a good sound.
10:54What wind chime pervert?
10:56This is really hard.
10:59Seiya's breath was so strong that the glass broke.
11:05Once again, we asked Mr. Sekine to support us.
11:11It's like a part-time job.
11:14Let's blow horizontally.
11:17Is it blowing?
11:18Is it blowing?
11:19Is it blowing?
11:21Be careful.
11:23It's hot.
11:24But it's amazing.
11:25Do your best.
11:26Do your best.
11:27You have to do your best now.
11:29It's too early.
11:30It's now.
11:31When are you going to do it?
11:33It's the version where you break the paper.
11:38You're noisy.
11:40Why are you acting like a persimmon harvester?
11:43You have to do your best now.
11:45You're making us laugh.
11:47Both of you are making us laugh.
11:49Are you blowing?
11:51It's too funny.
11:53It's important to blow.
11:55It's important.
11:56You have to blow.
12:00Are you blowing?
12:02Are you blowing?
12:03It's funny.
12:04You have to do your best now.
12:06Cut it with scissors.
12:08Is that okay?
12:09Don't touch this part.
12:11This is scary.
12:12Cut it with scissors.
12:16Let's cut it.
12:19Cut it lightly.
12:20Like this?
12:22Cut it lightly.
12:24What is the meaning of this?
12:26This is a good point.
12:29What is the meaning of this?
12:32Don't you know?
12:34What is it?
12:37The cut here will be the pattern when it's finished.
12:44After that, you just have to inflate the body to the size of a fist.
12:50Be careful.
12:53It won't inflate.
12:55It won't.
12:56It won't.
12:57It won't.
12:58It won't.
12:59It's getting smaller little by little.
13:02It won't.
13:03It won't.
13:04You can't say that.
13:06I know that.
13:07You know that.
13:08It's different from English.
13:10Ganko-chan is amazing.
13:12It's called Ganko-chan.
13:15That's right.
13:17That's right.
13:18Why do you know that?
13:20My uncle's child watched it a lot.
13:26After that, Seiya-tan is trying his best.
13:32I'm trying my best, but it's impossible.
13:37I don't like it.
13:38But it's like a snowman. It's cute.
13:41I'm not interested.
13:42No, it's cute.
13:43Is this no good?
13:44This is no good.
13:45But it's hard.
13:47It's hard for us.
13:49It's impossible.
13:50It's very difficult.
13:51Next, let's draw a picture and complete it.
13:54That's good.
13:55We'll just blow it up and break it.
13:59The process of putting a picture in a wind chime.
14:06Use your arms to draw one by one inside the wind chime.
14:12To make it look right from the outside, you have to flip it left and right.
14:19Now, let's use the wind chime that Sekine-san made and start drawing.
14:27I'll use it.
14:29This is difficult.
14:32If you stick it on the paint, it won't come off, so be careful.
14:35You're using that much paint?
14:37Yes, it's difficult to stick the paint on the glass.
14:43It's difficult to stick it on the inside.
14:45I've never seen this before.
14:47People who wear glasses look through the glass, right?
14:52Just like that, you have to look through the wind chime.
14:55I don't know.
14:58Because you're working.
15:00You don't know.
15:02But it's really inspiring.
15:05It's a simulation, so it's not decided.
15:08I see.
15:09It's really amazing.
15:12The bottom is pottery.
15:14You're good at what you like.
15:18Thank you.
15:21Without pottery, I'd be selling oil.
15:26I like that about you, Sekine-san.
15:30It's quite elaborate.
15:32I wonder if it'll work.
15:35When I make things like this, it's quite simple.
15:39But today, it's a bit elaborate.
15:41I see.
15:42When I make things like this, it's a bit elaborate.
15:48It's done.
15:49It's elaborate.
15:53Once the paint is wet, he writes his name on the pottery, and it's finally done.
16:00Fuurin Fuji.
16:02Oh, I see.
16:04The top is snow, and the bottom is white.
16:08The whole thing is Fuji.
16:10That's nice.
16:11It's called Fuurin Fuji.
16:12It's blue.
16:14Winter Mt. Fuji has a lot of snow.
16:18That's what I wanted to express.
16:20I see.
16:21I see.
16:22I see.
16:23I see.
16:24I see.
16:25I see.
16:26I see.
16:27I see.
16:28I see.
16:29I see.
16:30I see.
16:31I see.
16:32I see.
16:34I can't wait to get started.
16:36I'll stop with Fuurin Fuji.
16:39And this is…
16:42Please write Uchuu Chikubi.
16:44What was that?
16:45What was that?
16:47So you want Soshina-san to comment on that?
16:50He just did.
16:52He just said, what was that?
16:55In this era, there is an upgrade to the universe.
17:01It's a time of diversity.
17:03What do you mean by the universe?
17:05Are you talking about the color of the area?
17:07It's a time to stir up imagination.
17:10You don't like it, do you?
17:12You're making fun of me.
17:14No, it's not like that.
17:16When you make glass, you're in front of the kiln.
17:21There is a god.
17:23I don't know.
17:24There is.
17:26If there is, I'll be in trouble.
17:28God, I'm sorry.
17:31It's my job.
17:35After completing the work of imagination,
17:40Next is a challenge unique to Mishima Furi.
17:47What is this?
17:49This is...
17:54It's amazing.
17:56It's a scale.
17:58Mishima Furi plays a variety of instruments.
18:04You can play with this.
18:08Do you know the song Mt. Fuji?
18:10Yes, yes, yes.
18:18If you can play it, you'll get a certificate for playing Mishima Furi.
18:23Is it limited to Mt. Fuji?
18:25That's right.
18:27Five years ago, Mishima Furi, which had more than 250 people, was born.
18:37It's nostalgic.
18:39You were singing.
18:41I was singing.
18:43It's finally time to live.
18:46What is that song?
18:48You're certified.
18:50Please do your best to the highest mountain in Japan.
18:54Please do your best.
18:56It's like Mt. Fuji.
18:58You don't have to do that.
19:00Please do your best.
19:02He's funny.
19:05I'll do it.
19:07I don't know the rhythm, so it's hard to play.
19:10That's right.
19:13Seiya will try to get a certificate.
19:17When I was in junior high school, there was a girl named Fuji.
19:22She was very cute.
19:24She was like Madonna.
19:26She was singing this song.
19:28Fuji is the sweetest in Japan.
19:37It means sweet.
19:39How was it?
19:40I was glared at.
19:43After this, Seiya will try to play the flute.
19:51It sounds like a flute.
19:53He's a flute demon.
20:00From now on, he will try to play Mt. Fuji with a Mishima flute.
20:12Mishima flute
20:42Mishima flute
20:49Segine, how was it?
20:51I passed.
20:53That's good.
20:55Yesterday, it was a recording of a flute demon.
20:59Today, it sounds like a flute demon.
21:03It's a flute demon.
21:06Seiya will try to play the flute.
21:10How was it?
21:12It was good.
21:19Seiya played Mt. Fuji with a Mishima flute.
21:24Number 265.
21:26You have 6 years of experience.
21:28Thank you.
21:29I'm still in the middle of it.
21:31You played Mt. Fuji with a Mishima flute.
21:36You are a certified Mishima flute player.
21:45You are a certified Mishima flute player.
21:50Thank you for your daily efforts and love for the flute.
21:57Thank you.
21:59Take it back.
22:01Why did you give it to me?
22:03It's fun.
22:05It's difficult to play.
22:10After this, the two of them will sell Mishima flutes.
22:16Hey, don't speed up.
22:19Stop it.
22:21Next time...
22:32Since we've come this far,
22:34why don't we go around town with my flute stand?
22:39That's great.
22:44Next time...
22:46How was the flute?
22:48Thank you.
22:52The two of them are selling Mishima flutes.
22:58How much is it?
23:00Sekine, how much is it?
23:0280 yen is fine, right?
23:04Why don't you promote our product?
23:07I don't want to.
23:09What are you talking about?
23:11It's like you want me to do it.
23:15Promote Mishima flutes.
23:23It's delicious.
23:28It's delicious.
23:30It's delicious.
23:32It's delicious.
23:34Mishima flutes are delicious.
23:36It's the best.
23:37There are many kinds of Mishima flutes.
23:38I saw Soshina and Miyasako on Twitter.
23:41What are you looking at?
23:43What are you looking at?
23:45I was just having lunch.
23:46How long are you going to be like this?
23:49What will happen?
